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Mental Kenny, One Week in Intensive Care, Almost Dead, Diphenidine, Warning-Achtung!!

Jesus man. I'm glad your ok. All the best, hope you recover soon.
good to hear you pulled through. i know how terrible drug mishaps and waking up in hospital can be. sending love and positive vibes ur way.
I had a lot of time to think at the hospital about the fragility of life and all the good people we lost on here just this past year.

Life is seriously fragile, just now I took a dump on my own and smoked a fag, wiped my own arse, small thing you take for granted, when I was at hospital I was dreaming about being able to do so.

So lucky my kidneys recovered, well sort of, I really risked losing them.

Take care guys, as my drug worker said, if you really have to take something do an ayahuasca or peyote ceremony once a year and stick to weed. I think I'll listen to his advice, he's a top bloke by the way, the first guy to prescrive methadone to addicts in this country. He got lots of shit back in the day by the right wing tossers who thought heroin adicts should just be kicked and locked in a room instead of helped.
I've had strange muscle-wasting and dark knuckles after a dodgy ketamine batch in august 2013. I'm curious now if this may have contained similar contaminants--this the hospital give you any details of the diph analysis?

This is no good man :) Your kidneys recovered enough so you can stay out of the hospital (for them at least)?
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Sounds horrific Kenny, thanks for warning us about what happened.

You're one hardy (and lucky) soul by the sounds of things so if anyone can cope such a horrific experience, methadone detox, and kratom w/ds and a benzo taper at the same time it will be you.

That vendor is dodgy as fuck, Ive heard a number of bad things about them, such as them misplabling dissociatives as ethylphenidate (thats just 2 people ive chatted to on here). I agree with everyone else that it's probably just not their batches of diphenidine and MXP, but that the substances are dangerous and potentially lethal wherever you get them from. Let alone nephrotic and toxic.

If you're on methadone how do you know that kratom gave a positive result for methadone too:?
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By the way I should mention this, I know most of you are located in good ol blighty an the only other Northern Italian on here was our beloved and much missed Pontifex(R.I.P. brother), but if anybody of you is around Switzerland, north Italy or souther France BEWARE that there is a batch of mdma tainted with PMA in the area.

The doctor told me two blokes in their twenties died of it just this past month, I remember hearing about one of them on the local news a few weeks ago, they died in the same hospital where I was.

So if you happen to be in the city that gave the world FIAT Puntos or Milan or anywhere near, be careful about the mdma. Doctor said it's in crystals not pills, there have been a few hospitalizations and two deaths. So be fucking careful, I know it's probably irrelevant to most of you due to geographical location, but be careful anyway.

Also thanks again for the support and kind words, seriously, I love you all.

I'm going to bed now, feel weak. Take care guys have a good day.

MDB, I never took methadone, kratom made me have a false positive for it, the doctor said it's not the first time, must be some of opiod alkaloids in it.
Fuck Kenny what a horrific experience for you and your parents to have to have gone through.
Was just thinking last night I hadn't seen you post on the other place lately. Glad you still with us mate, we don't want anymore names added to the shrine.
I got an email about some dodgy mdma in my area leaving people really ill the following days, could be the same stuff. Be careful people, im Sort of glad i cant take md ever again now!
sounds like the health care system where you are is spot on, get well soon!

After this I'm not a libertarian anymore, I still am on individual freedoms like drug prohibition, gay marriage and other issues but not on the economic front. Five days in hospital would have bankrupt my family if we were in the US. They didn't charge my a single cent and the service was top notch.

So god bless the ASL(the Italian NHS). All the doctors and nurses were cool as fuck, professional and did their best to make me feel okay and saved my life.
MDB, I never took methadone, kratom made me have a false positive for it, the doctor said it's not the first time, must be some of opiod alkaloids in it.

Ok sorry i must have misread/misunderstood something. I wont bother you with any more questions atm, and will leave you in peace to rest and recover. Get well soon man.
So god bless the ASL(the Italian NHS). All the doctors and nurses were cool as fuck, professional and did their best to make me feel okay and saved my life.

