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most fortunate pharmy 'find'

of course, if you count the pills i've 'found' in my grandmothers apartment, then the luckiest find would be far be a big vitamin bottle filled with hydrocodone 7.5, 50 mg tramadol, and a slew of 40 mg morphine pills.

about 30 hydrocodone
100 tramadol
50 morphine pills
klowns said:
im not one to judge anyone about anything, but this is the most fucked up thread ive ever read. i get prescribed hydros and kpins and tramadols and ambiens, all of which i NEED daily, and i fuckign hate it when my scripts go short or missing, and it happens frequently (family members, so i just dont say anything. id give em to them if they asked.) i hate getting them stolen cause then i have to go into the phamaracy a few days to a week early every time and get bitched out, but i never take over my recomended dose.
its really fuck to take a WHOLE bottle of another persons meds. i few is fine. everyone needs medicine. but fuck takign a hole bottle or multiples.......
sorry thats just my real intake on this
Replace your meds with a laxative purchased from veterinary suppy store --perhaps something used at a zoo for constipated elephants.
(In the past, when I posted this suggestion, it drew flames from furious indignant "medicine cabinet cowboys" lol)
Maybe I can beat this dicksizing competition ;) (havent read through it all but I'll try)
found at once five 25microgram per hour/72 hour duragesic patches, unopened bottle of 2mg/ml diazepam (200ml bottle thus 400mg of liquid diazepam. Brand name Diapam), six 15mg dormicum pills and to top it all off an unopened 120ml bottle of 10mg/ml oxycodone (brand name oxynorm..meaning 1200mg liquid oxycodone), twenty 10mg oxycontin pills, twenty 5mg oxycodone pills (brand name oxynorm),hundred 7,5mg zopiclone pills (brand name imovane), hundred 5mg chlordiazepoxid pills (brand name librium), and 200ml bottle of haloperidol which I left since it was useless :)
medicine cabinet said:
^^ niiiice find man...you better be IVing that shit...

my friend found a ciggie celeophane with 10 somas in it. yea i know somas arent all that great, but it was nice to have on the way to go cop some dope.

somas and dope gave me one of the best highs ive ever had, i dont know why a lot people dont like soma, mabye cuz it looses its magic when you use it daily or a few times a week, but the first time doing soma and opiates felt like floating in a cloud.

my most fortunate find was when i was dope sick with no way of getting anything for 3 days, so i started looking in every nook and cranny for some kinda opiate, I found 3 OC 80's in the vacumm cleaner heh, that was such a relief.
cantwinfortryin said:
Ok, I got a job working on campus in Michigan at a convenience store. It turned out that the store used to be a 1930's pharmacy soda shop, and they still had a working parm. for friends and family. The pharmacist was an old man in his 80's who rarely ever came in to fill anything. So from time to time when I was bored I lurk into the back and check out the merch... I found giant jugs of opium tincture and another that i later found out to be a liquid version of qualudes. (not sure how it was dispenced, but i just drank shots) I filled up and loot as much as i could before I was fired for some thing completly unrelated. it was like a candy store... (so much so that when I found a full bottle of 100 valum I strung the heart shaped openings in the pills and wore them like a candy necklace.) mmm...

I was tearing up the floor of a 100 year old building and found a full gallon jug of paragoric.
You Fucker!

RJW said:
I was jonesing one day (not withdrawing) and knowing that my GF skims my meds I started searchig through the bedroom in our appartment and i the closet in an old jacket I found stuffed away 50 OC IR 5mg, 30 hydro comp 15/80s, some adderall IR 30s and a few other odds and ends. It helped my Sunday afternoon go by smoothly! =D

