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Marijuana and Benzos

It's cool man I mean I wasn't really offended or anything, I didn't think you were really being an asshole.

Yeah, a big reason I don't smoke much weed these days is I always want to drink with it and I'd be a huge alcoholic (well I'm already a bit of one but I keep it sort of under control).

I always wish there was a more anxiolytic strain and there probably is somewhere that I haven't tried like one with more CBD.

It's not exactly "anxiety" as much as endless negative thought patterns so that I can't usually enjoy my highs which sucks cause it didn't happen as much when I was younger.

These days i only use Kratom and alcohol but it seems like this forum has info about so many other drugs I might like so I'm always hoping I can find a good one for me but being on an SSRI limits what I can use.

Maybe I'll grow some shrooms which always make me feel peaceful.

Now I kind of want to try Xanax though but I know how rough benzo addiction can be.

I did ONCE experience benzo euphoria from IV Valium before an operation so I CAN understand it from that one experience and it makes me want some of that too lol.

Anyways, it's all good man, no worries :)
They're fun drugs (Xanax and Valium). Thing is, you know you've got a problem on your hands when the drugs start to give you energy instead of-- well... not "sedate" per se`, but that's that best word that I can think of... but yeah, when they become more of an upper than a downer, it's a good sign that you're starting to get hooked. For me anyways, that's always the first sign.

Take a quarter of a bar (.5mg Xanax/alprazolam) and I'd go into full-on clean-mode. Clean the shit out my house, man, smoking bowls all the while. Felt good, too, it wasn't an obsessive-compulsive thing. I just found it hard to relax with clutter all around me, and when I finished that I'd figure, "Well, might as well clean the bathroom like I've been meaning to..." get that done, then it hits me-- "FUCK, I haven't cleaned the cat's litter box out all week!" Handle that, go downstairs to make something to eat and the kitchen's a mess. "Fuck it, I'ma make this mafucka SHINE." Clean the kitchen, eat my food, clean up that new food-making mess, leave the kitchen and notice the living room's kinda dusty. "Yo... the vacuum's right there, I mean, might as well... Vacuum the fuck out the whole downstairs instead of just the living room, go upstairs and take another .5mg, smoke more tree, find more things to do. Run out of shit around the house? Fuckin' PS4 time, baby. %)

See, I had problems with that shit but I was fuckin' PRODUCTIVE man, I'm tryna tell you, lol.

Haha, yeah see that's EXACTLY the kind of thing I'm looking for at the moment.

It's a lot easier to do things you don't want to do if you are feeling great, so long as you aren't couch locked or too sedated or drunk that is.

Dexedrine has done that for me at times in the past and sometimes Kratom can but I haven't been using it like I should.

I wish weed could do that to me.

Maybe there's a super strain out there that can?

I haven't tried it yet if there is.
when i started doin' benzos i used to take too much and fuck up

now i take small doses and they're the most beautiful thing. It's not sedating. Just like what Jib's sayin'. Productivity.

High dose is counter-productive
Yeah, Klonopin used to help me socialize and helped with anxiety but it didn't make me more productive.

Xanax, Valium or euphoric benzos must be different.
Euphoric benzos?

haven't come across those yet. Been pretty giddy on 6mg Ativan tho

I've taken 5mg Xanax for planes before and never got as fucked up as the 6mg Ativan would get me.

Xanax is too strong. Valium is just perfect. neither are euphoric IMO.
nothing like 1 and half of my 2mg actavis's of clonazepam(so 3mg lol), and a fat blunt of something sticky n smelly. some sticks are nice on occasion.. hard to find where i am. i get a script of klon :) so far teva n activas are my 2 faves.. mylan was crap literally ran out much much earlier, cuz they sucked
i get 30 30mg temazepam a month along w my 60 2mg klons n 60 8mg subutex... but temazzies are nice if u take a lot.. people love em.
also benzos like nitrazapam, bromazepam, etc are rarely prescribed
^^I always wanted to try flunitrazepam/Rohypnol but I've never, ever, EVER heard of anyone having it.

Probably because of it's date-rape reputation, but I'm just interested in seeing what hypnotic benzo's are all about.
I like the combo, usually take a low benzo dose. Well i don't normally take benzos but came across a good amount of alprazolam 2 months ago so i've been taking them every now and then.
I get a very nice body high from the combo, love the muscle relaxing effects and the mental high is also pleasant ,you feel sorta "fresh", relaxed but a little energetic as well.

I'm on that combo right now and feel very good, the munchies is stronger though xD
I'm on that combo right now and feel very good, the munchies is stronger though xD

OMG! Definitely! The munchies are fucking insane when you smoke some tree with a benzo' in you.
I like the combo weed + benzos + kratom.

Once I took 6g bali kratom (no tolerance), followed by sublingual zopiclone. I had been able to do the sublingual zopiclone before, but this time it was too much. Eventually I projectile vomited all over the wall and the toilets lol.

Other than that, when I do the weed + benzo combo, it's usually with prazepam or clorazepate. I experience quite a lot of amnesia. I read a lot of pages from a book while on it (kratom was part of the combo too) and had to re-read everything the next day.
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