MEGA - Jobs, Resumes, Interviews

whats the market value of her role
more importantly, what's her value to the company?

if she's doing a great job, managing more responsibility, managing more people, generating (or saving) more money for the company than she was a year ago, they won't want to lose her. they'll have to find, hire and train a new employee. those are all expensive undertakings and they'll take a couple of steps back, at least for a while, in doing so.

sounds like she has a good case for a raise. she needs to find a way to make her case.

Research showed that men generally made more money than their women counterparts because they were more likely to ask for a raise.
Research showed that men generally made more money than their women counterparts because they were more likely to ask for a raise.

more likely to spend more years working (no mat leave) work at more dangerous high paying jobs, more education required jobs (again women get preggers in college and that slows their education)

lots of reasons why men make/made more than women. this reflects in our social economics, where men pay for the courtship
Yeah, thanks for the advice. She has a Masters in business and advertising and a BA in art. We have no children nor plan to as per maternity leave. She averages 60 to 70 hours a week even working at home on weekends. She travels to the Caribbean at least 10 times a year to visit clients. We checked a few websites and the national average for her job is $102,000 per year. This is Florida where pay is considerably lower than National average. I just want her to get what she deserves. I'm a blue collar worker making $32,000 per year so we aren't hurting for money and we aren't greedy people either. I just wanted advice on how to get her confidence up to ask for what she and I consider hers. Thank you for the input.
She should make an advertising campaign with her as the subject, hell even get the use the combined resources of the collective team, if they are non-hostile to such activities, and present it to the boss.
How could he say no?, because by doing so, he would be saying that his company produces crap ads...
ok heres what u do,
throw some makeup on ur olelady like she got a black eye, so she goes 2 work, shows it off without meaning to, and if ne one asks she says she fell down the stairs. next give or take around lunch, call ur oleladys boss from a payphone in a shady part of town, and raise your voice when u say this, 'listen here, my wife is x_____ and she has busted her ass working for you to the point of stressing me the fuck out to the point where i had to kick her ass the other night because she A,wasn't making enough money to support us both(its either she supports me, or shes fucking DEAD),play ur wife like shes a innocent victim of a classic beating. w,e u do do not get the cops involved in this, so keep it strictly between her boss n her, so after you yelled that shit to him mention that because of his wifes fucking shit he's had to pick drinking back up and if i dont drink this amount a day i get extremely violent (make it sound like u toss ur ole'lady around/kick her ass).
ok now 1 or 2 things is going to happen, either her boss will have nearly had a heartattack and will give her a raise, or he will trun ur wife over to H.R. and findout if theres and problems 'at home', n if it comes to that u put those fuckers in H.R into the dirt and sob story about how hard it is being a single mom whos husband slaps her around.
viola, if it works, dude please mail me like a carton of cigarettes!
It cannot hurt to ask. This way you know where you stand.
Whenever I have asked for a raise (twice in my life) it is nerve racking however I have always been prepared with reasons why I deserve increased compensation.
Pretty much.

Your wife needs to WANT it... is willing to fight for it! That's what people want--assertiveness. Nice people don't necessarily get ahead. I don't understand why it's so important for her to get a raise? She seems content where she is. Why don't you get a job?

I agree with this.

She could broach the subject by asking for a meeting to talk about where she headed within the company. You guys could also role play to make her more comfortable about talking about it. It may seem cheesy while you are doing it, but she will get more comfortable as you do it a few times.
temp agencies don't take anything from your pay.

here's how they make their money......

basically off percentages. you're going to be on the temp agencies payroll, not the company you're actually working at. the temp agency will charge the client (company you're working for) a certain amount of money, and pay you less than that.

say the job pays $10 per hour. they'll charge the client like $18 an hour. that covers time spent recruiting candidates, health insurance, and whatever other bills to keep you on their payroll, plus a little change so they can be profitable.

but, to answer your question, no. they're not taking a cut of your money. they're going to pay you the hourly rate you agree to for whatever job they get you.

as far as permanent, the candidate never pays. typical recruiting fees are 20-30% of the base salary of the candidate, and the client or company you get placed in, pays for that.

100k base at a 25% fee = 25k invoice to the client.

if a recruiter ever asks you for a fucking penny, tell them to go pound fucking sand. but, if they ever get you your dream job, and are really cool throughout the whole process, they (we) appreciate nice shit like bottles of wine, or beers around the world or something. because, cool gestures like that are fucking cool.

ChickenScratch is dead on.

Yes, laborors could go straight to the employer. The employer pays the fee because there aren't enough laborors that are actually doing this and they want more applicants.
"Hey Mr. Boss, I need to talk to you for a minute. Back when I was interviewing for jobs there was one that was exactly what I wanted but it didnt' look like it would work out. They called me out of the blue, offered me the job, and they want me to move to _____. I need to take it for my career's sake and my personal financial responsibilities."

There isn't really anything else to say. They will let you know if they want you to work out notice.
Give him two weeks notice. I don't understand why quitting is such a big deal (def not thread worthy). People quit their jobs all the time for better opportunities. It's called life.
I have spent a lot of time worrying about this kind of thing in various jobs, and every single time, when it came down to it, the boss basically went 'aw shit, well, you've gotta do what you've gotta do'. The fact that your boss is an arse should if anything make this easier - play the game, don't worry about them.
In australia they get paid something for the hours you work. So, you could describe it as 'taking a cut' from your pay, but it's really the employer who pays the freight. In return they get fast access to labour when they need it, don't have to pay sick days, holidays etc and can fire you at a moments notice. But that works both ways.

if so why can't skilled laborers just go straight to the companies needing workers without the middle man (labor staffing companies)?

They usually can, but most jobs in big industrial companies will be advertised internally first, so when people want a change, or to progress, they can do that. This leaves usually the most un-skilled entry level jobs to be filled by labour hire, which allows the employer at large to assess these new employees before taking them on a permanent basis - for which they may even have to pay a fee to the labout hire comp, sometimes around a months wages. Though that depends on the contract.

it's a pain in the ass job, because my product is a fatally flawed product, a human being.

Don't burn a bridge if you don't have to. Tell him you are taking a new job in January and offer to help him find and retrain a good replacement.

do not say a word till you have a signed contract for your new position though.
i am pretty sure the OP has already left the original job and accepted the new job. i am not sure why this thread was bumped...
she should make an advertising campaign with her as the subject, hell even get the use the combined resources of the collective team, if they are non-hostile to such activities, and present it to the boss.
How could he say no?, because by doing so, he would be saying that his company produces crap ads...

after 90 days, ask for a raise. if boss denies you can either contact the employee agency, let em kno that you worked your 90 days and on review you got no raise. on everything i've fought $.55cent raises tooth and nail while i was working @ a grochie store. fuckers tried to fuck me, know your rights. they should have something posted in the break room. if your employer is part of a union,or national labors association then you can call the number, file a review get some folks from corporate check out its legit and in this case if they raise even further hell you can take the shit to the other 1800 number or w,e thru osha and get one of those guys on your side then no matter wut the fuck yo boss says,he aint got no %ursidiction. trust me yo u got some folks on ur side cuz ur out making a living. ive delt with this shit when i worked in the coal mines. its yo shit,do w,e