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[Mushrooms Subthread] First time Shrooming

How many grams of dry P. Cubensis mushrooms would you recommend for a first time?

  • Up to 1 gram

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Over 1 gram and up to 1.5 grams

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Over 1.5 grams and up to 2.5 grams

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Over 2.5 grams and up to 3.5 grams

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Over 3.5 grams

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
:) wehn reading i thought you shroomed on 170lb of them... now that wouldve been one hell of a ride....

enthusiasm is great, we all want the full experience, but if itis your first time, starting low rule still applies. go for 2g, it is a nice experience, and will impress you if the shoorms are of quality (I assume you refer to P. cubensis here)
Just eat em. Then come back and type out the answers to all the questions you will have then so others can benefit.


Seriously though, just eat em.


Haha but yeah just don't over think it - have them at home, make sure you have people you're comfortable with around you, some good music you like - i recommend psychedelic tunes.... and then just go with it! Shrooms take practice, the more you do them the better of a tripper you become :D
a bad trip off six grams of Mushrooms made me delirous for a while and made me completely forget who i was.

but it completely changed my life.

Q#1 - I have PTSD major depression disorder and anxiety attacks, I was told by friends not to try psychedelic drugs for those reasons. They said would be very tramatic. Is this true?

Q#2 - My friend wants me to try mushrooms with her, it would be the first time for both of us. Idk if i should. If i decide to and end up having a bad trip, freak out ,or anxiety attack could i take xanax, or would it even help?
Typically when you have emotional disorders and stuff, its probably not a good idea to trip. It's no guarantee that your trip is going to be good or bad, but your mind might take you somewhere you don't want to be, and if you're not experienced at tripping it could be difficult to get out of disturbing thought loops. A xanax would help if you were having a bad trip. I'm not encouraging you to do or do not, just saying how it is.
If you do decide to do it, I reccomend at least having someone there who has done it before, to help you if you start to spiral.
Need experience trippers' opinions - first time shrooms

I apologize if this should be in Basic Drug Discussion. If so, can a mod please move it? Thanks!

Anyways, I've gotten 2 grams dry of some average psilocybe cubensis mushrooms. This will be my first time taking any true psychedelic drug, but I am worrying the experience will not be worthwhileand a memorable first experience if I am taking only two grams. I then researched different ways to potentiate the shrooms, as I can't get more currently. I tried to decide between Syrian rue, the lemon tek, or smoking cannabis after ingestion. However, these may be too intense for a first timer and I want a true mushroom experience, not one being clouded by cannabis or sedated by Syrian rue.

So, what would an experienced tripper recommend? Should I just eat the shrooms or smoke cannabis/eat Syrian rue/lemon tek them? Thanks a lot for any help!

If it matters, I weigh ~150 pounds and want to get the most out of this experience since my next time with mushrooms could be many months away. Thanks
Lemon Tek, and decide to smoke cannabis after you're tripping if it feels right or not. mushrooms without weed rule though.
Mushrooms are a pretty powerful experience and with nothing else to go by I wouldn't underestimate it. Potentiation with syrian rue or other MAOIs is a big no-no for a first time!

Smoking weed can be okay, a necessity for some but making it too muddled for others. If you decide to do that, at least wait until after the peak, until it's really clear that you have reached the final intensity. You wouldn't be the first one to be overwhelmed by the cannabis, trust me. Smoke more slowly than normally, take a few mild hits and take a few minutes to see what happens before you puff like you normally do. A few more hits might not make a world of difference normally but with mushrooms in ways its like your first time again (in a certain odd sense though).

Redosing is not really a worthwhile thing in the opinion of many (including me). Generally you have to first wait until after the peak, but by then it's too late and you will mostly extend the trip and not deepen it. If you do it earlier it can be too much.

I want to emphasize though that while I really understand that you want it to be memorable, overwhelming mushroom trips can really shake you deep in your core. In my personal experience it can be serious and mildly traumatizing so be careful.

If you want to raise the stakes, don't consider potentiation because it will make it more difficult to get a result that is not too little and not too much, like a multivariable equation it is more complex. Instead, make the dose a little higher than 2g, make it 2,5 or 2,75g.

The lemon tek can be very powerful but pretty hard to estimate the result, I recommend against it for a first time but if you have done it a few times I do recommend it for sure. My second trip was with citrus juices which was equivalent to a lemon tek, I had full on ego death for hours and had an unexpected mystical experience. It was MUCH MUCH too powerful.

I advise you to relax a bit about your expectations, expecting too much isn't a good thing. You cannot force it to be magical, magic happens if you just let happen what will happen, whatever it is. Mushrooms are extraordinary enough by themselves. If your mushrooms are of average potency it should be special enough. If not, just take a little more the next time. That way at least in the first 2 or 3 times you will get what you asked for and more. I assure you.
2g should be plenty, IMO.

