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LSD wait

But you're not inserting it to derive sexual pleasure (well mostly) and it's a standard medical procedure.

Yet ppl still say that if you've plugged anything you're gay (not that that's wrong imo, but they use it as an insult)
Absolutely haha, but try explaining that to people who are horribly insecure with sexuality, not saying that those people are homosexual themselves, only that they need constant validation and if you even make a gay joke at them they lose their shit.
I bet if those kinds of people needed a suppository they would NEVER tell anyone about it because of how scared they would be that someone might think they were gay because a doctor needed to stick medicine up their ass.
Also the same kinds of people who later on in life end up possibly dying from prostate cancer because their "pride" stopped them from ever getting a prostate exam.
People are straaange
Eh fuck that. As long as a man doesn't have love like feelings for other men I don't consider anyone gay.

I mean is anal sex gay? How about getting your prostate massaged by your gf/wife?

And even if you're gay, so what... it's just the way you are.

I hate the whole homosexuality stigmatization and I'm completely straight (attracted to females, don't find men hot, ...). And those who are afraid of gay hitting on them... just lol, be happy someone finds you attractive (note I said hitting on, not stalking).
If it has a chemical taste it's not LSD
I am not sure about that. The blotter papers are probably not food save. So the chemical taste could come from the colorants. Had a lot of tabs that tasted chemical before nbomes came up. Sure there were DOB blotters around before the nbomes, but these are way bigger than the usual tabs.
I agree with you rujex. Since way before NBOMes were discovered, I've noticed a very faint taste from LSD blotter tabs. It always tastes the same to me: very slightly sour and metallic. I wouldn't describe the taste as bitter at all. It's possible this is the taste of the inks, but I've always assumed that's actually the LSD. When I've dropped tabs with other people, I've noticed that some people taste it, some don't. I've noticed this since about 18 years ago and I can visualize the taste right now.

It would be sad if people are spitting out perfectly good LSD, thinking there's never supposed to be a taste to them.

I think these days the best strategy is simply to swallow the blotter right away, because NBOMe's are basically inactive when swallowed, but LSD will still work just fine. Simple way to filter and be safer!
>I think these days the best strategy is simply to swallow the blotter right away, because NBOMe's are basically inactive when swallowed, but LSD will still work just fine.
Basically this. If you want lsd and fear that you got sold NBxx just swallow. LSD will work fine NBxx wont.

And I don't think the others get used as fake lsd that often, you generally have to buy them as what they are.
>I think these days the best strategy is simply to swallow the blotter right away, because NBOMe's are basically inactive when swallowed, but LSD will still work just fine.
Basically this. If you want lsd and fear that you got sold NBxx just swallow. LSD will work fine NBxx wont.

And I don't think the others get used as fake lsd that often, you generally have to buy them as what they are.
Idk where you've been hanging, but most people I meet who say they've done LSD have instead done nbomes. I saw a recent survey of 12th graders, that said that the percent using LSD jumped by like 30%. That's not possible. 12th graders don't know they're taking nbomes, so they think they took LSD.
I think we said the same thing - if your LSD is going to be fake it'll be a NBxx and swallowing will make it inactive. Getting DOx as lsd would be much more rare.
Honestly I just wish dealers went being shady.. If they wanna sell nbome, just say you're selling nbome. And tell the buyer it's definitely NOT lsd and to not go above the recommended dosage.
from what I understand, lsd is supposed to have a bit of a metallic taste, but other blotter substances like nbxx have a bitter taste(?)
I could be wrong and I don't have experience with nbome(that I know of) but only lsd (again that I know of)
Honestly I just wish dealers went being shady.. If they wanna sell nbome, just say you're selling nbome. And tell the buyer it's definitely NOT lsd and to not go above the recommended dosage.
from what I understand, lsd is supposed to have a bit of a metallic taste, but other blotter substances like nbxx have a bitter taste(?)
I could be wrong and I don't have experience with nbome(that I know of) but only lsd (again that I know of)
I had both tasteless (usually my favorite trips) and slightly metallic blotters. I think it's safe to assume a slight taste isn't bad, but a full blown bitter or numbing is a no-no.
Honestly I just wish dealers went being shady.. If they wanna sell nbome, just say you're selling nbome. And tell the buyer it's definitely NOT lsd and to not go above the recommended dosage.
from what I understand, lsd is supposed to have a bit of a metallic taste, but other blotter substances like nbxx have a bitter taste(?)
I could be wrong and I don't have experience with nbome(that I know of) but only lsd (again that I know of)

Legalize drugs and you could have them sold at specialized shops and may to pharmacological tolerances. Meaning your 150ug LSD blotter would actually be LSD and 150ug.
But you're not inserting it to derive sexual pleasure (well mostly) and it's a standard medical procedure.

Yet ppl still say that if you've plugged anything you're gay (not that that's wrong imo, but they use it as an insult)

There was a guy years ago who posted in PD a lot who was on a campaign to convince everyone that plugging makes you gay. He said that the mods (I was one at the time) and the PD regulars were on a mission to "convert" people to being gay. He never seemed to be able to get that it's just a method of drug administration. The purpose isn't for pleasure and has nothing to do with sexuality. The purpose is to ingest a drug in a method that reduces bodyload and dosage and has a similar level of effectiveness as IM injection.

This kind of fear points very clearly to personal confusion. There is no reason to be so worked up about it unless you yourself are afraid of the way you feel about it.

I hate the whole homosexuality stigmatization and I'm completely straight (attracted to females, don't find men hot, ...). And those who are afraid of gay hitting on them... just lol, be happy someone finds you attractive (note I said hitting on, not stalking).

Yeah that's what I always say too. One time I was at a gay club with my girlfriend at the time, and I got slightly uncomfortable because a guy was hitting on me really hard, he was drunk and he was getting a little grabby. But other than that, it's just a compliment and I say so to them, as well as informing them I'm not gay, and it goes over just fine.

I don't get it, my cousin is really homophobic, he would try to start a fight if a guy hit on him. It's like he just can't help but make comments all the time if the subject of homosexuality comes up. Our cousin recently came out, and every time he sees him, he has to make "jokes". It's almost literally the only thing he will say to him, is these "jokes", like he can't even see him for who he is anyone, he just sees him as a gay guy. Sadly, his own father is the same way. This gay cousin of mine, until my sister's wedding recently where I got a chance to talk to him in depth, had started pulling away from the family because my cousin who is homophobic and the older men in the family all behave that way, and he grouped all the men in the family in with them, including me. It's so sad. His own father constantly makes "jokes" about it to him. :(

I say "jokes" like that because if it's the only thing you say to someone, despite that person clearly being uncomfortable about it, you're not joking, you're covering your fear and ignorance with a thin veil of humor.
Wow some people are just...

Plugging makes you gay? What about if a doctor gives you medicine that way? Did he try to rape you?

And I get getting pissed if some guy is all over you the whole night, doesn't take no for an answer, keeps touching your ass,...

But just some dude offering to buy you a drink or saying you look good or whatever? Completely harmless, dude took a shot, tried, saw you weren't interested and that was that.