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[Mega] Tryptophan and Dark Chocolate , 'e-diet'

are you sure your not just rolling hard becuase your first of all waiting one month between rolls, eating full amounts of food 3 days in advance , AND getting as much sun as possible, I think just doing that , with any diet , your going to fucking roll balls for lack of a better term hahah still tho I eat so much dark chocolate im down with this, does any of your food have magnesium for jaw clench you should look into that , seems to be my only issue nowadays..
mine too my jaw needs clamped down or something,

Even from 100mg capsule i couldnt stop smiling hard lol
But then again, Chocolate is full of stimulants and sugar so I doubt it is the holy grail.
I have no doubts that Sam's e diet helps with my rolls. last year i had gotten to the point of feeling almost nothing good from a strong dose of mdma, but this year that all changed. sure 1 month breaks help, but for instance, last night i rolled so hard off mda and bk mdma that twice during the night i tranced out and grabbed my friends ass instead of my girlfriends somehow. The good feelings last night were easily comparable to the first few times i rolled, and with around 40 rolls under my belt the strength of my rolls on the e diet and with a 1 month break are quite remarkable in my opinion.
Everything on this e-diet just seems like a normal everyday balanced diet!

I have to wonder, what the hell are you people normally eating???? lol
never underestimate the power of the placebo effect.

I'm not saying there isn't anything to it for you, but you have to accept that placebo effect is a possibility until a controlled double-blind study is conducted...

anecdotal reports only carry so much weight, especially when there are just as many that do not confirm your thesis...

You obviously haven't tried this.

Everything on this e-diet just seems like a normal everyday balanced diet!

I have to wonder, what the hell are you people normally eating???? lol

Fast food, processed food, etc. People eat like shit, its sad.
You obviously haven't tried this

I did try it, go back a few pages for my report. I eat the "e-diet" normally, and added the chocolate at much higher levels than were even recommended and kept chocolate as the only variable from other rolls (set, setting, dose, product, all controlled for trying to be as scientific as possible). And this was the second time I tried a chocolate pre-load.

It did not have any effect on our rolls, but I can't say it doesn't work for others and you have to always account for placebo effect--that's just good technique. Would love to see a double-blind study on it since there are so many supporters. I'm not advocating for or against it; if it works for you, great! I was accused in an earlier post that my cynical attitude causes a negative placebo effect, but on the contrary if anything my attitude was the opposite--I really did want it to work, I mean why wouldn't I want to find something that improves our rolls???

Plus, you have to also be aware that when some users are extolling the virtues of chocolate on their roll, they may also have been trying the new diet at the same time, thus not really knowing which of those variables is responsible. You would have to conduct a multivariate experiment with controls for placebo effect in that case...

I would suggest to anyone considering the chocolate pre-load, to first establish healthy diet, three months minimum time between rolls, and regular exercise and then roll to establish a base-line. Then you can experiment with single variables such as chocolate or other supplements.
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My personal hunch on this is that its not the dark chocolate but a few factors that vary for people.

I think if you have a high tryptophan diet, then eat starches/carbs with it (as Severely Etarded once told me AND what i read in a book which i might take a pic of and upload) and get sunlight/ enough sunlight exposure AND exercise you are more likely to produce more serotonin than those that dont.
Simple really

Also drug use comes into play. Maybe everyday moderate to heavy cannabis use or drinking alcohol lessens serotonin levels. We dont really know.

This diet is sort of, give it a try thing.
And Sam, I really do respect you for getting people to improve their diet first and foremost; you really can't go wrong with that.

Also, I have a scientific study that I found very interesting regarding antioxidants in food. It is the first study to measure and distinguish lipophilic (fat-dissolving) and hydrophilic (water dissolving) antioxidants (ideally you should have both in your diet).

Here is a link to the pdf. If you have time take a look at Table 3 and the mean values for lipo- and hydro-. Also look at figure 1.


We always here about blueberries being high in antioxidants, but that is only part of the story! Check out rice bran! avocados! (for lipophilic), pecans! cashews!
yes cocoa is some magic stuff you can get raw cocoa nibs from the health food store i used to eat that stuff alot i think its good for the serotonin system havent done e for a year but i will include tbis in my diet for the next time i roll
Dark Chocolate stimulate the CNS so it would be silly to assume it doesn't help the brain in the process of releasing serotonin more efficiently.
I used to enjoy eating 100grams a day at one point, naughty that haha
Dark Chocolate stimulate the CNS so it would be silly to assume it doesn't help the brain in the process of releasing serotonin more efficiently.

so anything that stimulates the CNS helps the brain in the process of releasing serotonin more efficiently? interesting. so it's the caffeine in the chocolate perhaps? then why does it have to be chocolate?

There are other chemicals that chocolate contains are often listed as being as being psychoactive. Can these be taken individually with the same effect as eating chocolate? why or why not?

Most of the purported chemicals in chocolate do not survive metabolism when eaten. Others do not cross the blood-brain barrier. And still others do not exist in amounts that could have any effect in the amount of chocolate eaten.

Could it be that people that enjoy chocolate simply get in a better mind-set when eating it a few days before the roll?

Is there is a specific chemical compound that is increasing the roll which one(s) are they and what is the research on these when ingested orally in the amounts found in chocolate (and I'm assuming most of you are not eating chocolate with an MOA to prevent the metabolism of the compounds?)
Well, my experience with this is the following:

High carb diet with some tryptophan included (lots of cheese, TONS of bread, every day, always) is something I've been practising since long before MDMA/6-APB etc, and I've never had a harsh comedown/hangover, always made a quick recovery, even last month when I rolled several times in one month and broke the one month rule I like to follow. Although I don't have years of experience to make it valid evidence, I've seemed to notice that increasing the carbohydrates helps much more than increasing the tryptophan content in terms of speeding up recovery/boosting rolls.

As for dark chocolate, the only time I ever remembered was the day of my roll, around 4-5 hours before my roll, I ate like 10-15g just since I didn't want to overdo it on the day of the roll. That was one of my strongest rolls with 110mg being a little too strong for my liking. Whether or not that was the chocolate's doing or simply how potent the stuff we had is another matter, but figured I'd add my input. :)
Hmm.. going to add this to my e-diet, one week to go! Perfect because I've got a bar of dark chocolate in the fridge. Have already been eating tons of pumpkin seeds... and I eat pretty much nothing but cheese/tuna/chicken/turkey/beans etc as it is, and I get plenty of sunlight. :)
Not read the whole thread just yet, but very interesting. Powdered egg white and spirulina - *very* high in tryptophan!
Hmm.. going to add this to my e-diet, one week to go! Perfect because I've got a bar of dark chocolate in the fridge. Have already been eating tons of pumpkin seeds... and I eat pretty much nothing but cheese/tuna/chicken/turkey/beans etc as it is, and I get plenty of sunlight. :)

Patra, i hope you are aware that pumpkin seeds are very high in tryptophan, also remember to eat carbohydrates / starches with these foods if not the conversion might not be fully taking place.

Velmwend, the spirulina that you mention also contains considerable amounts of phenylalanine, i would advise against consumption of this on the same day maybe the day before too of taking mdma (For the same reason i have been advising against eating dark chocolate the day and day before your experience.

I think it may be more neurotoxic,