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Maxing out on shrooms


Nov 9, 2014
Taken morning glory seeds, shrooms, and yopo seeds. Don't give a fuck about HPPD or any of that shit. There is a very small mushroom about a centimeter cap that I saw growing and is extremely powerful. 7 will trip you. If seven is a trip what would 300 of them do from anybody that has heard of this sort of thing? I'm pretty experienced and do not fear schizophrenia.
Do beware, that while psilocin may not be toxic, there could potentially be a LOT in your system. Enough of anything will kill you.
Oh, you're the dipshit with the "what would you do in prison, groin kicking" bullshit...go ahead Paco...eat 'em all up and let us know how it went.

I know, I know, psychedelics are supposed to help us with tolerance, but sometimes...fuck it, call a spade a spade.
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Yeah dude, go for it. Unless of course "you have been challenged seriously in life, otherwise, you'd have natural psychedelics in the brain from people trying to kill you and that type of constant threat. You only take psychedelics if you are completely cool, not imbalanced and fucked up, because it will send you over the edge if you keep taking them. "
Hahaha ^^ the dude made another thread on here that was a bit insulting...

What shroom are you talking about? Psilocybe semilanceate (liberty caps)? They are pretty potent for their size, but I don't think you'd really trip from seven of those guys. 300 of them would probably be intense depending on how big/potent they are. I'd guess 2,5g of dried libs is about the same as 3,5gs of standard cubensis.
Overdoses of psilocybin generally lead to a couple of things.

1. Irrational anxiety.
2. Blackouts.
3. Socially unacceptable behaviour.

Mushrooms are pretty forgiving but if you go increasing your dose ten- or hundredfold you are very likely going to end up found by police & carted off into a hospital ward. Either that or you will be acting totally autonomously and just trying to get your sensory input to make some glimmer of sense for a couple hours.

Realistically, you'd be a fool to eat 300 of any Psilocybe. Doesn't matter how much of a rude boy you consider yourself. Psilocybin is just no fucking fun in overdose.

Also, nobody really fears HPPD/schizoid behaviour/etc. until it has them in a serious choke hold. As someone who's had my fair share of strange drug experiences where I wake up in my own bed, it was really unsettling to wake up in a hospital bed in restraints one day. This shit can happen to anyone. Knowledgeable or not.
Psilocybe semilanceata are usually very small, a 1cm cap is a pretty big one for that species, usually about 30 average sized ones are about a gram dried, but they vary & they're stronger than cubensis by weight. So 300 is a very heavy dose, but not that far out of the normal range, like maybe 3x-6x a good strong dose, depending on how big the shrooms are. It'd be roughly like eating half an ounce of strong dried cubensis, or a bit more, maybe as much as an ounce if they're particularly big semilanceata. You still don't take that amount of mushrooms to have fun, you'll be on another planet, but it's probably not a blackout dose & not guaranteed hospitalisation, depending on the person & exactly how big the mushrooms are. 7 making you trip makes me think they're big semilanceata, so it's really maxing the dose. If 7 make you trip hard then stay well away from 300, you must be quite sensitive or they're totally different mushrooms.

If they're liberty caps, 7 big ones fresh out of the ground is just enough to get above threshold effects & start to trip, it's anything from about 0.1g to 0.5g dried, depending on their size, eaten fresh they can be really potent for their small size. 300 will give you an extremely intense trip & you will find it hard to separate the hallucinations from reality, that'd be over 10 grams dried weight, depending on size, 1cm is pretty big, so it might be closer to 20 grams. It's not going to send most people insane for more than a few hours. I'd suggest checking what mushrooms you have, if they're Psilocybe semilanceata, then work your way up with doses, don't just eat 7 & then eat 300 next time, that's dumb, you've no idea what a high dose of mushrooms will do to you, it's a totally different level to morning glory seeds or most other psychedelics. If 7 just barely make you trip, then 20 or 30, up to 50 maybe should be a good time, 300 is insanity. If you've had 50-100 of them before without freakouts then it's up to you, but it's not a sensible first dose & that kind of dose is something that would send somebody very experienced & comfortable with mushrooms completely wild. No other psychedelics prepare you for a really strong mushroom trip, they're different, I don't think any other drug can do anything as intense.

