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Heroin MA heroin V3 I'm wicked jammed kid

I hear ya man....time flies....before you know it well be old!!! Lol but ur right man...ive seen soooo many good friends die bc of this life. I really ty to be as careful as I can but sometimes that one bag will do it. We really are playing roulette.....but fuck its kinda fun huh? Its screwed up to say but we get addicted to this lifestyle. Ok enuff na literature here!!! I was sick all day today n not wds ....it was weird like a mini cotton fever thing I duno...but thanx to my homie for comming through for me....you know who ya are man I don't wana name yavlol well everyone keep it safe out there and goodluck everyone
this is the addict mind talking but I am almost glad I am on Suboxone and use once in a while; the Suboxone blocks the dope enough when it "hits me and keeps it somewhat safe, right? see, that is the SICK addict talking in me. it tells me its OK to shoot as long I am still taking my Suboxone regularly because it is NOW SAFE cuz the Subxoone blocks enough of the dope and will not kill me.

seriously, the sick ADDICT MIND TELLS ME THIS and I BELIEVE IT! I am writing this and believe it; I am NOT EVEN HIGH RIGHT NOW BUT STILL SAY IT! funny how the addict mind works but what can we do, right? I am open to any/everything and admit all my wrong doing, much like this one right here. but over the last 8-9 months I have only used as many times where I can count on ONE HAND; that is fucking AMAZING TO ME! before that I was blasting a G+/day, at least 2G's and it was all that fent, baby. I started to like the fent more than dope. when it was dope I'd shoot half G shots, maybe 1/3/G shots. once fent came and was pure white id now get 7-10 shots off. so the game changed but it took MANY PEOPLE DOWN; it was a damn sin and many people did not know how to react; I really didnt myself and woke up on the ground many times hours and hours later. I didnt know how to take it and still dont but TRYING to stay the MOST SOBER I CAN! I have so much OTHER shit going on in life right now, as I mentioned before, that the drug parts almost falls to the side but I Know it can never be said/mentioned like that.

anyway, all my Boston peeps, stay strong.. stay WICKED JAMMMMMMMMED KIDDDDDDDDDDD! lol

I am from East Boston and we really do say that... A LOTTTTTTTTTTT KID!
Looking back now, my post was stupid as fuck. But I did end up scoring some dope, so I guess I can officially join this thread now. Also ended up trying crack but that's another story. I can already see what a fucking mistake I made lol, this feels too good.
Yeah I know it's a part of the game. I wasn't 100% prepared for it, but I know it happens. Wish I had just stashed those bags though first. Been getting monopoly and McDonald's which both are good right now, monopoly are better though. Got court on Monday we will see how that goes. Talked to my lawyer and I'm not looking at serious time, which of course is a good thing. I will be a felon though.
Yeah I know it's a part of the game. I wasn't 100% prepared for it, but I know it happens. Wish I had just stashed those bags though first. Been getting monopoly and McDonald's which both are good right now, monopoly are better though. Got court on Monday we will see how that goes. Talked to my lawyer and I'm not looking at serious time, which of course is a good thing. I will be a felon though.
Fuck dude that sucks, they just love fucking people man. Mcdonalds bags eh? Gotta try those and get my double cheeseburgers going lol. Well bro I hope court goes smoothly and they don't try to pull a fast one on u like they always do. Ttyl bro take care!
Fuck dude that sucks, they just love fucking people man. Mcdonalds bags eh? Gotta try those and get my double cheeseburgers going lol. Well bro I hope court goes smoothly and they don't try to pull a fast one on u like they always do. Ttyl bro take care!
Thanks, I spoke w my lawyer the other day. I should be fine. Being a veteran doesn't hurt either. I got possession w intent to distribute I had 40 bags I got caught with. I'm not even really looking at jail time, prob just probation for a year or this other veteran program. The past two days I've been having a lil trouble getting a hold of my regular guys, which sucks. Called a ton of people ended up having to drive around for a whole 30 min! Oh well got a half pack of selfies today which are huge, pretty decent too. Hope you all are having a good time and staying out of trouble.
Well if you are In western mass get at me standupthenfall. If your in western mass no need to drive around lol hopefully since ur a vet nbshit they'll take it easy on u n u get no jail time bro. With drug addicts they should put us in rehabs n jails ya know. It doesn't fix a damn thing but detox me ya kno. Oh well that's how it is....ive done it way too many times man. Hopefully shit works out for you and keep u posted brother. People dont realize that we are all in this together. Everyone is too busy trying to scumbag each other to see the big picture on how we are all in tho vicious cycle together. When I see someone sick n have xtras on me ill get some one off E. But once again oh well that's the world we live in. I give everyone the benifit until they scumbag me then I dont fuck w em. So hows everyone doing out there? Hows my western mass. Ppl doin? Nething good out towards Boston? Well ppl keep safe n have fun
tell you right now, boys.. there is straight FIRE in the East Boston/North Shore/Lynn area. its white as a ghost, its straight fent/dope mix, and its a FIRE BALL! again, I have NOT been using as much, or even close to as much, but I am starting to use more because I am just depressed and down and out. anyway, I used Suboxone one day and shot that night and it was OK; next day I picked u same shit and did a similar shot and I was OUT LIKE A LIGHT! scary, yes.. but goes to show the strength. on a G I probably could have got 12-15 shots rather than my usual 5-7 shots on a G. the shit was FIRE - white as a ghost, clear as crystal, fire in your pin.

