Mephedrone survey

I'm happy to respond to pms on this site.

Hope that's ok.
^ you can't PM other members until you've made 50 posts and become a 'Bluelighter' - but as you don't appear to be a troublemaker or drug dealer ;), i've just gone ahead and promoted you.
How come the Independent Scientific Committee, on Drugs get to be a bluelighter 10 times faster than the rest of us.

What makes them so special?
How come the Independent Scientific Committee, on Drugs get to be a bluelighter 10 times faster than the rest of us.

What makes them so special?

It's because they're the Independent Scientific Committee.

Thankfully my experience with mephedrone is limited and measured, though quite embarrassed by those 100 or more boxes ticked :eek:
A very good survey, perhaps it could be cut down to a general drugs survey seeing as a lot of people could contribute to this.
If David Nutt wants to test the long term damage of mephedrone he'd do well to examine myself and a few others from a certain website that's not looked on to kindly here...I doubt many others have consumed as much over such a period. Not that I'm remotely proud of it.
I may have praised mephedrone a little "too" much because I took the survey while high on meph :(
Seems like a good survey, the only thing I would suggest is a comments box under the part where you suggest your classification of drugs.

Seems like a good survey, the only thing I would suggest is a comments box under the part where you suggest your classification of drugs.

Wonder if I'm the only one who put 'NO CLASS' for all substrances…? %)
Not likely under the cuntservatives! The term 'pissing into the wind' springs to mind :\

It would take an extra special effort to do worse than the previous gang of cunts: Shrooms, Ketamine, GBL and Mephedrone (amongst others) all criminalised in the past five years.

Let's see how true Clegg's and Cameron's 'Freedom Fairness Responsibility' slogan turns out to be. For some reason, I am strangely optimistic. 8o
Wonder if I'm the only one who put 'NO CLASS' for all substrances…? %)

Me too

And I'm assuming you're "65" on this other forum, 65daysofstatic, and indeed yes that would be a good place to assess long term harm...