It's not a fixed amount of active chemicals in each mushroom either, larger mushrooms usually have much more per mushroom but slightly less by weight. 300 tiny liberty caps that have been dried & lost a little potency is way different to 300 big fresh ones, there could be 4 or 5 times the dose.

A lot of the people I know that got close to that kind of dose never took any mushrooms again.

If they're really much more than about 1cm in size, like a typical cubensis, then 300 is a truely ridiculous dose, I think you'd find it hard to eat that amount.

If they're actually some toxic mushroom rather than psylocibes then you will die. It'll likely be a horrible painful death too. It's extremely important to know what you're picking if you're collecting any kind of wild mushroom.

Check this guy out, he tries to explain what high dose mushrooms are like, from experience (fast forward about 15mins if you're impatient)... http://vimeo.com/75940226 20-30g doses of dried cubensis (i'd estimate fresh semilanceata are twice that strength, not counting water content).
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Yes, well, the mushrooms look a bit like the psilocybe semilceata, but not exactly. They come up white, and if it's very wet or if they're powerful, they have a light greyish color to them. They come out of the grass. They come in bunches usually of 40 or 50, and yes they are smaller than 1 cm. They are parasol shaped, ribbed, white, and they stain a very dark blue to violet when pinched in the sunlight.
http://shroomery.org/ has more information on mushrooms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psilocybe_semilanceata has a few good photos too. They should be off-white, light beige when it's dry, darker brown when they're wet. Thin stem, nipple on top, cap curls under slightly. The cap isn't ribbed. The gills are dark too.

If you're going to pick wild mushrooms then read as much as you can about identifying them & try to go out with somebody experienced. Don't eat any mushrooms you can't identify. Mushroom ID isn't allowed here, but if they look very similar to semilanceata, grow on grass in northern usa/canada or europe or somewhere with a similar climate, but they're more ribbed & parasol shaped, less of a nipple, then they could be a related species https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psilocybe_strictipes or one of the other lookalikes, staining dark blue/violet when bruised is usually a good sign they're some kind of psilocybe. If you're in central america they could be psilocybe mexicana. Somebody on shroomery might be able to help, with good photos & spore prints.

If you dry them & weigh them you can get a better idea of the dose, but even 300 tiny psilocybes is a very big dose. So how you go with 30 or 50 at most, about 1-2g will be enough for a good trip if they're strong freshly dried mushrooms, 3-4g (maybe 100?) is heavy.
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I noticed that smelling psychedelic mushrooms gives me a slight buzz, a tingle in the back of head. But you're correct that you want to be sure.
I noticed that smelling psychedelic mushrooms gives me a slight buzz, a tingle in the back of head. But you're correct that you want to be sure.

