TDS Megamerged TDS Psychosis Thread vs. it's all going to be alright

I have a close relative who is addicted to adderall and im pretty sure cocaine. He looks like he has HIV and is having serious delusions. Hes very paranoid and thinks he is going to die any day now. He thinks people are following him and will yell at random people for staring at him and 'getting im his face'. He sees things written in the sky, has encounters with people that are not there and has really bizarre paranoid delusions, like cults and the CIA and the mafia are all out to get him, because he 'knows things they dont want him to know'. Its really disturbing. We tried to get him into detox but he left after a few hours. He said that they wanted to put him on methadone but he says he doesnt do opiates (he had a painkiller problem and idk if he still does or if hes using dope). He looks like he just came off the street from a long dope or crack habit though, his face is sunken in and hes lost a ton of weight. Ive tried suggesting that its just paranoia and it might seem really real, but its not, and he does not believe it.
He just had his baby taken away by the police, and hed be homeless if it wasnt for his parents. I do not know how to get through to him, but I really fear for his life. Im afraid hell crash his car because hell think hes being followed or he sees a car heading toward him. I was in a car while he drove and it was scary. Or hell get himself arrested for attacking someone.

Tldr: cousin has paranoid delusions from adderall and most likely cocaine too, might be doing heroin, how do I reach out to him when his paranoia makes him so untrusting of everyone?
All you can do is reassure him you are there for him if he needs help getting clean, and don't let yourself get involved beyond that.
He has to want to stop, you cannot make him.
Stimulant drugs make you lose your appetite, hence the gauntness.
It sounds like you are living in a very different world from your cousin, and so understanding or getting thru to him without triggering paranoia in him is going to be more or less impossible, in my opinion. You will probably just alienate him at best, scare him at worst.
Stay clear of him, don't go on any more car rides, and don't lend him money. If it was me at my worst I'd just hit you up for cash, and use you as a ride to go do what I had to do..
I'm sorry you are going thru this, and hope he makes the choice to stop, but for your own sake, distance yourself.
seroquel is what he needs but im not sure if it would snap him out of it straight away. When i took meth all the time i had to take seroquel sometimes to get to sleep when i just wouldnt as it brings youdown straight away then you either fall asleep or get really hungry eat loads then sleep, which really helps with the comedown. however it feels really unpleasant compared to benzos as you arent relaxed into another high, your just launced into a come down but antipsychotics do help with stimulant psychosis a lot. i still see people starting on me if ive been up for a few days, like they are right there but they arent saying anythingo.e but whenever i like slept id wake up being a lil sketchy but pretty much back to normal like, perhaps its gone on too long and hes snapped a bit more than that, ive neverthought the mafia etc were after me, just worrying every person/ car is the police. Normally there is something to what the worries are. eg. police due to taking drugs that are illegal. Id worry he owes money to a member of the mafia becuase there must be a reason hes thinkingbout them? mabye not though , its very irrational by the end, you dont remember things long enugh to do anything with anything but feel like you must do something its a really hopeless feeling because you know youve lost your mind sometimes and sometimes you dont.

Stay away was good advice too, but seroquel from the doctors could help hm manage his sleep habits and wont kill him (although it can feel horrible dont take over 50mg without tolerance or youll get this horrible feeling in arms and legs etc like you mustmove them but in the most horrivble way possible anditmakes you writhe around in discomfort ive made that mistake before, it must cause somekind of serotonin syndrome, on mdma even a regulardose was pure hell writhing trying to remove this hellishfeeling through my body, ugh antipsychotics are not to be taken lightly
No one can force her relative to accept medical help. It has to be his choice. I know how counterproductive it is to try and force treatment on someone. She will just alienate him.
Thanks for your input brotha, I've definitely suspected latent schizophrenia myself, one of my dad's siblings has had undiagnosed schizophrenia for 20+ years now, and from what I've gathered from anecdotal evidence it sounds like he was completely typical through adolescence and early adulthood, and that his illness may have been brought on by abusing psychedelics and some kind of traumatic experience during army bootcamp in which he attempted to run away in during a multi-night survivalist camping activity and ended up spending 48+ hours alone with no food, water, or equipment in the desert (sub-freezing temps).
Right, this is my first post on Bluelight, so I hope this post is in accordance with the rules.

