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[Mega] Harm protection supplements

im sure there are many other threads out there about this but tbh i couldn't be botherd searching for them.

so after a long comedown which i blame mostly on mdma and lack of sleep, i have experienced "brain zaps" and generally feeling down. Iv been taking pills for a few years and im no stranger to comedowns but since doing some research and finding this forum i decided to ask you lot what would be the best suppliment to replenish my poor brain? 5-htp, L-Tryptofaan?

when should i take them? and how can i recover fast so that i can have some more fun soon?8)

im not sure about the brain zaps because ive only experienced em one night.
if you wanna replenish serotonin fast take some 5HTP, L-tryptophan is also converted into serotonin but not as fast.

if you wanna recover faster id say the most important things to take would be a fish oil supplement,eat a good diet, get lots of exersize and take a multivitamin. piracetam will make it possible for you to roll harder.

as far as when to take em goes:
take the 5HTP about an hour after you're completely done rolling.
if you're one of those people who get mid-week blues you can use it for the next few days, just dont use it for more than 5 days otherwise it messes with dopamine levels.
I am not trying to be a curmudgeon, but one needs to take some of these one at a time, and consider it not a binge to accomplish everything at once but a learning experience, to be pursued for some years. We are talking about creating healthy habits for life. Or if not, then yes, just down a handful of pills and wish away the blues. That also is a strategy. I have issues with a few things, all of which I have personally assayed, so I speak from personal experience.

ltyrosine=profoundly effective useful precurses to dopamine - much more effective than ldopa from the inexpensive mucuna pruriens - but the additional dopamine is not euphoric but emotive and often increases my anger along with my will to act. Also, I get swollen body parts - eyes, feet, ankles, more.... If you use this then I recommend it once or twice a week, or if daily then a very minor dose. You should try this alone so you get a feel for the increased dopamine body ambience before you go into something like selegiline where the effects last some 22 days due to irreversable MAOI B. I haven't tried selegiline but I am about to ask my pdoc about it due to its neuroprotective and antioxidant qualities. It sounds reallly awesome. But I also take mirtazapine and lithium and don't know if they will work together.

Lecithin is really a decent product - it helps rid the body of fat and provides acetylcholine which is an important neurochemical, as you know by now, even if you aren't using the racetams.

Racetams - these made me grumpy, and after a week made me feel emotionally imbalanced. Even though they sound awesome, I would discourage people from them. Nowhere have I read glowing reports about them. The experiences tend to fall into the humdrum category. There have been no US based research into them. We also know that Russians were previously Machavells who killed their geniuses and therefore they have little of real science to add. No offense Russians but part of your country is still radioactive - with people still living in it. And the rest of your country is now controlled by mafia. It's a hard life - the racetams haven't bettered it for you. No proof they have for anyone. This was a blanket judgement. I am part Russian, I can say it. You can't.

Ginko - is a blood circulation enhancer - watch out it can really make you dizzy. No kidding. If you take it and start to feel the spins then stop. It is the ginko. Gotu Kola is better. Plus it has noted antioxidant properties. Many Indian herbs are more gentle than their Chinese counterparts. Look into Indian herbs before the stimulant Chinese herbs. Too many stimulating herbs and tonics can make you grunpy and act out in an uncontrolled manner and may land one in trouble - and all for taking herbs - how misdirected is that.

One should consider than when stacking these food suppliments they become weighty and hard to guage. A stack should be built slowly, considering the topography of the lay of the land one wants to explore. Not all things even act the same for all people.

Some really good herbs for everybody - Rhodiola Rosea (Now brand is cheap). RR has a cardiotonic effect which is soon noticable. It effects opioid receptor in the heart and thus strengthens it and helps prevent toxic emotional states. This is also my experience. Also tumeric is a potent antioxidant and antiinflammatory. One thing nobody here has discussed is that many dopaminergics also create inflammation and by adding to total ambient dopamine in the brain and body one over time starts to stop producing as many dopamine receptors which then becomes a problem and which is much of the problem of drug addiction having diminishing returns - seeking behaviour and tolerance, with a crash after. Antiinflammatory herbs, not NSAIDs are one of the key strategies to a healthy future, so tumeric and Rhodiola.

