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MDMA Recovery (Stories & Support - 3)

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i stand by shortermexpert. The more you resist the worst itll be. And im sorry but in my opinion it is in our head. I mean there are ppl out here taking every medical test in the world and it comes out good. I havent taken any test itll be a waste of time. Maybe thats foolish. Maybe in the beginning of the ltc your brain and body is all wacked out. As for me im a year & 2 months. i have bad anxiety. And i know its a mental thing. I read half way of tolles book the power of now. I have the problem of resisting how i feel.Thats keeping me back. And I recommend Pauld Davids At last a life. Good help!!! My buddy Phill recommended it!!! Helps on those shitty ass days!! Again, all in my opinion & i ate 4/5 pills one night that started this ltc (idiot). And im here alive just with anxiety!! Culd be worse!! Best wishes to all.-jennifer =)
Hey Jenn, how was your concert? I am very glad to hear my tips helped you. I only can recommend these two books to all of you guys here. No matter if this stuff is psychical or physical. In my opinion both sides are involved and there are different ways to aid in your recovery. One of the main thing is to not stress your bothered mind further. The first book(At last a life) deals about a dude who recovered from drug induced anxiety and he explains most of the LTC symptoms in his book and gives you tips how to get rid of em. In the darkest hours, it always gave me some grip to know its not uncommon to feel like I do. The second book(The power of now) gives you some deeper insight in the patterns your mind works. It's good stuff for detecting recovery limiting trains of thought and for letting all this shit go.
It isnt my purpose to sound like I wanted to sell you something, I just can tell you what helped me the most with my mental constituion.
@ShortTermExpert: I like your posts.

Edit: I have/had floaters, too. But I don't care to the point I dont notice em 99,99% of the time.
At last a life by paul david is a good read. I read it at the way beginning.

He is actually coming out with a new sequel very soon--should be out this month or next actually. It goes into more detail.

Whoa--5 grams?? You mean you did 5 g of mdma dec 2014 which started the LTC or you did 5 g after your LTC was already in session?

im starting to think that the severity and pathology of the symptoms is related to how much you did. If you did an insane amount, maybe its more than just the hormone stuff. But if you did reasonable amounts and have mood changes or if delayed then perhaps the hormone stuff is all it is.

I've literally only take 1 ecstasy pill (between 100-200 mg), had a regular comedown which was pretty scary not having experienced depression but recovered and then all the burn out/depression feelings came back 3 weeks later. In between that time, I had used alcohol and stuff but this happened on a random day where I woke up feeling anxious, head pressure, and not myself. And then massive insomnia, brain fog, low libido, hard to socialize, etc soon followed.

I've also only ever taken one pill. The 5g was MDMA rock that I took at a music festival last year. The same festival is actually on this weekend. Funny thought that it's been almost a year for me. Though it's not quite as clear cut as that and I firmly believe it was a psychological stressor that caused my problems. To recap my usage:

The 5g was good stuff that I'd picked up from London from a trusted source (I'm in the UK).

The pill I took about 3 weeks later. I was drunk with some friends so I decided to roll again. The comedown from the 3 day binge had been severe, but I wouldn't quite class it as "LTC". I kinda shrugged it off.

My symptoms developed gradually. I developed mood swings from the 3 day binge and very strange heart palpitations and brain zaps. After the pill, I developed a very noticeable, heavy heartbeat, which occurred as well as "flip flop in the chest" style palpitations.

I still have this heartbeat thing today, but it's not quite the "chesty flip flop" feeling it was. Most of the time, when I do feel it, it's in my fingers or feet, knees, occasionally head. Stress makes it worse, and when I'm very relaxed, it goes away completely. I've explained it to myself as increased stroke volume from my very fit and athletic heart. I proved this the other day when I went for a run with a friend who is in her majesty's armed forces and I left him in the dust. So if heart disease exists in this world, I am a very unlikely candidate for it. Plus, I'm aware that I was so paranoid about my heart that it's left a very bad mental habit of constantly searching for my heartbeat. After so much practice, I'm no doubt very good at tracking it down.

About 2 weeks after the pill, it was my first week of uni and I rolled every night for about 4 nights. It was only small amounts, maybe 0.1 a night.

2 weeks after my first week of uni, I took about half a gram at another music festival. This is when things started going really shit. But the REAL catalyst for everything was this.

