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Misc ---**~~~Mod applications now being accepted for Other Drugs~~~**--- Ends Dec. 8

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Will the fact that when high I can be so ditsy sometimes I even mis-spell usernames as disty count against me?

I always read your name as Dis Tea Boi.

Rastaman points out cup of brew to son and says: 'Dis tea, Boi.'
Rastaman points out cup of brew to son and says: 'Dis tea, Boi.'

Nice one, meaning out of a mindless spelling mistake :)

And what sort of tea would rastaman be recommending to his son pray tell? Hopefully it's not boring caffeine and full of gooooood shit ;)
Nice one, meaning out of a mindless spelling mistake :)

And what sort of tea would rastaman be recommending to his son pray tell? Hopefully it's not boring caffeine and full of gooooood shit ;)

Rastaman does not divulge contents of Rastaman tea.

Rastaman brews special harm reduction tea.
I'll happily become a hooker for a night for some methamphet.

My gender will have to be a surprise until the night for whoever takes me up on the offer.
hey i ain't no mod but if you wanna whore yourself out im a good paying pimp.. AND i accept paypal :)
i will just need to trust you're giving me my money or i will have to pimp slap you over the interwebz.


damn im bored.. im having fun watching sekio answer and close threads tho lol he's a machine.
but still.. im bored.
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you guys who are already modding should be happy and let us regular BLers who have been trying to get a staff position for 2 years get a shot at it.
(talking about me lol)
^dude you're always "oh i'm not gonna apply, oh yeah i applied, oh wait no i don't want it". we need motherfuckin decisiveness!

wiggi, posted your app up, brother. cheers.
that aint true.. i have applied twice without saying anything like that and after not getting chosen those two times i said fuck it im not applying anymore so i said i wasn't going to apply but than i got a few people telling me to apply so i did and now that i did, i want the position.. i don't see anything wrong with what i did.

i must be sleeping when i say "oh nvm i dont want it" because i don't remember ever doing that.
Ok, sent to all but Sekio. Like someone said his box is full.
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doesgrammarandspellingAndcapiTallettersandstuffcounttoWardsgettinGthepositionornot ?

If you can read that then props to you.

I'm guessing that my current avatar isn't really very suitable for a mod in terms of harm reduction either. Thats a hell of a lot of coke I found washed up on the beach, one hell of a week followed that discovery.
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