This Friday, I went out to an unnamed club for some ghetto house and weird acid. I didn't think the drug cocktail ingested was anything too hardcore since I have wide-ranging experience with all of the substances involved, but apparently either the pills were dodgy, the cocktail was too much, or I was too hungover. Long story short, everything went more or less swimmingly until I taxied home to bring my girlfriend who was locked out the keys to the house and then taxied back to the club. I was already on some speed, MDMA and ketamine, but decided to eat half a pill to keep the night going. That, as it turned out, was an extremely stupid decision.

It took me a while to realize that the fact that the DJ had orange, bubbly skin, and changed skin color regularly in various spots of his body was not at all normal - prior to that and for about half an hour, I was taking it matter-of-factly, like it's the most perfectly normal thing in the world. I should add that I never have this on psychedelic drugs - I always recognize hallucinations as such. Not in this case.

After I noticed that the dancers were similarly colorful, I didn't think much of it and decided to carry on, figuring the trip, whatever it was, would be over sooner rather than later. Then, after a very confused 10-15 minutes, I totally lost sense of what the hell was going on... I ended up grabbing a girl by her back - not because I wanted to grab her, mind you, but rather because I actually somehow thought she was human being and DJ software controller in one. I saw the knobs built into her back, and decided to "fix the sound". Naturally, me apologizing to her explaining what I just explained above only served to weird her out more.

This must have been about the point I've decided to go home because I also kept trying to pick up stuff from the floor - lighters and such - which I saw and thought I'd lost, except nothing was actually lying on the floor. I waved goodbye to my orange bubbly friend and stumbled out of the club. Unfortunately, I also decided to take public transportation. This was Saturday morning, so I was surrounded by normal people.

When I somehow made it to the train station, I had somehow completely forgotten where I was going, and where I was. I kept seeing things for something different than what they were, and at some point I ended up hugging a guy's backpack - the teenager was just standing in a group of tourists, but I had become convinced I was picking up my girlfriend somewhere, and saw his backpack as her. That is, she was standing right in front of me, smiling. As soon as I touch the backpack and the guy, they turned into themselves, and I scaredly walked away fast, scratching my neck and muttering something about the damn hallucinations. Thankfully, they laughed it off and didn't decide to beat me up, which would have been the easiest thing at the time.

After I got on the train, I got out one station later and instead of taking the connecting train for some reason walked back to the original station next to the club, I think because I still believed I was picking up my girlfriend. One there, I think I harassed some other person, before figuring that I was totally outside reality, probably going schizophrenic and needed to concentrate hard on just taking the trains and making it home.

Right, that went relatively well for a while: I got the trains, even including the connecting train. However, since things and people constantly kept turning into someone or something else, I decided on the connecting train the bearded guy sitting next to me must be my girlfriend, just that I see her as a bearded guy. This completely crazy thought seemed reasonable at the time; not sure if I tried touching him or talking to him, but I definitely freaked everyone the hell out when I was getting out of the train, by turning back a few times and repeating with a weak, sad voice, "baby, it's our station, we need to get out here". Of course, it was clear to everyone that the guy and I were strangers, so everyone must have thought I was talking to an empty seat. I can only imagine the horror at the sight.

Thank god by the time I got home it got better, but apparently I still made little sense in what I was saying. I decided to take a line of ketamine to calm down, insane idea I know but somehow it worked. I was able to be less anxious and go to bed. However, I also kept waking up talking about stuff that made zero sense. My girlfriend pissed herself at all the nonsense, thank god because if she had freaked out I would have gone deeper into the psychosis.