I had an anxiety fuelled mood swing with a girl in October. I couldn't get it up and that sent my mood off the rails. October is almost a black hole for me. For some reason, I didn't quite make the connection and I used once towards the end of October and once in November. After the time in November, the day after I had such intense anxiety I literally thought I was in hell. It was almost of psychotic like intensity.

The funny thing is, only a few hours earlier on that fateful day in October, I had wanted to fuck the girl so hard, but her roommate was in next door and she said wait till later. Unfortunately, that coincided with a mood swing. If I'd of managed to have sex with her, which I would of done if she hadn't said wait, I would of never of lost my sexual confidence. I would of probably have never ended up on this forum.

It was the sexual performance anxiety, coupled with me ruminating about possible damage to my heart from the palpitations, and with constant ruminating and fears about going insane and of fucking myself up from drug use, that caused me so much suffering.

Notice: all of this is was in the mind. Mental stories I had created. Not the drug use itself.

Hell, it wasn't that bad that it stopped me from using. The only thing that stopped me using was when I finally made the connection between MDMA and my mood. I've always been a moody guy, but I was living such a hedonistic life style at the time that I just didn't care. I was recently single and I'm a good looking guy, and I was loving the party scene.

But it all crumbled away, and once I realised that, things went seriously fucking dark.

December/January were almost surreal. I spent hours just walking about at night, listening to music, lost in dark thoughts. I sat in the shadows by the river waiting for the sun to come up. I stared into the water thinking about jumping in. Not that it would of done much, because I'm a good swimmer. But I also stood on bridges over busy roads and that's where it would of only have taken a split second thought to have ended it.

And for what? For the dark thoughts I believed. The mental stories I created myself about losing my manhood, being a drug idiot, disappointing my dead father.

None of that is real for christ sake. It's all ego stuff. Tolle has made me realise that.

So to recap: between May last year when I first started using, to December the 31st when I stopped getting drunk around people using MDMA, I probably used about 7-10g of rock and one pill.

As of now, the only thing that really bothers me is occasional anxiety. And whenever it comes, I apply this Power of Now stuff and mindfulness, and it goes away.

No brain zaps. No depression. No palpitations apart from the occasional heavy heartbeat. No brain fog. No tremors/shakes. Libido appears to be back but I've sort of cut myself off from women for the time being to focus on rebuilding myself mentally and spiritually. Tbf, erections are actually rock solid now and I can't wait to try them out. But that's something for the near future.

My darkness came from thoughts, It does not come from hormones, or anything physiological. If it did, I would not be able to roll it back like I can. And I would not have a mostly positive experience of life at the moment.

The initial catalyst for the suffering was of course, the physical changes to the brain made by MDMA. But those effects were very transient. The mental patterns it left though, are far more enduring. But that is the choice, even if it is an unconscious choice, of the person.

So imo, you guys need stop talking about MRI scans, hormones, brain damage, serotonin, dopamine. If any of this stuff applied to anyone, it would apply to me. But it doesn't. Once I relinquished the mental story about me being brain damaged from drug use, my mood began to improve and my symptoms began to fade.
Great post STE, I would have had had a similar amount over a similar time period. I agree with your views completely

My quality of life has improved so much since I have started practising mindfullness.
Honestly this whole LTC is probably something physical that we don't completely know yet. This is seen in finasteride syndrome.

Some people with PFS find answers and get to 100% and others dont and have to resort to the meditation and all cause medical science didnt have an answer.

But that doesnt mean this is 100% mental like so many think on here nor does it mean permanant physical damage.

The LTC and PFS are probably the same thing, just deficiencies at different points of the same pathways. PFS symptoms seem to be nearly identical to LTC, including brain fog, eye floaters, anxiety,etc.
The LTC and PFS are probably the same thing, just deficiencies at different points of the same pathways. PFS symptoms seem to be nearly identical to LTC, including brain fog, eye floaters, anxiety,etc.

Hey zebra--hows it going? I know you haven't been on here in a while. Are you recovered 100% and did you figure out the reason for your symptoms?

And yep--the symptoms are so similar and both conditions are related to endocrine issues. And some people with PFS have normal hormonal profiles but still have massive symptoms cause something got altered at a receptor level.

Anxiety and depression do not normally cause loss of libido/ED/ etc period. And they do not cause head pressure. That is usually medical/biological.

