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mushroom tea... urgent help???

that's really awful the hospital just ignored you like that, if I were you I'd write a letter of complaint to the local paper or something, or the head of the hospital.
It seems that because you were sick due to taking drugs they treated you differently, but hospitals have no right to do that and as far as I know am entitled to treat everyone the same regardless of the reason they are sick.
Sounds like the worst is over, still hope you are ok *hugs*
Once you are all sober I would go and make a huge complaint to the hospital.
That is if ~::Trip'nPuSSy::~ goes...... Dont we have some responsibility to make it clear that it should be folowed up? I got the impresion from ~::Trip'nPuSSy::~'s post that his/her perception was that the worst was over and "I should live".
Do you guys watch the news?

Hospitals aren't exactly bursting with money or staff these days. Don't blame the hospital, blame the government that manages them (and enforces the drug laws that result in people picking poisonous mushrooms rather than being able to buy dried mushies, in measured grams, from a shop.)
for those confused of my sex... i am a tom boy, a vic country girl at heart (Nagambie). i'm always treated as one of the boys... but i am very feminine in ways too. i think i just swear a little too much, and maybe i'm not so bright (and therefore sound like a guy!)

as for the saga.

yes they did take the jar away, and seem to be making quite a fuss about it. i also took a couple to my DD today and he said that they were goldies, but wasnt 100% sure and also remarked about the lack of blueing.

but also today i have some blood spotting on the toilet paper when i wipe my butt, nothing much but i have made an appointment to see my GP tomorrow morning (that being asap).

i think i'm going to be ok. i feel 100%

and yes i am very keen to get some more! but i'm enlisting the assistance of a self proclaimed expert... and i'll show him my home patch and find out, more later.

also i earlier exaggerated the hosp time, i was angry with them. it was probably only 5 hours or so. but its still bad.
Hope the 'self proclaimed expert' isn't your drug dealer who says 'that they were goldies, but wasnt 100% sure and also remarked about the lack of blueing'

No bluing = not p.subaruginosa. When will people get that through their fucking heads?

And as seems to be the case, I have to put a disclaimer on every fuckin post as well so people aren't so stupid as to go out and eat unidentified mushrooms. Blueing does not mean you have P.Subaeruginosa! The only way to know is to do a fuckload of reading and if possible take an expert with you. Don't get any delusions of grandeur here, there are deadly mushrooms that look identical to p.subs to the uninitiated, so why be foolish!? Before you go on your first hunt you should know more about mushrooms than you know about yourself.
Well Im from Euroa (just around the bend in country miles for us hill billies)

Im glad to hear your feeling OK but also relieved that you are seeing a doctor.
dude have you been to see a poisons expert yet? it cant hurt. just fucking do it if you havent already. even though i cant see the hospitle letting you go if you had eaten something that would kill you. also about the nurses. pretty much all nurses get sick of having people come in messed up from drugs. im studieing nursing and they say that when someone comes in and theve been hit by a car and someone comes in and their messed up from drugs you dont even think about where your priotiy is. i know its harsh but its true. im sure im not gonna end up like the nurses that are absolute cunts to the peeps on drugs tho cos i can relate (having spent all day coming down sitting next to my mates bed who had OD'd and not getting any info) but yeah FUCKING GO SEE THE POISONS GUYS! im sure everyone who reads this shit is real worried about you
"The common Galerina species in Australia can be easily identified.
Firstly they have a stem that can be quite similar in colour to the gill and flesh of the cap. The stem tends towards off white, the cap I have never seen umbonated or nippled in anyway, remaining flat as the cap expands. Brownish to orange. The stem tend to keep an annular ring, or veil remnant ring around the stem, which is rarely the case with Subaeruginosa and allies.
The gills are another indicator of Galerina. They tend to be much more distant than psilocybes (distantly placed between one-another) and are thin and seperate, aggressively attached to the stem, all ending cleanly and abruptly in line with the gill edge and never ascending upwards towards the stem.
Cap colour is orangy brown.
Indicators are the similar colour of cap underside and stem flesh, veil annular rings pronounced on stem, thin seperate gills, and no blue staining. Psilocybes tend to have gills that are much more crowded, brownish and different in flseh colour to the cap top and stem flesh. Look for gills that ascend towards each other and as they move toward the stem, bluestaining and purple brown sporeprints. Annular rings are never found on known Psilocybe woodloving Australian species."

