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[MEGA] Cathinone Subthread - Methylone, ethylone, pentylone... Chemical alphabet soup

I like methylone but it's NOT MDMA...think of it more like a great alternative to alcohol as a social lubricant, and you won't be as disappointed.

I think this is exactly the description of methylone: a social lubricant. Mix with alcohol in low doses for best effect.

Really if you guys enjoy methylone but want something more like MDMA, try to hunt down some 5-Methtl-Ethylone. This stuff is truly the closest thing I have found to true MDMA. It lasts about 3 hours per dose, maybe a little less, but nearly twice as long as methylone for me. There is much less stimulation but more lovey feelings. Shit is awesome!
It's MDMA light in almost every sense. I've found it to be a little psychologically addictive though, as I crash on methylone and I'm back to a completely sober state in 5-20 seconds after the peak, and it just makes me feel like I'm up for another round.
5-20 seconds? Do you mean minutes? Or do you mean IVes?

For me methylone takes about 30 to 45 minutes to come on depending on stomach fullness, and then there's thirty minutes of rushing, peaking, (good) craziness, followed by half an hour of comedown.

Basically there's no plateau. It goes straight from the come-up into the peak and then straight from the peak into the comedown. I guess you could also say that there's no peak, only a plateau, since the effects never vary in intensity during the period of major effects, but I think subjectively it is best described as a peak with no plateau rather than vice versa due to the intensity of the effects and the nature of those effects, which come in waves.
shambles said:
He has a point about IV M1 though. It really is pretty fukkin godly. Was never a fan of the stuff till I got given a load and started shooting it. Dose needs to be high though. 300mg+ is my sweetspot.

Wow...ummm...so everyone knows, you, yes you require doses one third or less of what Shambles takes (this should be in his signature or something :p).

He has a point about IV M1 though. It really is pretty fukkin godly. Was never a fan of the stuff till I got given a load and started shooting it. Dose needs to be high though. 300mg+ is my sweetspot.

(hr disclaimer: no this is not wise... but am not particularly wise sometimes and always report my actual experience no matter what)

That aside, it's definitely not summat I'd take frequently. Really fuxxorrated my mouth (and that of a friend too) for some reason. Proper sores and stuff. Ick.

Is nice enough now and then but treat it as its own drug. There's no point trying to compare with MDMA cos it ain't MDMA. It's different. That's the point.

Two very good pieces of info about methylone that I can agree with, much nicer IV (don't do it unless you have ALOT of self control), will suppress your immune system or some shit cos your mouth is gonna have a bad time.
From what I know Methylone is not neurotoxic. That being said I don't think abusing any drug is smart. Nevertheless I know many people who have binged on more than a half gram of M1. Obviously if you were to do this with MDMA there would be much worse implications.

So yes you can redose on M1, but personally I don't touch the stuff.
Methylone is extremely briefly acting, but redosing is surprisingly ineffective. I'd actually take a second (oral) dose about an hour into the experience. It will seem a bit early, but I've found that waiting until late to redose leads mainly to increased stimulation that is not particularly pleasant. This should extend the peak into a more satisfying plateau.

Yeah, unless its a "top off" dose in the middle from what I've heard, redosing doesn't work well from all reports. Less entactogenic effects, more uncomfortable stimulation.
I've redosed methylone lots of times with great effect. Don't redose more than 2 times, then it's going to be a dopamine fueled hell.
So there's no feasible way to make a g of methylone last as a 10 hour roll, even dosing 100mg on the hour every hour?
You can trip for fairly long on it, it's damn fun too. Redosing works a lot better than MDMA and the tolerance doesn't really build up much either. I'd probably say do 500mg in a night max though. Heck even 300mg is plenty.
So there's no feasible way to make a g of methylone last as a 10 hour roll, even dosing 100mg on the hour every hour?

I don't see any point in doing this. The funs gonna stop sometime...
My dealer just got a new batch in, after the area was dry for a week. I got a free ball! Check out what it looks like


Heres what the old stuff used to look like. Its like the chemists are trying to make it look more and more like mdma.

Heres what the old stuff used to look like. Its like the chemists are trying to make it look more and more like mdma.

Not surprising really as the structure of this stuff is almost identical to MDMA and based on this structure I suspect safrol is still used as the starting component to make it.
Not surprising really as the structure of this stuff is almost identical to MDMA and based on this structure I suspect safrol is still used as the starting component to make it.

now that I highly doubt. the chinese labs wouldn't waste valuable and rare safrole to produce methylone, and the turn around and sell it by the kilo for x dollars a gram. I don't know much about m1 synthesis, but I'd be willing to bet that it does not come from safrole.

Heres another pic of the "pink moonrocks" as they were called. The dealer is always straight up with me that its m1 and not mdma, i brought some people over there today and they picked up a half o of it.

Bottom line is if u live on the east coast you need a test kit. The chances of getting real mdma off a stranger are almost nonexistant. Kids who are new to the scene have no idea what proper mdma feels like, and think that taking 200 mg at once is normal. I mean this shit is better than nothing, but theres something abot the vibe at a club full of people on lone that makes me yearn for the days of pressed pills, when there was love in the air instead of people sitting down and crashing all over the place. I can see wy dealers are selling it, because its cheap as hell and the quality is consistently high, and some of them dont even know what they are selling isnt the real deal. I dont see mdma making a cme back any time soon as long as people are buying m1 and paying more or it than they wlould for mdma a few years ago.

anyways heres a better pic of these pink moonrocks. The only reason why i buy tbem is they are dirt cheap and when i i.v. them i can have a bomb night without spending much money , plus i can take it one or two nights a week and barely get a hangover.

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now that I highly doubt. the chinese labs wouldn't waste valuable and rare safrole to produce methylone, and the turn around and sell it by the kilo for x dollars a gram. I don't know much about m1 synthesis, but I'd be willing to bet that it does not come from safrole.

Well, there are multiple viable synthetic routes, and some indeed use safrole as the precursor. It's not like these Chinese labs can synthesize MDMA and sell it for more; that's prohibited in pretty much any jurisdiction.

now that I highly doubt. the chinese labs wouldn't waste valuable and rare safrole to produce methylone, and the turn around and sell it by the kilo for x dollars a gram. I don't know much about m1 synthesis, but I'd be willing to bet that it does not come from safrole.

Its not that valuable and rare but on second thoughts you might have a point.

I did a bit of searching for m1 synthesis and precursors and couldnt find much info it was surprisingly very limited.

I only found these as potential precursors Benzodioxole and Piperonylic Acid. I would assume Benzodioxole is relatively cheap but have no idea about Piperonylic Acid.


Methylone (BK-MDMA)




Piperonylic Acid



I wonder how much hassle either of the above would be to make Methylone from vs the Safrol Molecule vs Costs etc. Im also not sure how much hassle it is to add that double bonded oxygen molecule to the sidechain or for that matter building an entire sidechain from scratch?

I might see if I can contact transform or scure see if they could shed some light as it would be interesting to know.

Are those pink moonrocks tested MDMA or is that M1?
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I found methylone super boring... its not even close to real MDMA. 150mg gets you nowhere, compared to mdma 150mg is great. I guess its good for sellers, as people would buy and use a lot more (250+mg a night) and run through their stash quickly.
they tested methylone, but I have never seen methylone that looks like that.

It's great for sellers. people get a .2 cap for you guess how much money (a nice even number), then an hour later they are fiending for more. these dudes are getting 8 balls for the price they sell grams for, and thats if they're low level.
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