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Methamphetamine Discussion Thread 3.0

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Fuck yeah when that lake died for me Phnom Penh died. And it wasn't the backpacker scene so much as just an awesome commonity living on a lake.

Shit I remember fishing out the window while watching t.v .... And I caught shit!

95% Of the fun? No way jose! Sniffing lasts 3 times longer and the high isn't ruined by ridiculous impulses for another pipe drag throughout the high. When I sniff it I do just that and don't even think about another line until 8 hours later at least.

Really 95%! Well hey I never hear of aussies ever sniffing shards really so your kinda right perhaps. It's more social doing the whole pass thing pipe thing. I have heard some awful stories of addicts acting irrationally when someone holds it to long or smokes more than the others, your counting down the seconds until it gets back to you.

Egh, what a way to enjoy a high.
I remember you now! I first saw your post about meeting Mr. Lee in the slums when I was living in Qingdao back in July of 2013. The month before I took my first trip to Cambodia I did a lot of research and google led me directly to your post. It was very insightful. Thanks man. When I first got to Cambodia I started out snorting my meth and after two weeks I graduated to smoking it off tinfoil. A few different times I had my tuk-tuk dealer go to a local glass blower and make me a pipe but the quality was always so bad that they'd end up cracking usually on the first night so I just gave up on smoking it out of a pipe. This time though I'll be coming back to the Bode better prepared. Luckily, the school that I'm teaching at here in China's got a whole box of unused test tubes in a closet for the science class. I'm gonna help myself to a few of em before I leave. Do you know where I could get a good blowtorch in PP for melting glass? Do you think I could find one at the Russian Market? I've actually never been to the Russian Market before. I want to make a simple pipe out of one of the test tubes. The tinfoil just isn't as much fun for me as chasing a puddle in glass. I also want to try doing some hot rails this time around.
Haha cool bro, you know it is pretty safe if you think about shit before you do it.

Worst case scenario your smoking Ice near a window and a cop comes out of nowhere and you lock eyes with him meanwhile you're midway through hitting the methamphetamine bong right infront of you.

Well that's what happened to me one time while on the lake. That image is still imprinted in my brain .. the cop just looking at me.

of course my stomach knotted but what happened next was nuts!

I started freaking out and then the Khmer dudes in the bong circle tell me not to worry and take the rest of the fucking hit. Then the cop just walks on like it was normal.

I still don't know why but the guy's they never arrest tourists and I was totally overreacting.

Nuts huh ... dealers paying cops maybe?

But yeah I shouldn't have been toking near a window with 50 people around.

Yeah Russian market! All those guy's cook on portable gas stoves I've been to shops dedicated to stoves and gas. They usually sell pans and shit to. Maybe get a pic on your phone and show a driver ... have fun .... the biggest benders of my life where in that city I got up to some ridiculous shit .... I was only 22 and it was nothing like taking sexual advantage over people there like many foreigners do that shit should stay in Thailand.

Have fun! ... let me know if they are still decent natured. Tourism is newish due to the civil war ... compared to Bangkok the people of PP are angels.

I won't ever go back to Bankok after some of the most disgusting shit done to tourists. I've had my drink spiked, seen a hooker push an english dude four stories to his death. The cops sold me weed and then tried to bust me. Fuck that shit ... it's evil and so venomous to prey on visitors to your country. I love helping tourists .... Just today I showed an Asian couple how to buy a train card and it felt good.
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meth is love, meth is life

just joking ma bah.. would love to read the previous posts (I always do when Im online) but you tweakers are gon' way too fast fo' meh

