• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

MDPV - so how dangerous to your body is it?


Jul 8, 2005
Im not a huge user of MDPV but like the sexual side of it and will indulge once or twice a year. Ive seen differing opinions on how toxic to the body it is, ranging from benign to you'll drop dead. Can someone please clear this up for me once and for all please?
Just like any other stimulant, it's a cardiovascular stressor. But it's not as toxic as cocaine, doesn't destroy heart tissue because it's not an anesthetic.

As long as you keep your doses responsible and don't get hyperthermic (overheat), and don't go running into traffic or getting in knife fights, you'll be fine.

I'd like to believe that most MDPV deaths in the hands of law enforcement were due to... officer misconduct, not because the drugs actually killed the person. But it's hard to tell. Obviously MDPV can cause heart attacks or strokes in those that are predisposed to it.
In terms of acute overdose, it has a really wide therapeutic index, as has been confirmed by clinical trials. If it were as cardiotoxic as even amphetamine, many, many more people would be dead from the compound...you pretty often hear of people taking fifty to hundreds of times an active dose of MDPV in a binge. You simply cannot do this and reliably live with meth or coke.

I'd like to believe that most MDPV deaths in the hands of law enforcement were due to... officer misconduct, not because the drugs actually killed the person

Yeah...tasing someone who took a drug that lowers their seizure threshold and increases cardio-activity is pretty fucking stupid...USA! USA! USA!

thanks for the replies!

When I vape MDPV, the first hour or so I feel like an old man, aching and moving very slowly with an upset stomach and then I pass a threshold and start to enjoy it. What could be the cause of the aches and niggles i get in the beginning?

Quite strange that a substance that feels so toxic could be so benign.

A little off topic but what is more toxic to your heart, cocaine or methamphetamine?
thanks for the replies!

When I vape MDPV, the first hour or so I feel like an old man, aching and moving very slowly with an upset stomach and then I pass a threshold and start to enjoy it. What could be the cause of the aches and niggles i get in the beginning?

Quite strange that a substance that feels so toxic could be so benign.

A little off topic but what is more toxic to your heart, cocaine or methamphetamine?

Well just because it's relatively less damaging to your heart doesn't mean that it's completely benign, although in general you're right - you can't just "feel" how toxic something is.

The other side effects could be due to 5-HT release - both the gut and the muscles have high levels of 5-HT receptor expression (which is why you get the muscle twitchys after a heavy binge).
Is there anything I could take to counteract the 5-HT release to stop the aching muscles and stomach discomfort?

Thanks for all the replies, really appreciate it
Is there anything I could take to counteract the 5-HT release to stop the aching muscles and stomach discomfort?

Thanks for all the replies, really appreciate it

There are drugs you could take that would stop or limit the 5-HT release, but that drug will have side effects itself, and since you're trying to reduce the danger to your body I wouldn't recommend adding another psychoactive substance. Maybe an over the counter anti-nausea med could help you? Has anyone tried dramamine for this kind of nausea?
endo said:

You're right of course, disregard my last two posts.

Hah, my 'source' was "some study I read 4 years ago"; I'm glad you confirmed my claims. :p

mister said:
so what does cause the muscle aches and stomach discomfort?

I think that some sort of highly adrenergic metabolite remains a credible hypothesis. The 3,4 md and bk substitutions provide ready metabolic handles, and research has confirmed numerous beta-hydroxy-amphetamines to be highly potent beta-adrenergic agonists.


Hah, my 'source' was "some study I read 4 years ago"; I'm glad you confirmed my claims. :p

I think that some sort of highly adrenergic metabolite remains a credible hypothesis. The 3,4 md and bk substitutions provide ready metabolic handles, and research has confirmed numerous beta-hydroxy-amphetamines to be highly potent beta-adrenergic agonists.


Would a beta blocker reduce the muscle discomfort?
Possibly, but in cases of stimulant overdose (or just quite high doses), the danger of a beta-blocker inducing runaway unopposed alpha-agonism (and possible hypotensive crisis) become tangible. Something like clonidine is a better bet.

There are drugs you could take that would stop or limit the 5-HT release, but that drug will have side effects itself, and since you're trying to reduce the danger to your body I wouldn't recommend adding another psychoactive substance. Maybe an over the counter anti-nausea med could help you? Has anyone tried dramamine for this kind of nausea?

I take mirtazapine(remeron), have for like 6 years at 30mg which blocks almost all the reuptake to just about every 5hxx transporter that is involved in both the positive and negative effects of the phenethylamines especially known for its anti emetic effects from antagonism of 5ht3. That being said I get the exact same feeling you do from both apvp and mdpv and theres no way that it is inhibiting my serotonin receptors to cause it so I believe it is psychological in some way or another. I get like you when I vape my first hit after a few months of sobriety and the couch lock and gastro problems hit me so bad I sit for hours not wanting to move. Then for some reason if I stay up all night it goes away around midnight slowly then the next day its like a completely different feeling even though ive been binging.
I take mirtazapine(remeron), have for like 6 years at 30mg which blocks almost all the reuptake to just about every 5hxx transporter

No, mirtazapine doesn't have appreciable affinity or SERT, but it antagonizes most well known 5ht receptor subtypes, but leaving 5ht1a alone.
Maybe the heavy adrenergic effects of the 'peevees' don't agree with your gi tract...

Mister are you talking about bingeing, then experiencing a slow moving unsteadiness like that of an 80 or 90 year old? Stiff joints, takes 5 minutes to walk across the room?
I experienced that on a-pvp a couple of times, and it scared me.
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Again, sorta typical of stimulant binges, but perhaps more severe than usually observed.

Mister are you talking about bingeing, then experiencing a slow moving unsteadiness like that of an 80 or 90 year old? Stiff joints, takes 5 minutes to walk across the room?
I experienced that on a-pvp a couple of times, and it scared me.

Kind of, spacejunk, but for me it happens with the first few vapes. I get very jumpy and move very slowly, slow breathing and muscle twitches and aches. If I continue to vape peevee it disappears after a while and I start to feel VERY good. its like a breaking through a barrier and then every vape has a lovely relaxing euphoria and highly sexual edge. I rarely pull all nighters on it and never binge for days, I can vape it for a few hours and generally can fall asleep not long after I stop without any sleep aids.

@Ebola, I will try and source some Clonidine for my next peevee adventure which wont be for a while as when I have it, although I dont do lengthy binges, I do find it compulsive and any spare time is spent vaping perve powder and bashing the bishop