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MDMA loss of "magic". Is it in your head, or in your MDMA?

Well... Ecstasy pills are not around in the abundance and price as they used to be.
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You can disagree with what I said, but you can't disagree with people's reports.

Yes I can and that’s what I’m saying - my experience and others don’t line up with those reports. Explain a mechanism that would cause NAC to decrease the effectiveness of MDMA. I haven’t experienced it and countless friends of mine have not as well.
If you want to go with the logic of repairing the 5HT system though, BPC157 would be significantly more ideal than NAC
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5-HT? And NAC is now backed up with a few different studies, evidences and results, along being cheap and easy to find.
5-HTP is a serotonin reuptake, non-prescription medicine that is toxic in high doses.
5-HTP is a serotonin reuptake, non-prescription medicine that is toxic in high doses.

I know lol just a typo except you would be incorrect. 5HTP is the direct serotonin precursor between it and l-tryptophan, converted via aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase, and has nothing to do with reuptake.
So why do people who eat ecstasy and MDMA take 5-HTP?
Because your body can use 5-HTP to produce new serotonin with just one step.
The problem is, that it is not very effective as MDMA inhibits the very enzyme that is responsible for that step.
The 5-HTP will work only when the enzyme resumes its work a few days after the roll, and also the days before the roll to preload.
They do because we think MDMA disrupts the basic serotonin (5-HT) mechanisms up to a few days or a week (it seems to be the case but nobody has proven anything yet). Some of the 5-HTP that was eaten as a supplement will then be decarboxylated into 5-HT and it's something to take during the discuption, so for a few days. It's important to note that 5-HT has nothing to do in excess in the periferal blood, and must penetrate the BBB as soon as possible but it can't alone, this is why it's highly recommanded to take an inhibitor of l-amino acid decarboxylase, like some EGCG, or some green tea extract could do the trick.

I personally don't take 5-HTP anymore and fail to notice a difference. I just keep my dosage up to 3mg/kg and take NAC for a few days after each roll, no pre-load or whatever except some good magnesium during. I know that 5-HTP helped a lot of people, but maybe they need to take less MDMA or less often at the first place. I don't think compensating excess MDMA intake with 5-HTP is the most reliable thing to do since I'm pretty sure 5-HTP alone is not gentle on your cariovascular system.
i had some of the wickedest nightmares after taking 5htp, then some of the most lucid dreams ever the day after..
:sick: 5-HTP in high doses is bad.
Dude, my jaw just dropped right now when I saw that you are doing a mushroom grow.

This is something that serious psychonauts do- aka, REAL people, who generally are and do what they say.

I thought- ahhh? I wonder if this guy IS actually for real?

So I followed along to see your grow. It all looks and sounds very professional.

Although, somehow I couldn't believe those hands and arms were your own.

And then I saw it announced by the other members that you are just pinching the photos from elsewhere, in true typical, fraudster troll fashion!

Mate, seriously, what IS IT with you? Why do you play these games permanently? Playing out this phoney pantomome?

What do you get out of it?

Im sorry its just sad. React how you like, you are totally ingenuine and full of lies and dishonesty. 100% opposite of myself and my values. Truth, sincerity, openess and honesty, plus respect for others are essential values to me.

If you were posting all this mumbo in the Crack cocaine thread, that might be more appropriate?
That’s debatable but, regardless, how does this add anything to the thread?
Oh... Do You have time to debate?

I'm not One for getting sick while taking meds and things "to help Me". Like 5-HTP.

I used to over do iit. Do You have a problem with My presence? I have a lot to contribute with all the MDMA I have eaten over the years.

I have much research

to offer and much respect to gain for You.
That’s debatable but, regardless, how does this add anything to the thread?
It simply doesnt, it never does. I don't believe that can possibly be the intention either I really don't know what the intention or purpose actually is I find it very strange and peculiar.

Even if there is arguably some sort of legitimate and valid point it is never backed up or qualified or elaborated on or given any sort of relevant applicable context to actually be of use to any single person it would seem.

Just a disruption and distraction for the most part. I'm naturally curious so I would like to understand what motivates such behaviour. If there is no bad or insincere intention but simply a case of somebody not being right in the head then I am okay with that of course but I'm not convinced that is how things are here.
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Rolled this weekend, shortest wait in a while, and BEST roll in some time. Insane quality product. I did one thing differently this wait period, and that was research stress/cortisol/and adrenals. In short: mdma use....in general...... raises your stress levels. This could be due to it raising cortisol levels by 400% during the course of a roll. I was personally feeling extreme stress, and burnout. So i gave some adrenal supplements a try. Neither of which are cheap btw. 30 dollars for the jump start, and 30 dollars for the daily support. Gaia herbs, makes both those adrenal supplements, and with my experience with them. EVERY RAVER/MDMA USER/MDMA LOVER that has used it for any period of time, should go on this adrenal program. I think youll find lower stress levels in your future, a long with a better roll. This theory/test, brought to you by....... BLUELIGHT. I read this info somewhere on here and ran with it. Worked for me. Will continue with the daily til its gone now and see how im feeling.

No depression overly noticeable. That shit was clean.

Now, in order to not to hi-jack the thread.........ill check out this NAC supplement as well! Thanks for your post and thoughts on this!
Sqqlut, when you first posted in the What is Wrong With MDMA today? thread a few days ago, my initial reaction was "He seems super heated and emotional. Why does he care so much?"

I am totally open to NAC helping some users regain magic due to damage caused previously. And, we have a large amount of anecdotal evidence - more than you, I'd argue - that would suggest that individual physiology is not a significant factor in MehDMA, eg. first time users having poor experiences, individuals rolling on MehDMA one night and taking another batch the next night that is MagicDMA, MehDMA experiences for long periods of time followed by MagicDMA with no apparent change in diet or physiology necessary for an explanation of magic, etc.

I get that you would be annoyed people wouldn't try such an easy and available solution. And, I totally don't get your resentment or aggression towards a, quite well researched at this point, theory.

EDIT: Ancedotally, I probably take better care of my health than 99% of people. I do or have done most every biohack out there that I can (circadian regulation, sunlight, red light therapy, blue blocking, nootropics - including dopamine and serotonin balancing peptides, more than enough nutrients and trace minerals, intermittent fasting, all kinds of supplements - including NAC regularly, which hasn't prevented multiple experiences of MehDMA, EMF mitigation, and more) and none of it has had any effect on MehDMA vs MagicDMA. In the past four years, I've had both MehDMA and MagicDMA experiences scattered amongst one another, in no way seemingly relevant to my own chemistry. In fact, I haven't had good MDMA since 2017 now (EDIT: I forgot I had one good experience a few months ago, though again, that was a month or so after a Meh experience and I had changed nothing physiologically), and since then I've taken care of myself and become even healthier than I've ever been. But I've had MehDMA three times in that period.

It just doesn't line up, man. And the skepticism towards you comes from your absolute insistence that the rest of us are missing something when it seems more true to us that you're the one missing something. There's a reason we think batch differences are the problem. That reason is because it is the only explanation that provides for all of the variables we've collected.
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