I have noted mild effects at .5-1g, and usually 1.75-2 is enough for a light trip. I wouldn't recommend taking more than 3g your first time. Mushrooms can vary greatly in potency from batch to batch and grower to grower. Some of the stronger shrooms around can provide very intense experiences at 1g. I've seen crazy apocalyptic shit, and experienced ego loss in the 1-2g range of a particularly strong batch. Eat the 2g you have and decide if you want to dose higher next time.
I would just eat em man, lemon tek is something you save for when you really wanna blow your top off. Just eat em with some peanut butter if you don't like the taste. Weed is always essential for me when I'm tripping on shrooms.

Also, since it's your first time....I'd recommend laying down in a dark room with a blindfold and some music. I feel like a lot of people miss out on shrooms because they don't realize most of the magic of the experience happens when your eyes are closed, quite the opposite of LSD. They're gonna make you wanna get up and do....something. Don't give in. Remain where you are and let the trip take you.

Also, some high quality dark chocolate before you trip is gonna enhance the positive vibes a LOT. Trust me.
Maybe make tea instead of the lemon tek. You'll tend to come up quicker than just eating them, but I don't think it will make the trip any stronger.

Note: Bring the water to a boil, but then let it sit for a minute before adding the shrooms. If the water is too hot it will destroy some of the psilocybin. The best method I know of is to get a bag of tea and remove the string/staple. Open up the top of the bag and add your shrooms, then tie it off with the string and steep as you would normally (for at least 10 minutes). Make sure to squeeze the shit out of the bag before you toss it to get all that goodness out.
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I think 2 grams should be enough for your first time.

Absolutely this^

2g still gives me an incredibly enjoyable trip.

OP high dose mushrooms are qualitatively different than low dose... A high dose of shrooms kicks my ass much harder than a high dose of even potent LSD. Not saying that isn't worthwhile experience, but its certainly not something I would recommend for a first timer.
i think 2 grams will be a good beginner dose actually. and if youre a pretty frequent cannabis smoker id smoke a bowl or two throughout the experience. the MAOI potentiation is pretty serious from what i read, and i changes the experience too i think. my suggestion is to eat the mushrooms, possibly with some lemon or orange juice which contrary to some people's beliefs, i think potentiates mushrooms by a noticeable amount. and then smoke a little pot, unless pot makes you paranoid, then dont do that.
First Time Magic Mushroom?

Any ideas how to make this enjoyable. Btw I'm bi-polar. I have it under control right now but how harmful would this be?

Also does MMushrooms interact with Abilify, Wellbutrin, or Ritalin. One of my friends who wants to try it is taking that stuff and I wanna be safe.

Thanks :)
i am 'bipolar' as well.
i've found the best tool for a shroom experience for those of us with mood swings is dissociation. it's a zen/tao concept in which you allow your emotions to conflict eachother, but you simply observe them. instead of trying to make a decision out of impulse, make a decision through careful objectivity.
try this- (before your shrooming)
put your hand on the front of your face (eyes closed). think about how it occupies your attention. this represents putting your emotions in front of you and trying to push your way through them.
now, put your hand on the back of your head (eyes still closed). this represents your emotions pushing you into action.
finally, put your hand in front of your face, but this time with eyes open. this indicates how you should try to take on any issue or conflict of heart/mind/soul.
you can allow your emotions to follow their course, but you now are able to stand back and let them go through the motions. now you are free to think.
i read this exercise in a fantastic book called 'the tao of sobriety'
think about now. let go whatever guilts or misguided actions or feelings you may have had.
don't get overwhelmed or anxious about tomorrow.
you can't change yesterday, and making 'now' count is the best way to make tomorrow different than yesterday.
don't fight your emotions, observe.
all is well that ends well, and even if you are surprised or confused during your trip, it's what matters once you come back to the familiar world is what is important.
hope this helps
Wellbutrin is an ssri and will really dull if not complty block the effects of the mushrooms. You would have have to probly be off of it for a couple of weeks for this interaction not to happen. Going off a medication you need is deffently not something you should do.

Even if someone has bi-polar that is under control; there is the risk of it bringing out symtoms.
I would advise against doing them.
Wellbutrin is an ssri and will really dull if not complty block the effects of the mushrooms. You would have have to probly be off of it for a couple of weeks for this interaction not to happen. Going off a medication you need is deffently not something you should do.

Even if someone has bi-polar that is under control; there is the risk of it bringing out symtoms.
I would advise against doing them.

Wellbutrin is a SDNRI meaning it doesn't affect serotonin... Mushrooms work on the serotonin system while Wellbutrin doesn't. From the looks of it Wellbutrin won't interact with Mushrooms but if you have a reason to believe otherwise please site it. Thanks