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[MEGA]Uncontrollable Shaking/Twitching/Muscle Spasms on Weed

Next time you smoke try to stay away from strong sativas. Get yourself some White Rhino. Completely mellow buzz.
Weed lowers the seizure threshold.
It also seems to happen a lot more than you're cold and smoking sativa dominant strains.

Its a subconscious twitch to do with body language which then can turn into paranoia wanting to know what you answered or told the room, and if they even realised or not and theyre playing along in the same game - psychosis :p
It takes about 2gram blunt (High Grade) to my face to get me my legs shaking, i also cant stand or walk on my two feet when this happens....

First time this happened to me i thought i was having a seizure or panic attack.......It took about 20 mins for me to stop shaking
Yo happened like 20th time toking weird right and I clearly wasn't mentally prepared for it, legit thought I was going to die, uncontrolable twitching scared the shit outta me. Haha happens almost every time for your first like 50 highs (if you smoke some heads) then I guess you get used to it but idk It only happened once and everyone I have talked to has had the twitching heart racing you know, but most were probably better prepared. It doesn't mean your weak minded if anything it probably prepared you for the next time it happens. It doesn't mean you should be afraid of stronger drugs either I tried LSD for the first time last weekend and loved it. Rock on man.
If you don't mind other drugs, take benzos or muscle relaxants for a few times when you smoke. I took them for like 4 or 5 days when blazing and the shakes seemed to stop after that. Haven't had them since.
hello im 14 years old and atm im just experimenting with with weed. Ive smoked it a couple of times and theres never been any extreme effects. JUst been relaxed a little giggly and light headed. but i had one spliff left over from the weekend and my mum and dad were out this morning, so the first thing i did when i got up was blazed it up. I was veryyyy stoned like nothing id experienced before, i couldnt concerntrate the tv seemed very slow but it was nice ... apart from i kept twitching. ALOT. Like vioently in my legs and this lasted for an about two hours. but after i had the spliff i had a drink off coffey because my eyes looked very drowzey and it was very cold outside (most amount of snow in like 13 years or sum shit). could the caffine and the snow have something to do with the twitch? I then started getting pretty paranoid about it and went for a walk in the snow with some friends and after a while the twitching went away but i even now i can feel it slightly but its not noticible if you look at me. should i be worried about this? I dont want to see a doctor either because then id get busted for smoking weed. Help??
You got high daffy, no need to worry. I used to twitch a lot when I first started smoking and it eventually just went away.
The last time I noticed it was when I was smoking coming down off acid, I had little twitches all over my body but it felt gooood.

I haven't really ever noticed it enough to call it a negative effect from mj.
It happens, has to do with a part of your brain that controls involuntary muscle movements.

It's kinda uncomfortable and sometimes I would shake so bad I felt like someone on some crazy drug who was on the border of a seizure haha, even tho it's harmless. I hate that hypochondria weed'll give you!
got some of those too

how can you know that it is not the vaccines we have gotten as children, younghood and in the military?

I get those spasms either I smoke or not.. There's no difference.

One mentioned that when using alchohol they go tway, thats true, but what does poison have to do with those spasms?

We all know they comes in or in between muscles right?

There has to be an explanation on this, just like when my head hurted all the time when I drank products with aspartame in it.. As I now know, I'm getting headache when just chewing a gum with that chemical substanses in it.. :(
Yes, actually im experiencing that right now, i smoked some kief of some crappy bud (not shwag but crap), and now i am like fucked out of my mind, and i smoked for about 8 years, always good bud, headies usually, or good hydroponic, would go through an oz. in a week and never had a problem like this, now ive taken a long break from smoking because i cant find good bud anymore, and this always happens to me now, especially if i get my hands on good bud, my body is like trembling, twitching, and im super paranoid, way too high
how can you know that it is not the vaccines we have gotten as children, younghood and in the military?
Because Dyslexia from a vaccine is complete and utter BS.
Take a good look at where Polio is today...

I find this to be very interesting because Cannabis seems to help me calm down and stay still. My Grandmother and I both have a hereditary shake and it has helped both of us with as little as one hit. Either one of us could be shaking fairly uncontrollably then take a puff or two and be perfectly fine.

how can you know that it is not the vaccines we have gotten as children, younghood and in the military?

I get those spasms either I smoke or not.. There's no difference.

One mentioned that when using alchohol they go tway, thats true, but what does poison have to do with those spasms?

We all know they comes in or in between muscles right?

There has to be an explanation on this, just like when my head hurted all the time when I drank products with aspartame in it.. As I now know, I'm getting headache when just chewing a gum with that chemical substanses in it..

We don't appreciate trolling here. :|
I test it out 1st on my son's girlfriend's cat. It goes something like this--------------->


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Weed makes me twitch??

I've been smoking for a little while now and I'm realizing I really don't enjoy it at all. It makes me lazy and I twitch and can't think and I get in a blahhhhh mood . I really don't see the point I never have a good time . Does it just affect me differently or is this just how it is for everyone?
Drugs reacts differently on everybody. Some like weed, others not, that's just the ways it is don't worry about it... You're just missing something tho!