But spot on about PFS. If you notice STE's post could just as easily be written by someone who was about to slip into PFS. What happens is you get some endocrine symptoms, panic, and then mess things up even more.

PFS can also be delayed, just like this LTC. In PFS, people worry about "brain damage" or pemananant "endocrine damage"

Damage has been done but it doesn't help to dwell on it thats all. But telling people "no damage" and "its all in your head" is not right either.
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Hi guys, thought I'd come here for some help

So I recently attended a music festival and consumed MDMA. It was tested positive, plus felt like what I know to be MDMA. Anyway, day one I took two capsules total. 1 to start and 1 to re-dose an hour or so later. I also used small amounts of cocaine. I thought it best to not use the MDMA again to be safe but ended up using it the second night. This time a similar amount. Day after all this I felt fine, but by the afternoon of the second day things got weird. It's now 5 days later and I have slept a shit ton more than usual. I have been eating healthy and taking 5-htp however cannot shake this feeling.

- I am very tired and able to sleep whenever for however long (this is not normal at all)
- I feel very spaced out in my head with weird brain zaps, fogginess, and a nausea come vertigo come sick feeling
- It feels as though my head is quite pressurized
- Arms and legs very lathargic
- Vision is somewhat blurry/tunnel like especially in high contrast scenes with bright and dark

As you can imagine, all of this freaks me the fuck out and I am far from myself. If anyone has any insight into my condition I'd really love to hear it.

Thanks guys
Hi guys, thought I'd come here for some help

So I recently attended a music festival and consumed MDMA. It was tested positive, plus felt like what I know to be MDMA. Anyway, day one I took two capsules total. 1 to start and 1 to re-dose an hour or so later. I also used small amounts of cocaine. I thought it best to not use the MDMA again to be safe but ended up using it the second night. This time a similar amount. Day after all this I felt fine, but by the afternoon of the second day things got weird. It's now 5 days later and I have slept a shit ton more than usual. I have been eating healthy and taking 5-htp however cannot shake this feeling.

- I am very tired and able to sleep whenever for however long (this is not normal at all)
- I feel very spaced out in my head with weird brain zaps, fogginess, and a nausea come vertigo come sick feeling
- It feels as though my head is quite pressurized
- Arms and legs very lathargic
- Vision is somewhat blurry/tunnel like especially in high contrast scenes with bright and dark

As you can imagine, all of this freaks me the fuck out and I am far from myself. If anyone has any insight into my condition I'd really love to hear it.

Thanks guys

What's even scarier for me, is when I sleep for long periods, I start dreaming at the end. But extremelly vivid dreams, where I feel pain, fear, joy and all of that. I see real people, I have extremelly elaborate conversations and I even do mental calculations. It sounds fun, but when I wake up I feel like I was living another life just seconds ago. But yeah, people here experience everything you mentionned, it's hard. But at some point you will recognize these as your daily life and as you accept them they will start to fade slowly. Symptoms come back when I think about them. Just embrace it and live your life man. Good luck
What's even scarier for me, is when I sleep for long periods, I start dreaming at the end. But extremelly vivid dreams, where I feel pain, fear, joy and all of that. I see real people, I have extremelly elaborate conversations and I even do mental calculations. It sounds fun, but when I wake up I feel like I was living another life just seconds ago.

I have the exact same problem. Good to hear others have it, too.
I have the exact same problem. Good to hear others have it, too.

Yup this exactly. I actually was able to realize I was dreaming a few times and try wake myself up. Or I end up waking up twice. Once into another dream and then another when I actually wake up. A dream within a dream.

Today is the first day symptoms have eased so I'm a lot happier ;)
Hey strangestuff,

Every one of my symptoms that I presented with at the beginning of this LTC have now completely gone with the exception of dizziness, which fluctuates wildly from day to day and week to week. A few days a week now I feel essentially 100%. I have several theories that I have been testing over the months, some of which have produced significant results. If and when I can better pinpoint what I think is happening, and if and when I fully recover, I will definitely post my findings.

Hope you are well man.

Thats great to hear! Im still a ways from 100% (id say im around 70% , however others may put a higher % since its all relative and I never had the severe symptoms like derealization persistantly.)

