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Mephedrone is better than MDMA.

Hmm... I wonder what's better?.?.?.? Taking a drug that has had years and years of human research done on it or one that turns your hands, feet and knees purple?


Since when did the amount of research done on a drug determine how good it is? Could be drugs out there completely unknown better than MDMA.,
^Agree with that^(because you said "could")

I would bet that a lot of the scheduled RC's
..... Are just as safe as MDxx
But the way I see it...theyre always inferior

I really just want all this mephedrone to disappear
..... Are just as safe as MDxx
But the way I see it...theyre always inferior

I really just want all this mephedrone to disappear

That's fair but the amount of research done on a drug doesn't determine how good it is. That was the point.
That moment when the music sounds magical, the beat drop exteeeeeeeeeeends, the lights are so pretty.....does mephedrone really do that too?
Most people.who do down on Mephedrone haven't actually tried it...There's this idea that because it used to be legal somehow it isn't a 'Proper' drug...Also there is a tendancy to lump all legal highs in together as if they're all the same or similar compounds...MDMA might be that little bit more intense but Mephedrone gives you so much more in terms of functionality and competance...It not only increases the will but usually the ability aswell.

I don't know anyone that would go to great lengths to procure MDMA nor many who would choose it over Mephedrone. Mephedrone os fast becoming THE drug of choice give it 5 years and it will be the #1 Drug of choice.
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The few times I tried meph. Once while legal and twice after the ban, I was a bit disappointed. It was ok, but to me was far more stimulating and shorter acting than MDMA. While at the same time it still made me yawn all night. And the smell always put me off, I had mates who used it heavy and they always smelt fishy and gross. Then there's the addictive qualities, iv seen people go fucking crazy over not having any. Due to addiction iv also seen people go crazy from not being able to call it a night/weekend, continuing use for days, eventually they go into psychosis.
As someone already said, they're both different drugs, with different effects. MDMA is good for chilled afternoons with close friends, mcat was good for dirty, messy nights with random strangers. All IMO of coarse.
I preferred MDMA any day, nice relaxing, empathetic, euphoric... All the stuff mcat didn't do for me. It wasn't that it was shit, it just wasn't what it was marketed as, an MDMA alternative.
In saying all this, I know many, many people who loved it. More than any drug. Whatever tickles that pickle I suppose.
What's the big deal with having to bash MDMA just because you like Mephedrone? We get it, you like mcat, big deal. I've done my fair share of both drugs in the past although seeing as I've since discovered other drugs I enjoy more, I haven't done either this year. I had some amazing experiences with mcat in the past but if i never did it again I wouldn't be too fussed. You say you don't know people who would go out of their way to find MDMA - it seems like your opinion on mephedrone is seemingly based on the social circle you associate with.

Whilst the 2 drugs are impossible to compare imo as they provide completely different experiences, all I know is that the nights I've had on MDMA have been some of the most magical and euphoric nights of my life...whereas nights on mcat felt amazing for a few hours before the inevitable wave of disgust and fiendiness taking over.

Obviously you're entitled to your opinion but its a bit cringeworthy reading how you think you have to bash MDMA to show your appreciation for your drug of choice.
Mephedrone is better than MDMA....Discuss.

Look, I know you're trolling, but I just have to post anyway.
4-Methylmethcathinone / Mephedrone:

First of all, the classification of the 2 drugs are different, making them kind of pointless to compare.
Second, the peak of MDMA lasts a lot longer at 2-3 hours, while mephedrone ONLY lasts 15-30 mintues at its peak.
This results in a lot of redosing, wich means you need a lot more of it to make the night long and fun.
This means it kinda is a binge type of drug, hardly like MDMA when one dose will last for hours and change peoples lives.

Just from reading about the two drugs for a short while, I can tell that MDMA has far more documented positive effects, that stand out alot more than the effects of the binge-drug mephedrone. And btw, judging from your statements about MDMA, it seems you havent really gotten real stuff. MDMA doesnt make you trip out at normal doses, it keeps you in the moment.

But each to his own, if mephedrone is better for you, then hell, good for you man. Just keep using it alot before moving on to the next super chemical with very short history in human use.
Good day
Mephedrone is a dirty drug. Great if you want to get really fucked up, but it makes you feel like a rat after taking it. Feel like a proper crackhead after a heavy binge. Nothing worse than having your clothes and wallet stink like cat piss for weeks after. That stuff comes out in your sweat alot.