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Mexico Considers Decriminalizing Pot, Cocaine & More (merged) (Updated 2/12/07)

If you have a whole sheet of acid, you would certainly be prosecuted unless you can bribe the law enforcement that catches you. From the wording of the article, I would imagine that if you're caught with a tiny amount more than the legal limits that they have created, you would still get off the hook (because the article mentioned the courts would make decisions on a case-by-case basis instead of adhering strictly to the legal limits). This really is great news, especially for the otherwise law-abiding Mexicans that happen to enjoy using drugs. There seems to be a worldwide trend of drug tolerance slowly growing, one country/locale at a time. There are already 9 states in the U.S. that have legalized medical marijuana on the state level and Nevada will be voting on full legalization this November. Things are looking to get better; I'm just hoping that the trend will continue and people will wake up to the truth about drugs, drug users, the cruelty of the current draconian drug laws, and the futility of the War on Drugs.
I am going to try coke for the first time in Mexico later this year. Nice to know I wont have to be doing anything illegal.
^^^ yo i was thinking along the exact same lines....i want to go with my family and do drugs legaly with them haha
bZoP said:
^^^ yo i was thinking along the exact same lines....i want to go with my family and do drugs legaly with them haha

The exact same...coke lines?

Sorry, couldn't resist. :D
"Eveything's legal in Mexico, it's the American way!" Simpsons quote! :)

I can't believe what that mayor/Senator said in the 'Drugs Legalized' article on the second page, about how what Mexico's doing he views it as a 'hostile' act!

What a complete pile of shit!

I wonder if the US will stop any money they give to help Mexico, like they might be doing with Bolivia! :\
What do you guys think the chances are of " Drug Tour Groups " springing up? They kind of do it for booze by offering it as part of a package.

I don't know how legal it would be but money will generally win in most cases. And without some kind of organised support group tourist will still find danger in Mexico if they have to go hunting the streets for drugs.

I'm guessing that with the potential profit to be made a system like this isn't far behind.

Tourism in Mexico if gonna explode hardcore stylee.
Gaz_hmmmm said:
"Eveything's legal in Mexico, it's the American way!" Simpsons quote! :)

I can't believe what that mayor/Senator said in the 'Drugs Legalized' article on the second page, about how what Mexico's doing he views it as a 'hostile' act!

What a complete pile of shit!

I wonder if the US will stop any money they give to help Mexico, like they might be doing with Bolivia! :\

If the Mexican government takes the next step and takes the profit out of the hands of the cartels by selling it themselves they won't have need of the US.
I've been to Mexico 4 times so far and I'm only 18, now I gotta go another 4 times before I die.
Doesn't peyote regrow every year after you get a button? If so it wouldnt really get extince because you wouldnt have to kill the cactus right?

Also i don't think Mexico will so far as to put coffee shops and tour groups because in essence that would be the main reason peopel go there, and it would turn a huge portion of their country into drug addicts in the process....
Mehm said:
A friend of mine pointed out that mexico has many laws which don't apply to foreigners. For instance only mexicans can own mexican property.
There are always ways to get around this. Places like Playa del Carmen is 90% occupied by foreigners (my dad lives down there and is in real estate)

I definately think that down the line Mexico will have "coffee shops" They would make SO much money by selling all the drugs themselves and keeping it out of the hands of their citizens--which is what the mexican government is all about :)
I may be full of sh*t here but I find it difficult to believe that Mexico would go and piss off the US without some form of agreement. I'm betting that US officials new this was coming.

The US has always taken a hardline approach to the drug war, at least on the surface. Could it be that the US gorvenment is finally realizing that targeting addicts is just a giant waste of time and money?

With decades of arresting, processing and jailling people and the gigantic amount of money spent and wasted. They couldn't just turn around and say " Hey, you know what fark it we got a new plan. ". For one thing what if it doesn't work? What if as the nay sayers are warning it just blows up?

The US government is probably thinking that its better to let foreigners roll the dice.

I repeat - I may be full of sh#it
This is pretty cool.

I wonder what other countries will start following the trend.
Belisarius said:
Ditto. I saw "two pounds" and was like "WTF?" I just hope they don't harvest the damned thing to extinction...

Just have to set up some culture laboratories. Peyote tissue cultures to the rescue.=D
5 grams of weed is alright i guess for a few days. but i get a lot of mexican weed, and 5 grams of that is enough for while i take a shit. btw its still illegal to buy even under 5 grams right? guess this means that 8 bagillion students are gonna get fucked by the cops. All they have to do to get bribes now, which it says somewehre in the article taht they do(or in the CNN one), is to stand on a corner and no doubt 5 student will hit em up thinkin theyre gonna score 5 gs and get out. Ive been a bunch of times asnd i think that i would now definetly not try to buy in mexico.
Story came out today confirming Fox's support of the law..."Mexico's president will approve a law that decriminalizes possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and other drugs to concentrate on fighting violent narco gangs, the government said on Tuesday."
fuck that im moving to San Diego.....i just think it would be dumb to bring anything but maybe like Acid or something back across the border, for sure they're sending many a drug dog to those borders as soon as this happens...

any skeptics out there that think this might not happen, or anyone think it might be a bluff?
Does anyone know if Vicente Fox has actually signed the bill? There have been no new developments about this since it was announced, and not really all that much discussion about it in the mainstream media. Hey, if most Americans don't really give a shit than that is probably a good thing.

BTW, did you see the bullshit amount of shrooms you can carry? 100mg pure psilocybin or 250mg raw mushies. 250mg???? They need to fix that shit:(