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[MEGA] Cannabis Quitting Thread aka I need a break

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Yes, the weed is just terrible with combination with stimulants, especially dex er.

I'm scripted dex ir, er and vyvanse for my ADD, btw Robot- when you said Dexedrine you mean ir or er version?
The stimulants prescribed for ADD/ADHD are caustic chemicals on their own. I would definitely recommend using them only as needed. Combining them with weed is not very smart imho
I can attest to this very well. ALL this past summer I took anywhere from 10mg-30mg Adderall (3-5x a week) and smoked heavily. I would smoke anywhere from 1-7g a day, most commonly around 3.5g. Once the first blunt was rolled, on average I was rolling up every hour or so. I have been smoking atleast 5x a week (moreso everyday) for the past two years.

I just had to quit weed. My Adderall use has slightly declined. It only took me 4 weeks to pee clean! I do know this psychosis your talking about. The world more and more is becoming a blur every single day and then those tiny thoughts will slowly start to grow in your head. Any days that you have a big lack of sleep or are smoking ALOT, they seemed much more prominent eh?

Anyways, I always felt like I was on top of it. It was never a 'problem' yet. I work 40-60 hours a week and just loved the combo. My life however, is still the exact same since I stopped smoking. Mind over matter! I always tried to keep a clear head, eat we'll, stay nourished and most of all get sleep, even though it seemed so hard at times. Overall I liked it and would do it again. I think it is feasible if done responsibly.

Good luck!
That's a bit more heavier cannabis use compared to what I used, however I was on 40-60 mg vyvanse a day and other days I would take upwards of 20mg of dexedrine(both ir and er).- and the er versions are known for the higher side effects. So I'm assuming my side effects were even greater than your since you were only on adderall. My paranoia got so bad I stopped working.

Also it amplified my social anxiety disorder to a degree where it was even hard to function at university.Yes lack of sleep amplified the effects of paranoia, thought people were always looking at me or listening to me and heard some voices here and there. Thats why I'm not smoking and lowering my amphetamine dosage to a few times a week.

So you stopped because you were hearing voices and unwanted thoughts?
Do you experience social anxiety when taking the prescribed dose of your prescription without the use of any other substances (including cannabis)?

Around 50mg of vyvanse is about equal to a 30mg Adderall XR, which I took frequently. I also dipped my hand in a few Ritalin and occasionally Vyvanse.

To cut to the point, yes I could definitely tell there was an increase in minor hallucinations (mostly voices) and weird/unwanted trains of thought. I can promise you unless you are using to the point where you can't do much but get off your bum, keeping yourself healthy has a TON to do with it.

I started experimenting with different things to see how I could counteract the effects. I used to think "oh this is bullshit...." but exercising and eating healthy has a very influential role in how you feel all around, especially on these drugs. Here was my recipe for feeling great and really getting much more out of the drugs.

  1. Get your heart rate up atleast 1x a day. If this means running only a couple hundred yards, doing 30 push-ups or whatever it may be, Keeping your heart rate at 60-70bpm for multiple days in a row is a quick way to feel crappy. That's right, even if you just get your heart rate up a little bit during the day it will get blood flowing throughout more muscles and all over your body (brain, etc...). This also helps counteract the vasoconstriction and muscle tension.
  2. Stay hydrated, you need to piss multiple times a day. I get up and will get a glass of water if I feel like my body may need it, even if your mind is saying otherwise. Remember amphetamines are in your system. You can't go off initial thought anymore.
  3. NUTRIENTS. I can't describe the difference once I started taking a multi-vitamin everyday. It my be hard to eat, so I used to try and get milkshakes for calories when in a crunch. Now I swear by fruit/nutrient smoothies. Even if its a bottled one at the gas station, find a healthy one and swig it down. Most of them are delicious anyway. Magnesium and B-vitamins follow right behind. I try to get them in my system whenever I can (only once a day, ofcourse).

Stay hydrated, active, and keep nutrients in your system and you'lle feel so much better. I've found it to be the only reason for feeling crappy in the first place unless you've been up 40+ hours or dosed more then once. I have really only noticed the hallucinations/voices to be a problem when I have a general lack of sleep that week and I am continuing to dose on amphetamines and get blazed.

Maybe reconsider your doses as well. When I first started taking Adderall I was quickly jumping to 50-60mg's per day and then thought it was not having an effect anymore. Less is so, so much more in the long run with Amphetamines. Take a few days off, then take only 5-10mg (Adderall) and see what difference it makes. Eventually you will think to yourself "Wow, I really can get alot out of amphetamines at low doses, and get to avoid almost all side effects." You may slip up and take higher doses to get that "OMG this is awesome amphetamine-buzz going". You'lle just end up right back where you are now.

Let me know what you think! Hope others can learn from this as well.
Yes, the weed is just terrible with combination with stimulants, especially dex er.
I find mixing the two is a guaranteed panic attack.
That's odd. I use marijuana to negate panic attacks that the stimulants caused on their own. I also find smoking weed great for coming down off of any stimulants.