The two big things imo are inflammation from a dysregulated immune system and the endocrine stuff, both of which are completely linked and cause a vicious cycle (along with your psychology) . And there is lots of data nowadays to support the role of inflammation in anxiety/depression. Anxiety itself causes inflammation and inflammation causes anxiety. There is also a relationship to gut flora so people should try to rebuild that.

Ive also had tests done which show tons of inflammation/delayed food sensitivites. I am going to be going on a gluten free diet so I don't stress my body as much.

We are essentially trapped in a shit ton of physiological and psychological feedback loops.

I think I actually remember there was someone on here with full blown Celiacs. Perhaps, that itself could possibly predispose someone to an LTC and I wouldn't be surprised if the Celiac's was triggered by the LTC stress itself.

Inflammation is the root of many modern illnesses. The body is trying to recover but all the inflammation prevents it. If you had inflammation before the LTC then that is ONE MORE HIT in why you have this problem and somehow you need to rid yourself of the inflammation to recover faster.

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Had such a shitty day today... In around a weeks time I will be 3 months deep into this LTC. It feels like it will never end......
Which test did you do for the inflammation strangestuff

It was a food sensitivity panel for delayed food sensitivities as well as labcorp celiac/gluten sensitivity profile. I can PM you the delayed food sensitivity panel name. However, its not directly a test for inflammation--the presence of food sensitivites just indicates inflammation. You can sort of assume you have some inflammation going on and that anti-inflammatory supplements and lifestyle can help. Anxiety/brain fog/depression/head pressure are all inflammation related.


Have you actually gone to the doctor to pick up the blood tests instead of accepting "ok". Also, I remember telling you that your DHEA-S was on the lower half on the saliva test you did. DHEA is anabolic and young people should have top of the range DHEA-S. It is a neurosteroid involved in the stress response. Usually, anxiety causes high DHEA-S but then it declines after very prolonged stress like you have had for the last 7 months. Thankfully, DHEA can be supplemented as can pregnenolone (which can convert to DHEA). But as usual it is best to work with an experienced practitioner like a naturopath or anti aging physician before embarking on any kind of pregnenolone or DHEA supplementation.

The muscle loss stuff is related to catabolic/anabolic balance being disrupted. I also have some muscle loss but its not as noticeable cause I was never ridiculously buff in the first place. Unfortunately, I don't know how the muscle stuff can come back after being degraded with high cortisol other than by fixing your problems+working out to get it back.

Do you (or anybody else) also have increased abdominal fat?
It was a food sensitivity panel for delayed food sensitivities as well as labcorp celiac/gluten sensitivity profile. I can PM you the delayed food sensitivity panel name. However, its not directly a test for inflammation--the presence of food sensitivites just indicates inflammation. You can sort of assume you have some inflammation going on and that anti-inflammatory supplements and lifestyle can help. Anxiety/brain fog/depression/head pressure are all inflammation related.


Have you actually gone to the doctor to pick up the blood tests instead of accepting "ok". Also, I remember telling you that your DHEA-S was on the lower half on the saliva test you did. DHEA is anabolic and young people should have top of the range DHEA-S. It is a neurosteroid involved in the stress response. Usually, anxiety causes high DHEA-S but then it declines after very prolonged stress like you have had for the last 7 months. Thankfully, DHEA can be supplemented as can pregnenolone (which can convert to DHEA). But as usual it is best to work with an experienced practitioner like a naturopath or anti aging physician before embarking on any kind of pregnenolone or DHEA supplementation.

The muscle loss stuff is related to catabolic/anabolic balance being disrupted. I also have some muscle loss but its not as noticeable cause I was never ridiculously buff in the first place. Unfortunately, I don't know how the muscle stuff can come back after being degraded with high cortisol other than by fixing your problems+working out to get it back.

Do you (or anybody else) also have increased abdominal fat?

This is like constant pressure in my head I'm totally Not with it atall it's just so hard to explain Weird feelings everywhere I honestly feel damaged. Not got the exact results yet. This is somthing more serious that just hormones I think there's far to many things going wrong
@ryan23 - I hear you. The body is however an amazing thing and even if you are damaged you will adapt. You will go through hell but like evolution you have to adapt. It won't be easy but you do eventually create a new you which survives and does find happiness. It's just a long journey....
oh; just to mention that all tests do come back negative (and no this is not just anxiety).

What tests are you referring to? There are only a limited set of tests out there that can detect potential problems and none of them are MRIs. Just the blood tests for hormones but tons of doctors aren't taught hormone replacement properly in med school and its hard to interpret the tests.


