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[MEGA] JWH-018 Thread

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Hello I'm new here, this is my first post, but I've used blue-light for about a year for research etc. I'm looking for a subtle way for using jwh-018. I know that it is only soluble in things like Alcohol or Acetone, but does that mean that the substance now evaporates at the temperature of the Alcohol or Acetone? I also know what e-cigarettes get to temperatures between 40 and 65 degrees Celsius. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/ScienceResearch/UCM173250.pdf and Alcohol having a boiling point around 64 degrees Celsius. Anyway thanks for reading.

I have tried adding the JWH-018 in powder form onto one other filters on an E-Cig in order to see if it would work, also to help it dissolve onto the atomizer i put a couple drops of the nicotine liquid on top. I had smoked some pot about an hour or so before I decided to give this a try. What I noticed is that before the JWH would break down to a liquid to be vaporized the liquid nicotine had already began to vaporize and would give off the taste that i took to harsh of a hit and the taste was terrible. not that of the JWH but that i was vaporizing way too much nicotine in order to get an effective dose of JWH, and even at that it wasn't quite as much as i would have preferred. It for the most part prolonged the high slowly to sobriety over the process of about 6 hours. I don't plan to try this method again. even though it did work, the taste was bad and it wasn't an enjoyable method of intake.

my next test, however will be to liquefy the JWH into acetone first then try mixing this soluvant with the liquid nicotine, my hypothesis is that by first breaking it down to a liquid and combining the 2 it will raise the evaporation level of the 2 substances to a common temperature and possibly make the experience easier and more enjoyable. I will try to report back with my results within the next couple days.

^ why don't you just smoke it?

The reason I wanted to smoke this way is because i work graveyard in an office with a job that has a lot of downtime, >90% of my day is spent mindlessly browsing the web, there are only a couple of us who work at this hour so I can not be taking many breaks to go outside to smoke, yet with my E-cig I can smoke indoors. by vaporizing JWH i will be able to maintain my high through out my shift without impairing myself to maintain my high for a full 8 hours. it is also very discrete and would make for a nice portable way to smoke on the go. of course while at home i will smoke the substance straight or sprinkle a few mg on top of some bud to ad some legs to my high, but unfortunately that is not always an option.
don't try vaporising JWH/acetone in your e-cig. you will get a face full of acetone vapor and then you will end up back where you started, with the JWH just hanging out and not vaporising.

have you tried oral ingestion?
SWIM received some jwh-018 recently. Off white powder, smells horrible. Before SWIM goes into detail of the experience, SWIM will say that he/she has had experience with many chems, including LSD, MDMA, Opiates (Hydrocodone, Codeine, Heroin, Oxy, Dilaudid, many more) DXM, Benzo's, Mephedrone, Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide, 2CB, 2CI, Methamphetamine, Dexamphetamine, Shrooms, Salvia, and a VERY regular user of cannabis.

That said, upon receiving the JWH-018 I first read all the available information SWIM could dig up regarding dosages, experiences, length of intoxication, etc etc. Later that evening, SWIM decided to give it a try. Measured out 2 mg of JWH and placed it atop a pile of ashes in my trusty bowl.

Smoked, held vapor in lungs for a moment or two. Tastes odd, very synthetic, but somehow not unpleasant. One minute in, nothing. Waited ten minutes, and measured out another 2mg and carefully placed on the pile of ashes. Four or five minutes later, and SWIM notices a bit of altered perception. Very slight visual distortion, very much akin to the slight visual distortion one would feel after smoking some high quality kb. A slight bit of possible anxiety(?), but SWIM is a seasoned cannabis smoker and relates this to his experiences with pot, and anxiety subsides. SWIM continues with this interval of 2mg dosing about every hour or so for a few hours. Nice, even buzz, very much like a cannabis high, but just a bit different in the same token.

