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[Mega] "I lost the magic!" megathread

^ I think the point you made was awesome. For some people like you & me novelty can be a huge thing. I seek out new stimuli in all areas of my life just because it's how I'm wired.

But yeah, I think the experience definitely does just change a bit. I remember at first just rolling balls and feeling REAL nice, but lately I've felt much more introspective like you said and spent more time just loving myself and those around me.

edit: double ninja'd!! that was for girlygirl.
Tried something once, and alot of it - sure was something ALIKE MDMA, but never quite got "there", only sorta came up, and then just didnt go total bliss, very annoying, and I just went on and on chasing the high without getting it, and... the comedown, want even talk about it
thanks cryptix <3

I love novelty, I am always looking to meet new people, to have new experiences, to learn new things, to watch new movies or read new books or listen to new music.

Its just that it is unfortunate that with mdma the loss of novelty is considered loss of magic.

I find though that if I roll with someone who hasn't rolled before it is almost as good as rolling for the first time myself. But its that way with anything really, something I love that I share with someone else and they love it too then there is the piggyback novelty of bringing them novelty. Or whatever.
Losing the magic REALLY fast!!

Sorry if this isn't allowed or is a duplicate thread.

To make a long story short, my friends and I had our first experiences with MDMA about 2 years ago, and were getting it consistently from a reliable (but untested) source. Every time we took this molly, we would roll out of control, huge eyes, colors and lights sparkling, feeling in-humanly euphoric, bros all hugging it out, eye wiggles, trails, even borderline-mushroom-like visual effects, etc.. Everything I thought MDMA should be.

That source fell through, so we sought out other sources, tried molly from here and there, this guy and that guy, a couple various pressed pills, crystal molly, tan powder, white powder, brown crystals, you name it. Not once have either my friends or I found another source of molly that would make us roll even remotely close to how we used to on our first source. Sure, we'd roll kinda on some of the better stuff we got, but even recently some molly that tested perfectly clean (Marquis turned immediately black like ink) and my friends barely even felt it.

Don't get me wrong, I usually feel the effects of it, but they're always very VERY mild, and this seems to be the case for my buddies too. None of us rolled unreasonably often, even when we first started we still waited months in between, and never binged ever. We also all usually would keep it to 100-200mg a night.

I mean seriously, at this point, kratom feels stronger than most of the "MDMA" I've been finding. Yeah, it's that bad... :(

Does anyone feel like they lost the magic simply after one or two rolls?
^ Seattle_Stranger it's not loss of magic, it is confusion about pure mdma vs. mdma cut with stimulants.

The effects you described from your original source sound to me like mdma+amphetamine or bk-mdma not like mdma on its own. Pure molly (MDMA) is pretty sedating and laid back, it is very chill, and empathic but more introspective than social.

Add some amphetamine, mephedrone, or whatever and it suddenly becomes a new experience (euphoria rushing, eye-wiggles, etc)

Also always add piracetam, seriously, makes it a lot better.
I can only fear that my mere nightmare of loosing the magic has become a reality. At the ripe young age of 16 I found ecstasy and oh how my doors were slammed open too this whole new world of feelings, it was amazing yet frightening at the same instance so I decided too lay off for a few more years. At 18 I tragicly fell madly in love with what is my now ex fiance, at the time I was stumbling my way out of a bad cocaine addiction. Straightened up and stayed completely sober for over a year and a half when I thought everything was just fine I get chunked too the curb like a piece of trash. Which I never came too grips with being I had a solid job making 800 cash a week being killer successful at a very young age I had it all fast car, home, money too burn without a care in the world. I went on 6 months wanting too die... then one night had a friend say want some e too loosen those nerves and naturally I was more than accepting then boom I was no longer sad or depressed wishing death upon myself and we all know the great feelings that came from the mints lol. So myself being the natural bourn addict behind the wheel that I am started buying more than I could physically handle and started abusing the drug beyond my own means taking 5 too 6 pills and it only being my third time too roll and if you can't already guess became a two too three times a week experience. While this lasted four too five months it got dry in our area and I searched endlessly until I ran across an old friend having nearly pure molly I took orally 6 caps containing roughly 150 mg each and nothing I still had the dialated pupils but no visual or sound enhancements. So I fear the worst it has all ended. It was a hell of a ride made hundreds of friends lost an amazing woman but had some of the wildest come too me. So ill keep staying sober and keep taking the supplements and ill let ya know if I can try and regain the magical power. Thanks for the time animal51.
I did recently read a story from someone on here in med school that had been using at least once a month for years and he has reported no ill effects, he also had a very strict regimen for responsible use(antioxidants etc).

