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[MEGA] MDMA Comedown support thread - Ch. 1 - New Beginnings

You know the evil thing about MDMA to me is I don't really feel what I'm doing to myself until I have stopped taking it for a few months. I thought I was doing fine during the summer but here I am now with a minor depression and I very much notice an increase of social anxiety. Things that never crossed my mind like going to the gym on my own make me a little nervous now.

Of course I don't really know if I can blame the MDMA entirely for this but when I look back at the moments I was using it a lot life seemed considerably more crap. Hang in there guys, help each other out, give tips on how you cope :)

I'll share one of mine: Momentum! When you lack all motivation to get off your ass or don't see the point, build momentum! Just divide your "to do list" into smaller easy tasks and start doing SOMETHING. The idea of finishing something on your to do list gives you some positive energy and some motivation to move on to the next thing and you can start a positive cycle by starting small.

Also what helps (technique used in CBT) is trying to notice when you are having automatic negative thoughts. It's easy to get trapped in these thought patterns without even noticing it yourself. Try to catch yourself when you are having these and picture a stop sign in your mind, think to yourself something like: "These thought's aren't rational and aren't helpful to my state of mind at all" then you find a distraction to get out of it. This essentially stops you from descending into sadness and depression and is good to break a negative cycle. It's not easy though but worth a try if you've been feeling down for quite a bit.
I found a great website that I think can help everyone. Its superbetter.com. its a website designed to help Antone recover from anything they want. Its made to male people feel better. Check it out