fuck meth.. most my mates smoke it err' day now... cunts are mad behind in their mortage n bills, fuckin meth :!
88James, you can get test tubes from many pharmacies , A local passed that tip on and it works a treat.
Cambod isn't what it was though, last there 2 years ago and it's changed so much and not it a good way.
Yeah I went there for the first time on August 1st of 2013. To bad I never got to see what it was like when the lake was still there. Change sucks and all good things must come to an end I guess. But then again I'll never miss what I never knew. Cambodia was still a great experience though and I can't wait to go back. After my contract here in China is finally over with next August I'm gonna make a bee-line back to PP. I'll probably spend six months travelling/binging all around Cambodia before getting a teaching gig and settling down for the next year or two. Want to see Sihanoukville, Siem Reap, and maybe even Battambang this time around. It's a shame that I spent four months in Cambodia without ever leaving Phnom Penh. Meth makes time slip right through your fingers though. Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months ect all in the blink of an eye. Thanks for the test tube tip Olddirtybizza.
I have a question, or two, that I'm sure has been asked and have searched for, but perhaps giving the specifics someone who knows can give me an idea . There are two instances when I took meth that were different from the others (well, they were all different, but not to this extent). One was the second time I was snorting it, had a couple grams and was up for a few days. I know that being up can cause hallucinations, and have had those kinds before. But I have never had the kind that I had then. The oddity is in the details but Im going to cut most of them out to save space except to give you a general idea. Also, I havent had any experiences like this since, except after not taking it for a few months and then again but it wasnt anything like this, I just saw curtains flutter and smoke shadow people types (and knew it wasnt real). I have in the distant past tried shrooms, salvia and a couple other things (none ever got me high, the most a hallucinogen has ever done is give me the giggles). No family history of schizophrenia. And I was totally fine pretty much two days after the breaking point of it.

It would take paragraphs to describe, but over a period of three days there were a multitude of different species of creatures and beings in my house. And I was thinking logically and rationally about everything except for the fact that they were real (I knew exactly how weird it was, I knew to be careful of anything I was being told cause it probably wasnt reliable, but them being real wasnt a question because I hallucinated seeing someone else interact with one) anyway, these weren't shadow people, they werent things out the corner of my eye either; It was smell, taste, sight, sound.

And the longer it went on the distinctly more horrifying the whole thing got, at the breaking point of them showing me a vision of basically personalized hell I was no longer rational and more like hysterical, but after I decided that they were not good for me (I even started to realize the majority of them were not real, except the distinctly humanish one that interacted with someone who is real). Then that night I woke up and saw one of the ghostly things kind of hovering over me, got a distinctly possessive vibe and since I was losing spaces of time during those few days I got pissed and had enough. It was not that easy to get rid of them.

As soon as I made up my mind not to see them (or in this case, since I believed they were real still, despite it finally occurring to me they may not be) I just yelled at them all to get out and for the most part, except a few stragglers, they did. But I heard their voices (or heard voices) for a couple of days, one was bellowing, one was singing, one was coaxing and one was hissing. At the time it felt like they were trying to get back in and if I acknowledged them they would, so I ignored it and eventually it went away.

Still had some residual hallucinatory experiences (but these were always caused by an external source. For example a voice would actually be coming from the television in the next room or Id see a spider on the bottom of a bottle of water, but it was from the indented shape on the bottom of the bottle distorted. The original delusions werent from an external source they just were).

Ive talked to pretty much everyone Ive met while taking it, which I did in large part after that to talk to as many people as I could to figure out what in the hell happened. And none of them had ever experienced or heard of anything like that (to that extent). I assumed a couple days after the incident when my head cleared that it was the meth, but the more I talk to people the less likely that seems. Is there anything that meth can be laced with or that can be sold instead of meth that could cause that? The meth was tinged pinkish or brownish a tiny bit. I dont remember much else about it though because it was awhile ago.

The other experience is the third and last time started again (with major/more than a month long breaks in between). I was expecting the hallucinations because of what happened the first time, and again to a much lesser extent the time after (when I had done it for about a year then stopped for a month and started). This time it had been about two years taking (railing, every day but in regulated amounts) and about five or six months not. I took it and didn't get a euphoric feeling really, did get awake and energy to work through the night, and suppressed appetite, but no anxious / edgy /speediness at all, to the extent that it was noteably absent. Also began to get a fuzzy head along with a killer headache after a week (sleeping all but a couple nights) worse than usual. And I got depressed. I have never been depressed before, not like that, it was this black hole of hopeless apathy , lethargy, lacked motivation, even my self esteem (usually high) was falling fast. I couldnt feel anything, I couldn't even freak out I couldnt feel anything. Lowered my sex drive to nothing too. Aside from the wakefulness, it basically did the exact opposite of meth. Usually have extreme empathy; had extreme apathy. Usually have euphoria; had inability to feel euphoria or any emotion at all. Usually anxious or easily startled; no nerves at all. Usually motivated and confident; unmotivated and almost insecure. Any ideas what causes that or what it could be if its not meth?
^ The last stuff could've been anything, speculation on what it could be is something we generally try to avoid here just because it's all guesswork.

