Mephedrone survey

Pointless though init?
I wouldn't say so at all, proper research needs to be done rather than the current media determining everybody's views on narcotics.

Even if it doesn't help the general population it should at least provide some insight for those of us that take the drugs anyway, the more you know!
I wouldn't say so at all, proper research needs to be done rather than the current media determining everybody's views on narcotics.

Even if it doesn't help the general population it should at least provide some insight for those of us that take the drugs anyway, the more you know!

Pointless though init?

Well maybe not completely pointless, but in terms of drug laws...

looked like a good survey, lots of relevant questions

I've never touched drone though so N/A from me
nice survery, i disagree with the question about ranking drugs in order of value, every drug has a value at a time..

Maybe one day they find a way to make cannabis cure cancer but wont be much good if you require an emergency general anesthetic 8)

...if ya know what I mean.
I put LSD as the most valuble drug.

Should of put Diamorphine come to think of it.
Ah well.
yeah, finished it also. Good survey, I don't really see why people compare it to Cocaine and MDMA though as to me from what I've of experianced it seems completely different from both
Thanks all.

Does anyone know where else might be a good place to advertise this?

A UK based forum..?
thread bounced through: Aus Drug Discussion, NA Drug Discussion, Other Drugs, Basic Drug Discussion.

all participants welcome. ;)
done it, it was aight apart from the drug top trumps bit at the end. that was bullshit.
I'll definitely post the results when they're in and being written up.

We have had over 80 submissions so far in a day and a half.

A target is 3-500 but nearer 1000 would be great.