That's good to hear at least. Ive heard of a number of people being treated quite coldly during drug hospitalisations. The last thing you need is to feel like you're being looked down on when in that sort of situation.:\
That's good to hear at least. Ive heard of a number of people being treated quite coldly during drug hospitalisations. The last thing you need is to feel like you're being looked down on when in that sort of situation.:\

I was honestly surprised at how cool they all were, I expected them to treat me like scum, they were friendly, nice and extremely professional.

I always thought the local health care system was shite, man was I wrong, at least here in the North, which is wealthier than the south, I'm sure lots of hospitals in places like Naples or Sicily are at third world level, but here the service was incredibly good.

One of the nurses cried when they released me and pat me on the head, she spent lots of time talking to me during the nights as I couldn't sleep, I told her the story of my life, she was so amazing, such a kind soul. Nobody in there made feel shit. They did lecture me obviously, saying why a guy with your potential, education should waste his life with dodgy chinese chemicals, but overall they were amazing.

My dad said he's gonna give a donation to the hospital, a big one, he was also amazed at how well they treated me.
Don't vote any cunt that wants to privatize the health system. I feel dirty just thinking that before the incident I was a dipishit neoliberal, let's privatize everything tosser.

SHM was right all along, some of my slighly right wing beliefs have been tossed down the toilet together with the diphenidine.
Don't vote any cunt that wants to privatize the health system.

In Britain, they prefer to vote for parties who promise not to privatise the health system, who then proceed to privatise the health system. :D
Glad you are still with us Kenny.

I use a different vendor, I haven't tried diphenidine, but I do a lot of mxp. I'm pretty sure what I have is good quality but I have had the odd sample from other sources and it definately wasn't as clean.

The dirtiest sample i got was pale green colour, damp and reeked of solvent, would not use that place again.

I had a similar experience to you (Albeit not related to dissociatives), with the stint in IC and waking up days later with no clue what had happened, with some broken bones. It was the final straw that made me clean up my act, realising how lucky I was to have come through that.

Go easy on yourself eh? Not everyone gets a second chance. Good luck with recovering.
Thank fuck you are still with us. That sounds fucking terrifying...sweary post but wow!

I hate dissociative drugs they are not for me and for this fact I selfishly breathe a sigh of relief that I am old and old school predominantly with my intake.

PLeasepleasepleaseeeee every one be careful..I must say thoughso many people on here state they "know what they are doing" and "this was my usual dosage..I know my tolerance etc" but we kid ourselves.
People think I am crazy testing each individual pill and being tentative about old school chems...but we may well think 'we know' but we just can't trust anyone it seems to produce high grade chems or even get the fucking packaging right sometimes..

bahh..I too love you all in all your demented, fucked up, sweet, hedonistic and joyful ways BUT I am begging you all to be careful..you can preach this right back at me if I slip up too.

Look after yourself Kenny. <3
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Damn, I wouldn't feel comfortable taking 250mg of Diphenidine, nevermind close to a gram - why are so many people taking such high doses? No offence man, but it's more than a tad excessive. Redosing is completely rubbish with Diphenidine and Methoxphenidine, and such high doses don't really achieve much more than 150-200mg other than amnesia and/or hospital trips.

Glad you're alright and survived it though, and hope this discourages people from taking such crazy doses. 60-180~mg imo is the dose range for Diphenidine from both the weakest experiences to the strongest you'll get before blacking out/doing yourself some harm. I've been in similar positions myself with some crazy excessive dosing, with other drugs that thankfully allowed more room for error, but still got myself in a massive pickle and the aftermath left me with a lot of thinking and re-evaluating of my life, was a positive change in the long run though. :)
Don't vote any cunt that wants to privatize the health system. I feel dirty just thinking that before the incident I was a dipishit neoliberal, let's privatize everything tosser.

SHM was right all along, some of my slighly right wing beliefs have been tossed down the toilet together with the diphenidine.

SHM is right about alot of things.

I'm so glad you're alright mate, I hope to fuck there are no lingering kidney health problems. Go easy on prescription benzos mate, the stats for OD on benzo meds are pretty worrying. 2 deaths per million scripts written, 20 million written per year. Between 1990 & 1996 nearly 2000 people died from benzo OD's. Who knows what more harm their use might cause someone with damaged kidneys?

Take care man. By the way, I sympathise about the catheter, dreadfully uncomfortable experience, amongst the least pleasant medical procedures of my life :(