I am happy I am broke and cannot afford to play around anymore cuz that shit would have got me back on HARD! that night I barely remember because most people consider it nodding but I think I was legit OD'ing on some of those shots. fucking bananas how how those were hitting and such a little dosage; this was AFTER the Suboxone was gone; well, not even fully gone which is the crazy part but only the day after. I took a Suboxone at 8AM and shot that night at 8PM; then the next morning I didnt take Suboxone and got another G of dope; ended up shooting around 6PM and WOW - I WAS OUT! woke up 15 minutes later w/o a clue as to what happened and how to walk/talk/think. damn.

just be careful, peeps. the white shit is HARD! I know A LOT of people OD from it but it was my fav. before "quitting" and picking up the other day and actually shooting it when the Suboxone was NOT in full effect made me realize how hard it hit.

just a Boston story, peeps. I cant imagine seeing BROWN around here anymore. my name should be BostonWhiteTown, lol
tell you right now, boys.. there is straight FIRE in the East Boston/North Shore/Lynn area. its white as a ghost, its straight fent/dope mix, and its a FIRE BALL! again, I have NOT been using as much, or even close to as much, but I am starting to use more because I am just depressed and down and out. anyway, I used Suboxone one day and shot that night and it was OK; next day I picked u same shit and did a similar shot and I was OUT LIKE A LIGHT! scary, yes.. but goes to show the strength. on a G I probably could have got 12-15 shots rather than my usual 5-7 shots on a G. the shit was FIRE - white as a ghost, clear as crystal, fire in your pin.

I am happy I am broke and cannot afford to play around anymore cuz that shit would have got me back on HARD! that night I barely remember because most people consider it nodding but I think I was legit OD'ing on some of those shots. fucking bananas how how those were hitting and such a little dosage; this was AFTER the Suboxone was gone; well, not even fully gone which is the crazy part but only the day after. I took a Suboxone at 8AM and shot that night at 8PM; then the next morning I didnt take Suboxone and got another G of dope; ended up shooting around 6PM and WOW - I WAS OUT! woke up 15 minutes later w/o a clue as to what happened and how to walk/talk/think. damn.

just be careful, peeps. the white shit is HARD! I know A LOT of people OD from it but it was my fav. before "quitting" and picking up the other day and actually shooting it when the Suboxone was NOT in full effect made me realize how hard it hit.

just a Boston story, peeps. I cant imagine seeing BROWN around here anymore. my name should be BostonWhiteTown, lol

What's up everyone??!! I haven't posted in forever but i just had to add to what BBT just said here. Same area as him and the stuff here is fuckin crazy these days! U really gotta be careful. I have had some close calls where after doing a shot, not even a big one, then i woke up on the floor like a half hour later withmy limbs asleep. This has happened while i was on ghe phone once, not a way to make a good umpression on family lol. Anyway im using less these days because I've been so poor but I'm about to start a new job so hell yeah. Anyway, all the best to my fellow massholes, take it easy and be safe.
stay safe in mass, peeps. the fent will drop yah, thats for sure. just shot a NEW shot a minute ago; ill be honest, I am on my way to back to full junkie mode. I have been so fucking good and could count on 1 hand all the times I used in the last 6-7 months but in the last 4 days I can add another 4 days to that list, so its almost 2 full hands in the last 6-7 months.. 4 days in a ROW! why!? all cuz I got BAD NEWS on my health so I felt why not go out and abuse drugs, right? I guess so. or at least its what my addict friend is telling me and ill admit, it does make PERFECT SENSE!