SWIM continues this basic procedure of dosing for a few days, and no problems whatsoever. SWIM is beginning to doubt all the talk of anxiety and the such that he reads on sites such as this one. SWIM is feeling quite nice one evening, following the same routine described above, little 1mg doses at a time. SWIM thinks he will be "brave" and attempt a larger dose of 10mg. Now, just to make a point first, the reaction SWIM experienced may have been due to the fact that the substance was collecting in the pipe as well as the fact that he/she upped the dosage, so keep this in mind when reading the following experience:
SWIM puts 10mg (collectively, more residue in bowl perhaps?) on top of pile of ashes, and melts down powder until a vapor is inhaled, then held for 5-10 seconds. Upon exhalation, an almost immediate shift of consciousness is noticed, the room becomes a bit brighter, and SWIM feels as if he has been instantly thrown into the head of a person who has been smoking high quality hash for over an hour. Heart begins to race, but again, SWIM is a seasoned smoker, and uses breathing technique to fight back anxiety. Not but a minute or two later, a creeping fear rose from nowhere, based on no current thought or bad feelings, and almost without warning, instantly took hold. Was SWIM ok? Is SWIM going to die? The "fear" took hold like no other chem that SWIM has experienced. Much akin to the fear that SWIM had felt from Salvia, but in this case, SWIM was more aware of his surroundings, though somehow powerless to control the anxiety that grippeh him. SWIM walks to the bathroom, splashes water on face, requests ice water. After a few anguishing minutes (2 or 5?), the fear slowly subsides, and once it does, this chem becomes the manageable one that SWIM has come to be familiar with, much like cannabis. SWIM must STRESS, that once one has crossed a certain dosage threshold, that JWH-018 is absolutely NOTHING like cannabis or THC. It is more akin to a short lived, medium-to full blown psychedelic experience not unlike Salvia or DMT. The difference being, that unlike Salvia or DMT, SWIM could not control the "fear" once it took hold, like he could with these other substances. SWIM highly suggests the proper dosage of this chem, and starting out with minute doses to learn your tolerance. SWIM has a feeling that someone without prior tolerance to cannabis would find this experience quite a bit more unsettling. Do not be fooled by a small dose and think that this chemical is not powerful. You will be in for a rude surprise.

However, in conclusion, SWIM thinks that if used in very small doses that this chem is quite similar to cannabis, though not exact by any means. Larger doses bring on a totally different animal with this one, so be careful. And SWIM seconds the notion that it would be good to have benzo's around, just in case, when one is using JWH-018.

[for future reference don't use swim]
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Just to chime in.

I posted a thread about this somewhere else but i've experienced Akathisia from the combination of low dose D-AMP and Spice diamond and then replicated the effect two other times. Im well experienced with dexedrine and this is definetly not a side effect of it alone. It'll be interesting to see what the actual mode of action is for JWH-018 and why it would cause a side efffect similar to that of a neuroleptic.

To Lupus, I have fibromyalgia and ADHD and take both Lyrica 3x a day 75mg which is perfect for the majority of pain-related symptoms, and amphetamine mixed salts at what is a ridiculously low dose comparatively to the dose i need to get 'high' off the stuff (Only taking 10mg in the A.M. now, had been on 50mg a day for past year and have been on stims for ADHD since i was about 11.. so 7 years of collective tolerance to amphetamines) and have been using jwh-018 for the past 6 weeks at roughly 50-100mg a day altogether and have not noted any side-effect similar to those of a neuroleptic so i think that you may be in a minority of the population and that this is not very common as far as side-effects go with the combo.. I also have to tell you man, be careful and don't assume that you are impervious to other health issues and ascribe the symptoms to your drugs by accident.. if the condition you described continues i would see a physician.. but from the sounds of it, you may just be experiencing the synergistic stimulant/depressant-like properties of the chemical jwh-018 itself.. so just be careful and cautious man ;-)

On to my thang I wanted to ask ya'll here: Okay, so I read that there is a purification process involved in the synth of jwh-018 and I have a feeling that a vendor I just had an order sent out from does not have very pure jwh-018 at all.. I was curious as to whether or not anyone could shed some light on what this purification would entail.. also, what are the most common impurities resulting from synth to your knowledge?? I can't seem to get many answers elsewhere that suit my needs here..

Thanks guys!! :)
Do any of you guys know how bud soaked/sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids smokes up?

Sorry for double-post here, but just made note of your question..
I have laced up my ganja-green with jwh-018 and 073 combined and jwh-018 on its own before and it worked quite well for me...
All I did was take a baggie of shake-like, finely chopped buds and took a 25mg dab of jwh-018 and threw it on top of the stuff, inflated the bag slightly with my mouth before closing it, then shook it up for a good while until the buds were covered with dust... It was only a gram of bud per 25mg, but take heed as I had a tolerance at that time too and even then a bowl of it got me gone good haha.. ^_^

My goldfish totally told me that story above by the way.. just thought I would share it with you Verybuffed ;-)

Goldfish also says to tell you that when he did the above that he can feel that there are two main buzzes and that they have little interaction with each other unlike, just for example, how THC potentiates opium and vice-versa when smoked up together.. The jwh+green combo is a good combo don't get me wrong.. it's just weird though to be honest.. a lot more visual than with just the synthetics alone though.. Hope I helped ya out here :)
Okay, first I want to know how I have to smoke 10-20mg to get high of what has tested at 97%+ pure reliably, yet you all can smoke such petty doses and be ripped to shreads by the junk.. stupid cannabinoid tolerance :(

Anyway, so positive notage here guys: Anti-depressant effect of jwh or just euphoria?? I recently noted the past 2 days (week seven of daily use of jwh at or above 20mg per day) that I am just emotionally able to take on anything.. like better than normal even, which is not saying much since w/o pot or analogous substance(s) I am an asshole by day 2 without the stuff haha, but with no regard, my patience level is so high I can tolerate things as well as I could when I was back at this one facility i used to live in where we would get so much shit from the C.O.s that you HAD to take it or get tackled and restrained if you tried to be 'insubordinate' in any way lol.. I mean like, i want to go into detail with this but it would become more of a story of my life type thing than data supporting a hypothesis hehe..