When I woke up, I felt relatively normal. I really wonder what the hell was in that pill, because as funny and absurd as all of this sounds, it also scared the hell out of me. I thought I had gone schizophrenic and there was no way back. I've been to drug psychosis before, but nowhere as bad as this - hallucinating and forgetting that I was seeing hallucinations, forgetting where I was going or what I was doing, thinking insane stuff that seemed perfectly normal, etc. Right now I feel more or less like the normal me and I hope it stays this way. No more drugs for a while for me, and no drinking.
Sounds like you might've had seritonin syndrome or something similar. I've gone basically retarded on mdma and it sounded similar to this.
Dang! Nothing like a spot of hardcore psychosis for proper weirdness. Love the description of the dj controller girl twiddling, made me chuckle.

Sounds like you've got away with it without paying too much. A word of caution - when I was 28, about 10 years ago, my marriage broke up and I went on a 72 marathon binge mixing up stims, hallucinogens and rc's. Had a blinder up to the 72nd hour, at which point it all patently went to shit. I spent the night seeing ghosts, running away from people who weren't there. I ended up at my office at about 5 in the morning (Lord knows why). I became convinced army guys were breaking in, and actually called the police.

Lucky for me really, because they carted me off to hospital. I then spent 10 days wired to machines in intensive care. I had basically melted my kidneys, they gave me one hour to live. I spent the first few days in pure psychosis, attacked by killer doctors, flying away on a ufo, playing pool in a white car park and then travelling back in time to the middle ages. That's just a taster of the psychosis I went through, I remember it so well. Funnily enough the anti-psychotics they gave me just made the psychosis even stronger. Did calm me down though.

So yeah, be careful binging. I had done similar things for years prior without paying worse than a comedown. That last time, however, I very nearly paid the ultimate price. They told me after it cost the NHS over £150000 to keep me alive. Hell of a thing to have on your conscience. Plus - NOBODY wants to go through the experience of having doctors drill a hole in your neck and feed a pipe down into your heart whilst you're conscious, unsedated and psychotic. Bad times.
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Dang! Nothing like a spot of hardcore psychosis for proper weirdness. Love the description of the dj controller girl twiddling, made me chuckle.

Sounds like you've got away with it without paying too much. A word of caution - when I was 28, about 10 years ago, my marriage broke up and I went on a 72 marathon binge mixing up stims, hallucinogens and rc's. Had a blinder up to the 72nd hour, at which point it all patently went to shit. I spent the night seeing ghosts, running away from people who weren't there. I ended up at my office at about 5 in the morning (Lord knows why). I became convinced army guys were breaking in, and actually called the police.

Lucky for me really, because they carted me off to hospital. I then spent 10 days wired to machines in intensive care. I had basically melted my kidneys, they gave me one hour to live. I spent the first few days in pure psychosis, attacked by killer doctors, flying away on a ufo, playing pool in a white car park and then travelling back in time to the middle ages. That's just a taster of the psychosis I went through, I remember it so well. Funnily enough the anti-psychotics they gave me just made the psychosis even stronger. Did calm me down though.

So yeah, be careful binging. I had done similar things for years prior without paying worse than a comedown. That last time, however, I very nearly paid the ultimate price. They told me after it cost the NHS over £150000 to keep me alive. Hell of a thing to have on your conscience. Plus - NOBODY wants to go through the experience of having doctors drill a hole in your neck and feed a pipe down into your heart whilst you're conscious, unsedated and psychotic. Bad times.

That's terrible!!! I may have nightmares about that tonight. How did you get through that experience?
I'm not sure I ever really did, it changed parts of me fundamentally. Total train wreck, all because I didn't know sensible limits. I guess all I can say is that it made me much wiser. I went through years of therapy because the disturbing psychosis seemed real even though I knew it wasn't. Totally buggered up my brain! Certainly put me off research chemicals for good.

The good news is that years down the line there's no lasting ill effects, and I think I'm a better person for it.
I have had similar experiences, so I feel both of your pains.
Psychosis is no fun, and I feel sorry for the ones that are stuck.
OP that's great you decided to take a break from it all.
I believe all those drugs, esp RC's will ruin your mind.
Much love to you both.
Thank you! Much appreciated, love and light back atcha!

