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[MEGA] MDMA Comedown support thread - Ch. 1 - New Beginnings


Jul 7, 2011
Bit of a cheesy title, but hopefully everyone that hasn't begun their new, post-abuse lives will get the jump start they need after coming to this thread.

MDMA induced depression is NOT a life sentence, and for every thread of someone worrying that they've caused irreparable damage to themselves.. there are 10 others urging them that it will be OK. I know, when you're in the emotionally drained state that many of us enter after abusing MDMA for long periods, those four little words seem like nothing. Just another person telling you how to get over your own personal mental problems, right?

Well, I can't tell you how to get better.. it's something you must do for yourself. No, I'm just here to tell you that eventually, all things work out for the best. There will come a time where you look back on the damages caused by a few pills and laugh that it caused you so much trouble.. that may seem FAR off from now, but I can tell you first hand, your day will come :)

There are countless threads with people asking, even BEGGING for someone to help them.. the talks can get very spread out, and you often will hear the same thing repeated in every thread. So hopefully, we can use this as a "base camp", so to speak. Newer members looking for some advice, feel FREE to post.. and even more importantly, if you have made it through these trials in the past, please post your experiences and how you overcame them, as well as how you are feeling today as a result of it.

I'd also like to direct some of the more troubled users into a section of Bluelight called The Dark Side. It is an AMAZINGLY supportive group of people who have dealt with all forms of drug problems, abusive pasts and all sorts of other baggage that we all carry with us. Do be aware though, keep drug talk to a minimum as they do not want to "trigger" any one recovering into a relapse.

The Recovery Forums should also be opening here on BL soon, for those trying to stay clean.

Just remember my favorite saying... Life goes on, life goes on :)

The best action is preventing it from happening in the first place, keep safe!
Nice post. I know a lot of people love E and its a great feeling but wow - I dosed once and got burned. I cant see myself using again. But I respect those people who can handle it better than me and keep using. Just be careful!

For weeks I've had panic disorder, felt like i lost my mind. Painfully deep depression sometimes. Its been two months, and I'm starting to feel better.

Funny thing happened - I did yoga the other day and after a certain stretch I stood up and the rush of blood to my head felt like I had just dropped E that moment. Like blitzed out of my mind - all from a stretch!! I splashed water on myself and came back to baseline in a few minutes. I can't believe using a drug once can cause this lingering effect! Luckily I am no longer scared shitless thanks to all the people on Bluelight. Everyone gets better and time is the cure.

Right now I stepped away from my job to get my shit together and relax. I'm exercising (might stay away from yoga now), eating really healthy and seeing a therapist to sort out underlying anxieties. I really recommend raw vegetables and juices. Beets naturally lower your blood pressure by 10% if consumed daily. Boil them or juice them. Lots of milk, soy, oranges, greens, and whole grains like oatmeal. Tryptophan and magnesium foods are important. Stay hydrated and exercise daily if possible.

After much insistence from my GP and a Psych, I am starting a low dose SSRI. I'm hearing from people not to go the SSRI route but I'm starting to feel so much better. That's a decision I gotta make down the road. Good luck everyone. Looking forward to everyone's stories.
Your compassion seems to spring off the page Folley.
Thankyou so much for the kind words.
Is it okay to cry and spend all my money on cheap liquor, tasteless whores, and insanely expensive painkillers for weeks after wasteful MDMA binge?


Nice thread Folley.

Also, I'm kidding... Kind of.
^ That is exactly what you should be doing, or at least what i would do :)
Also i wish this kind of thread / other comedown threads were up while i was starting my MDMA career back in 08. Back then it was all about, roll every month and your fine blah blah!
There wasn't many people to connect to, had to do it all in my own head : (

Good luck to any of you long come down people ,Depression, anxiety, depersonilization, derealization..etc. i had it all. I am living proof that it definitely does get better.
Your compassion seems to spring off the page Folley.
Thankyou so much for the kind words.

Aww haha, well thank you too! I am just one man though, there is a GREAT community of helpful people here on Bluelight. I'm just happy to be a part of it and hope that everyone who went through the kind of trials that I did is able to get the kind of recovery that I was able to.

I think in the end, everyone really has to find their own way of dealing with these issues though. It's a very personal battle and I think that's why so many people find themselves so caught up in it.
I am going to bump this thread, and I really hope people take more of an interest in it.

I think that it could be VERY HELPFUL for those in recovery to group together and use this thread for support, while using their own for more personal information. Grouping together with others who are suffering the same as you for support is a great way to come to terms with your recovery... I don't want people to think I am trying to herd all the broken eggs in one basket or ANYTHING of that nature... I am one cracked egg myself! But having others who share your pain and can give tips for how they alleviated their own can be one of the best things for some people.

Think of this thread as free group therapy :)
hello peoples, im new this and was hoping to some advice. the last 2 nights I took some pills ( not my first time ) I know of the come down but ive been a bit emotional today, crying about weird things is this normal? cheers for any insight guys
Yes that sounds pretty normal its due to a bump in your serotonin levels.

Give it a few days and that will clear up :)
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I found it quite interesting reading everyone's come down experiences. I don't experience a feeling of being down rather I just feel so empty the next day. I feel like there is nothing, no passion no emotion, no feeling. I just feel bland and empty. I guess in a way that is being down but it's a lot more bearable. I don't feel miserable which is the feeling I associate with coming down and I don't feel unwell (which is what a hangover does to me. Alcohol literally renders me disabled for 2 days,)
My comedowns on MDMA only last about a maximum of 3 days, and they're never really physical problems, just acute depression mixed with a light afterglow. But that might be because I take lots of vitamins and get lots of rest. I know appetite is always off but try your best to eat something too.
I found it quite interesting reading everyone's come down experiences. I don't experience a feeling of being down rather I just feel so empty the next day. I feel like there is nothing, no passion no emotion, no feeling. I just feel bland and empty. I guess in a way that is being down but it's a lot more bearable. I don't feel miserable which is the feeling I associate with coming down and I don't feel unwell (which is what a hangover does to me. Alcohol literally renders me disabled for 2 days,)

I've found my comedowns to be nearly the same. Not really depressed, but more just feeling like something is missing. It's one of the worst parts, really.
Does this comedown happen to everyone at somepoint? I havn't experienced it yet and my 'comedown' just feels like a slight hangover from alcohol... I am worried it will happen to me in two weeks time...
If you're worried it's going to happen, it will happen. If you feel fine than what is the problem?

Also, I thought you were a Bio-Chemist? Shouldn't you know this? 8)

If you keep pushing yourself, however, you WILL feel these symptoms.
I never said to anybody I was a Biochemist?

I was just curious to find out if it was 'one of those things' that happens at least once on random occasions or if it is caused by prolonged use or an individuals genetic makeup etc
I was just curious to find out if it was 'one of those things' that happens at least once on random occasions or if it is caused by prolonged use or an individuals genetic makeup etc

Longterm comedowns and more extended symptoms than just Tuesday blues can be caused by a variety of symptoms. Genetics as you say have a part to play, previous use, other drugs in the mix, dosage, circumstances, some people can just be really unlucky

There are too many factors to list but there are lots of potential causes.