also, the SICK ADDICT in me is getting "fire" and wants to buy the "fire" while its here. but I've been shooting this fent/fire for a while now but using it as a new excuse to use.

so lets hope this is my last post on this place in a while; well, as far as using goes. I DO NOT WANT TO USE AGAIN but I just took my first shot of a G and it was FIRE.. again! white as a ghost and I am not even heating it; yes, getting a LITTLE left over but its still hits hard. just be careful to the peeps in OUR area who are getting the fent stuff. tough to get a good idea but it sure hits hard and sure gets you FLYING!

some people say they like the "dope" more but I rather shoot this fent/dope.
stay safe in mass, peeps. the fent will drop yah, thats for sure. just shot a NEW shot a minute ago; ill be honest, I am on my way to back to full junkie mode. I have been so fucking good and could count on 1 hand all the times I used in the last 6-7 months but in the last 4 days I can add another 4 days to that list, so its almost 2 full hands in the last 6-7 months.. 4 days in a ROW! why!? all cuz I got BAD NEWS on my health so I felt why not go out and abuse drugs, right? I guess so. or at least its what my addict friend is telling me and ill admit, it does make PERFECT SENSE!

also, the SICK ADDICT in me is getting "fire" and wants to buy the "fire" while its here. but I've been shooting this fent/fire for a while now but using it as a new excuse to use.

so lets hope this is my last post on this place in a while; well, as far as using goes. I DO NOT WANT TO USE AGAIN but I just took my first shot of a G and it was FIRE.. again! white as a ghost and I am not even heating it; yes, getting a LITTLE left over but its still hits hard. just be careful to the peeps in OUR area who are getting the fent stuff. tough to get a good idea but it sure hits hard and sure gets you FLYING!

some people say they like the "dope" more but I rather shoot this fent/dope.
Yeah that's definitely fent. Just by the way you say it mixes up and hits you. I'm not a big fan of fent, I know it's stronger but I'd rather be high and functional than completely passed out. Personal preference I suppose. A lot of the dope around here (Holyoke, Springfield) is getting cut with fent and a lot of people are dropping from it too. Sucks because they are bringing a lot more heat to the area bc of the bodies. I got busted bc of some fent bags that someone od'd from. I wish they would just go back to bomb bags of good dope. A lot of people can't handle the fent, good thing you know what your getting into and have a lot of experience behind you too.good luck out there, hope everyone catches a nod and stays away from the police.
I've been getting the monopoly bags still for the most part. Two of my connects have them. It's good, white flakey dope that mixes ice tea color in the rig.
Hey guys what's happening?? Thought I'd post a little snippet of my day so far...This morn @ 5:30 went to my neighbor for my fronted breakfast like I usually get when I'm working @ RR...usually he gives me the whole 5 but this time I had to settle for 2 and the rest when I get out. The usual gets-me-off-E dope, nothing to write home(or here) about...Did my work, got picked up and got my 3 as promised...Usually I'll go from that job to my other job where I get some dough as soon as I get there...Today I really didn't feel like going to the other job but I figured what the hell it's more dope for my veins, haha...I get there and we start working and I'm like, um aren't you forgetting something and my boss is like well since you didn't do much work yesterday you can work for nothing today...I'm like really?? (Honestly I really didn't do much yesterday but it wasn't my fault I was standing around most of the time; it's because he had other things going on at the same time) and sometimes he had to leave to give this person a ride or he had to go to Lowe's or home Depot to get stuff or some other shit...I am there ready to work on time every day and every other day this shit happens...and he thinks he can just get free labor from me cause he didn't have his shit together. I'll admit I wasn't sick or anything like that but that morning stuff just gets me off E and when I work with him I always gets me my Dunkin Donuts from my other connect and then I'm feelin' good...We all know if we can get more we sure as fuck are gonna get it...so I was not too happy with this situation so I dragged ass and he gets pissed...well usually he'll break down and give me my dough but today he had something jammed up his ass sideways so he's like just go home!!! He knew I had no money to even catch the bus but he didn't give two shits so I ended up walking home which is about 4 miles or so...takes me about an hour and 20min...luckily it's a gorgeous day and like I said I wasn't sick (although about 6pm or so I will be...) so I just plugged in my earbuds and cranked up the Old Skool Freestyle music and just hiked it... Pretty sure I'm not going to call his ass tomorrow or any time soon...FUCKIN' ASSHOLE!!!! Anyuways...hope everyone's getting da good shiet and watch the fent...sounds like a few of us love that stuff so BE CAREFUL!!! RaZ
damn dude, thats a miserable day. ill never understand how people can just buy a few bags at once; I am the type that needs EVERYTHING and I cants stop till its all gone. even if I am going to drop dead w/ another shot I must shoot it ASAP!
Western mass people... fent went around in Hollywood bags over the holidays from Holyoke (?) and some major bust went down at Liberty heights in Springfield. Crazy stuff.