The hallucinations sound scary as fuck. They do sound atypical as compared to the usual meth/sleep depreviation weirdness. Perhaps it was a psychotic episode triggered by the meth you took; regardless, I'd take it as a warning sign. I've never experienced anything like that on meth, but the fact it happened after you used and hasn't since does seem to suggest a connection.

Rio Fantastic said:
I'm still curious though as to whether meth's addiction potential really is quite as high as it is for heroin?

For me methamphetamine has been far, far more addictive than heroin. The psychological hold meth can get on you is unlike anything else I've experienced. I've found it much, much easier to maintain a relatively normal life and routine whilst dependent on smack than I could ever hope to on meth. It was impossible on meth, the way it fucks up your sleep patterns and appetite mean it's just not sustainable. I've just recently quit heroin and whilst the physical part is horrible, the psychological torture of quitting meth meant I actually found stopping that much more difficult. Also, it's wise advice to be careful you don't swap one addiction for another. When I quit meth I ramped up my use of opioids and it wasn't long before I had a habit, and another few years addicted to something under my belt.
I have a question, or two, that I'm sure has been asked and have searched for, but perhaps giving the specifics someone who knows can give me an idea . There are two instances when I took meth that were different from the others (well, they were all different, but not to this extent). One was the second time I was snorting it, had a couple grams and was up for a few days. I know that being up can cause hallucinations, and have had those kinds before. But I have never had the kind that I had then. The oddity is in the details but Im going to cut most of them out to save space except to give you a general idea. Also, I havent had any experiences like this since, except after not taking it for a few months and then again but it wasnt anything like this, I just saw curtains flutter and smoke shadow people types (and knew it wasnt real). I have in the distant past tried shrooms, salvia and a couple other things (none ever got me high, the most a hallucinogen has ever done is give me the giggles). No family history of schizophrenia. And I was totally fine pretty much two days after the breaking point of it.

It would take paragraphs to describe, but over a period of three days there were a multitude of different species of creatures and beings in my house. And I was thinking logically and rationally about everything except for the fact that they were real (I knew exactly how weird it was, I knew to be careful of anything I was being told cause it probably wasnt reliable, but them being real wasnt a question because I hallucinated seeing someone else interact with one) anyway, these weren't shadow people, they werent things out the corner of my eye either; It was smell, taste, sight, sound.

And the longer it went on the distinctly more horrifying the whole thing got, at the breaking point of them showing me a vision of basically personalized hell I was no longer rational and more like hysterical, but after I decided that they were not good for me (I even started to realize the majority of them were not real, except the distinctly humanish one that interacted with someone who is real). Then that night I woke up and saw one of the ghostly things kind of hovering over me, got a distinctly possessive vibe and since I was losing spaces of time during those few days I got pissed and had enough. It was not that easy to get rid of them.

As soon as I made up my mind not to see them (or in this case, since I believed they were real still, despite it finally occurring to me they may not be) I just yelled at them all to get out and for the most part, except a few stragglers, they did. But I heard their voices (or heard voices) for a couple of days, one was bellowing, one was singing, one was coaxing and one was hissing. At the time it felt like they were trying to get back in and if I acknowledged them they would, so I ignored it and eventually it went away.

Still had some residual hallucinatory experiences (but these were always caused by an external source. For example a voice would actually be coming from the television in the next room or Id see a spider on the bottom of a bottle of water, but it was from the indented shape on the bottom of the bottle distorted. The original delusions werent from an external source they just were).