For women the time tested shatavari - is just Indian asparagus, and non toxic at any dose. For men, ashwagandha is good for building strentgh. Too much can make one dull.

Water is the fluid which transports all chems through the body. Drink more water. Water is itself antiinflammatory and reduces pain.

Psyllium - most toxins leave the body through the large intestine so dietary fiber helps rid oneself of toxins - which toxins don't leave through the large intestine leave through urine or sweat, so drink more water and sweat alot - exercise makes endogenous endrophins.

Moderation and time makes best study habits. You are not cramming for an exam here. Also you are not going to get high from any amount of different food suppliments, you are looking to promote a more facile state of health. Best Wishes to Everyone.
2. Quercetin
Description: one of my favourite supplements inhibits enzyme CYP3A4, one a few enzymes responsible for the breakdown of MDMA, therefore potentiates MDMA. It exerts potent antioxidant activity and vitamin C-sparing action.
COMT Inhibitor
MAO-B Inhibitor

Isn't that considered dangerous for serotonin syndrome?
Piracetem dosage?

Before you go telling me to search other threads (I searched piracetem dosage, piracetem and neither of those led me to any good threads)/the directory i did. ON to my question:

How do you dose it? Like how much do you take, how often do you take it, and how many days prior to actual roll day?
I am curious to see how much of a difference this will add to my rolling experiences. People seem to swear by the stuff so hopefully it does something for me.

Also, I swear i read somewhere that taking piracetem with mdma can potentially lead to serotonin syndrome? true or not?
Are they any dangerous side effects of taking piracetem with e?

thanks for the help

PS: any specific brands or is most the shit generally the same?
^^^^anyone??! MODs, I find it annoying when you cram all the questions into this mega thread because 9/10 times I've experienced that they just get ignored....
Patience is a virtue my friend. Not everyone spends all day looking at threads on bluelight to answer questions.

With that being said, most people generally take 3-4 grams before and after they roll, though some saturate for a week before hand.
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Patience is a virtue my friend. Not everyone spends all day looking at threads on bluelight to answer questions.

With that being said, most people generally take 3-4 grams before and after they roll, though some saturate for a weed before hand.

my point is, if it was left as the solo thread I wrote it as, a lot more people would of seen it/answered plus it might help others.
thank you for replying, but when you say 3-4 before rolling, does that mean jsut break that up over any amount of days I feel like or a specific amount 300 mg per day?
I don't want to randomly go into this and dose it wrong.
Also, are u supposed to take any the day of? Because some stuff you aren't supposed to, like 5htp.
any side effects i should watch out for? potential dangers?

lastly, i don't smoke weed anymore so yeah, can't do that.
my point is, if it was left as the solo thread I wrote it as, a lot more people would of seen it/answered plus it might help others.
thank you for replying, but when you say 3-4 before rolling, does that mean jsut break that up over any amount of days I feel like or a specific amount 300 mg per day?
I don't want to randomly go into this and dose it wrong.
Also, are u supposed to take any the day of? Because some stuff you aren't supposed to, like 5htp.
any side effects i should watch out for? potential dangers?

lastly, i don't smoke weed anymore so yeah, can't do that.

I meant 3-4 grams the day of. I personally haven't noticed any adverse side effects, so I don't really have an answer for you on that on. And lastly, I mean t week, not weed lol.
oh shiitt.
what if i took like 3-4 grams over 3 or 4 days before roll day, then on roll day, took 3 or 4 MORE grams? yes/no? maybe so?

and i thought you meant weed cuz the posts below it started talking about weed haha
oh shiitt.
what if i took like 3-4 grams over 3 or 4 days before roll day, then on roll day, took 3 or 4 MORE grams? yes/no? maybe so?

and i thought you meant weed cuz the posts below it started talking about weed haha
Yes that is a good regiment if you want to saturate. You're fine.

And guys I have a question. I am rolling tonight, and I take St. John's Wort three times daily. I have already taken it when I woke up, and would it be alright to take it with my lunch today, or is that not advisable? And what about right before I roll?
St Johns Wort is a pretty mild MAOI. I've heard reports of people rolling much harder and better due to taking this supplement. I think you'll be fine with a normal dose of the wort.