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Meth Long Term Spiritual Consequences


Dec 11, 2021
Hello Blue lighters. It is me. Thatspaceykid. I cannot get into my account because I no longer have access.... But this is my new one. Seeing some of my old post... How sad and desperate I was is frightening. Good lord I was horrible.... We do recover. But not at the same pace... I'm at a point in my life where my insanity has me convinced I am in control. That I can use crystal meth IV so long as I do not go over board. It's insane. I'm by no means glorifying it. And I'm repulsed at myself. And just sad... Because I can't stop.....

I'm in control sort of. I actually have a car. I have worked consistent for a year or so now. Legitimate work. I'm doing better. Except im in my knees in credit card debt... And my life could never be worse... Or better....

It's complex. Now for the real reason behind this post. Another one of these post... But further evidence of Meths awesome power. Meth isn't like any other drug. I argue it's one of the worst... There's a reason it's illegal. Not just because of it's addictive properties, or dangers... It's not really to bad for you in my opinion if you take care of yourself..... But let's not argue about that. But the real reason is because it does in fact open up doors yo the spirit world ... Evil doors...

I have become a practicing witch... The Santisma Muerte has become my Goddess..... She is lovely. For my own protection and others that's all be said. But anyways.... I've literally been worshipping demons but.... It's like a compulsion.... Don't blow this out of wack folks. It's as harmless as burning incense, making offerings of salt, water, liquor, etc. By no means are any people being sacrificed.... But..... I've also become keen to Latin .... At times I don't even realize it until someone looks at me mortified..... I've been using for a long 10 years about. IV user.... Been through Hell..... Gave up every part of my soul for meth.... Realized I am homosexual but it's completely fucked up. I was molested as a kid..... But have lived in denial for years... But since I came out... And basically that means I just owned it. I don't date guys and I'm not one of those fruity gay guys. I'm more of a chill loner type.....

But I see this black aura..... Around users mainly but it does appear around others... But it indicates they will die.... If it's thick and I can't see through it.... They will literally die soon.... And if it's just like smokey sort of... They will come to a cross roads and the choice for life and death is theirs..... I can't explain it. It's the archangels Azrael's work. And Samaels.

I notice... Some times dogs give me a very terrified look. And mostly look directly at me.... Which is frightening.... They are not looking past me.... I've come to accept that I am seperate from God because of meth .... I hate God ..... But some times they will try to attack me or growl. Or they cower..... And I'm not an animal beater nor do I do drugs around animals. I love animals more than people.....

Children as well give me odd vibes or for some reason they like me... But it's horrible. Most times if I am alone with them for a moment or no one's around they start saying some fucked up dark stuff that no kid should know... And they talk about the devil.....

My family is repulsed by me. I spend most of time in my car using or doing other things....

I know how this all sounds... No my mental health is fine. I've slept and ate... I attend therapy and am on meds. And I'm not schizophrenic either .. . People have been dying in my town.... There's definitely some thing greater about... A higher presence.....

Folks.... The very act of IV drugs is black magic... Pharmakia is the term ... Drugs especially meth are interesting.... Because meth has long been associated with witchcraft demons etc ..

This should be interesting.
What do you do to cultivate your spirituality?
I perform rituals to the Santisma Muerte regularly. I use Crystals and crystal reiki to realign myself. I use Sage along Palo Santos and Selenite to cleanse and purify myself.

But... It's also drug use.... I know how bad this may sound.... But.... I've found when you use controlled doses of crystal meth.... Alongside ritualistic fasting. As well as making the sacrifice of sleep deprivation to my demon of choice Asmodeus. Asmodeus has given me great strength and power over my life.

I often mediate. And for me.... Since I'm an IV user and already draw blood.. I have found it is acceptable to offer some of this blood to my dieities.

I've found Wicca to be a wonderful and peaceful way of living. I've made peace with the past doing some shadow work.
Making sacrifices to demons doesn’t often end well, especially under the influence of meth. Had too many friends go down that road, you will pay in the long run for this “power.”