Anyway, so all I want to say basically, is that I get high off of a lots and lots of jwh and have never been more emotionally sound in my life.. it's like the perfect drug for my depression, anxiety, pain, sleep, and all sorts of stuff.. It seems I have finally found what I was looking for after many years of dedicating myself to finding that one drug that i shall call my own, for only it has such curative effects that no other drugs were capable of producing for me in my past.. This is it, this is the shit, this is where it's at, this is "waas sappinin'" hehe...

So, any other comments or questions on this update?? Also must add, this jwh compound, along with a few doses of lyrica, lunesta for sleep, and amphetamines (as scripted) i find to be the only medications to be capable of help all my symptoms that fibromyalgia, ADHD, insomnia, anxiety, and depression can cause if i go without the afforementioned meds... so yuh.. positive medical application here guys.. definitely so for pain, depression, sleep, and to an extent anxiety :)

Very hard to explain in words.. Just nod, smile, and agree if you dont at all understand what just occured here hehe :)

[ATTN: Realizing it is perhaps having something to do with my seasonal affective disorder improving too as the weather warms up ^_^ ]
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Oral Ingestion of Synthetic cannabinoids

Can JWH-018 &/or other synthetic cannabinoids be orally ingested? How would the oral dose compare to the smoking dose?

Has anyone here ever orally ingested any synthetic cannabinoids?

Cool, thanks. Peace out.
Yes they can. I don't know about others but jwh-018(depending on your tolerance) can be taken at doses of 10-20mgs. It lasts longer and has a pretty enjoyable high.
Just discovered something after a 24 hour or more lapse in doses that had been about 2 hours [tops] prior to that for the past few weeks every day all day haha..
Anyway, I have found that after 24 hours were near my asthma has returned.. then later that day, ingested via inhalation 50mg of the chemical infused in a gram of smoking tobacco and instead of asthma issues i have a chronic cough that seems to be preventing any asthma related symptoms..

I must also make mention of the curious fact that the same effect as described above is common in cannabis users who have such asthma issues according to my experience with other pot smoking asthma sufferers hehe =]

Waiting on someone to come along and liven up this thread.. it seems so dead lately.. comments?? questions?? haha :) Im open to whichever.. c'mon and post.. dont be shy haha ^_^

I've eaten 018. Goes ok. Probably about 20-30mg or so, but I was smoking about 10mg at a time.
Can JWH-018 &/or other synthetic cannabinoids be orally ingested? How would the oral dose compare to the smoking dose?

Has anyone here ever orally ingested any synthetic cannabinoids?

Cool, thanks. Peace out.

Merged into ongoing Mega thread
Double your smoking dose and you'll have your oral dose which only seems to last about 1.5-2x as long tops.. and hits in like 40 minutes =]
[edit] I'm referring to jwh-018 by the way..
I've tried ingesting JWH-073 (~50mg) and 018 (can't remember, maybe 20mg) and had little to no effects. Others have said it works for them though so I dunno.

I remember one person saying he baked his JWH-018 into brownies and it worked for him.
I got some jwh18 the other day. it is very very fluffy and pure white. Cotton candy is a good description of its consistancy. The high (smoked)is very clean and even, slightly psychedelic. The high finishes with a voracious appitite, or a nice nap. I have also tried the 07 and 200's. The 73 is slightly more heavy on the body and shorter acting. The 200's are very short acting, but very nice.
should have a gr of 018 here shortly and plan to mix it with 1 liter of everclear (%95) for 1mg to 1ml solution to mix into other drinks...results to follow
I was curious as to whether or not anyone could shed some light on what this purification would entail.. also, what are the most common impurities resulting from synth to your knowledge?? I can't seem to get many answers elsewhere that suit my needs here..

Thanks guys!! :)

I have the same question- we can do all the research on JWH in the world but the fact is no one really seems to know where this stuff is coming from and who is making it- I am very concerned as to what type of stuff we are dealing with here if we (wisely) assume that our JWH is not exactly being made by trained chemists in a lab setting.
jus smoked a joint, this shits fuckn great!! im fuckn high as fuck
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