I do remember vaguely you telling me something like this and I did not take your meds you shit. Since you tell everyone on the boards that I do; let’s make it very clear the way that it really happens in our home. You are just a withdrawing motherfucker and that is the only reason you where searching so fucking hard. You gave me those pills and doesn’t fucking remember like a normal withdrawing junkie because that is what happens when you take these fucking pills. Why would anyone go searching through your own girlfriend’s closet and search through every pocket of every jacket of every shirt. The only reason you suspected that was because you asked me to hide the pills from you and you heard me open the closet door so you had to turn into Fucking Agent FBI RJW for the day until you found your pills the same way you did in my curio cabinet don’t lie they turned up missing to. I stopped taking from you a long time ago without asking because I don't want nor need pain pills like you have to have them UNLESS I AM IN REAL REAL PAIN AND I MEAN REAL PAIN. I am smart not to take them because I remember the withdrawal pain and it hurts me too much to go through that. I have anxiety enough I could probably have a heart attack with high blood pressure. I can't even take Opana because I am allergic to it; it makes me swell, and itch. I learned that I was very lucky that my trachea did not close up on me because of my symptoms. The swelling of my legs, face and hands!!! So bad! People don't realize how bad this medication is! I know you are going to be mad at me for this reply but them again you should not have said what you did and should not have did what you did. I guess I need a lock box like you use to have. I think I may invest in one. I really now have a very good reason to now because of the near future with legal shit and all. RELATIONSHIPS NEED TRUST!!!! WITHOUT THAT THERE IS NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, AND NOTHING!!!

Try spell check RJW it works!!!!!!!!!!
So, RJW THERE IS ALWAY TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY CORRECT? AM I WRONG? I am sure you have some classy come back to make me feel like a fool or to feel depressed like you always do. This time I am ready to fight so bring it on baby! I am ready to fight!!!! TING TING TING!!!!!!!!!!!!



I am ready for a round in the sack…………….. What do you say? I may not look like the anorexic girls that stuff beer cans up there pussys but baby I can rock your world in so many other ways just get your stories straight for now on okay love or I am afraid we will have problems and make up your mind am I your girlfriend or wife. We have been together for 14 year shit!

Oh and please start spell checking your shit it is more professional.

RJW said:
I do remember vaguely you telling me something like this and I did not take your meds you shit. Since you tell everyone on the boards that I do; let’s make it very clear the way that it really happens in our home. You are just a withdrawing motherfucker and that is the only reason you where searching so fucking hard. You gave me those pills and doesn’t fucking remember like a normal withdrawing junkie because that is what happens when you take these fucking pills. Why would anyone go searching through your own girlfriend’s closet and search through every pocket of every jacket of every shirt. The only reason you suspected that was because you asked me to hide the pills from you and you heard me open the closet door so you had to turn into Fucking Agent FBI RJW for the day until you found your pills the same way you did in my curio cabinet don’t lie they turned up missing to. I stopped taking from you a long time ago without asking because I don't want nor need pain pills like you have to have them UNLESS I AM IN REAL REAL PAIN AND I MEAN REAL PAIN. I am smart not to take them because I remember the withdrawal pain and it hurts me too much to go through that. I have anxiety enough I could probably have a heart attack with high blood pressure. I can't even take Opana because I am allergic to it; it makes me swell, and itch. I learned that I was very lucky that my trachea did not close up on me because of my symptoms. The swelling of my legs, face and hands!!! So bad! People don't realize how bad this medication is! I know you are going to be mad at me for this reply but them again you should not have said what you did and should not have did what you did. I guess I need a lock box like you use to have. I think I may invest in one. I really now have a very good reason to now because of the near future with legal shit and all. RELATIONSHIPS NEED TRUST!!!! WITHOUT THAT THERE IS NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, AND NOTHING!!!

Try spell check RJW it works!!!!!!!!!!
So, RJW THERE IS ALWAY TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY CORRECT? AM I WRONG? I am sure you have some classy come back to make me feel like a fool or to feel depressed like you always do. This time I am ready to fight so bring it on baby! I am ready to fight!!!! TING TING TING!!!!!!!!!!!!



I am ready for a round in the sack…………….. What do you say? I may not look like the anorexic girls that stuff beer cans up there pussys but baby I can rock your world in so many other ways just get your stories straight for now on okay love or I am afraid we will have problems and make up your mind am I your girlfriend or wife. We have been together for 14 year shit!

Oh and please start spell checking your shit it is more professional.


i found a xanax bar broken in half on the ground while i was sweeping up at work.... slept good that night ;)
a doctor that gives me 60 x 2mg clonazepam a month =p

Also once while helping my friend clean his house after a party that i didnt go to, i found 2 good rolls... blue rolls royce (a year or so ago) it ended up being a pure mdma pill.

A few bags of weed (dimes, at different times) and once a hundred dollar bill just lying in the street.
Once when I was in hospital, I was outside taking my 1h walk and when I walked by back door where meds are transported to hospital, there was two boxes. One was 4mg hydromorphone 50tabs and other was oxycodone 40mg 100tabs. My lucky'st hospital visit. When I got out, I was in pills heven few months:) 8( :D
I started this thread~8months ago, and had no idea it would still be active now.