Not a doctor but head pressure could be a hormone problem. I had massive head pressure last year. It declines as you get better but even still I get it sometimes. Have you investigated the DHEA-S further at all with your doctor??

Its best to focus on the known easy to address issues for now instead of thinking that you are permanantly damaged.


Also if you have unrelenting anxiety then you could look into non SSRI stuff like Clonidine with your medical practitioner. Its not an SSRI and its can block some of the adrenaline. I was going through some mild benzo w/d and had lots of OCD but when I took this the next day my mind felt a lot calmer. Granted, at the cost of some libido and motivation though. This is something to look into with your doctor.

Also--to fully rule out HPA issues you really have to get a full steroid panel not just 1 or 2 hormones. It all depends on what stage of the LTC you are at. You could have alright cortisol but low pregnenolone or DHEA-S cause its being depleted. And this neurosteroid is important for proper GABAergic and serotonin transmission. It is supposed to be upregulated with SSRIs IF they are successful.

The best way to fix neurotransmitter problems is to fix hormones. I highly doubt everybody here has a totally optimal endocrine profile.

Another thing is 5-MTHFR mutation (methylation mutation). Having this would predispose you to an LTC. There is actually a case on another forum that I saw where somebody got an LTC after 2nd Ecstasy usage due to 5-MTHFR mutation.

Simply getting the Free T3 levels to the way top of the range got rid of my emotional numbing. If you are below the half mark then you could benefit from somehow improving that to the top with whatever means preferably natural as long as it is supported by your doctor. Getting the diagnosis from a doctor is one of the hardest parts.
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What tests are you referring to? There are only a limited set of tests out there that can detect potential problems and none of them are MRIs. Just the blood tests for hormones but tons of doctors aren't taught hormone replacement properly in med school and its hard to interpret the tests.


Head pressure is easily a hormone problem. I had massive head pressure last year. It declines as you get better but even still I get it sometimes. Have you investigated the low DHEA-S further at all??

Its best to focus on the known easy to address issues for now instead of thinking that you are permanantly damaged.


Also if you have unrelenting anxiety then look into stuff like Clonidine. Its not an SSRI and its can block some of the adrenaline. I was going through some mild benzo w/d and had lots of OCD but when I took this the next day my mind felt a lot calmer. Granted, at the cost of some libido and motivation though. But if your anxiety is massive and you need relief and don't want an addictive benzo then this is something to look into.

Also--to fully rule out HPA issues you really have to get a full steroid panel not just 1 or 2 hormones. It all depends on what stage of the LTC you are at. You could have alright cortisol but low pregnenolone or DHEA-S cause its being depleted. And this neurosteroid is important for proper GABAergic and serotonin transmission. It is supposed to be upregulated with SSRIs IF they are successful.

The best way to fix neurotransmitter problems is to fix hormones. I highly doubt everybody here has a totally optimal endocrine profile.

Another thing is 5-MTHFR mutation (methylation mutation). Having this would predispose you to the LTC. There is actually a case on another forum that I saw where somebody got an LTC after 2nd Ecstasy usage due to 5-MTHFR mutation.

Simply getting the Free T3 levels to the way top of the range got rid of emotional numbing. If you are below the half mark then you could benefit from somehow improving that to the top with whatever means preferably natural.

I know what you are saying every test I've had all hormones / cortisol etc the doctor says is normal, I know you say it still might not be normal but they surely would need to be way off to be causeing what's happening to me.

I know there's no point in going on about what's happend but this wasn't a one of pill I took this was mdma/alcohol abuse over the course of 2 days It wasn't all the same stuff either from diffrent people etc .. A lot of people that are on here have only took 1 or 2 pills that's why am saying I think it's neurological I've basically seen so many Drs since this happens that honestly don't know what's going on that's how I think it could be neurotoxcity.
I've tryed taking an ssri (Zoloft) for about 6 weeks never helped much.
Now I really don't know what to do it honestly seems to be getting worse like the weakness in my arms and legs trying to have a conversation. Personality changes its just a disaster.

I'm goina maybe try another ssri (Prozac) but deep down I don't know what to to do I've basically fucked my life up. The thinking positive thing doesn't really work when you have physical symptoms taking over.

My family are really struggling aswell watching me go through this.
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