Ive talked to pretty much everyone Ive met while taking it, which I did in large part after that to talk to as many people as I could to figure out what in the hell happened. And none of them had ever experienced or heard of anything like that (to that extent). I assumed a couple days after the incident when my head cleared that it was the meth, but the more I talk to people the less likely that seems. Is there anything that meth can be laced with or that can be sold instead of meth that could cause that? The meth was tinged pinkish or brownish a tiny bit. I dont remember much else about it though because it was awhile ago.

The other experience is the third and last time started again (with major/more than a month long breaks in between). I was expecting the hallucinations because of what happened the first time, and again to a much lesser extent the time after (when I had done it for about a year then stopped for a month and started). This time it had been about two years taking (railing, every day but in regulated amounts) and about five or six months not. I took it and didn't get a euphoric feeling really, did get awake and energy to work through the night, and suppressed appetite, but no anxious / edgy /speediness at all, to the extent that it was noteably absent. Also began to get a fuzzy head along with a killer headache after a week (sleeping all but a couple nights) worse than usual. And I got depressed. I have never been depressed before, not like that, it was this black hole of hopeless apathy , lethargy, lacked motivation, even my self esteem (usually high) was falling fast. I couldnt feel anything, I couldn't even freak out I couldnt feel anything. Lowered my sex drive to nothing too. Aside from the wakefulness, it basically did the exact opposite of meth. Usually have extreme empathy; had extreme apathy. Usually have euphoria; had inability to feel euphoria or any emotion at all. Usually anxious or easily startled; no nerves at all. Usually motivated and confident; unmotivated and almost insecure. Any ideas what causes that or what it could be if its not meth?

With the first experience (the one where you saw beings and demons etc.) the most obvious answer is that you had a psychotic episode. You said you consumed several grams of meth (I'm going to assume it was relatively pure aka ice) over a number of days. This is a huge amount and combined with sleep deprivation has the chance of causing psychosis. The voices, images, smells, sounds etc. plus the delusions all point to psychosis. It is a possibility that the meth was laced with another drug, however, considering the amount you took and what you describe it sounds like a psychotic episode. Please be careful, you don't want to end up in a psych ward as a result of taking too much and staying awake for so long.

With the other batch, no idea. Was this on the tail end of binging on more ice or other drugs. If so, it just sounds like you were coming down. Otherwise, no idea.
I am a 26 year old mother of 3 beautiful babies. I started using meth in May. In a time span of only 3 months I lost everything. My kids, my job, my house, and numerous relationships. I was arrested for theft and possession of stolen property. I had never been arrested before. This drug is so powerful that if you don't stop right away you continue to use until you have lost everything. I have now been clean for 2 months and am currently working on get my kids back. I attend treatment next month. And even though I'm ashamed of my actions I am able to take away a very good lesson. I will never make the same mistake again. Anyone who is trying get to sober up I wish you the best of luck. It is possible! Stay strong everyone :)
After being around this drug quite a lot in my party days and beyond and always turning it down when offered I had made myself a little rule that 'I'll never do meth'... I had seen it fuck allot of super functional weekend warriors that could take ungodly amounts of MD, K ect Friday to Monday and still work high up finance jobs until they got going with the ice.
Anyway, with all the hoopla I guess I was curious. Ending up doing it first in Singapore of all places.
I've done it 3 times since in 6 months now and the one thing I will say is that it is nothing like what the fear police would have/ had me believing.
I am ADHD and scripted Ritalin and it makes me a basket case. The meth has made me take the risk and switch to Dex, which I do next Wednesday.
Need to educate correctly about this drug. If I wasnt 33 I could see so many potential addictive trap doors.
Thanks! It is so great to be able to think clearly again. And also great to read all the stories. Regardless of the individuals view on the drug. It is nice to see people's stories to show me I'm not the only one :)
You are absolutely not the only one Manda :)

I went through a massive 2 years on the drug... I didnt lose my job, but I think I came close.. (too many sick days) and I ended up with $16.00 to my name. Anyway, being around strict friends and family members helped me alot.. They didnt know I did the drug, but just saying, being around alot of straighty 180's helped me. At one stage I thought I was completely done for... But now I've only done the drug a few times this calendar year and have more money in my savings than ever before. You just gotta shift your focus elseware... It's worked for me. I have no doubt I will do the drug again.. However I can now manage to have multiple months between sessions. Good luck
who loves my name? I DO! came up with it when i was 16 and 1st snorted base.. now 31 and still dreaming of methyls dextros and the illusive dioxys.. i save my story for another day i been up all nite reading this thread.

