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Marijuana Legalization on a Federal Level?


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999

Election year, no way this passes.. but perhaps this can be a glimmer of light at the end of a very long tunnel.
Trump gets elected.. disregard this post. Biden maybe, but even then I don’t think pot will ease the pain of America under that

btw I’m a liberal, but my social views are a little bit more moderate. I can’t decide do I wanna keep my guns or get high.. although NC don’t force you to register them. I’m sure this post will turn a few heads.
Becoming federally legal is not a good thing...all the herbal POWs will not get released, all legalization has really done is make it harder to get top shelf at a good price since a lot of the growers are backing off cause of the new laws, it’s mostly about tax money and the obvious place this ends is well obvious
Becoming federally legal is not a good thing...all the herbal POWs will not get released, all legalization has really done is make it harder to get top shelf at a good price since a lot of the growers are backing off cause of the new laws, it’s mostly about tax money and the obvious place this ends is well obvious
Yeah I’ve noticed that in illegal states it’s just made things more convulted between having a good plug and someone buying packaging off the internet and putting local buds in their. Anything that looks remotely good is now instantly being identified as medical. And as far as I’m concerned we need it medically not recreationally cause with recreation you get a ton of big business goons growing it the cheapest efficient way possible not caring about the pesticides insecticides and growing techniques use. Currently sadly paying 140-200 a half depending on source and I know I’ll get comments saying I’m a POS for that. But I gotta get in where I fit in and that’s the best I can do. Hopefully like you said this all gets nullified personally with decriminalized states and hemp flower ive been less then paranoid had anything happen. I think it should stay where it’s at with expanded research and medically being accepted everywhere without the FDA being involved cause let’s face it when that happens we might as well be smoking embalming fluid
Recreational marijuana standardized the regulation process for testing pesticides, insecticides, cannabinoid content, etc. as we know it today.

When I first got my medical card 10 years ago, there was little to no regulations on it at all and it was just as expensive as blackmarket. No testing was done on any product. It was't until it became recreationally legal in 2012 that guidelines became standard and prices plummeted for both medical and recreational weed.

No competition. Even the cartels got nothing on legalization. It's game over for them.
It's working in Canada and other countries without any negative effects. It's so odd it's legal in 1 state but you could get arrested in the next one
I just had a family friend die I’m wondering if it was a fake cart I got sick off the few hits I did and he just had a heart attack anyone know if it would cause that?
I'm in an an area with legal recreational marijuana and the quality has skyrocketed, while prices have plummeted. I dont think schwag even exists here anymore. Good weed runs from ***no prices please*** ounce, and that's with each batch being analyzed for potency and tested for contaminants. The tax revenue hasn't been the boon it was expected to be, but I'm all for the regulations I live with being expanded nationally...
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Cannabis prohibition is ending. It is inevitable at this point. Even most conservatives believe it should be legalized. Regardless of what happens in November the Fed won't be legalizing weed in the near future. What may happen is Congress removing cannabis from schedule 1 status. This would allow the States to decide for themselves. But even that is not likely in the near term. If Biden wins I give it about a 50-50 shot that gets done in his first year. If Trump gets back in that percentage drops to about 5%. The States are gonna have to keep leading the way until Congress simply has no choice to remove cannabis from schedule 1 status.
FWIW, I live in very much a RED prohibition State. Even though it is technically illegal here the local police have publicly stated they are not prosecuting possession charges for anything less than 3 oz. If some is caught with anything less than 3oz, they will just take it (and probably smoke it later) there's no ticket and no court appearance.

Election year, no way this passes.. but perhaps this can be a glimmer of light at the end of a very long tunnel.
Trump gets elected.. disregard this post. Biden maybe, but even then I don’t think pot will ease the pain of America under that

btw I’m a liberal, but my social views are a little bit more moderate. I can’t decide do I wanna keep my guns or get high.. although NC don’t force you to register them. I’m sure this post will turn a few heads.
Marijuana should be legal in every state.
Marijuana should be legal in every state.
I think we should have right to access whatever may help, legalization I don’t know about I worry that with legalization comes regulation, regulation begins control, and then we are paying for smoke with more Added chemicals then the Pesticide and Fungicides left over. I do wish something happens, I’m tired of falling for the same , it’s from Cali trap. I’ve learned better now.
There is article I read some time back. So hemp is legal in all states. More than .03% THC and now considered herb. What if you have some dirt? Can't find the article now but some dude fought it like that and Texas court had no idea how to test it, so they just dropped it. lol.

Such silly laws.
There is article I read some time back. So hemp is legal in all states. More than .03% THC and now considered herb. What if you have some dirt? Can't find the article now but some dude fought it like that and Texas court had no idea how to test it, so they just dropped it. lol.

Such silly laws.
Lol in my state before corona they were trying to pass legislation to effectively ban smokeable hemp products for the same reason. So technically it’s defacto legal in all 50 states, so you might as well legalize it tax it and take some of the burden off the common worker, I’m assuming you could pull millions of dollars of taxes off it, I just fear with legalization comes regulation and we all know how great that is in America.
I have had massive troubles with marijuana myself

Buut legalize and regulate it. Along with every other substance
Cannabis prohibition is ending. It is inevitable at this point. Even most conservatives believe it should be legalized. Regardless of what happens in November the Fed won't be legalizing weed in the near future. What may happen is Congress removing cannabis from schedule 1 status. This would allow the States to decide for themselves. But even that is not likely in the near term. If Biden wins I give it about a 50-50 shot that gets done in his first year. If Trump gets back in that percentage drops to about 5%. The States are gonna have to keep leading the way until Congress simply has no choice to remove cannabis from schedule 1 status.

I'm a conservative, a very left leaning one and I support legal weed. In Canada we have our bible belt conservatives and they even supported it. I pick up for my 60+ year old neighbor i would have never have guessed smoked.
I guess we have all seen the evils of alcohol and figure it can't be worse than that
I have had massive troubles with marijuana myself

Buut legalize and regulate it. Along with every other substance
And for those people, it give you an option smoke it or don’t. Personally I like kratom over smoking on days I gotta get stuff done.
I'm a conservative, a very left leaning one and I support legal weed. In Canada we have our bible belt conservatives and they even supported it. I pick up for my 60+ year old neighbor i would have never have guessed smoked.
I guess we have all seen the evils of alcohol and figure it can't be worse than that
yeah but there’s a lot of convictions that would have to be overturned because of it. Sadly I don’t see this bill passing. lm more of a moderate-liberal myself. I believe in the right to try things for yourself. I believe though we should limit the age to 25 (brain fully developed) and up the age of alcohol with it as well and tax the hell out of it to prevent over abundance and use. I support this fully, I support magic mushrooms on a legal level and has covid not happened we woulda been in a better position for MDMA to get larger studies done for the FDA. But I believe there’s a line, I believe in safe access to needles and safe shoot up sites, it can’t be any worse then the methadone but I don’t believe we need to supply them with government Synthetic heroin
Like we’ve done for years. I believe the Amsterdam and the Netherlands have their drug addiction epidemics on the way to getting in check with them having substantially lower violent crimes then us what they hell is the problem with with people getting stoned as for the Bible thumpers I believe myself but I don’t believe you have the right to say weeds wrong while simultaneously browsing porn websites overeating and counting their tax free money
As adults it should be up to us what we want to put in our bodies. They have no issues handing out methadone but not weed, seems backwards.
I know seniors who use cannabis for pain and appetite but your government would not allow that but write them scripts for oxys. So backwards.
The earth has a plant to help every disorder but they keep pushing synthetic crap.
How many people would not be addicted to pills or heroin if their doctor prescribed kratom or weed