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[MEGA] Cannabis/cannabinoid tolerance

Just smoke a little, at night is a good idea. I personally don't like getting high. If im not smoking regularly, chances are I will get too high, off very little. As soon as its out of my system. I mean when I stop missing it. 1 or 2 days. Sometimes just overnight.. but when i smoke weed everyday, there isnt an amount that will get me high. Im just content to smoke..
Yeah I just smoke enough to get my pretty baked, then if it starts wearing off then I just go smoke a little more. It might be how your smoking too, like are you rolling joints/ blunts or smoking out of a piece/ bong?
If you are a daily smoker its important that you have other things to do with your time than sit around and smoke weed.

I find that if im at home, I constantly wanna get high. But the time I spend at work/school/with non-smoking people makes me need it less, and makes the time when I am high better.
Yeah I just smoke enough to get my pretty baked, then if it starts wearing off then I just go smoke a little more. It might be how your smoking too, like are you rolling joints/ blunts or smoking out of a piece/ bong?


One of the other reasons I can think of that can play a part, is I may not always divvy up my weed the same way each session. Like if I decide to smoke a gram, sometimes I pack huge bowls to smoke it in 2-3 bong loads, some other times I pack smaller bowls for the session to last longer.

Also, I guess at times you get sloppy with the technique and don't always inhale properly (like when you're already baked)

Still, tolerance strikes much sooner than you'd want it to... The first bowl after a t-break is fantastic, especially with music on...
12 days and you are noticing it a bit? I find after smoking the same strain I get a big tolerance after only 4-5 days.

If you are switching strains that makes sense
Generally 24 hours can do wonders, well, for the first toke of the next day.

Only sure-fire way to beat down tolerance is a timed break... longer the break, lower your tolerance... that's about it. Even then, if I were to take a month long break, I still wouldn't loose the experiences of years of smoking, so it would not carry the same thrill it did when I first started, no matter how long I waited.
Trust me young padawan you'll know when you need a break because you'll notice a huge difference in the intensity and appreciation for your high.
After taking a break for a couple of months, It took about 1 month for me to get my tolerance back of blazing everyday.

I find that when I dont have a tolerance, smoking can really expand my mind and help me think of more creative ways to do things. Life is just nice, there's no bad shit. It's nice to only need a few hits to stay high. When you start smoking everyday and feel like you gotta do it, it's probably time to take a break.

The only negative effect i've noticed is once tolerance sets in is the high isn't great anymore. It'almost like loosing the magic with E, but not really. It allows thoughts to flow more easily, which can also allow you to have bad thoughs and get anxious.

When there's no tolerance I never have anxiety with weed. It's just when you smoke it to much. It's definently a really nice tool when used in moderation.
I find that the first time I smoke everyday I get super high, and after that it's really not that big of a deal. Often times I wonder why I even keep smoking haha. I don't smoke weed anymore, as the whole idea of it is not that appealing to me anymore, but I can honestly say that I never gained a "tolerance" for it. I always got high on one hit of some good bud, but after taking a break for a while I would get REALLY high off of one hit. If that counts as tolerance then I guess I am wrong.
i use to have a hookup who had a green thumb. i use to get amazing prices for zips and qp's. during this time, i would smoke maybe 15-20times a day. oblivious to the world, i kept on this habit for 3-4 years. .

unfortunately this guy is in jail now; while i still get awesome hookups, i don't know these people aswell and are middlemen. so i don't buy as much now so i only have been smoking around 2-4 times a day.

even though i did not take one day off, i was still able to get high from 2-4 times a day. especially because i wasn't smoking in the morning or throughout the day as much, so my CB receptors had more time to unclog. in turn, i always got high. recently i have been spending too much money on other drugs, so i don't smoke as much to save money. usually i only take 1-3hits a day, and if im on roxi/benzos/lyrica i always smoke more than that. when i on those drugs, i usually go back to my old habit lmao
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It's a CB receptor, CBD stands for cannabidiol, one of the naturally occurring cannabinoids.
CB1 down regulation is very real. Try being a dumbass like me and smoke copious amounts of JWH daily and then stop because you are no longer getting high, try and eat a meal or have a sleep after that... I know this isn't the norm and I would never dare let myself get into a state like that again, but I used it as a coping mechanism.

Anything that throws off homeostasis will have an effect, and your body will build a tolerance to these effects.
CB1 down regulation is very real. Try being a dumbass like me and smoke copious amounts of JWH daily and then stop because you are no longer getting high, try and eat a meal or have a sleep after that... I know this isn't the norm and I would never dare let myself get into a state like that again, but I used it as a coping mechanism.

Anything that throws off homeostasis will have an effect, and your body will build a tolerance to these effects.

It's aweful; no green means no sleep and no eating for me that day.

I smoke two in the morning, one at noon, one after supper and a fatty at night (which comes at 3-5grams every two days)

Tolerance is a bitch
I'm about to smoke for the first time, too, and I had sort of a follow-up question.
What is your favorite type of kush? And why?
^Kush itself is a term for a group of strains named after the Hindu Kush mountain range. There's lots of strains called kush (Hindu Kush, OG Kush, Bubba Kush, etc.) They're mostly indica.

I know that you just mean weed when you say kush though. I'm partial to White Widow, pineapple kush, northern lights and I love really strong indica strains like most kush strains. I also like stuff with old school mexican and central american genetics.

I think a lot of modern schwag from Mexico and Colombia is grown with the descendents of strains like Panama Red, Colombian Gold and Acupulco Gold, it comes out more when you grow it from seed though because the traffickers drastically reduce the potency of the weed by mishandling it.

There's a thread for strain discussion if you want to see lots of pages of opinions, just use the search bar in the forum. Basically weed strains are either indica, sativa, or a mix. Indica has a more sedating, chilled out and strong body high feeling. Sativa is more energetic and cerebral. I like all weed, but some is better for particular occasions.

I like sativa or hash for before I do stuff, and indica for every other time. But I smoke what I have for all occasions, which is usually schwag or some dank indica. Weed is weed, all of it gets you stoned. White Widow is my favorite strain of the ones I've tried because it's crazy strong and I just love the high.
I think it's funny how people will come on a forum with discussion of marijuana and ask questions about it before their first time. I think it's even funnier how you've tried other drugs already and haven't even experienced with pot.

Just smoke, and chill. It's simple. You don't really gotta know much, just smoke some herb and enjoy the experience. Marijuana is a lovely substance that won't fuck you up like harder drugs will, but it can still be dangerous. It is most definitely a drug, and shouldn't be toyed with.
Try to find a sativa strain for yer' 1st smoke you'll learn all the fine charictaristics
of being stoned w/o the chance of being paranoid...get out in the forest.
my advice is similar to others:

don't smoke too much. It's a weird high and newbies often have trouble even realizing they're high, because its way chiller than they expected. It takes a while to really kick in, and the high builds over 30 mins or so (for me), and so keep it low and have a good time.

For the question about smelling like pot, I suggest staying far away from that type of mindset. I've never been caught, and its been like 8 years, because I don't worry about that shit. Most times people high end up getting "caught" because they are worrying about acting funny, and as a result, end up acting even weirder.

Take a good bottle of eye drops with you, and forget about any worries. Just have fun acting like a child again~
Pretty much what everyone said, but I'll say it again.

Don't smoke too much at a time.

Take it slowly and if you like the feeling smoke more. I remember my first time when I tried to smoke way more than I could handle. My life was basically flashing before my eyes, and the anxiety was overwhelming.