I don't but I still have panic attacks and think people are listening to me and or watching me.


I've already done all those hints you've recommended, but my problems have progressed even to a point where good nutrition, exercise, and hydration play a minimal role at reducing my overall anxiety.

That's why I have taken the next step and contacted a placement that offers psychological therapy.
I'm going to move this into Cannabis Discussion, where it may get merged into a larger quitting cannabis megathread.

BDD --> CD
That's odd. I use marijuana to negate panic attacks that the stimulants caused on their own. I also find smoking weed great for coming down off of any stimulants.

i think you'll find it's rather common. Marijuana used to calm me down so much but after a while it starting stimulating me. Of course this depends on the strain. At the moment i can take 1 hit off a vaporizer and feel a bit relaxed but i wouldn't ever mix it with a stimulant high again.`

That post was more centered around alleviating the overall negatives of amphetamines. Sorry to hear. I hope you find the root cause of your problem, and don't just end up getting prescribed SSRI's or something stupid. (Most people don't need them, and makes problems far worse).

How defeated do you feel by the paranoia? Do you think there is a chance for a "mind-over-matter" approach? Learning to ward off those feelings as just feelings. If anything, attack them. I am grateful for weed, I don't smoke anymore but I give it alot of credit for reducing my social anxiety overall. Fighting paranoia and social anxiety on weed, makes it hella easy overtime whether I'm high or not. I used to 'pucker' right up. I wouldn't say something unless it had to be said, I always felt that constant social pressure and wished I could just talk without opening my mouth. Now I am confident in walking into a board room with a "Whatsup bitches!!@!" (not really...) go-getter attitude. Every day I thought about tackling those paranoia feelings and making myself 'stronger' so to say.

Just trying to give some hope. Lifestyle changes are the biggest and most important changes overall. :)
I think one day cannabis just stopped being good to me.

Remembering back on it, there was this one day where my best/only friends were humiliating and degrading me. And they would look in my eyes and say this complete negative shit that made me feel so lost and betrayed.

Anyhow the same night, I ended up taking 350mg of Vyvanse (first time doing an amphetamine) over 2-3 nights with one of my "best friends", who was an amphetamine-attic. We smoked a TON while we were all fried up on Vyvanse. And we loved it. It felt so good, the calming of weed with the energy of Vyvanse felt so synergistic.

I still smoked weed everyday for 2 years thereafter. Mostly because I was just in the habit of it and it feels nice to smoke. When really, it kinda made me depressed and filled with a lot of anxiety. During these two years, I ended up becoming bipolar at some point. Smoking weed on mania was still awesome. But when I'd be depressed it sucked and made my depression/apathy even worse. I ended up quitting weed for 6 months after diagnosis of Bipolar I and being medicated.

NOW, back to present day, I'm on Lithium/Lamotrigine/Clonazepam/Adderall for bipolar. And I only smoke weed when I'm really fucking drunk. Which is quite rare. 'Cause if I'm sober and burn the herb, it makes me feel more apathetic/anxious.
I'm not going to merge this into the mega as it could possibly be better suited elsewhere, and it doesn't fit perfectly in the spectrum of quitting (contrary to the thread title). Will let it float - cloud9, you know what to do if you want it moved.
its been almost 2 weeks off the weed.. I have been to this point many times.. i always go back telling myself i can just do it on the weekend.. the longest i went was 2 or 3 months.. last weekend was the first time i passed on my buddy offering me the green.. i think ill continue this for awhile, i like being off the weed.. its fun to be high, but the next day is not all that great and not worth doing it for that reason.
I've been smoking weed everyday for 16 years and now smoke about 50g a month. I love smoking weed and can still be very functional and active while stoned, though a lot of the time I'm not. Don't really care about being alienated from society 'cause I don't like those bastards anyway.
Sometimes I quit for a week. The first three days I won't be able to sleep and I'll sweat through the night. I won't be able to eat more than one meal a day till at least the fourth day. I'll be depressed, craving weed really bad and I'll start to get anxious about never having a family of my own. Yeah it's dumb I know. So that's when I'll start to harass my ex girlfriends and blame them for my depression and anxiety.
Day three or four, I usually go out drinking and end up in bed with some hooker. It feels all I can think about is sex and drugs at this point. And taking shits and smoking cigarettes.
By day five or six I'm usually ok and feel much better than when I am smoking weed. I'll feel happy, relaxed and I'll giggle at anything. It's like I'm high without smoking but able to concentrate and focus much better. At this point I won't even crave cigarettes.
Then I go back to smoking weed. Never stopped for more than 10 days.

PS: When I'm on an active holiday trip, I won't have any trouble quitting weed other than some sweating at night and very little craving for a joint after dinner or before bed.
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I took a 6 week break and broke it yesterday. I used to smoke all day, errday. I got SUUUUPER baked. After that break, I even had that old 'weed hangover' I typically got the morning after during my novice days!

Now, I am busier than before, and have no desire to return to that lifestyle. Knowing how quickly tolerance sometimes builds, though, I'm afraid of over-doing it. I was thinking 2x a week, one session on each of those days.

