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Meds My doctor is going to kill me

Have you considered reporting him to the board for inappropriate behavior? Do you have any of those communications saved electronically?
Was just going to say something to that effect and then Someguy nails it.

Your doctor has irritated me before Mac. So it sounds like he plays games. I think I would look at him frankly, talk dynamics about benzo's and maintaining regular daily use. Then I would say doc you have been inappropriate. So let's say you stop making me chase you around in some creepy fashion. (use the word creepy a few times) You make sure I get my meds on time and I won't think on your inappropriateness or take it to a further level, Eye to eye contact. Confident and secure as hell when you do it.

If he is like this with you I can only imagine what else he does. Take control Mac. No more chasing.
I do, but I feel that none of it is specific enough for anything to be done. He never outwardly said "lets get together in the sauna" he just said "maybe we'll cross paths" but there are other things he said that are concerning.
Jesus, it sounds like you're living my worst nightmare. I've been on diazepam between 20mg and 50mg for two years and I'm pretty sure getting cut off cold turkey would have me seizing and/or dying. My heart goes out to you. I'm with others in saying this is clear malpractice and I would sue. There's no way any competent doctor would just CT you off benzos, especially after such a prolonged period of time at those doses. I despise my benzos and hope to get off them in the next year, but very, very gradually (at least a 6 month taper methinks).

Best of luck to you @BourbonMac , in a sick way I guess it makes me feel better about my present circumstances.
The bastard is doing it yet again. Maybe he would've filled it but they canceled my appointment, I was 7 minutes late. The new policy is you can't be over 7 minutes late which is stupid. If I were 5 minutes late he'd already have been seeing another patient because I was told he was and that I was only a 15 minute appointment. I always take a half hour or more. And the dude takes 5-10 minutes just to get into my room anyway because he's always outside just chatting up with other doctors.
Don't know where you live, most probably not where I live. But I've been through this kind of doctor power play, too. It's when you go to those big "company" practices and health centers where there are two secretaries for several professionals who just process patients.

In my case I started with a psychologist because I was going through a tough time with breakup and and unrelayed family issue, and just wanted to talk with some outsider. I ended up being prescribed SSRIs that didn't solve my problems, instead made me act crazy. So I got quetiapine on top of that and when I started to fall asleep in the waiting room (three people with the same appointment as mine with the same person) and everyone waiting because the shrinks were chatting or getting themselves coffees or bathroom break... Thing is, I fell asleep out of boredom and stress. When I finally got into the doctor's office, I didn't even get a chance to tell him that I want him to get me off all those pills. He didn't even offer me to sit down, but have me a prescription for modafinil so I wouldn't fall asleep all the time.

Then there was a social upheaval and they started to take emergencies only. I was there hooked on those SSRIs that were making me act psychotic and non-functional and afraid to just gomoff them on my own. Until I got lucky and got an appointment with a psychiatrist (private practice) who completely changed my diagnosis and medication. But that's another story.
I stormed out of that place and place kicking the door open and just giving that one cunt a nasty look as I walked out. I've never seen her before, she was really rude. I even asked, what if I just sit here until you close in case someone cancels, and they said low odds.
I can understand your reaction very well, I have done that, too. Thing is, it might be good for venting but it won't get you anywhere. If anything, it will make the nurses/secretaries see their point confirmed: here's someone who's nuts/addicted and needs either more pills or no pills at all. They won't take you seriously, even if they were really interested in you (or other patients). They work for the doctors, and their goal is to do what they want and keep their schedules full, but only just so.
Don't expect any help from them, and don't trust what they say.
Most probably your doc was telling the truth and he didn't get all the messages you sent.

Have you any way to get an private appointment with a doctor (might be more expensive and sometimes hard to get, but they usually take their time listening to you, especially if it's the first appointment).
My other suggestion would be to go to an IR. Do it when you are feeling bad both psysically and mentally, so they will see you're really in a bad shape. They will probably give you a benzo to start with, keep you there until the doc in charge talks to you, and that's your chance to tell your story. Where I live ER doctors can't give you prescriptions, but they do have to give you a report on what was wrong with you, and recommendations. With that you can try to find another doctor who will hopefully change your meds or adapt yours doses or help you through taper.
I feel so sorry @BourbonMac . This is my worst nightmare... I was put on them forcefully and in an age when internet connection was a luxury (at least where I live) so I was not aware how bad benzo withdrawal is. As the years went by and as I became informed about the dangers of stopping abruptly I made sure I have enough benzos for a 3 month tapering. Now, more than 20 years later I am petrified of a benzo withdrawal. Last try was exactly that. I experienced horrific symptoms and developed some sort of PTSD. For sure my tolerance has skyrocketed but it is still in a therapeutic range and I am adamant to keep it that way. All the harms (possible early onset dementia, dying younger due to falls when older, decreased sensation of every sensory input, problems with memory and concentration, lowered motivation....) that can befall me are not scary enough to put myself into that state again.

In a situations like this one I wish I could send some of my emergency benzo pills. But there is a literal ocean between where you and I live. Plus BLUA and laws... I used to help my friends that got hooked but didn't have steady prescription. Of course only in an emergency and I would always would try to convince them to taper down and quit asap.

For me this qualifies as "attempt of murder". If not that and intent is not there but the outcome is death I would trial the prescriber for "negligent homicide". Hope everything works out well for you though.

Advice? Can you get hold of any GABAeric? Gabapentin/pregabalin would make you feel a bit better and would lower the risk of seizures. Heck even alcohol but only as a last resort...

From personal experience and things I read my conclusion is that in this kind of situation maybe the best and safest bet (if one has the means) would be kava kava (Piper methysticum) plus highly concentrated valeriana officinalis extract plus high percentage CBD oil. If one can get some strong pharma anticovulsant like tegretol or already mentioned gabapentin/pregabalin it would be at least somewhat comfortable until unfortunate situation like this one is resolved.

Please react asap as diazepam has long withdrawal with crests and troughs which can be very misleading. When I was tapering for a year and got under 5mg I almost seized. Thankfully I had midazolam in my "emergency stash" and I believe that it saved me from a big siezure.

I am not writing all this to frighten you as it is obvious that you are aware of what benzo withdrawal risks are. I hope that you can get care that you need and deserve.

This truly sucks but I believe that you will not suffer for long as lawsuit if anything goes really wrong are unavoidable and would lead to doctors loosing their licence.

Hope it gets better soon!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and am giving no advice. I am just sharing thoughts and empathising with op.
That doctor is a real dick. Can't you go to detox? Maybe try an addiction specialist? The least they will do is get you through the wds.