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MDMA Recovery (Stories & Support - 2)

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there are no nasty withdrawal brain zaps etc and no sexual side effects.

Don't be too sure about that, take tapering seriously. There are many accounts, especially on german sites, describing rough withdrawal symptoms from tianeptine. The "no withdrawal" description of tianeptine may be a marketing thing. It was also recently discovered that tianeptine is an opioid receptor agonist (http://www.tianeptine.com/opioid.html).
@ScaredFT: How are you? You are taking Tianpetine for a quite a while now, dont you? Setback over?
I was convinced my life was over and I'd have to move in with my parents and be some sort of shut-in/vegetable. Getting back into it was quite scary, and I'm only part-time now (as opposed to FT before), but I'm a 'functional' human again. Albeit less active and social than before.

As I read this I was nodding my head all the way through. Ten years down the line all my problems have gone now. But at the time I literally did think my life is over, I've ruined it, this is hell.

Anyone else who is thinking those thoughts, you can breathe a sigh of relief. I don't know anything that can make your symptoms go away right now, but based on my own and others experience they definitely will go away in the near future.

You just need to hang in there and do whatever you can to mitigate the impact it has on the rest of your life, so that you can pick up again when you are better in a few months.

It's possible to turn this situation into a learning experience. If you can learn thinking patterns to control your emotions right now, you'll be in a very strong position when your health is back to normal. You can increase your emotional intelligence in a way that other people who are not suffering cannot.
My DP/DR and brain fog still present, but are clearing. It took 6 months. The first 2-3 were the worst. A special kind of hell on earth. I, like many others, considered taking my life.

The visual snow remains. No real change, at least I don't think. This one still drags me down, every single day. If anyone can send me some hope regarding my eyesight, I'd really appreciate it right now.

Once your emotions and thinking patterns return to normal and you feel like a human being, you'll stop noticing a lot of the visual problems. I believe that because you have so many problems, you are constantly thinking about them. So when the other symptoms clear up, you'll stop noticing the snow or even caring about it. That's how I remember it anyway.

Basically, try and take your mind off it. Do things that keep you occupied, and when you see the snow, just quickly think about something else. Or watch something funny to make yourself laugh etc
Do you ever feel your ability to concentrate gets worse during the day when doing activities that requires focusing? Or when dealing with stress? Examples could be: Studying, working, going to meetings, being social and being "quick-witted".

I am not far away from month 4 and my situation has improved remarkably since day 1, but my ability to concentrate haven't changed as much as I had hoped. Therefore I am wondering if this really is a LTC or if I am "burnt-out" or mentally exhausted.

How is your motivation? For example, when you are studying, does the topic excite you?

I believe that that when I had my LTC, I wasn't able to focus for a few months because of all the symptoms. When they started to wear off, I had to learn basic things again like learning to focus, and learning to not think about my problems all the time. One of the ways I did this was by focusing on things I enjoyed. Then I was motivated and really wanted to focus on them.

Another thing that helped me was exercise. After some cardio in the gym or a long run, I always felt energised physically and mentally. Maybe you could try some exercise, then do a bit of study. Just to help you relearn what it's like to be focused.

My suggestions could be completely wrong. But if you're stuck for ideas, it might be worth a shot.

I also tried soya lecithin for some reason. I explicitly remember that lack of mental clarity and inability to focus being a problem for me. So I ordered soya lecithin supplements and they appeared to work. Was it placebo or did it really work? I'll never know.
Hey everyone - I don't think I've posted here for a long time and haven't read the whole thread but popped in and decided to post on this one. I had a really bad experience with street E maybe 3 to 4 years ago that sent me headlong into the so-called "long term comedown". I had used for 10 years and abused quite heavily in the few years leading up to that. You all know the drill: depression, anxiety, chronic insomnia, cognitive problems, etc. I slowed way down on E after that and quit all drugs a year ago. In the past year I also gave up alcohol, so a caffeine buzz is about as much as I get around to these days. It did take some years, but I recovered and am healthy and happy. I didn't do anything special for my recovery such as medication, supplements or anything else - I just lived life. The point I want to make is that if you are suffering from a long-term comedown that there is hope for recovery. As I look back I think my biggest advice would be patience and acceptance. Accept that this is where you are at right now and be patient - recovery takes time. Maybe that's all too simplistic, but it's what worked for me so just passing it along. Best wishes to all.
Whereabouts are you? I'm in Toronto.

I had awful floaters. They were MASSIVE. Every single day. They have subsided. I haven't noticed one in months.

The snow however, really kills me. I can't convince myself that it will ever stop. I get so frustrated sometimes I feel I could gouge my own eyes out.