I find it amusing (ok,a joke) thoes posters who 'seem' to have 'found' large quantities of Dilaudid, 4s, and Oxycontin-80s, no doubt wishfull thinking.

BS is easily spotted ok?
best found (the only one): 2 0.25mg xanax tabs

a pack of 0.25mg klonopin at my granny's room (& that's when it all began for me)

best deal : 5 30mg mscontins for 10$ total from a dealer

that's it for pharms, but i can proudly boast i found 2 female plants on two different ocassions at my town which were as tall as me (1.80m), as well as many other small and buddy plants!

edit: at one festival i went a few years back, some dudes found a jar full of crack!!! it was like cuple hundreds of grams there... they left it to the Indian babas there, which i used to sit and smoke chillums with all the time. I was left alone at the baba's place with this jar many, many times, but i was only 16 then and havent did crack or any hard drugs yet, so i just smelled it and stared at it. this memory still doesnt lets me rest sometimes...
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Just my own "lost" meds. Valiums, xanax, methadone, hydrocodone, oxycodone...all sorts of stuff. I've "skimmed" stuff from family and friends (in which I feel horrible about and would never do again as I'm older, wiser, and have much higher moral standards now. lol.) fentanyl patches, methadone, hydrocodone syrup/pills, oc pills, valium, lorazepam, and more.

BTW I agree with klowns sentiments on stealing meds from people. I've taken a stuff from family & friends and never realized how bad it was until I stole a bunch of fentanyl patches from my dad. He needed them for his bad back and I fucked him over cause I took/used almost a full months supply of them in 2 or 3days cause I had a massive habit and couldn't score shit. I never felt so bad in my life and since then I haven't stolen meds from anyone. Just so you know it is entirely fucked to skim, borrow, steal, whatever you wish to call it, someone else's medicine. Unless they give it to you or if it's never going to be used and is basically disposed of then it is just plain stealing and just think how you would feel if someone took your meds.
hey, it will be be fun to make a thread of the most unfortunate *lost* drugs!!!
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I just scored a 10 vial box of Dilaudid HP (10mg/mL) from the discarded meds bins in the pharmacy department at the hospital where I work. I'm totally blown away as to how I found this because narcotics are NEVER in those bins and are EXTREMELY closely monitored (they're literally locked in a giant bank vault with about 6 cameras in it).
RorerQuaalude714 said:
I just scored a 10 vial box of Dilaudid HP (10mg/mL) from the discarded meds bins in the pharmacy department at the hospital where I work. I'm totally blown away as to how I found this because narcotics are NEVER in those bins and are EXTREMELY closely monitored (they're literally locked in a giant bank vault with about 6 cameras in it).

I know how you found it. There is an older person (manager) who has been working at this same pharmacy for a long time. THEY were planning on recovering it. Someone with access to the keys. I bet they are expired as well (a technicality), so this person can get away with it forever, using expired meds which are still probably as good as day 1.;)
^The thing is that most of the meds in the bins aren't expired, the pharmacy throws any excess meds that are left over in the Pyxis vaults (electronic high-security med cabinets) when either new stock is sent to floors or when a patient leaves the hospital in some capacity.

But sarbanes, I have absolutely no clue as to how such an employee could get a box of narcotics out of the safe without being caught on camera. Plus the pharmacy department is absolutely INSANE when it comes to checking narcotic counts. They can literally track down where every single narcotic dose ends up (literally to an exact patient). My theory is that a crooked anesthesiologist wanted to recover it, and the thing about them is that the meds they take aren't as heavily monitored. What I mean is an anesthesiologist can say that they need 4 vials of fentanyl for the day, and only use three, keeping the fourth.
i just scored a blister of 10 oxycontin 20mgs and 8 oxynorm 10mg. may not seem like much to alot of you but where im from these things are a rarity i havent seen them in years, when they dissapeared i thought i wouldnt have the chance to do oxycodone again. happy birthday to me!
My best and only find of pharms, I left a party one night, and saw a prescription bottle sitting on the ground next to the sidewalk leaving the front door, turned out to be a bottle FULL of Vicodins. Needless to say, I was happy lol.