• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand



Moderator: BDD, OD
Staff member
Jul 21, 2002

I ordered this compound. It seems interesting. Appears to be a mild dopamine releaser/reuptake inhibitor.

What's interesting is the opioidergic qualities of the parent compound fencamfamine, which apparently can cause paradoxical sedation at low doses. The reinforcing properties are also apparently blocked my naloxone.

A similar compound, camfetamine, was sold on the RC market but reports are rare. Anyone sample it?

I will possibly sample the diethylfencamfamine today or tomorrow. Initial dose will be 10mg.
Anyone know of the binding values for the parent compound (fencafamine)? I tried but couldn't find them.
I tried Camfetamine but it was so long ago I couldn't tell you whether it was decent or not...I was taking 3,4-Dichloromethylphenidate, Methiopropamine and Ethylphenidate at the time too.

I guess it wasn't as enjoyable for me as much Ethylphenidate and MPA because I used those a hell of a lot more!
Im wondering if it would be a stronger direct dopamine agonist than fencamfamine based on it's structure. If it is a stronger direct dopamine agonist (probably D2) this would increase the side-effect profile. Just a guess.
you can use this to find affinity of any substance/RCs that high put screening captured/valued
its a meta search engine gathering result from other engines and put it in one place.
it seems there is no info in first 100 page google nor bindingdb.org about fencamfamine binding values.

Yeah i tried something similar to that and there is no data.

Closest i could find was this, and it was in reference to only enantiomer.

Prodrug PRX-P4-003 is a pharmacologically inactive, hydrophobic compound, whereas its parent (-)-FCF is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor with weaker effects on norepinephrine reuptake (Ki = 0.07 and 0.80 μM, respectively).

This does of course shown that fencamfamine is not very adrenergic.
I just tried 7mg orally not long ago let's see what happens. If it is half as potent as dextroamphetamine i might not notice anything.

It tasted like morphodrol so lets hope it isnt that.

Here is the predicted activity, though of course these predictions are all over the place. Low probability for the MOR interestingly, but many compounds feature this. Still, the rewarding effects being blocked by naloxone is interesting.
To update 7mg caused some very mild CNS stimulation followed by some irritability. Could have been placebo but i sensed something.

It was indistinguishable from morphodrol and considering it also tasted like morphodrol and that it was the same vendor who sells morphodrol makes me a bit suspicious.

But they are both highly specifically DRI's so they should be similar. Odd that they both taste like moth balls 🤔
Does Diethylamphetamine sound rrightTo you? No . DMC? Dimethylcathinone? Shootable? No.
Don't waste your time.. You're better off with 100 or 250 g diethylpentylone
Don't waste your time.. You're better off with 100 or 250 g diethylpentylone

Not trying to get high off of it. Just in the quest for a good functional stimulant (or something to use in rotation with 4F-MPH, PPAP, and n-methylcyclazodone).

I also bought some n-ethyl cypenamine, perhaps that a separate conversation.
It was indistinguishable from morphodrol and considering it also tasted like morphodrol and that it was the same vendor who sells morphodrol makes me a bit suspicious.

But they are both highly specifically DRI's so they should be similar. Odd that they both taste like moth balls 🤔

I ordered both morphodrol and DiETfencafamine in the same order sometime around mid December, the morphodrol I received looked as it always has from that vendor, sorta a slightly off-white/yellowish grainy/crystalline like substance (I have ordered it many times over ~8 month period, so far it always looks/smells/tastes exactly the same).

However the DiETfencafamine I received did not look, smell or taste anything like the morphdrol I've always gotten from them. The DiETfencafamin was more of a light fluffy white powder.

So the products I received were completely different and I could easily tell them apart. So it does sound that they may have accidentally sent you morphodrol in place of the Dietfencafamine. This does not surprise me, there are several reports of people receiving jars labeled n-methyl-cypenamine when they had actually ordered n-ethyl-cypenamine. Perhaps they have a careless or benzo'd employee fulfilling orders lately

Going to start at 6-10mg. I'm guessing therapeutic doses are in the 20-40mg range.

I was going to ask you how it went, but it might be irrelevant if what you received isn't actually DiETfencafamin.

I did experiment with DiETfencafamin and n-ethyl-cypenamine around Christmas time. Unfortunately I was also in the midst of farting around with morphodrol pretty heavily, So I unfortunately didnt get much out of either DiEttfencafamine or n-ethyl-cypenamine when I tried them.

I may give them a go again alone sometime as I am still curious, if so I'll try to add my experience to DiETfencafamine here.
I ordered both morphodrol and DiETfencafamine in the same order sometime around mid December, the morphodrol I received looked as it always has from that vendor, sorta a slightly off-white/yellowish grainy/crystalline like substance (I have ordered it many times over ~8 month period, so far it always looks/smells/tastes exactly the same).

However the DiETfencafamine I received did not look, smell or taste anything like the morphdrol I've always gotten from them. The DiETfencafamin was more of a light fluffy white powder.

So the products I received were completely different and I could easily tell them apart. So it does sound that they may have accidentally sent you morphodrol in place of the Dietfencafamine. This does not surprise me, there are several reports of people receiving jars labeled n-methyl-cypenamine when they had actually ordered n-ethyl-cypenamine. Perhaps they have a careless or benzo'd employee fulfilling orders lately

I was going to ask you how it went, but it might be irrelevant if what you received isn't actually DiETfencafamin.

I did experiment with DiETfencafamin and n-ethyl-cypenamine around Christmas time. Unfortunately I was also in the midst of farting around with morphodrol pretty heavily, So I unfortunately didnt get much out of either DiEttfencafamine or n-ethyl-cypenamine when I tried them.

I may give them a go again alone sometime as I am still curious, if so I'll try to add my experience to DiETfencafamine here.

Only tried it once so i don't really have a good perspective on it.

I did try n-ethyl-cypenamine twice. First time at maybe 15mg and it produced strong focus. The second time at about 25mg snorted and it was a long-lived and functional but had a disproportionately severe crash. The comedown was very strong relative to the peak effect it. I felt very serious and depressed, it was gross.

Also produced a suprisingly strong sexual enhancement. This plus the severe comedown points to strong adrenergic properties. Not sure if I'd take it again. I did not expect that sort of comedown.