I'm in Québec. Knowing that the floaters are gone for you makes me think the light will be easy to handle soon enough. I think my sensivity is fluctuating. It's hard to explain but I was at video game tournament this weekend. There was literally 1000 computers, when I got there my head felt bloated and the sensivity to light rushed me outside. I calmed down, I went inside, played a few games, and it all went away. I stood up and the sensivity was gone. I honnestly feel like these little windows prove to us that it will go away forever soemtime. Fuck the snow dude. I can't look outside my window without my brain seting on fire!
@ScaredFT: How are you? You are taking Tianpetine for a quite a while now, dont you? Setback over?

The setback is over. I'm back to feeling relatively good, though I still suffer from quite a few symptoms regularly. Sleep isn't consistent, and I have minor fatigue issues and just feel like I'm hung over most of the time. I do make the most of life despite this though, and slowly but surely I'm getting used to this state of existence. I no longer differentiate that much between life and the LTC. The symptoms feels more like a part of me now, not something that has happened to me, and I think that is a good thing.

I've been on Tianeptine for close to 3 months and it is indeed helping. I'm taking half the recommended dosage, and I don't think I will ever increase it as it is effective at this dose.
The setback is over. I'm back to feeling relatively good, though I still suffer from quite a few symptoms regularly. Sleep isn't consistent, and I have minor fatigue issues and just feel like I'm hung over most of the time. I do make the most of life despite this though, and slowly but surely I'm getting used to this state of existence. I no longer differentiate that much between life and the LTC. The symptoms feels more like a part of me now, not something that has happened to me, and I think that is a good thing.

I've been on Tianeptine for close to 3 months and it is indeed helping. I'm taking half the recommended dosage, and I don't think I will ever increase it as it is effective at this dose.

good to hear man, I wish you the best!

Question to all others:
Feels like Depression is the symptom that remains. Many symptoms has subsided, but this one pops out again and again. Is it regular that depression is the last thing to go away?
As I read this I was nodding my head all the way through. Ten years down the line all my problems have gone now. But at the time I literally did think my life is over, I've ruined it, this is hell.

Anyone else who is thinking those thoughts, you can breathe a sigh of relief. I don't know anything that can make your symptoms go away right now, but based on my own and others experience they definitely will go away in the near future.

You just need to hang in there and do whatever you can to mitigate the impact it has on the rest of your life, so that you can pick up again when you are better in a few months.

It's possible to turn this situation into a learning experience. If you can learn thinking patterns to control your emotions right now, you'll be in a very strong position when your health is back to normal. You can increase your emotional intelligence in a way that other people who are not suffering cannot.

Are you saying that it took you 10 years to recover from MDMA abuse?

Please tell me this is not the case.
good to hear man, I wish you the best!

Question to all others:
Feels like Depression is the symptom that remains. Many symptoms has subsided, but this one pops out again and again. Is it regular that depression is the last thing to go away?

I haven't recovered fully, but based on the rate at which things have been changing I have a strong feeling that the visuals will be the last thing to go.
I'm in Québec. Knowing that the floaters are gone for you makes me think the light will be easy to handle soon enough. I think my sensivity is fluctuating. It's hard to explain but I was at video game tournament this weekend. There was literally 1000 computers, when I got there my head felt bloated and the sensivity to light rushed me outside. I calmed down, I went inside, played a few games, and it all went away. I stood up and the sensivity was gone. I honnestly feel like these little windows prove to us that it will go away forever soemtime. Fuck the snow dude. I can't look outside my window without my brain seting on fire!

I feel like my light sensitivity has improved also. I remember when car headlights used to be MASSIVE halos. They still hurt to look at, but they definitely don't look the same. Also, I've always been pretty sensitive (I could never handle a camera flash, for instance).

I saw a few floaters the other day. But they're small, and go away within a few minutes.

I really feel like if the V.S. would clear up, I could heal by summertime.
Hello all. If you are messaging me please be advised that I may not respond right away. I like to limit my time on this site as it reminds me of darker times (this was one of the first resources I found during the height of my symptoms)

