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[Methoxetamine Subthread] Combinations

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2C-T-4 + MXE was good and I didnt felt negative effects , so I think that you can take without afraid.
Hey - looking for some thoughts on safely spacing out stim and MXE use.

I'm on adderall daily (30mg XR prescribed) and am trying to figure out a good time "window" to dose my fresh batch of MXE.

I get some mild tachycardia for a few hours after I take the adderall, so I'm trying to avoid an overlap with any MXE related cardiac related side effects.

Should I wait for the adderall to be out of my system completely before dosing the MXE? Usually the physical stim effects have subsided within 5-6 hours of taking the adderall, but I know the drug has a half-life of about 10 hours.

And in terms of next day stimulant use.. anyone have feelings about how long they'd wait to take a stimulant after coming down off MXE? Would I be safe to take an adderall during the "afterglow," or is that still a gamble?

Otherwise, my heart's pretty healthy and I have great blood pressure (even a little on the low side). Just wanting to play it safe.
^^^ its true, i saw someone mention a 500mg dose at another forum, and none of the other forum users even so much as said "that might be a bit high"
^^^ i literally guffawed when i read that post. i would not be brave enough for that one :)
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Already done it. (Salvia on MXE)
As you can imagine I just kinda went and went and went.
Too intense to really comprehend. Tons of body load too.
I remember vaguely seeing stars..
All I have is that 10x crap too.

I'll have to try again and try to pay more attention lol.
I been thinking of taking 40mg or so of MXE, a gram of some seriously strong shrooms and in the middle of it take three rips of DMT.

After my last ego death though on just two grams of those same shrooms I'm worried it could go pretty bad to be on DMT and shrooms and MXE at the same time.

I don't know why I'd want to do that to myself. Trying to convince myself there's no real reason for that but I'm sure it would be a hell of an experience. Fun to ponder..

But I'm pretty sure I already got a hell of a message from all three substances on their own and am satisfied with where I'm at. I think I've found somewhat of some answers and don't really need to fry my brains or go to the hospital.

One psychedelic at a time for now on for me. One is enough as it is coming up usually.

Although shrooms and MXE was pretty damned fun and colorful and no negative vibes..

Being able to say you've M-holed on shrooms is quite a bit.

I've come to realize that these substances are each pretty serious on their own when taken in certain dosages and should each be respected separately and accordingly.

If you are continually combining heavy psychs with more heavy psychs it seems like something could go very wrong.

You gotta think about your friends and family and yourself before you do these kinds of things and go too deep one day.
Mid-October I had a little binge, three days over the course of which I ingested nearly 500mg of MXE (with no tolerance aside from hard-headedness), 100mg of of Metocin, and 100mg of Miprocin..
Needless to say, it was not my best idea. Literally nothing has ever been the same since.
Ended up doing MXE + 2c-b two days ago.

Doses for the day ended up being like this:
(all the MXE was insufflated, 2c-b was oral)

1:00PM - 30mg MXE
2:00PM - 25mg MXE

7:00PM - 22mg MXE
7:15PM - approx 12mg 2c-b (not exactly sure how much, I washed out all of the residue from a bag containing a gram of 2c-b [the bag had a fairly large surface area] and drank the water. Plus a tiny pile that had fallen on my desk)
8:00PM - 20mg MXE

Dissociation was pretty significant for the whole day. Once the 2c-b came on, it seemed almost like a really strong acid trip. The visuals were pretty intense (considering the dose of 2c-b) and I had a much stronger "tripping" feeling than I normally do on 2c-b or 2c-i. Body sensations were fantastic. The peak lasted about 1 - 2 hours. The comedown felt marvelous. Sleeping was a little strange; I think I slept, but I felt as though I was slipping in and out of delirium continually. Had a slight headache for the first half of the next day.

All in all, not a bad experience. Not especially eager to repeat, but I could see myself trying it again with different doses in a few weeks.
MXE + 4-HO-MET was a nice experience mentally but the physical part was a bit too much for me. My doses were 80 mg MXE and 14 mg 4-HO-MET. The MXE was split in 4 20 mg doses taken in a "time span" of about 6 hours. So the effect wasn't the same as 80 mg at once, not nearly. I took 4-HO-MET about an hour after the last dose of MXE. ROA insufflation.

14 mg 4-HO-MET is a very low dose for me but as it is so physically stimulating I didn't want to take a higher dose, since MXE too is very stimulating at higher doses. I wanted to see if and how MXE adds depth to 4-HO-MET. It certainly did and I really enjoyed that part but 4-HO-MET moves in waves (as almost all 4-subbed tryptamines) of serenity and then extreme bursts of energy. My body was trembling when 4-HO-MET had its "kicks".

When combining these two IME the dose of either one should be kept quite low. MXE boosted the energy of 4-HO-MET and since both raise the heart rate and blood pressure the physical side easily overpowers the mental side. This happened to me at times.

What I liked best about this combination was the afterglow. It lasted surprisingly long (2-3 hours of euphoria stronger than MDMA, quite sedating but it also had a deep and mystic side to it) and was better than the "main" trip. The extreme energy was gone and I was able to sink in to a deeper state of mind.

This combination is a real energy bomb and the doses should be kept quite low if you're seeking for a spiritual trip.
Well it seems that its a sketchy combo, people here have pulled off the combo fine, but someone from another forum that I can't name because its a vendor forum said that the combo gave them some horrible side effects like "rapid heart rate, vomiting, muscle tension, and having to breathe manually."
He was only on around 20-25mg of each drug. Does this sound like maoi related issues?

Bump, hopefully someone can answer this for me.
something about tryptamines and dissociatives produces more synergy than other dissociative+psych combos, in my experience

250mg of methoxetamine or 3.5g of shrooms, doesn't matter, i'll still be able to appear sober

100mg of mxe + 1g of shrooms though and i might black out and start making random animal noises.
I've combined MXE with (on separate occasions) Alcohol, Cannabis, LSD, and Klonopin. Alcohol was pretty relaxed, but as others have said could fuck you up real bad if you drink too much. Smoking weed gets a pretty trippy high and can at times be dysphoric.

I also bumped a smallish amount of MXE (30 mg's) right before eating blotter. The acid was fairly potent, but not the strongest, for only taking 1 hit. It seemed as if the acid kicked in a lot faster than normal, but once the acid kicked the MXE went to the back of my mind and I basically didnt notice. I also had about 4 beers during this comeup period. After a pretty fun trip I took 1 mg of Klonopin to combat the annoying overstimulation acid usually leaves me with and I felt grand after that!
Well, I tried the combo and it was a TERRIBLE IDEA. I dosed on the tail end of a 23mg 2ct2 dose, but it was a very stressful and HEADACHE INDUCING state after that.
I dosed my mxe at 2 AM last night (morning, technically), and now its 3 PM and I am getting the most hard core hppd-symptoms of my life and I still have a headache. I finally got to sleep around 7 am and woke up at 2, it took the edge off things but I'm still feeling fucked.

Try to stay calm and just breath into it. It will pass, like every bad experience it is only transient. Maybe the DRI effects are just magnifying the normal trippy afterglow you get after a 2C-T-2 trip. I always feel more trippy than normal a day or two after 2C-T-2, and remember that many people experience lingering effects from methoxetamine, especially from high doses. Combining the two is bound to cause some potentiation, so doses should be kept low.

Thank you for updating with your experience. I'm sure it will be valuable to other intrepid explorers who may be thinking of trying the combo.
I feel fine if not somewhat trippified after 2c-t-2, on its own atleast.
But I was hungover ALL DAY yesterday from that stupid combination the night before. It was worse then an alcohol hangover.
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