That would be Mr Placebo tickling you in the back of your head.
Yeah I've heard people say what you said, but I know a psychedelic feeling when I smell it. Lots of stuff can get you "high" by smelling in a not powder forms, such as black tar heroin. I knew that somebody had a baggy of it, and smelled it, and he said he was high. It's true, and maybe my mushroom was more powerful. I smelled a jimson weed flower, and it will get you slightly buzzed as well. Oh, before I ever took mushrooms, I had that mushroom, and was deciding whether to eat it. And I just kept sniffing it and sniffing it. It made me buzzed before I ever ate it.
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Don't wanna be the second person to say it, but unless you have a hyper sensitive sense of smell and a unique brain disorder interpreting this particular sensory input in such a way as to cause simulation.....placebo.
Why would I lie to you? I smell mushrooms outside that don't do it, while others do cause that sensation. It's not from hyperventilating. It's like eating a tiny piece of it, except sniffing it gives a briefer sensation. You know snorting something vs. consuming something usually gives a much more intense rush. I guess you glossed over my black tar heroin comment, where another person got "high" not just buzzed, but "high" just from taking a good whiff of a small amount. That's gummy and sticky and by no means has powder on it. I've heard other people on these boards say the same thing as me, and everybody else just jumps on the bandwagon and says, nope, that's not possible. I don't understand how these people can function in society if they automatically discount somebody's sensory input and claim it's invalid. That's like jumping the gun on every eyewitness account, and saying, the person must have hallucinated it, cause you are the kind of person that hallucinates probably quite regularly on your drugs.
Yeah I've heard people say what you said, but I know a psychedelic feeling when I smell it. Lots of stuff can get you "high" by smelling in a not powder forms, such as black tar heroin. I knew that somebody had a baggy of it, and smelled it, and he said he was high. It's true, and maybe my mushroom was more powerful. I smelled a jimson weed flower, and it will get you slightly buzzed as well. Oh, before I ever took mushrooms, I had that mushroom, and was deciding whether to eat it. And I just kept sniffing it and sniffing it. It made me buzzed before I ever ate it.
No they can't.
"He said he was high" is not any sort of proof, it's a purely anecdotal report of someone experiencing the placebo effect.
The only thing you can get high by simply smelling them are inhalants (technically vaporized/smoked drugs too but most people inhale through their mouth obviously).
We automatically discount your account as wrong because there is no scientific basis for how it could possibly be true.
FYI the placebo effect can be extremely powerful, especially in those prone to suggestibility.
Actually you're wrong. When somebody spills mercury they don't let it just sit out for a week, cause if you're near it you can inhale the molecules that are coming off it, that's why you can smell things, because molecules are coming off the item. I smelled the tiny baggie of black tar heroin, and it made me as high as 5 mg of oxycodone although it's briefer. If you keep coming back to smell it, you won't get the high, but if you wait a day or two, you can get that buzzed feeling just from smelling it, and as we all know black tar heroin can be quite pure. You just are saying something, no what you are experiencing is wrong AND the guy that I was with, he out of the blue said he was high, and I remembered what happen when I smelled it and I said yeah, can you believe it? I don't care what you think, I'm here just to do what I do.
Also you're mixing suggestibility which is proven, with a novel experience. I never had psychedelics before smelling a -wild- mushroom, and it was an unusual experience before I ate it.
Sometimes people will get out of the blue, bizarre sensations, like odors. I once spilled a cup of urine in the car, and I was with my girlfriend. Well sometimes when I move my eye around and get pissed about something, I get a strange taste. Well, we had order coffee at Mcdonald's at 6 in the morning, and that night I had spilled a cup of piss. Well when I got the coffee I had a strong taste of urine in my mouth, and my girlfriend, one of her personalities was schizophrenic, so she said she tasted it too. The thing that made me realize it wasn't urine, was that I had a strong taste of urine for several hours afterwards. I was about to go inside mcdonalds and raise hell and say somebody pissed in my coffee.
Actually you're wrong. When somebody spills mercury they don't let it just sit out for a week, cause if you're near it you can inhale the molecules that are coming off it, that's why you can smell things, because molecules are coming off the item. I smelled the tiny baggie of black tar heroin, and it made me as high as 5 mg of oxycodone although it's briefer. If you keep coming back to smell it, you won't get the high, but if you wait a day or two, you can get that buzzed feeling just from smelling it, and as we all know black tar heroin can be quite pure. You just are saying something, no what you are experiencing is wrong AND the guy that I was with, he out of the blue said he was high, and I remembered what happen when I smelled it and I said yeah, can you believe it? I don't care what you think, I'm here just to do what I do.

Mercury is a liquid at room temperature and liquids can absorb in small small portions in to the atmosphere, psilocin is not.
Not to mention psilocin is trapped within the cells of the mushroom, it is not open to the atmosphere anyway.
I also had a friend in the tenth grade who said he smoked a hemp shirt and got high, should I believe him just because he said so or should I use this wonderful skill humans have been granted with called critical thinking and realize that industrial hemp contains negligible amounts of THC and no where near enough to get anyone high; I don't know about you but I'll go with the latter.