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Misc ---**~~~Mod applications now being accepted for Other Drugs~~~**--- Ends Dec. 8

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dibs on the mod opening... already applied a while ago but i am calling dibs on the spot so no one else can have it but me. just thought of doing that..haha I WIN!
bring on my n**** with the gold thing.. i got his natty lite. im drinkin one of them so he gets the holiday 11 pack.
oh alrightttttttttt

don't act like a spoilt brat. it took a good 2 months or so before i got the go ahead when i put in my application at the end of 2008. didn't get named till february 2009.

it just happened to be BL Drama season then as well.
Not acting spoiled or like a brat by any means. Just wondering when ill he notified is all. Will be patient
sorry dude, i didn't mean to come off like that. i was just fuckin' around, i should have threw a wink in there or something;)
I'm pretty sure everyone on ss could be 2-400% more harsh and still not be as harsh as I usually am. You guys are just way too nice, haha.
sorry dude, i didn't mean to come off like that. i was just fuckin' around, i should have threw a wink in there or something;)

Oh haha npnp. I thought the extra t's in my 'alright' were perceived as doucheyness lol. I actually js add extra letters at the end to sound more friendly. Just letting you guys know if I do that in the future :)
Oh haha npnp. I thought the extra t's in my 'alright' were perceived as doucheyness lol. I actually js add extra letters at the end to sound more friendly. Just letting you guys know if I do that in the future :)

Youuu schlaggggg

Moderators advice on these forums needs to be more recognisably distinguishable from the average posters advice, sometimes takes half a thread before sensible advice starts to be offered.

I suggest a new OD rule of banning everyone who is not a mod forever.
Moderators advice on these forums needs to be more recognisably distinguishable from the average posters advice, sometimes takes half a thread before sensible advice starts to be offered.

I suggest a new OD rule of banning everyone who is not a mod forever.

So you wanna get banned, eh?
Two more days, everybody! We've had some great applications so far, but so if anyone else would like to be considered, get that shit in quick!
This is a pretty funny thread... Some of the applicants who want this job the most don't seem to realize this thread can be used as an additional filter for candidates where acting like a kid just might get your application shit-canned :p Good luck to all of you nonetheless.
indeed it is.

those who were serious about the position should have definitely applied well before now so i'm going to close this thread as we've pretty much finished up with the applications.

be on the lookout over the next couple of days for when we announce the new mods!

thankyou to everyone who has applied. please don't be put off if you don't get chosen this time around. continue to post/report threads/memberate and apply next time and you just never know!

thanks again everyone!
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