What do you do to cultivate your spirituality?
I perform rituals to the Santisma Muerte regularly. I use Crystals and crystal reiki to realign myself. I use Sage along Palo Santos and Selenite to cleanse and purify myself.

But... It's also drug use.... I know how bad this may sound.... But.... I've found when you use controlled doses of crystal meth.... Alongside ritualistic fasting. As well as making the sacrifice of sleep deprivation to my demon of choice Asmodeus. Asmodeus has given me great strength and power over my life.

I often mediate. And for me.... Since I'm an IV user and already draw blood.. I have found it is acceptable to offer some of this blood to my dieities.

I've found Wicca to be a wonderful and peaceful way of living. I've made peace with the past doing some shadow work
Gonna need a bit of elaboration on this!!
Because the most basic and most commanded law of God is that we love one another. And his law his love. When we are addicted to meth in particular... It completely has the power to separate us from ourselves, our friends, family, and God. We become filled with lust and some of us act upon these sexual urges and commit sexual sin. I'm not a religious fanatic. But there is some truth to all of this.... A lot of users will watch porn all night and masturbate... Well you begin to attract demons .... You basically are like an all you can eat buffet.... Eventually the addict puts meth over life. Meth comes first before every thing even if it's on a subconscious level and stream of things..... God commands that his servants fast and seek him out of their desire... But the devil gets joy because most meth users won't eat for days.... Or barely eat... EVENTUALLY AND SLOWLY you start to get sick .... Like spiritually and physically and all. And they deprive themselves of life for meth.... And they don't have a choice... God help us IV users.... We are the worst off.... How much higher can one get than that... It's also Sin because through all of this process... We destroy our bodies and the fire destroy and defecate the temple of our bodies .... And eventually.... Even if we don't know it or not.... We begin to worship meth in a way.... An idol is any thing that we put before God or love before God such as drugs..... You catch my gusts here. Others feel free to eleborate...

But it gets pretty bad. Some users will go as far as being physically violent. Some will commit suicide.... Have you ever truthfully ever looked back at how fucking bad it was when you finally came down....... And you were sad .. Deprived. Hungry... So hungry.... And after a binge you are so dehydrated... And some so sad, suicidal, and empty..... These kinds of feelings alongside rage and anger build up .... And so does guilt ... Eventually once one lashes out on their anger they commit Sin..... Overall you basically become the devil's bitch in my opinion with meth.... And it's not like there's a choice. So kiddos to those who can get clean ....
Making sacrifices to demons doesn’t often end well, especially under the influence of meth. Had too many friends go down that road, you will pay in the long run for this “power.”

Whose to say I haven't already paid a great price.... The price of my very soul.... And my very life for meth..... It's all gone ..... I live for meth..... And it's sad and pathetic... I can't live without it ... But whose to say... I'm not willing to pay some more ...
are you with the cartels?

anyways, I don't think God cares about meth use

why would he?

God made the grapes,
for the large and small,
little fools drink too much,
great fools none at all.
It's not about the meth use.... Trust me be doesn't... It's because of the way people think and act while on it.

An no... I'm just a broken down homosexual whose been abandoned by God and forsaken by society. The Santa Muerte is wonderful.....
It's not about the meth use.... Trust me be doesn't... It's because of the way people think and act while on it.