Also, please do not message me your life's story and/or questions such as 'what are you doing to heal?' - I disclosed all of that information in this thread already. I'm not hiding anything from you guys. That said if you have more specific questions about my recovery, those I will happily address.
Hi, I'm a new member here and aren't entirely sure where the best place to post this would be. Basically, I'm an 18 year old who over the last 6 months has taken MDMA around 10 times, At first, I suffered no ill side effects, although now I've developed feelings of cloudy vision, lack of focus and a feeling that I'm generally less aware of whats going on around me. I first started feeling these effects after around the 6th use, but tried convincing myself that they were imagined rather than as a result of the MDMA. Naively, i continued my use. As someone who was very sharp minded, sociable and 'switched-on' i now feel dumber and, most frustratingly, find it more of a struggle to have a proper conversation with people and crack the usual 'banter' that i would love. It feels as though my libido has got slightly lower, I used to fancy myself a bit of the ladies man but now it's more difficult. Sorry, If i dragged on a bit , just wanted to give a good description of my problems. I'm aware that some of the problems could be exaggerated by overthinking, but I find it hard to ignore the vision issues - reduced sharpness. I would appreciate any advice/information as to whether any of the problems will be long-lasting and about the best ways to speed my recovery. Thanks, Jayy
Hi, I'm a new member here and aren't entirely sure where the best place to post this would be. Basically, I'm an 18 year old who over the last 6 months has taken MDMA around 10 times, At first, I suffered no ill side effects, although now I've developed feelings of cloudy vision, lack of focus and a feeling that I'm generally less aware of whats going on around me. I first started feeling these effects after around the 6th use, but tried convincing myself that they were imagined rather than as a result of the MDMA. Naively, i continued my use. As someone who was very sharp minded, sociable and 'switched-on' i now feel dumber and, most frustratingly, find it more of a struggle to have a proper conversation with people and crack the usual 'banter' that i would love. It feels as though my libido has got slightly lower, I used to fancy myself a bit of the ladies man but now it's more difficult. Sorry, If i dragged on a bit , just wanted to give a good description of my problems. I'm aware that some of the problems could be exaggerated by overthinking, but I find it hard to ignore the vision issues - reduced sharpness. I would appreciate any advice/information as to whether any of the problems will be long-lasting and about the best ways to speed my recovery. Thanks, Jayy

Take a look at this article. Maybe its something you want to get tested for given the heavy use? http://jeffreydachmd.com/clomid-for-men-with-low-testosterone/

It talks about Ecstasy/hypothalmic dysfunction.
8 nights ago, I drank about 7-10 beers. For not having touched alcohol for the past 4 months (since the LTC started), I got surprised over the fact that I couldn't feel much from the beers. I got worm and a little bit tipsy, but I still had the anxiety of speaking to people etc. And the worst part is that today, 8 days later, I am dealing with the consequences of bad concentration etc from those beers. It feels like that night put me 2-3 months back on the concentration symptom. Has that happened to any of you guys?
Take a look at this article. Maybe its something you want to get tested for given the heavy use? http://jeffreydachmd.com/clomid-for-men-with-low-testosterone/

It talks about Ecstasy/hypothalmic dysfunction.

Interesting article. I'm going for blood tests on Wednesday to see what comes up. If there's anything at all physically wrong with me, and this isn't just some overblown neurosis driven fuck-up, hormone tests will be the one. I'm kinda hoping something gets noticed. Because that will account for a lot.

Jayy, I share some of your symptoms. In recent weeks my sharpness has returned, so don't worry too much about it. In fact, I'd say I'm MORE socially switched on now then what I was on the past. Weeks of over-analysing of everything and anything as a result of this mixed depression/anxiety has really given me the tools to understand whats going on around me in a weird sense. As my mood has improved, I've gained more of a sense of "fuck it". There have been times recently where I have been the centre of the party, whereas before, although I was by no means a social retard, I was never dominant in that respect.

The annoying thing? Libido is still pretty flat. It's not gone entirely,and it ebbs and flows, just like literally every other single one of my symptoms, but it's so low as to be of pretty much no use most of the time. Which is annoying. Girls are loving all my confidence. The ironic thing is that I kind of don't care at the minute. There is a huge funny side to this I think, "sorry, you're beautiful, but I'd rather go home and play europa universalis IV". LOL. At least I can see it as such now. A few weeks ago it was driving me to the edge of despair and suicide. Now, I kind of don't care. I'm confident it will resolve itself. I REFUSE to believe otherwise.

I will post the results of my blood test here, whether they come up with anything or not. Hopefully that will get people to follow suit if it shows to be a good route to go down.

Jayy, as for advice to speeding your recovery, all I can really say is exercise, get a good sleeping pattern, improve your diet, drink less, and for fucks sake, DON'T TAKE ANY MORE DRUGS. I made the mistake of going in hard a few more times AFTER my LTC started, from attributing my symptoms to other factors. I know for a fact, that if I'd remained clean from when this first started in August, I'd be much better if not completely cured now. Instead, I'm currently on 2 and a half months clean instead of 6 months. Ain't no MDMA entering my system for a fucking long time, if ever, from now. If I end up as an old man before my time, drinking a few pints before I'm home to bed at 1am, so what. At least I wont be a burnt out crusty old raver at 40 like half of my social circle will be.

At this rate, I'm going to say summer is the earliest I will regain my functionality in every sense, including sexual. And as for the weird dark episodes of existential despair and terror, maybe the end of the year. And maybe I'll have them forever. I've always been prone to the dark side, long before I ever sniffed a line.

Still, I don't give a fuck if sometimes I lay awake at night feeling like I'm having conversations with the devil. As long as I can work, think, socialise, have a hot wife and see to her needs, and not be retarded, I don't really care.
Sleep deprivation is my worst nightmare. I went 40 hours without sleeping and I starting having (im not kidding) knife strikes in my chest. I thought I was going to die. The pain lasted 2 days and went away, thank god. Why does sleep deprivation ruin me so much?
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