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My fiance has been doing meth behind my back...what should I do?

melting drugs.... oh the experiences...

years ago i remember filling crak-saks with ten pills each, then a few days later one pill melted out of each bag...

and the amount of k that seemed to melt over at our apartment, yowsers..

im going to second the "switcharoo" idea, perhaps just swap the meth out with something else that you would be able to detect? maybe with a small amount of powdered morphine?
Have you blacked out [on another substance] recently?
Sorry, you are not going to mistake 10-15mgs for 100mgs, scale off or not.

Nor would more than a few milligrams simply evaporate.

The answer lives with you and you're in denial.

Your fiance is stealing your meth.

And all the things you're saying are exactly the same denialish excuses my girlfriend said when her pain pills started disappearing before she found out I had a serious drug problem and she accused everyone but me.

And the same thing has happened with many of my friends.

So what if you share your drugs with him? Obviously you weren't sharing drugs with him every day and he wanted to get high a lot more often than he cared to say.

And of course he's going to lie if you confront him. He doesn't want to hurt you and he's probably into drugs a lot more than you think.

I guarantee you that if you hid the meth some place he could never find if he went looking for them that your meth would NEVER "evaporate" again. Say tape the bags under a dresser. Even leave them partially open. Meth doesn't evaporate like that. At worst, meth gets gooey when exposed to moisture.
Love In Vein said:
Sorry, you are not going to mistake 10-15mgs for 100mgs, scale off or not.

Nor would more than a few milligrams simply evaporate.

The answer lives with you and you're in denial.

Your fiance is stealing your meth.

And all the things you're saying are exactly the same denialish excuses my girlfriend said when her pain pills started disappearing before she found out I had a serious drug problem and she accused everyone but me.

And the same thing has happened with many of my friends.

So what if you share your drugs with him? Obviously you weren't sharing drugs with him every day and he wanted to get high a lot more often than he cared to say.

And of course he's going to lie if you confront him. He doesn't want to hurt you and he's probably into drugs a lot more than you think.

I guarantee you that if you hid the meth some place he could never find if he went looking for them that your meth would NEVER "evaporate" again. Say tape the bags under a dresser. Even leave them partially open. Meth doesn't evaporate like that. At worst, meth gets gooey when exposed to moisture.

Love In Vein said:
The answer lives with you and you're in denial.

Your fiance is stealing your meth.

ouch. while the evidence suggests that's a distinct possibility, there's no way you can say this with as much authority as you are and automatically assume you are right.

i think you may be right, but there are an infinite number of other possible explanations...

In Australia we have Meth bears

The same thing has happened to me, but I caught the Meth Bear on video....
Unfortunately im sorry to say you may have a little bit of a problem with a friend or who ever. I donnt blame them . Addiction is horrible and i myself have stolen from freinds for meth ( thank god i will never touch the substance again!). As much as i would like to not believe this is not true (and you to im sure) its sounds like the most reasonable answer. I mean I believe you said a considerable amount disapeared. I mean a little is understandable. But a large noticible amount, well that gets kinda sketchy. Good Luck Kitty
i think you may be right, but there are an infinite number of other possible explanations...

What other explanations?

It didn't evaporate. She obviously didn't use it herself. And the only way you're going to mistake 100mgs for 10-15mgs is well, if you're blind. I don't care how messed up you are. That's the difference between a pile and a pinch of salt. It was in a contained environment.

What else happened to it? I assure you it didn't just get up and walk away or jump into the wind and fly.

A human being took it. That's the ONLY plausible explanation. Who was the only human being that would have access? Her fiance.

Case solved.

Yes, the situation is sad. And it's also something that probably comes as a suprise to a lot of people. And then there's probably another lot of readers here going "yep" but aren't going to say anything because nobody wants to admit they've gone that low as to steal drugs from friends or significant others.

And here's another thing. If you're wondering why someone who got that low would steal from somebody close instead of a stranger.. it's a lot easier to steal from somebody close and there's a lot less chance of getting caught or even suspected. People love drowning themselves in denial and you can usually go on doing it for at least several months before someone catches on. It's easy. And for as shitty as you feel in the process, you know that as soon as you get high it will take it all away. That in itself becomes reason to do it again.. you feel guilty about it.. well, get some more drugs and get rid of the guilt. It's a beautifully reinforcing habit and makes it possible to live with yourself. Then you tell yourself it's not really your fault and your not a bad person, you're a drug addict and you're the victim, not the person you're stealing from.
When you have ruled out the impossible, what remains, no matter how improbable (or unpleasant), is the truth.