can you post the link to this story please?
^ Seattle_Stranger it's not loss of magic, it is confusion about pure mdma vs. mdma cut with stimulants.

The effects you described from your original source sound to me like mdma+amphetamine or bk-mdma not like mdma on its own. Pure molly (MDMA) is pretty sedating and laid back, it is very chill, and empathic but more introspective than social.

Add some amphetamine, mephedrone, or whatever and it suddenly becomes a new experience (euphoria rushing, eye-wiggles, etc)

Also always add piracetam, seriously, makes it a lot better.

Thanks for the input!!

The first source of MDMA I spoke of had the ultra-relaxed feeling, absolutely no pushy stim feeling at all. I was also able to fall asleep ~4 hours after taking it no problemo, slept like a baby, woke up feeling euphoric. It was also extremely introspective as you said. I remember sitting there on the couch with a few friends, all of us completely silent...for quite a while....just surfing through our minds. %) I've only experienced eye wiggles once, and that was after dropping this stuff on a super empty stomach. It was my third and final experience with this source. Hardest roll of my entire life, however thereafter I have never rolled quite the same.

Most of the stuff I've had thereafter has made me very stimulated, speedy, etc., not all of it though. I had an MDMA/MDA mixture a few times, and it was really good, but still very speedy and not quite like my first source. After that dried up, I've had some "cleaner" MDMA that didn't make me speedy at all, but didn't make me euphoric either, just very slightly introspective. I've also had crystal "MDMA" that made me speedy and not much else.

I've had mephedrone a few times, and yes THAT is closer to pure MDMA than any of the other MDMA sources I've tried. I absolutely LOVED meph but there was just way too little known about it for me to justify continuing usage. It felt so amazing, like a straight up half hour orgasm when it hits, however something that powerful and we don't even know how it's working, yeah that makes me uneasy... :\

Having said all that, I'm more of an organic guy because of this. Synthetics, especially street synths, for one seem too unpredictable for me, and two, just too unhealthy. I'm not trying to start the synths vs organics conversation, however I've been working on a compound of organic substances for an alternative to MDMA. So far it consists of kratom, a low dose of mushrooms and some level of organic stims like yerba mate and ginseng, and from my test run last week, I personally already enjoy it more than molly. Just sayin'... :)
^ thanks for your response :)

I see MDMA as more of a spiritual and emotional healing tool; I stumbled on some methylone again which I haven't had in a year or so and that has more of the "roll" effects for me, but I found that I still didn't like it as much as pure MDMA. I absolutely love MDMA + mephedrone though, that is a very happy combo for me, I do have to predose with magnesium to avoid clenching but I honestly haven't found anything more euphoric than MDMA+meph combo.
^ they probably did too much meph. meph IME is more magical at lower doses. IME 50mg meph to 250mg MDMA is the "sweet spot".
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I've tried preloading with 5-HTP/piracetam/aniracetam, as well as the more dangerous SJW and DXM preloads, dangerous only because they should no longer in your system when the MDMA is. All regimens having given me negligible improvements. FYI my e-count is over 300 and I wait at most 4 months between popping.
too much rollin

well i went on a little binge, i rolled about 3 times a week for around 4 months, including one week where i did it every day, i now havent rolled in over a month and i havent been happy this entire time, i never took anything to couteract the side effects either. Is there any chance of this mdma induced depression to end or have i fucked myself?