My train wreck did me a favour really. I was on a path to total oblivion, I nearly died but I didn't. And I cleaned up my act rc wise. Did then get hooked on benzos and opiates, but that's a while different story. Now I've finally cleaned up my act entirely, and never felt better. I only intend to allow myself the odd drink and the odd trip from here on in. The only way is up!
Posting in anonymous as I do not know where this should go.

[ For reference methamphetamine is nothing new for me, a relatively heavy user and have almost never been paranoid at all ]

So recently i had some time to kill. So i buckled in for what i thought would be good couple of days riding the ice dragon.

This was not the case.

After doing some research im certain that i was put into psychosis, having nearly every single symptom.

This is my entire experience, and again this or anything even close has never happened to me.

All starting about 4 ago...

Day 1 :

I rack up some lines, get going, and im feeling great.
At first everything is normal, i'm high as can be chilling listening to music.
A few hours go by and i begin to notice a strange feeling, almost like paranoia but not quite, but i just ignored it and tried to go with the good vibes.

Day 2 :

Still fairly amped but not as much as could be so i decide to redose.

This time around i dont get the initial rush of euphoria from snorting a line.
Another line and still nada. Tons of energy and ready for anything but, no actual euphoria.

A few hours later, and a couple more lines yet i feel the same still.
Still just lazing around not really doing anything then, the feelings of paranoia get noticeably stronger but again i kind of just ignore it.

Day 3 :

At this point i get very paranoid and can take it any more,
so i figure ill smoke some weed (for me this always ends the binge and ill fall asleep for day or so and wake up feeling fine)

So i smoke a few bowls and rather than getting stoned and passing out(as im used to) i get paranoid beyond belief.

I become disconnected from reality, having intense visual hallucinations, hearing voices and strange sounds,
and finally having a 'psychotic episode' putting me into a horrible state of fear. I could go into detail of the episode but maybe another time.

Somehow i manage to fall asleep.
Although, i did not wake up feeling fine as i had hoped.
I still feel sort of fuzzy and not all the way there.

Honestly i do not know what to do as drugs are extremely taboo where i am.

Should i stop all drug use entirely?
Will this psychosis( if this actually is psychosis ) go away once the drugs have more time to get out of my system?

Does anyone have more information on this or any thoughts on what should be done to get back to feeling normal?
It sounds as though you took way too much meth and are having a meth psychosis from your binge.

It's from the large amount of the meth you took. Take a break from all drugs including herb. Get some rest, force yourself to eat food and drink water, and whatever you do, don't take more meth. Stay safe.
Weed can really spin you out on stimulants. Or any drug really. It seems to potentiate lots of different effects, from psychedelics to opiates... I think that played a part in this episode. Despite being relatively innocuous, weed should be seen as a powerful substance and treated accordingly, especially in combination with things such as meth. They do go together nicely, but it can be hit and miss.... As Priest advised, have a break from all drugs if you can and allow yourelf to fully comedown before assessing your next move.
Okay so i write this not asking for pitty..

I went to a juvenile detention center for 20 days, charges include probation violation, and at the time i went there i had alot of problems with my life. i got out of jail 2 days ago, 4 days ago at jai i had a dream were it was me tripping major balls.

Today i took 2 hits of unbelievably strong lsd, a batch of super potant lsd left cali, only 5 sheets were made and one is currently were i live in colorado.