An no... I'm just a broken down homosexual whose been abandoned by God and forsaken by society. The Santa Muerte is wonderful.....
Ill be the first to admit. Under my heaviest of binges the sexual desire became so uncomfortable and out of control.... At times I've considered doing horrible things..... Forceful let's say . But I never acted on it. And won't. Because that's wrong... And when my anger hits... Or when I've been up a while the thoughts of superiority over other people come up.. I get thoughts about suicide or hurting others who hurt me.... But it's all the drug.... and... Most of us are fucking miserable... So we become envious and spiteful of others.... Some of us even begin wishing bad upon others and end up causing bad....... We are powerful beings. And let's not mention.... One who is bad off on meth.... They are completely self centered. They don't really give a shit about any one else. I'll admit it.... Most days I really don't... I really don't consider others or how I've hurt them etc..... Fuck em... There weak and in my way.... I am just trying to survive ya know.. but this is the typical attitude of a meth addict...
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It's just been hard for me to understand how meth makes people so horny. When I am nervous or anxious it's just not a good time to be trying to take my ass to pound town. But now it I smoke a joint I morph into feline mode...start purring and backing the booty up
It's just been hard for me to understand how meth makes people so horny. When I am nervous or anxious it's just not a good time to be trying to take my ass to pound town. But now it I smoke a joint I morph into feline mode...start purring and backing the booty up
To be honest. Any more. My dick just don't stay hard for the real thing.... I'd rather have porn and pleasure myself it's more fun 😜 but that's natural 😉 looool boys will be boys. But... I get so anxious too fam. And then before you know it I just hump em with my limp shit for a good 45 minutes 😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂... I'm gonna clean up a bit.... With as many people as I've slept with..... I'm greatful I'm still STD free.... I get tested regularly.... It's more fun just to take a shot. And hump the pillow for an hour these days less effort 😜🤣😃🤣🤣🤣🤣
To be honest. Any more. My dick just don't stay hard for the real thing.... I'd rather have porn and pleasure myself it's more fun 😜 but that's natural 😉 looool boys will be boys. But... I get so anxious too fam. And then before you know it I just hump em with my limp shit for a good 45 minutes 😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂... I'm gonna clean up a bit.... With as many people as I've slept with..... I'm greatful I'm still STD free.... I get tested regularly.... It's more fun just to take a shot. And hump the pillow for an hour these days less effort 😜🤣😃🤣🤣🤣🤣
You see how it is the devil though. Cause it does get people so horny. But let's be honest 🤔😏 most meth heads dont get any cuz we look like we have aids after we haven't eaten for days 🙄. So again you lose...... Either way the user loses. No doubt.
Whose to say I haven't already paid a great price.... The price of my very soul.... And my very life for meth..... It's all gone ..... I live for meth..... And it's sad and pathetic... I can't live without it ... But whose to say... I'm not willing to pay some more ...

Interesting take, it’s your life :) Remember one thing though, your soul is always within arms reach if you so desire. There’s no such thing as “too far gone.”

Interesting take, it’s your life :) Remember one thing though, your soul is always within arms reach if you so desire. There’s no such thing as “too far gone.”

Well said
In 2018 I was in a psychiatric hospital for meth induced psychosis
I couldn't go more then a few months without having to twirl the pipe
I'm 3 years clean of drugs and alcohol now and have no lasting delusions

I can relate to all the dark energy that comes with being a meth demon that the OP described

We can recover.
Sometimes even now I get intense cravings ..
I know that will never change
But yeah I must not go back
Gonna need a bit of elaboration on this!!
Meth like any other drug, can be used as a tool for spiritual growth.

It takes time, studying, and alot of practice to achieve results, but the results are real & can be life changing IME.

The spiritual realms are to be taken seriously. It's not a joke and you can wind up hurting your self very badly, or worse, if you don't really know what you're doing.

If you're really serious about going into the spiritual realms PM me. Understand though, that once you delve into this stuff, there's no denying it and no turning back.
By the way ladies and gentlemen. I still have all my teeth 😭😂 😂😂. Anddd my body is in decent shape. My arms are not all gross. If you use clean needles and are patient and don't just go fucking shooting into your muscle because your to impatient to wait for the blood lool. And I have no STDS. You can in fact be a meth demon and be a tax paying productive citizen of society.

Could be worse y'all. I could be drugging and thuggin and ending up in jail or on the front of some meth head meme 😭😂😂😂😂😂😂 or in one of those ads as the poster child of methamphetamine looooooool. Fuck that.
I’m sorry you got abused as a child. Many spend their whole lives trying to become whole once again. The work is long and difficult. I have no problems with whatever brand of spirituality someone practices. I saw a lot of shadow-people when I used meth briefly. Do you have undiagnosed ADD? Just curious because so many meth users use it to feel normal. I hope you find the missing pieces to your life’s puzzle and that your Will becomes aligned with the Universal Will soon. Peace.