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Pets MEGA Cats VS Dogs - POLL!

The Big Question - Cat v's Dog

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felix said:
did you ever let your cat outside? if not, that must've sucked badly for the cat.

i'm not having a go about that (what's done is done), but you need to get something that doesn't mind being cooped up all day

Cats generally don't mind being inside all day.

I've known dozens of cats in my day... and maybe a quarter of them were "outdoor cats". In fact, most people I know that keep cats would never let them outside.
regarding the ferret suggestion, they DO make great pets. The little fuckers are endlessly amusing. Even more so if you have two or three of them. However, they require a lot more time and attention than cats or dogs.
felix said:
did you ever let your cat outside? if not, that must've sucked badly for the cat.

i have 2 indoor cats, and they have no desire whatsoever to go outside. and one of them was a stray living outdoors when i brought her home. she was so ill, and i don't think she would have made it much longer out there had i not taken her in.

another cat (who died a few years ago) was found on the highway as a kitten and given to me; same situation. after being taken in, she never tried to sneak outside.

my cats love to sit in the window and breath in all the outdoors smells, but they really are happy as can be indoors.
^ OK. i have learned something new today. (told you i was a doggie person!)
My cat's an indoor cat too.

He snuck out of the house once and went missing for a few days. We were really worried about him. Then my neighbour found him on the stairwell of our block of flats, frightened and sitting in a puddle. He hasn't been out since, and if the front door is open, he'll just peer outside with a worried look on his face.
felix said:
did you ever let your cat outside? if not, that must've sucked badly for the cat.

i'm not having a go about that (what's done is done), but you need to get something that doesn't mind being cooped up all day, i suppose. i can't think of anything personally. (i'm a doggie person.)
dude what you trippin on, willis? Most house cats LOVE being indoors their whole life. Its a chill life dude, eat, sleep, poop, fuck around with shit in the place, repeat.

edit - ahh vibby got it :D
yep, message received. ;)

but i've never known anyone to do that. i suppose things must be different in big cities.
^I think the OP needs a discreet pet, since pets aren't allowed where he lives. You have to take dogs outside to poop. The landlord could see the dog or see/smell the poop.

I've known a couple people who regretted getting ferrets because of the smell thing. If you get one make sure you take measures to prevent the place from smelling like shit.

Look into guinea pigs. Especially if you can find a breeder. I wouldn't go for one from a pet store. I hear that guinea pigs from a breeder can get BIG and are very smart, and can be litter trained with work. Ferrets seem too high-strung for me, guinea pigs are much more chill.

Check out this GP vid

Look how he taught his GP to turn around for a treat, like a dog!

here's another one, show it off to your friends lol

rabbits are cool too, look at this one playing dead

This is just my opinion though, I'm sure many people love their ferrets. Like I said, they just seem too uppity for me.
how much longer is your lease, b&f? i really don't think it's a good idea to take in an animal if you know it's against the rules and you might have to find it a new home should management find out. whether they've been in your apartment or not since you moved there, that's no guarantee that they'll never have a reason to in the future.
I have to agree with vibr8tor. Don't take another animal in there and run the risk of being found out again forcing you to find it another home and possibly losing yours.

Wait out your lease and move to a place where pets are allowed.
^A good point

But if you are set on getting a pet, I would have to second rats. I've grown up with them as pets and they are sweet and cuddly and always happy to see you, and very entertaining. Two is a good idea, although they would be ok on their own, they are social creatures and might get lonely if you work long hours. They are so sweet!
A lot of times when management says "No pets," they really just mean no cats or dogs and don't really care about caged critters.
I really want a nice aquarium and some fish. I suppose that they are more like a piece of sculpture or artwork than a pet, but they sure are pretty to look at and relaxing.
pennywise said:
I really want a nice aquarium and some fish. I suppose that they are more like a piece of sculpture or artwork than a pet, but they sure are pretty to look at and relaxing.

My old roommates had massive fish tanks. The sound of the filters would put me to sleep in 5 minutes when I wasn't even tired and I loved watching them. I miss that sometimes.
vibr8tor said:
how much longer is your lease, b&f? i really don't think it's a good idea to take in an animal if you know it's against the rules and you might have to find it a new home should management find out. whether they've been in your apartment or not since you moved there, that's no guarantee that they'll never have a reason to in the future.

my lease has actually expired already ... i am now on a month to month thing, so basically i am staying here by choice. im located in a convenient location, and its something i can afford with out much struggle.
I have thought many times on moving, but i just dont see any real motivation to do so, other then the no pet thing. I for the most past like my apartment :)

spork said:
A lot of times when management says "No pets," they really just mean no cats or dogs and don't really care about caged critters.

I was kinda hoping that would be my case with management, but I am obviously not going to go ask them and set off red flag alert that I might have a pet.

A ferret does kind of interest me, I have been around them a few times, and loved them. The smell thing does kind of bother me though. Because my apartment is more on the small size, I'd be worried about their smell overwhelming my home.
What about hedgehog? I've known one person who had one a few years ago, and she seemed to love having him. But are hedgehogs social? I'd be afraid they were like gerbils (which i once briefly had when i was 16, till my cat learned how to pop their cage lid off and played with them till they died when i was at work), just kinda there, eats, sleeps, and fucks ... lol

So far, I am leaning towards a ferret, but if anyone can think of any other animals i should consider, please share! :)
(whatever pet I do bring into my home, I'll be sure to share lots of pictures with on BL!)

Can't go wrong with a fennec fox.

I'm trying to find a pair of adult ferrets up for adoption, to keep the kitten company.
Rabbits make excellent pets, I have one now and he is the sweetest thing ever, hes so soft and fluffy.

My mom said that she had one in college that she litter-box trained. It also used to jump on her when she came home. They are pretty clean, completely quiet, they dont smell and they are easy to take care of. Some are more cuddley than others, that just depends on their personality.
A pair of female rats! The more time you invest giving them attention the tamer they become. You could use your down time teaching them all sorts of tricks, apparently a rat is capable of learning any trick a dog can. They do have a tendency to chew things however.
my god... the thought of having a rat in the house makes my skin crawl, sorry rat lovers.

it would be a guaranteed way of making sure my mum never visited though. ;)

if i had to get a little furry thing it would have to be a rabbit. :)
2c-buoyant said:

Can't go wrong with a fennec fox.
nice gremlin!