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Most Inapropriate times to do drugs.

I went out partying the night before my first aid course... I was comeing down hard after a Green Dove.

We all got on the floor and layed down for some training... I didn't get up! When I woke up I looked on the board I missed 2 subjects while I was asleep! They didn't even try n wake me. Also 3 lads sittin there pointin at me laughin at me. One laughed that hard he had to get out of the room!

Umm worst for me... Acid at work! RETAIL>>>8(

I also think that I should be allowed to PING at work, cuz those customers really give me the shits...

we get 2.5g Sticks.... 28-30g Ounces!

killarava2day said:
My father was on mushrooms whille I was being born, reckons it was the most profound experience of his life...
Explains so much!!=D
I once double dropped these strong pills at church! although people thought i was very insane at the time...... my grandma dragged me along to church one sunday morning..! I was sooo hung over as well!@
I once tripped on acid and then went and played indoor soccer with my team. I didn't play bad as such, but i found it really hard to focus. :D
I think the more inappropriate times to partake in substance use are when you feel mentally or physically unstable, im not a fan of using substances during working hours either.
My ex best friend once took a pill in a church... he started peaking and singing rave tunes to the hymns, eventually he got kicked out of the church by the minister but not before he threw up on one of the pews and knocked a candleabra over... i was so terribly terribly ashamed of him that day!
Some of these stories worry me a little bit, maybe I'm just old but where’s your respect ;)

I can handle it when your already off your chops then something might happen to land you in an awkward situation, but I don't understand why you would be taking *insert mind bending substance here* then heading off to work/uni or something even more inappropriate intentionally. I guess that is the title of the thread though =D

I've had the emergency call into work after a big weekend, I remember thinking I could turm invisible at some point just standing really still in the corner beleiving the customers wouldn't notice me.
tripping for much longer then anticpated, had to go to work :(- seeing dragons like shapes in my computer screen and going on complete tangents whilst trying to talk customers through their internet problems. (not an easy task at the best of times)
Inappropriate but still fun- going to the gym with a mate whilst we were on pills (not peaking hard but still feeling it), we just went on the bikes and chewed our chewing gum and crapped on and talkedshit for about an hour, got plenty of funning looks.
Uni tut on a bit of wizz is fun (and inappropriate) too. IF you've done the readings you'll talk non stop and explore the topic in the best mannrer u ever have or if you haven't done the readings you'll still talk but chances are it'll be complete shit.
i was ripped for a test once in year 10(i think it was..), just a random in class one... i was going horrible in maths all year but this was the first test i did really well in of the year and the only one i was ripped for... i had reaalllyy good concentration :|
A good friend of mine was djing at his first big rave. There was a big crew of us going and needless to say, we were off our tits! I was off my head on my third pill and we decided to do a mission home.

We took a couple of friends and rocked up home, floating around the unit. There was shit everywhere and i was like "whoa, twippa (our cat) has gone crazy! Look at the mess she made!

I was looking everywhere for my handbag to get chewy and after 10 mins of searching, and my boyfriend going "if you always put it back in the same place..." one of the guys were like - "hey wheres your laptop?

We all froze, we had been home for over an hour and we hadnt even realised we'd been robbed. Wiped clean. There was a smashed window, the back door was open, all our shit gone and we were too off our face to even realise!

There was no way we could deal with the cops, AT OUR HOUSE right there right then. So we shut up the house, and tried to forget about it.

They were great pills, i proceded to have a great rest of the night, but it was harsh as dealing with the cops the next morning - harshest comedown ever!
me and a friend once were right in the middle of a huge sesh when his mum came in and told us that his grandmother had a heart attack, we thought it was a joke but it wasn't, it felt very awkward going to the hospital stoned as fuck.

Also, last year I was in the Navy and went out on a huge night on the town in shitty Kings Cross, I drank a bottle of bourbon, had a blue M n M ( 7.5 MDMA pill) railed 5 lines of cocaine (first time ever) and then railed half a red mitzi and swallowed the other half, I remember the next 10 minutes of that night then came too my senses at 630am when I was ejected from a club in the cross by the bouncer for god knows what, I then ate another blue M n M and railed a white SIN pill (shitty amphetamine). Thats when I also remembered that I had a dentist appointment with the Navy dentist at HMAS Kuttabul. I rocked up 15 minutes late wired off my head with dish plates for eyes. Lucky it was the second last day I was in the Navy. Laying there in the chair for 45 minutes looking up at the dentist scattered, hungover and wired to the eyeballs was almost impossible. Still it was a good night out though. :)
I can think of a couple of goods ones.

My personnal favourite was after coming back from Aussie and starting a new job on the monday. No sleep, tried to waz out, failed and was throwing up and almost passing out at 6am. Had to get my friend to call my work and tell them I started vomiting blood and had gone to Hospital.....

Second...an aquitance works in Mental Health and spends most of his time with clients admitted due to serious drug induced mental problems.....funny thing is he generally parties hard all weekend and then shows up for work completely peeled.
Dropping my first E just outside school, only to have the deputy principle come out half an hour later and call me into her office for a meeting with my mum, her and the principle (was wet with sweat, teeth grinding, eyes wide open and generally looking like I was tweaked out to the bullshit). Wasnt found out, but after that I had to sit in class and try and do work for 2 periods. Was kinda fun now I look back on it :D
a couple of days ago, my sister was smart enough to OD on g an hour before she had to pick my mum up at the airport at 5am. my mum was left waiting at the airport for two hours, and then had to catch a taxi to the hospital.

i really didn't think my sister could be that stupid... :\
don't get stoned before a trip to the hairdresser.

sitting in front of a mirror for thirty minutes did my head in.