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Marijuana vs. Synthetic Marijuana

Spice sucks. Hate that shit. And I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to drugs.

Thankfully it's pretty much non-existent here anymore, esp. after the legalization of cannabis. The only consumers of it around here tend to be crystal meth users, many of whom tend to be into spice for some reason...?

Spic is not safe because it is unbranded. Try a good noid.
Someone I know who I trust on drug-related matters told me that he received some JWH-018 (in powder form) from China, before the whole spice thing became big, and he told me that vaporized it was pretty enjoyable. I wouldn't know, though. One of only two times I've smoked spice was when it was "K2" down in Texas, in 2010. Which I believe was JWH-018...? But I'm not sure.
Keeping up with new noids and their safety profile is something the average person does not have time for. It's a full time job just keeping up with what the "good" noids are. That's a bullshit drug to be doing recreationally, naive at best.

Everyday we get someone LIKE THIS GUY posting on BL who tried a new noid and lost his shit. Another lab rat taking one for the team. I for one, will not be a lab rat.

I had a guy in my auto tech class my freshmen year in 2010 who always bragged about using K2. He fried his brain using that stuff and had no intelligence what so ever. I also work with a girl who used it once and she said she's never touched it again. She hated it. Stick to mj.
Yeah, doesn't sound like it would react well with who I am as a person. I understand there's people championing it. I've had a dude go completely ballistic because I preferred flower to dabs...like it was his crusade. I get fanaticism. But yeah, good ol' fashioned mj any day.
I had a great decade on weed and resins (well, for better and worse tbh) then just hit that paranoia brick wall mid 20's. Past that I only enjoyed the odd spliff after already wasted on preferred drugs like benzos, K, opiates, booze etc. Otherwise it just keeps making me paranoid.

The difference with the synthetics is pretty striking. Though a few hits seems similar to skunk - if you keep smoking it you'll pass out. Like,, I can get a gram for maybe £3 and that will have me basically asleep for 36 hours (just coming up to finish the half smoked joint I fell asleep on AGAIN). Seriously I've awoke to my bed and part of my arm on fire having drifted off on this stuff, suffered permanent burns and only stayed awake long enough to put out the fire before,, yup,, straight back to sleep.

I have absolutely no idea why anyone would want to do synthetics anywhere but alone with a bed around - and anyone doing it at a party is retarded. However ,, if you're into your (proper) downers synthetic canabinoids aren't very pretty but do the job. If the job is somewhere between comatose and land of nod that is.
It's not half as much fun as heroin or the longer lasting opiates but to be fair if you're just looking for a cheap way out of consciousness via sleep they do the trick rather well. Nothing like cannabis though - forget all the 'exploring undiscovered corridors in your brain' subtlety - synthetics are basically a baseball bat beating you to sleep.
There's guys who have quit heroin and become 'Spice' addicts (check the 'Vice' documentary on youtube) and I can well believe it - but therein lies what it's best used for - as a VERY HEAVY DOWNER,, unlike marijuana.
The two aren't really that comparable at all imho.
Stay safe - best wishes.
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I Loooove weed, relaxing, last longer than sythestics, more euphoric in a way BUT I also LOVE sythetics hits you as soon as you take a hit(most the time) has a more numbing effect that weed, which I enjoy...but too much and not good. Never do either one that much anymore, but I funciton better in public on synthetics for some reason whwn I'm out in public, I stay social and odn't wanna just keep to myself...but I always make sure to take it SLOW if its a new blend, cuz thye will KICK YOUR ASS. But all together I enjoy just weed, but really do enjoy syntheics also, just not everyday. I really wish a blend they had when I coud still get it in gas stations was around. It waas a gram in each bag, more expensice than the others with a skull and cross bones as the artwork on it...actually tasted good but two hits and BAM high as hell, 4 hits, STONED LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER, don't hit it anymore,lol. It also lasted as long as weed and felt JUST like it, other syntheics I tried seem to last just an hour or so, but this was like a 2-4 hour weed high..feeling lazy, great muchies.. This was circa 2007 so it was when JWH's were going around, but what was in it started iwth an A I think...A 2201 or somethin like that..loved that shit.
I think a lot of you guys are confusing pure synthetic cannabinoids with "spice". I wouldn't recommend to start using noise but spice is probably much much worse, you don't even know what is in it and how much etc.
I used pure noids ordered online regularly for more than a year and never had any problem aside from the occasional overly intense high (it's easy to mess up the dose as they're really potent) but other than that no problem.
YMMV and also I don't recommend using synthetic cannabinoids as they can be addictive to some and I doubt they're healthy. I don't use them anymore BTW and have 0 urge to.
U should read the thread I just posted..my brother just literally flipped out from smoking that synthetic stuff and I had to call an ambulance for him