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Methoxetamine Thread v2

Just another word of advice godspeedk, it's very easy to get a psychological dependence to, or that could just be my addictive nature, don't know what others think? I used to have a bad problem with k as well though!
Just another word of advice godspeedk, it's very easy to get a psychological dependence to, or that could just be my addictive nature, don't know what others think? I used to have a bad problem with k as well though!

well thanks for the heads up. can you hole on the stuff?
Yeah but it takes (me) a fairly big dose! Tolerance grows well quickly!
I must add the hole is quite weird, not really a k hole but a hole in it's own right, can't describe but happy experimenting! Do the usually allergy test and don't go above fifty mgs for your first time, but beware after two weeks of every day use I was doing 250mgs lines, crazy I know! Haven't done any for a few weeks but my tolerance still won't have dropped
I must add the hole is quite weird, not really a k hole but a hole in it's own right, can't describe but happy experimenting! Do the usually allergy test and don't go above fifty mgs for your first time, but beware after two weeks of every day use I was doing 250mgs lines, crazy I know! Haven't done any for a few weeks but my tolerance still won't have dropped

haha, well I only have 250mgs. Just experimenting to see if it's a good replacement for k, seeing as this drought is actually a real problem. Best route of administration?
Most say sublingual, but i prefer to sniff it, you have enough to try both routes and see what you prefer. Let me know how you get on. Should be getting my two in the morning!
Best rote IMO opinion is IM (like ket) although I quite understand that a l0t of people simply wont mess with needles
Got my delivery coming tomorrow if all runs smoothly, my vendor is sending me a free gramme of a supposed new batch as well because he wants my feedback on it! That makes it seem like I've been doing too much! Free gramme though is always a score, I just hope it's not shit!
Sexy Mexy

Man tolerance is very odd with this. some days for no apparent reason it have very little effects apart from the sweats and wobblyness

I've also found if you use say benzo's in the days before like Xanax or Etizolam its effects are greatly reduced.
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Your right, tolerance is a bitch with this stuff, bit like k for me! I've taken a couple of weeks break before and I still had a monster of a tolerance, now I have to do fat lines before bed to enter hyperspace!
Most say sublingual, but i prefer to sniff it, you have enough to try both routes and see what you prefer. Let me know how you get on. Should be getting my two in the morning!

I think anyone who plugs will say that it's far and away the best needle-free method. And it's not just an excuse to play with one's ring, it's reliably fast to come up and strong in effect. No nasal drip or holding spit in your mouth. Win, win, win with that per-rectum sin. I made a how-to video if anyone's interested!
anyone used this stuff for pub socializing or at a rave etc? if so, at what dose? need to cut down on drinking or maybe stop for awhile, might replace it with this in low doses. or take benzos or something
I've used at the pub, yes you need to keep doses low to avoid losing the power of speech! Without tolerance, probably no more than 20mg up the rusty sheriff's badge or 25 sniffed. Even that might be a bit much, if you want to actually socialise.
Just sampled a "new" batch of mxe and for me it's just the same as when I started doing it a year ago! Same consistency and effects

I know what you are saying the new batch "pure white- and a few chunks" is perfect much improved on the now common flour type thats around.

I'm in work and spangled on 3mg amt vaped(morning little life lifter dose) and about 10mg of methoxetamine. its seems the mexy decided to have a little party with the amt and I feel good.

Though this might be a 3 double vodka's aswell :)
I tried MXE for the second time last night (30-40mg dose) at the tail end of an mdpv session as was getting bored of PV and wanted to add a different dimension to things. Well it certainly did that. Didnt feel the mental clarity and bliss from the MXE that some people have mentioned in these threads. Was confused as hell, couldnt figure the stuff out atall. My mind was totally stupified, so i just lay down to watch the spinning carnival in my head and feel my body melt. wasnt really enjoyable but not atall anxiety causing either. I later added some Etizolam and syntheric cannaboids to the mix. I think the cannaboids woke up my abilty to think, and the etizolams calmed me too. Things got more interesting after that. Was able to access 'realms of the subconcious' and things got very strange indeed. Felt like i was posessed by something trying to sort out my head for me; telling me about being more rooted in the real world rather than being locked inside my own head. Dont want to go into too mush detail or people may be suggesting i should call for the men in white coats. I dont think so, feel fine now. I wrote a lot of the thoughts down, and will study them later. Much of it will probaly be crazy giberish but there may be some usefull insights there. I am interested in drugs abilty to unlock and resolve issues, but am also anxious about going too far and 'flipping out' so I like the no fear aspect of MXE and wont touch mushrooms or acid anymore and now only do trippy cannabis/cannaboids with etizolams as am prone to bad negative trips otherwise.

I suspect this may be hard for anyone to respond to, and i will probably be very embarrased when/ if i look back at this post in a few days time, but does anyone know what i am on about, or am i loosing the plot ? Thanks.

Also does anyone know if this stuff works on via serotonin or dopamaine or something else ? Ive tried searching the threads but couldnt find anything clear on that.
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