EBA Forum: Common Australian Psilocybe Lookalikes

Check out the link, should be handy.
fuxxake tripnpussy!!! get your head together and see a poisons expert NOW.

have you read any of the posts here through???? the longer you leave it, the less chance you have (if you've eaten something deadly - eg. galerina)... and trust me, galerina autumnalis can look remarkably like a p. subaeruginosa!

not to mention that you could be feeling fine right now, and drop dead from liver failure in a couple of days. this isn't a joking matter, or something you have time to procrastinate about.

i dont want to scare the shit out of you, but for your own sake take some specimens to a poisons expert ASAP. sure you might be fine, but you also might be poisoned. is it worth the risk?
~::Trip'nPuSSy::~ said:
and maybe i'm not so bright (and therefore sound like a guy!)

ouch !

if possible liver damage is occurring, isn't milk thistle - R-ALA and similar the only thing tha can be done. Maybe flushing with allot of liquids and posibly char ?
i just got back from BL eddi's pad (we only met two weeks ago @ tezza, but i feel like he's someone really special) he's like "OMG poosey you are such a dumb fuck. they are so gold tops..." the good dr even showed me what the blueing i was looking for was...
personally i still cant see that its blue, maybe indigo- but i'd still call it black... like an eggplant is.

i'm gunna trust him on this for now.
trippinpussy... if you have eaten galernia (which has a blackish stem) you are sick for awhile and then the symptoms totally dissapear and you will feel fine for a few days until BAM ur dead.. this is quite serious.. i dont mean to scare you.. dont take anyone's word for it.. check out the pics of the galerina and compare it to those ones you ate... for the last time i will post some more pics of galeria..

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I confused Galerina with subs a while back. . .they ended up bruising a dark brown colour after a couple of hours.

They looked identical to Subs, however I now recognise the little rim around the stem just under the cap. I noticed the Galerina almost always grows out of fallen rotting logs. . . .never seen one on the ground.
munted - galerina autumnalis do grow on the same substrate as sub's... i've seen sub's growing centimetres away from galerinas
^^ Some people even use galerina's as an indicator that there could be subs around
If you go to the mushroom thread, mongman has a pick of a gallerina (maybe strophia) growning DEAD CENTRE in a bunch of p. subs.
They're all wood-loving, therefore good indicators that subs ar likely to be nearby.... Unfortunatley not always the case.
re. the bleeding... doc says i have a burst blood vessel inside of my anus and asked what type of stress my work generates! i told him the truth and he didnt know what to say except "well, youre still here." i asked if he could send some blood in for tests and he thought it prolly wasnt necessary! so it seems if i am to die from this i'll need someone to follow up all these negligence cases for me!

seriously guys, the drama is over. when the weather changes i'll pick some freshies and pic post 'em so we can all see what a fool i am! i've still got a few frozen ones, but seeing those isnt really gunna help anyone i imagine. they look kinda dark and slushy generally.

i think because i didnt know what i was doing i a/e-ffected the "trip"... you know set and setting (in this case mind set).

the first three i prolly didnt brew enough, and the 6 in the vegimite sandwich were prolly just smaller than people think and a bit on the weak side. i think theyre cubensis and not subs... well at least that's what i'm assuming.

you guys are so cool, we should all hook up so you can see my patch (accidental pun!)
i think theyre cubensis and not subs...
If they were anything, they'd be subs and definitely not cubes, as cubes don't tend to grow in the same areas where subs grow. Cubes grow on cow paddocks in summer (when fairly warm and humid), and depending on where you live you might not even get cubes because of your climate. Subs grow on woodchips, during winter in cold and wet conditions. It is definitely not the right season for cubes, and sub season is underway... Besides subs are notorious for having similar looking, yet very poisonous, species of fungi growing amongst or around them liking the exact same conditions as the sort after psilocybes... If you haven't checked the link that I put in my last post to a thread on a different board about psilocybe lookalikes I suggest you do, even if it is only for future reference.
Glad to hear you ok TP.

Thank god I'm in the UK now.

Now I can just nip down to camden and pick up 80g for 20 quid.

In fact I've seen them in Oxford st now. Soon they'll have em in the 7-11's.

Be Safe.