Having trouble as a woman going around. Just recently switched from insufflation to banging it, I primarily take it for my PTSD. Sucks, I know, sounds like a lousy excuse but it's hard justifying you have PTSD not being a vet. It's hard talking about it and I've been haunted for years but no one suspects a thing because I'm a college student.

The places you go, yeah, but shit is creepier as a woman I'm figuring it out since I got bailed on recently. I'm western mass but I'm more scared of the sexual predators so. Not sure if it's worth it, but man... Best anxiolytics and anti-d, antipsychotic I've ever used. Going through the withdrawals... Everyone here especially in college refers to a h epidemic but I don't know what they're talking about. No matter what the stigma is very real. But in a way I'm taking advantage of that by speaking on behalf of people. I've been around communities where I was opted to be healed with psychedelics, and it honestly only ended up being a bad experience because people want you to look a certain way as part of healing. I've been using psychedelics for years, all sorts of RCs, I've tried and did well with. Then I had one magical day months ago where my worries disappeared. I believe it's just a lot of pain that's in my body from sexual trauma. I realize I'm going to be telling a different story now. Thus far nothing has given me the relief I feel I deserve then when I do dope. It's helped me accept pain is a part of life, but suffering doesn't have to be. Strange way for me to handle it so far while I'm dealing with PTSD, but hey. It works.
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I just been laying low...shit hot around here. Damn shits hot everywhere!! I got me some subs and people I know and I'm sticking with just them man! So if you know me and your in my click you now who you are! Lol I'm jst messen with my homie and my ppl n I'm good lol actually since its gettin nicer I'm gunna grab some subs n just stop n focus on work NC I don't wana goto jail n damn theres a ton a cops out I the summer lol butbfuck ill still be on here busting it up but def not meeting any new ppl off here. But shout out to raazkal, Johnny blu , Boston browntown, n my man cliffy...some of the ogs lolu all be safe
Western mass people... fent went around in Hollywood bags over the holidays from Holyoke (?) and some major bust went down at Liberty heights in Springfield. Crazy stuff.

Having trouble as a woman going around. Just recently switched from insufflation to banging it, I primarily take it for my PTSD. Sucks, I know, sounds like a lousy excuse but it's hard justifying you have PTSD not being a vet. It's hard talking about it and I've been haunted for years but no one suspects a thing because I'm a college student.

The places you go, yeah, but shit is creepier as a woman I'm figuring it out since I got bailed on recently. I'm western mass but I'm more scared of the sexual predators so. Not sure if it's worth it, but man... Best anxiolytics and anti-d, antipsychotic I've ever used. Going through the withdrawals... Everyone here especially in college refers to a h epidemic but I don't know what they're talking about. No matter what the stigma is very real. But in a way I'm taking advantage of that by speaking on behalf of people. I've been around communities where I was opted to be healed with psychedelics, and it honestly only ended up being a bad experience because people want you to look a certain way as part of healing. I've been using psychedelics for years, all sorts of RCs, I've tried and did well with. Then I had one magical day months ago where my worries disappeared. I believe it's just a lot of pain that's in my body from sexual trauma. I realize I'm going to be telling a different story now. Thus far nothing has given me the relief I feel I deserve then when I do dope. It's helped me accept pain is a part of life, but suffering doesn't have to be. Strange way for me to handle it so far while I'm dealing with PTSD, but hey. It works.
Hey! I'm a longtime poster here. I live in western mass too. I'm a vet also...if you need any help just let me know. I'm definitely not the creepy type...I have a longtime girlfriend and I'm 28 white blonde blue eyed white guy. Just lmk...I'm not looking to make anything or whatever but I might be able to help.
Hey! I'm a longtime poster here. I live in western mass too. I'm a vet also...if you need any help just let me know. I'm definitely not the creepy type...I have a longtime girlfriend and I'm 28 white blonde blue eyed white guy. Just lmk...I'm not looking to make anything or whatever but I might be able to help.

lol. seems almost too easy.

help me. I could use a brick but I do not have the money for it. please just drop it off at the corner and ill pick it up in an hour. I am a white guy, too! damn.