The quality of rock going around atm is almost the best its ever been.. I shared 1.5 p with a mate (again interesting story but to much rambling going on already no offense I LOVE IT!) 1 post i read someone say when they had speed they felt like they could function normally for 1st time in there life, that is just how I felt and yeah later was diagnosed with ADD. yeah me and mate smoked that 1.5 over 24 hours ago. Iv only consumed 20 dex
Miss my first chase of the dragon, in a taxi in manila i think 1997 doing the philippine trip. 100 peso bag little did they know i was a regular iv user.driver was chasing off the foil then handed over to me , and holy shit first taste chasing then that was it up the arm like warick farm. clean using 3yrs but miss that rush. sure it wont be too long bfore i buckle again tho...shame i know. i was iv'ing speed every day for 3 yrs. could not operate without a shot.but then love comes n blah blah blah. but i suppose it has been a good thing, but there is always a love chasing the next shot i guess....with a bit of luck ill stay on the straight n narrow lol
^^ cool story :) I love reading peoples experiences, particularly from decades ago..

would have been weird smoking off foil after being a regular IV user (let alone in phillipino taxi of all places haha).. I still havnt smoked off foil as I know I would fuck it up and I just hate smoking the shit these days, even with a proper pipe but I would still like to try it one day.. with the guidance of someone that knows what their doin of course lol

So I haven't used meth in years, but decided that I would pick it up to use in small amounts for things like studying, and work. I know I know Adderall would probably be much better- but I am able to keep it to a couple rips- and have not gone on a binder. So I had some chem homework to get done- and I took a few hits of some speed about5 hours ago. I moderated myself to the point where I got the focus and mental alertness- but was definitely not spun/ tweaking. So my question is this. I have xanex on hand, and I'm done with studying and want to wind down. I took 2 mgs xanex to see if it would bring me down. I guess what I am asking is do you all think the xanex will allow me to go to sleep in about 2-3 more hours- meaning it will have been about 7 hours since I had a small small amount of speed. Please let me know- I have another 1.5mgs of xanex but would rather not take it if I don't have too. Also have trazadoen one hand.


So I haven't used meth in years, but decided that I would pick it up to use in small amounts for things like studying, and work. I know I know Adderall would probably be much better- but I am able to keep it to a couple rips- and have not gone on a binder. So I had some chem homework to get done- and I took a few hits of some speed about5 hours ago. I moderated myself to the point where I got the focus and mental alertness- but was definitely not spun/ tweaking. So my question is this. I have xanex on hand, and I'm done with studying and want to wind down. I took 2 mgs xanex to see if it would bring me down. I guess what I am asking is do you all think the xanex will allow me to go to sleep in about 2-3 more hours- meaning it will have been about 7 hours since I had a small small amount of speed. Please let me know- I have another 1.5mgs of xanex but would rather not take it if I don't have too. Also have trazadoen one hand.


2mg of xanax should be fine to bring you down. Depending on whether you consumed 'speed' (low quality meth) or 'ice' (high quality meth) makes a big difference. 100mg of high quality meth with no tolerance is a fair wack although 2mg of xanax should definitely take the edge off and could definitely put you to sleep. This is also dependent on your xanax tolerance.

On another note, I haven't smoked/racked/eaten any meth/uppers or any non-prescribed drugs in 3 weeks. I feel incredible. I can sit in a room full of people smoking away and all I feel is disgust. Not at the people but at the drug itself. I hope it stays that way.
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