Not my words, but they apply here.

No one has been over.
You didn't do it.
Meth does not evaporate.

What remains?
Love In Vein said:
A human being took it. That's the ONLY plausible explanation. Who was the only human being that would have access? Her fiance.

Case solved.

ok, sherlock.

how do you know her cleaner didn't take it?
how do you know her mother/father/sister/brother/friend/whatever who's staying with her just now didn't take it?
how do you know the building superintendant who was fixing the pipes didn't take it?

have you read "Happy Now" by Charlie Higson? how do you know the guy in that didn't take it?

i admit it looks likely but i can't possibly be 100% sure.

don't you accept even the slightest possibility that your rock-solid assertion that her fiance is stealing from her just might, possibly be not the only explanation. how can you be?


synchrojet said:
When you have ruled out the impossible, what remains, no matter how improbable (or unpleasant), is the truth.

Not my words, but they apply here.

No one has been over.
You didn't do it.
Meth does not evaporate.

What remains?

the quote is:

"... when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?" (The Sign Of Four)

i agree that your conclusion looks likely but don't you think are rushing into this?

perhaps this should be moved over to T&A for a more philosophical discussion but i'd be interested to hear the analysis which went into your ruling out the "impossible" in this case?


You've been had. Sounds like a possible case of terrorism. We must bring the evil doers who stole your crank to justice or there's no telling how far they will go...
Ok then.

First off, I did not conclude anything for her. I simply asked, what remains?

Perhps someone did come over that she is forgetting about. Perhaps she did actually mismeasure the bag initially. Or some other possibility. But I am suggesting that if these things are in fact ruled out, then there still is an explanation that remains that has not been factually ruled out, but just seems unbelievable.

To her, the suppositon that her fiancee stole it is ruled out not factually, but because it seems to improbable to consider. This is not ruling something out, this is avoiding the responsibility of through investigation.

Hell, for all we know she did it herself and is in horrific denail. We don't know anything, all we can do is respond to what she has said. She said she didn't do it, she said no one else has been around, she said it was kept in a reasonably cool and dark place.

Ok, well...should we belabor the points she outlined, or should we first examine the remaining scenario that has NOT been factually proven, which is that her fiancee did not do it because...uh...because...he just wouldn't do that...um...

If whe does not want to look closely at the the possibility than she is beyond help in this regard.

Now about the evaporation issue...

...at what temperature/humidity does meth break down? And when it does break down, does is also evaporate, or does it simply decompose into something else?

If it evaporates, are the particles small enough to escape the plastic bag they were in, or would the substance recrystallize on the surface of the bag?

100 grams to 17...that's 80% gone. No sign of it anywhere. No residue on the bag. Most of us have used meth. We have stored bags. We have had meth disappear...and discovered that, what...it evaporated? Are there any well known precautions of storage that we know about, like with LSD?

Does LSD break down easier than meth?


Is meth a drug that is highly addictive? Do addicts lie?


I once had some money evaporate from my wallet...
A thorny issue here indeed.

In the chemistry department, I´m not much help here I think. As for the human factor, well...

I don´t know what to think really, it doesn´t seem to make much sense that he would steal it and lie when he could just ask her for some meth, or just take it and tell her at some point.

I know if my girlfriend took drugs from me I wouldn´t be surprised or angry, but obviously she would admit it. I mean, if you share everything it´s just not an issue so long as you don´t finish everything or take some stuff being saved for a special occasion. I just don´t see why a couple close enough to consider marriage would be at all uptight about who took who´s meth, but I concede this may vary substantially between relationships.

Hell, I´ve had platonic friends that freely dipped into my stash and I into theirs with no problems as long as everyone was honest, and I never even went down on them or vice versa ;)

--- G.
synchrojet said:
I simply asked, what remains?

before you can ask that question, you have to rule out the impossible, right?

i don't see any evidence that anybody did that - you simply don't have enough information to be able to.

Morrison's Lament said:
I don´t know what to think really, it doesn´t seem to make much sense that he would steal it and lie when he could just ask her for some meth, or just take it and tell her at some point.

you obviously don't know her fiance as well as certain other posters in this thread... :)