What do you guys think? Should I do those days back-to-back? Or split them up with a couple days in between? Or try a different method altogether, with different frequency?

Could use some input, though I know it's all up to personal experimentation. I'd rather err on the side of caution and not have to do another 6 week break just because I made a poor decision. Maybe I'm overthinking this?
I took a 6 week break and broke it yesterday. I used to smoke all day, errday. I got SUUUUPER baked. After that break, I even had that old 'weed hangover' I typically got the morning after during my novice days!

Now, I am busier than before, and have no desire to return to that lifestyle. Knowing how quickly tolerance sometimes builds, though, I'm afraid of over-doing it. I was thinking 2x a week, one session on each of those days.

What do you guys think? Should I do those days back-to-back? Or split them up with a couple days in between? Or try a different method altogether, with different frequency?

Could use some input, though I know it's all up to personal experimentation. I'd rather err on the side of caution and not have to do another 6 week break just because I made a poor decision. Maybe I'm overthinking this?

I have friends that just keep it to the weekend and they claim that is what the weekend should be used for.. now i notice that when i take a long break and smoke , i dont get as high.. i need to smoke a few times to get the full effect.. just like a new psychedelic user might not get the full effect or visuals..
I took a 6 week break and broke it yesterday. I used to smoke all day, errday. I got SUUUUPER baked. After that break, I even had that old 'weed hangover' I typically got the morning after during my novice days!

Now, I am busier than before, and have no desire to return to that lifestyle. Knowing how quickly tolerance sometimes builds, though, I'm afraid of over-doing it. I was thinking 2x a week, one session on each of those days.

What do you guys think? Should I do those days back-to-back? Or split them up with a couple days in between? Or try a different method altogether, with different frequency?

Could use some input, though I know it's all up to personal experimentation. I'd rather err on the side of caution and not have to do another 6 week break just because I made a poor decision. Maybe I'm overthinking this?

Personally, I think you're overthinking it... I do the same thing, though, with pretty much everything. If you're dead set on giving yourself 2 days to smoke a week, I think it'd be better to keep it random. Give yourself a 2 day quota and smoke when you feel the urge. Do so sparingly, though, because once you've used both days then you're smoke-free for the rest of the week.

I feel like when I set aside days to smoke and days not to smoke, I get preoccupied with finishing work so I can "reward" myself and not just living in the moment. Also, with random smoke days, I've noticed that when I'm truly busy it's pretty easy to get through a week and realize you haven't had a single toke... That's a pretty good feeling for myself, man, but it's really all how you want to handle it. I feel like when you set aside days to smoke it's giving the herb more control than it should have on a day-to-day basis.
I have friends that just keep it to the weekend and they claim that is what the weekend should be used for.. now i notice that when i take a long break and smoke , i dont get as high.. i need to smoke a few times to get the full effect.. just like a new psychedelic user might not get the full effect or visuals..

Interesting. I think that might be partially due to forgetting some of the things you previously appreciated about the herb, and needing some time to take it all back in? I haven't experienced much of that myself, as when I smoke after a break it's outstaaaanding.

Personally, I think you're overthinking it... I do the same thing, though, with pretty much everything. If you're dead set on giving yourself 2 days to smoke a week, I think it'd be better to keep it random. Give yourself a 2 day quota and smoke when you feel the urge. Do so sparingly, though, because once you've used both days then you're smoke-free for the rest of the week.

I feel like when I set aside days to smoke and days not to smoke, I get preoccupied with finishing work so I can "reward" myself and not just living in the moment. Also, with random smoke days, I've noticed that when I'm truly busy it's pretty easy to get through a week and realize you haven't had a single toke... That's a pretty good feeling for myself, man, but it's really all how you want to handle it. I feel like when you set aside days to smoke it's giving the herb more control than it should have on a day-to-day basis.

That's a great point, about being in the moment. I definitely think that's the case with me sometimes, and it's important to me that I be enjoying whatever it is I am doing, not being preoccupied with smoking.

Nevertheless, after that session, I would like one more and am unsure if it would jar things up to do it back to back. More or less, I'm going to end up approaching it with your strategy as it sounds VERY beneficial and I think is tailored well to my personality and lifestyle. However, if those where I just have the itch happen to fall one after the other, do you think I should be concerned about tolerance, or will sobriety the rest of the week take care of that? I'm really not worried about having a week where I don't smoke, as I beat the depression I used to self-medicate for and am really enjoying doing new things, exercising, eating better, etc. It really pays to turn things around for yourself.
Try regularly smoking speed, and then turning into a superhuman stoner....was already a heavy smoker without amphetamines, when I started to mess with speed, I became a smoking monster.

Do not worry about blunts, try ripping through 7grams of good bud in less than two days, purely through BONG HITS on your own...then come back and tell me the social anxiety caused by weed is bad. I blame this combo and the superhuman ability it gave me. Weed turned into a drug of panic attacks and paranoia...the very first time I had one was with this combo.
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