• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pets MEGA Cats VS Dogs - POLL!

The Big Question - Cat v's Dog

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<3 <3 I know your loss. I am so sorry for what you have had to go through. I wish I could give you a great big HUG. <3 <3

I hope my dog is not chasing Falcor up in puppy and kitty heaven. Party hard on all the catnip you can find my friend :)
Thank you darling <3 I've been lucky to have had a couple of my lovely girlfriends be at the end of the phone regularly, and my husband has been effing amazing. He was with me every step of the way and was also hugely upset in the final moments.

I'm pretty sure that where Fal is now, he's found a soft cushion, a toy tiger to hump and as trancegirle (bluelighter and one of my best friends) pointed out, is probably licking himself inappropriately in front of strangers. He was such a character.

Mods, if this isn't the place for such a post, i apologise, please feel free to move it to another thread.
your post has me in tears. i'm so sorry, samadhi. losing a fur baby is such a hard thing to go through. :( <3 (((hugs)))
Samadhi, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Also sorry about the generic statement of sympathy that turned out to be--I'm not good with these types of things...
Special thing my precious kitty did while I was sleeping:


and BTW he is declawed...so those are from his fangs.
My corgi is the first dog I've ever had, and I read about them before I got her. It's true what they say. Corgis really have no fear. It's crazy. My dog will bark and try to herd (Corgis are herders) a 2 pound Chihuahua or a 100 pound Rottie. Doesn't matter. NO FEAR. My sis has an 80 pound German Shepherd. My dog will try to bully this dog. Thank god the German Shepherd gets pissed off, sits there and barks at her or goes into his cage. I'm so afraid the dog will kill my Corgi. I don't get it..she's not afraid at all, even when the dog is baring his teeth and obviously pissed off.

But look at this cute FACE

^^ He is gorgeous Lysis :)

Samadhi we have discussed this off-site but my deepest condolences to you for the loss of your beautiful baby Falcor <3 He had a wonderful life with you and is resting peacefully now <3 Take care love, and see you this weekend *hugs*
Samadhi we have discussed this off-site but my deepest condolences to you for the loss of your beautiful baby Falcor <3 He had a wonderful life with you and is resting peacefully now <3 Take care love, and see you this weekend *hugs*

So NOT fair... I wanna come too :( I wanna be in the middle of a n3o and samadhi sammich.
Thank you n3o. I'm so excited about this weekend - hanging out with you and astro is a huge, new highlight for what is shaping up to be a really wonderful weekend - something i need right now <3

TINK - it would be wonderful beyond words if you could be there too (hug)

Lysis - that face is just too adorable and makes my heart feel happy <3
I posted this from the first page, and just came back to the thread and read the last page. Samadhi, I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how sad you are, but I know I'd go into complete depression if I loss my cute dog. I'm so sorry. I'd give you a huge hug if I were in Aussie land.
lucy likes to play fetch. she will bring you a mousie from her hidden stash and cry at you until you throw it.

^True that.
There are some awesome programs out there. Especially here in the U.S.
The first vet I took Opy too quoted me ~$700 to fix his umbilical hernia and to get him neutered.
I spent twenty minutes on the internet, and found a place just up the road from my house that did both surgeries for a total of $165. Tax included.

Speaking of the little man:
Opy vs. His tail
I was at a farm lat night and saw the cutest thing.

I have a 6 year old male cat. Short hair, black with a white spot under its chin. At the farm there was a tiny, 3 month old kitten exactly like my cat. So cute. Just like when my cat was little, when I got him from a shelter.

Not exactly something cute he did, just a reminder of his cuteness.

all clean :D

all clean :D

i just revamped my ten gallon <3

in a week or two, i'm going to go get another betta :D i still have another tank to fill as well. not sure what fish i want to put in it, just that i want it to be insanely colorful.