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Melbourne Pills - 31/07/2002

anyone heard of pills with a Z score on them. perhaps called Zorro's? they are off-white, orund with a bevelled edge, and flat. they also have a score on one side. they are supposed to be pretty good. they test for MDxx. dark purple in about 10 secs (with and old tester though)
most people i have discussed this with have promptly dismissed this but they are said to be the next thing from the "X score" line. they dont have the same appearance as other pills from that line though...
any feedback appreciated :)
i had half a pill on sat night that sounds like the one youre describing timmy c...
it was quite large, flat, off white (almost grey), deep bevel, big Z on one side in serif text... score on back... looked nothing like old x-score pills though...
had it a while after 3/4 of a safe sex, so effects were disguised, but it seemed like an average dose of mdxx, no test though unfortunately...
thats the one. any more personal accounts still apreciated :)
[ 09 October 2002: Message edited by: Timmy C ]
HeY guyzzzz!!
had a dark grey playstation on the weekend....and just wanna telll you all not to bother... complete waste of money...
it was dark grey...normal size...plain on one side (no line down the middle) and a play station triangle on the other...was the shityest pill ive ever tried!!
Timmy know you said personal but.... eh :)
Friends had the other day, presume you mean really off white. Almost grey.
Anyway they enjoyed them. Said they were nearly as good as sky's, but not quite.
no luck in this thread... info request (with photo)
so i'll try here:
has anyone tried (or heard anything about) green butterflies?
they are different from the ones from a few months ago.here is the pillreports.com post. it was suggest in the comments that they were the same (now deleted), however this is not the case.
they test up well and smell good (i.e. faintly aniseed). however, i've heard that they are very weak. not sure though. any information would be great.
corolla, the Green Butterflies - had these Friday night. Excellent, in my opinion, very
lovey-dovey, rushy, buzzy, had quite a ball. Quite strong too, even in my very inebriated state. Would be interesting to know what they were like sober!
Nice. 8/10.
Have just seen a "new", I use that term cautiously, Blue CU. Same as the "old" green CU in appearance.
Does anybody know anything about these, aside from those that appeared in the Pill Reports a wee while ago?
just to add a bit to this thread.
these are the pills going round melbourne(well as far as i konw anyway)
Yellow TP's - yellow. logo capital's TP. P lower than T. beviled edge on logo side.domed back.
Blue/Green Fish - pale green/blue . beviled edge logo side.mdxa. 8/10
White Armani - white/grey, black specals . bevilied edge logo side,(unsure about score on back):mdxa.8/10
Beige Vercace - begie/white. usual vercace details, score on back. k, speed. 1/10
Blue/white/yellow/pink safe sex - everyone know's these. one side - safe sex, other - durex
mdxa. 8/10
Hexagon E's - beige/white. specals, logo capital E
no score, no bevil. hexagon shape
mdxa.(susspected something else as rather trippy)
Grey L - grey. thin capital L for logo. unsure other details. but think not score or bevil.
mdxa. 7/10
thats all i know of for now people. but have heard of a few as well. suposedly there are some orange J-A's back in town. also green butterfly's, many colour smiley's and white stars to name a few. if anyone has had/see these latly please ad to this post.(expecialy on the J-A's)
forgot these ones
new White Vercace's - same vercace shit. more pharmacuitcal than last. like the first md vercace's this year. score, on back. hardish press. 7/10
Flatliners, are they any good?? How do they compare to Versaces and SafeSexs??
Sorry cat give description, only told there was a L pressed into them, have checked pill reports and seem like not a bad pill. Any first hand experience?
Yeah have had the zorros a few times now and seem to be a fairly nice pill. I'm a fairly regular user and it was always more of a knock me on my ass pill rather than dancey. A friend double dropped and couldn't get up off his chair for a few hours he was so fucked.
They had MD** feelings but not so much the energy.
Hope this helps..
right about the hexagon E. 7/10 and prob MD** but must be something else cos really trippy. Fairly potent too.
Anyone heard anything about Blue Fila's? Just got my hands on a few. Dark blue, almost spherical, fairly dense packed. Symbol looks like IL (Fila F on its side)
monster tripper -
my friends, who i was out with last night, tried these. i actually thought that they were il's (ie the letters 'i' and 'l'), but i could be wrong. the dome is so big on these that they do almost look spherical. my memory might be failing, but i thought they were light green!!?!
from all accounts they were quite good. enjoy.
Originally posted by acidis:
Just wondering if any one had any first hand reports of the blue sky pills
i don't know if anyone still cares about these, but *damn* are they good. from what i know, they are *very* very lovey, and peaked for about 2-3 hours....
White Bulls.
Small, white with bull-with-horns logo on one side and score on the other.
Tested purple to black slowly (about 20-30 sec). MDMA but weak: took 40 min to come on, slight loved up feeling, nice and cruisey, no rushes really, lasted only about 1.5- 2hrs tops.
Would have been ok with two at once. Maybe my tolerance is just high?
Octagonal E's or stopsigns.
nice dose, lovey, charged, dunno bout the trippyness, but i had fun. most bikkies i've had in recent weeks havent affected me much so after an hour of so after dropping i dumped again and railed one straight after it. fully 2 minutes after that the 1st kicked it. rushed as. suprised me. lasted a good 7hrs all up. needless to say i had a good night. 8/10.
be interested in that trippyness. followed by...
Yellow XO - Hugs 'n' Kisses
great bik! picked me up and made me smile.. LOTS!! worked a treat for a lazy cup day afternoon. kicking back in the sun speaking codshit for hours!! overpowered one of my little friends and almost put her sleep. tho she was loving it! strong rushes, bout a 40-50 min uptime. dancin round the kitchen. lasted a good 4hrs i think. could have had some octagon floating round in there still so.. anyway! RECOMMENDED!! 9/10!!
Green Butterflys / Beige cK's
both smelled exactly the same. real strong aniseed. both were speckley and crushed with ease. only difference i could pick in the press from my messed state was the butterflys were domed on the back. anyway. when i got the ck's they tested mda. told it was the looked the same as the butterflys. anyway. after about an hour i got a little energetic. no love, very slight rushes. and i've never seen trippy shit on mda. (damn silly brain. why not like other people!) average. i think my tolerance was quite high aswell.. but for me 5-6/10.i had fun, but not mdma fun.. duh!
Green RN
dunno anything about these cept it was better than the above! made me a happy rushing boy again.
didnt fuck me up, but it did a few friends. rushin off their faces. anyone else had these? 6-7/10.. prolly better but i was mashed already and tolerant.
Green Fish
we should know what these look like now. like the last batch (julyish) cept a little darker green. still light tho. creeper come up. nice warm rushes. sweating, hot, not really charged but happy n lovey all the same. bout 3hrs of usefulness. then a relaxing arvo in the sun! aaah
a good comedown bikky or just a chillin with friends having a blast type. 8/10
thats all i can think of atm.. enjoy!
blue b29's
had a few of these little beauties last night. took a while to come on, 45-60 mins, then it crept up on me, one minute im str8, next minute, BAM! im peaking! lasted a good 4 hrs, body rushes, could dance, or just sit and chill and dribble shit!
8/10 (could have been more dancy if anything)
hey knackers,
was each pill had one after the other? or was there time in between?
Can anyone recomend a good MDMA pill? All I can seem to find is at least mostly MDA (ie. all those yellow bastards.. TP, XO, windmill etc., grey hexagons...). MDA is great of course, but haven't had a really lovey bic since green CU's...