• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Pets MEGA Cats VS Dogs - POLL!

The Big Question - Cat v's Dog

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AWWW... how cute.

So I found another stupid thing my Broken cat does. He eats dust bunnies. I am like WTF??
I got a cat.

but let's see here...

he'll get my attention and have me follow him into the bathroom and expects me to turn on the bathtub water so he can drink it.

there's this purple mat that he will never ever ever walk on. i think the color purple scares him.

lol i think thats about it.
Oh Man Sam! They look like twins! Is your deaf? As I said, Arty is, He was born deaf, which why I found him, I think his feral mom abandoned him and I found him meowing at the top of his baby lungs. I even have a kitten pick that looks like that!

Oh Arty is gorgeous, Neko! The photo of him as a kitteh looks almost identical to the photo of Fal! <3

Fal's story is quite similar to Arty's - He was a giveaway - the woman who was trying to place him found a heshen bag next to a creek bed and it was meowing - some sick bastard had dumped a bag of kittens. Falcor was one of them.

Falcor isn't deaf, surprisingly - a lot of white cats are? No, he's just grumpy. How old is Arty? Falcor is 12 this year :)
My dog is quite laid back compared to most in our neighbourhood & never barks at people passing or gets involved with night time shouting matches that other mutts tend to do. She looks at me as if to say "WTF are those dicks on about?".

No matter who feeds her, whether it's me, the wife or my kids, she will always thank that person after she cleans her bowl. I could have gone up the stairs or outside to the garden & she will always seek me out to thank me. It took me a while to notice, but she always goes for the person who lays down her bowl. Natural good manners :)
My cat likes to follow me into the shower and stand there with me. She cries if I shut the door when I'm in there.
My dog, Kodi is pretty smart. She can retrieve things that one hides on command. She can jump and give high fives, with her left paw or right paw, depending on what hand you put in the air. She can give five with both paws if you put both hands up in the air. She can crawl, sit, lay down, etc... She is very quiet and never barks... ever. Which is odd.

Recently, Eloise Cat has taken to crying every morning. This cat has never been very vocal, but now, she starts her crying as soon as she sees me start packing my bag for work. She continues crying and follows me closely as I walk through the house to finish getting ready, packing my lunch, oiling my bike chain, putting on my coat and helmet and walk out the door. I don't get it because I'm not a cat person, never feed her, and usually ignore her. She's not even my cat - she belongs to my gf who is still at home at the time I leave.
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My python, jazzmin, will get in the closet and knock shit down from the shelves, I wake up at night sometimes to the sound of falling objects..
My python, jazzmin, will get in the closet and knock shit down from the shelves, I wake up at night sometimes to the sound of falling objects..

Ha, that reminds me of the time when I was a teen, my pet tarantula that was given to me by someone as a gift (I did not like spiders but I thought it would be cool to keep) had gotten out of its cage and we could not find it for a week.

None of us could sleep and would jump at anything that felt remotely similar to the feeling of something crawling on us.

My dog, Kodi is pretty smart. She can retrieve things that one hides on command. She can jump and give high fives, with her left paw or right paw, depending on what hand you put in the air. She can give five with both paws if you put both hands up in the air. She can crawl, sit, lay down, etc... She is very quiet and never barks... ever. Which is odd.


Oh Kodi is so beautiful! <3 She sounds like such a good dog <3
My python, jazzmin, will get in the closet and knock shit down from the shelves, I wake up at night sometimes to the sound of falling objects..

That reminds me of a time years ago when I moved in with this guy who had a ball python and a cat. NO lie they would sleep together. When I first saw it I freaked out and ran to grab the cat. my bf at the time was like wtf ate you doing. I was like logic says the snake is going to eat the cat. The snake never did.
Neko- Your cat looks just like Little Bitty- PiP's kitty except about 10 lbs lighter :D
Ok so apparently my 2 cats are vegetarians. I got a grain free diet that has all this meat in it, and they turned their nose up to it like it was garbage. They don't like fish and fish meal is the 5th ingredient, so I figured they wouldn't notice. Not sure if it is that or not. They are not picky eaters, unless it is fish. And as I am typing this I am realizing my answer. Dammit!! Its the only grain free food I could find here.
What kind did you buy? Wellness Core is what both my cats and dog eat.

The vet told me it would take 8 months for our hefty boy to lose 3 lbs.

He is at 18 lbs. 14 lbs is optimal for him.
I will walk him in the woods :) He starting going outside again with the nicer weather.
I'm not sure how weird this is... but my cat Twiggles.... she sucks my finger. Sometimes it creeps me out... I wonder if shes wishing it was something else 8o
I don't know if this is the right thread - but i'm not sure where else to post this - and I feel far more comfortable posting this in SO than any other forum.

A lot of you know of my cat Falcor; i've gushed about him enough over the years on Bluelight. I wanted to let those of you who know of him, know that I had to have Fal put to sleep on Friday evening (8th April). He'd been unwell for the last month or so, not entirely himself - but he'd had dental surgery just prior, and at his 10 day check up the vet said he was good. About 2.5 weeks ago, he started vomiting - not the kind of vomits that cats do when they've eaten too much, but the kind that smells like bile and has a lot of liquid in it. We spoke to the vet who suggested trying him on a medicated food, but if he didn't get better within a week, to take him in.

Well, he got better for about 2 days but when we got home yesterday from work, he'd vomited violently again (on his bed, up the wall)... we immediately made an appointment with the vet and took him in. The vet took a look at him and weighed him. He'd gone from over 5kg to 3.82kg in a month. This was a shock to us; we knew he'd lost weight, but seeing him every day, well i guess it wasn't as obvious. When he was at the vet, his behaviour was completely different to his prior visits. He was dazed, limp, his eyes weren't focussed and he was *really* cuddly. The vet said that his first thought was the Fal had cancer, however couldn't diagnose him definitively without running a heap of tests- more pain, needles, vet stays.

Under normal circumstance, with a healthy cat, we'd not have thought twice - but Falcor, in his 12 years, had been in and out of the vets all of his life - a number of major surgeries, medication every day and blood tests every few months for the last year. The vet said that the kindest thing to do was to put him to sleep - if it was cancer, there is nothing they could do - his heart was already weak from the hyperthyroidism and he was already really sick - and leaving him to progress with the disease was simply out of the question. Regardless, he was either not eating and when he would, he'd throw up, so was effectively wasting away :(

I had to agree to put my little man to sleep - easily one of the hardest decisions i've ever had to make in my life. He'd been through so much, and was so sick, but to say the word YES was almost too much. The vet left my husband and I alone with him to think about it. I simply bawled and bawled, cuddling and kissing him. I made the decision to do it. The vet took him away, put a catheter in his little paw and brought him in. I told him how much I loved him, how much joy and companionship he'd given me over the years and how many people loved him. I sung him his silly songs and then the vet injected him. Within a few seconds, his heart stopped and he was gone.

Falcor has been my *constant* companion - with me every almost every day for 12 years. He has comforted me through the most tempestuous years of my adult life, moved house and interstate with me and I am one of the luckiest people in the world to have had the opportunity to share all of those years with one of the most extraordinary, unusual, dog-like cats i've ever met.

I always knew this time would come, but even i'm surprised at just how much i'm hurting - he's been such a huge part of my life for so long, i'm not sure how i'm going to go not having him in my life- my heart is breaking and i've been constantly on the verge of tears.

Rest in peace, my wonderful Falcor Allan W. I will never forget you <3

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