I took the hits at 1:30 pm, i smoked a bowl with my chick friend at 4:15 pm, right beforr i smoked, i called my mom and the phone sounded like Those emergency radio emitions were theres a noise kinda like "irkikikikikikikkki" so its just a noise repeating itself super fast for about 20 seconds and then i hung up, that creaped me out, And all of the sudden, my whole vision started to trail, and these trails were connected with one another, and they became so small it was literally billions of geometric shapes in each single Trail and it was a bunch of trails everywhere, even when i didnt move everything somehow repeteated unto itself in a really geometric way, then it got so intense that i started hearing everything breathe almost like human breathes, and out of these geometric trails i could see eyes looking at me but not to clearly. 2 hours later i was watching a movie with chick friend but i was literally just constantly moving because i felt like the hallucinations became so perfectly spikie everywhere and i could my body become a part of these visuals, 30 min later it got so intense that i started not just seeing eyes but hearing a communication between the hallucinations and me, my vision was made of millions of billions of fractals and geometric shapes, it got so severe that i started seeing extremely demonic entities, and i just wanted to get on my kneels and scream and kick and hit and just start tunning like crazy but theres was this one thing that kept me from doing it, i started seeing hood in the trip, but not alot, the trip got so bad that i could not even stand nor speak, i started seeing The spirit world of a christian believer, everything started to form in all seeing eye way with triangles with eyes everywhere breathing and some of these triangles were good and others bad, so 1/4 of my hallucinations were good vribations happy triangles and 1/4th of just made angry triangles grawling at me for some reason tearing my emotions apart and so on forth. it got so extreme that i started hearing this buzzing sound and the loudest it became the more complicated the geometric visuals were and started shriking filling my whole vision with these tiny little geometric shapes everywhere that went with the buzzing, and i feared that this buzzing would become so loud that it would come to and end, because the louder it got, the more i became a geometric shape, the buzzing got so loud and so intense that it all stopped i got up opened my eyes and then i was living what i had dreamed 2 nights before, then and everything exploded and i was set into parts of this huuuuuge place were everything was literally just perfect fast moving chifting shapes with eyes, also i forgot to mention that the buzzing i was hearing was if not the exact same thing i heard when i tried calling my mom earlier but instead just ended up with some weird repetitive noise. 5 hours into my trip and i got up somehow because i was laying down, sat, opened my eyes and remembered that i had a Dream 4 days ago were i was in the same position at the same exact place tripping absolute balls that got made me feel someway, the rest of the trip i was able to see my own struggles and all that i was facing wen i got sent to jail, but it got to a point were i forgot who i even was i wanted to scream for help but i knew id be hopeless, i came back just 2 hours ago from the trip and i cannot believe what happened, actually i dreamed twice in jail about a time were i would be tripping major balls and i had one vision wen i was tripping 3 months ago were i saw myself in a even stronger trip than the one i was allredy on. People trust me when i say theres a greater force out there, trust me when i say it because i had allredy dreamed of this day before, and each time there were demonic entities and good ones ( godly) ones, and the day i never thought would come, came, i truly have no words for what i experienced. Triangle with eye when tripping = entitie = good or bad (demonic/ Godly) = vibes and moments of horror and joyness.

Right now i just dont even know what to think of, damn. And btw i was facing extreme depression while i get sent to jail and before i got sent. and the whole trip i just saw that leading to this very day.

also there was moments were the movie i was watching had words in it that literally matched to whatever i was thinking wich creaped me out even more. just ashwhajznssh a kskmdnskakzkskaaaa ☆.●
Hey roby81 - interesting post. Did you have a question or issue or just sharing your experience? If you're just sharing the experience you may want to consider making a blog entry as this really is appropriate material for The Dark Side. I will leave this here for know to hear you response.
You took a very strong dose of acid and it sounds like you did so just to do it, right? What was your intention? To escape the feelings of depression, boredom, loneliness? I think you are traumatized by a lack of relationship with yourself. You've just been through a hellish situation (juvie) and it doesn't sound like you have a lot of positives or support in your life so you need to be thinking of how to be your own positive support for yourself (that's what I mean by relationship with yourself). Step outside of your mind for a minute and look at you; what do you see? How could you help this person? What would you try to set up to support change for that person?

The effects of the trip will fade. Concentrate on learning to live your life with strength and direction. It's not easy being young and it is not easy growing up in this culture. But you can create a self and a life that feels good to you and that connects you to other good-hearted people. Make it simple. Don't drink the koolaid about good/bad, success/failure. Get out in nature and treat your brain well--it's not finished developing!<3