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Lysergamides [LSD Subthread] The Low-Dose LSD Appreciation Thread

why would you go and do that nano?

omnomnom 3 of them and say goodbye to reality for the next 12 hours....

i prefer high doses over low....

it just sort of feels like a mental blueballing.... like almost getting there but not quite getting there,,,,
you probally wont get the visuauls on half a tab but im pretty sure it would be an enjoyable time plus you might still get the "holy fuck im morphing into everything" feeling
even on low doses of lsd i tend to keep to myself for reasons unknown, although i do enjoy the time i am having i feel as if i am being extremely antisocial.
also once abarham lincoln told me a story through the floor

I'm so glad other people realize how awesome this is too. I haven't done anything mentally taxing on 1/2 hits, but I've read books (Quantum Mechanics), driven, played pool (or, rather, became amazing at pool), been around my family. All in all, LSD seems almost like a nootropic drug at low doses. It really just enhances my entire day, making me happy and more sociable. And based on my performance in the aforementioned areas, I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually used as a study drug by some people, or maybe even a test-taking drug.

LSD at high doses is nothing like LSD at low doses. Don't compare them; see each for their own wonderful benefits.
Indeed low dose LSD is great i feel.

The fact that it allows you to normally interact with the everyday world allows some of the great thinking of an LSD trip to relate exactly to some real world problems and stuff.

I was also thinking the other day about an analogy for the experience, in terms of learning how to better control and stay un-stressed on acid... If one were to just hop in a racecar and try to drive as fast as they could straight away, there is a good chance they will crash. If however they were to gradually increase their speed, it may be possible over time to come to understand many fine aspects of vehicle control and ultimately, after much practice, be able to drive a car at super high speeds and not end up crashing.

There has been a bit of a common thing going on with people i know with the idea that one should hop straight into a fill-on trip to truly discover acid, but to be honest i would rather people learn over a period of time how to react to acid at low doses and only start to ramp that uup if they indeed can handle it.

Not everyone has what it takes to drive a racecar successfully. :)
Low doses are great,if you are 12 years old and need to look sober :D
^Im 24 and dont need to hide my tripping from anyone and i still enjoy low dose LSD trips.

Not every time you trip has to be a fully immersive psychedelic state.
Sometimes just a slight psychedelic buzz will do the trick, your mind can fill in the rest.

It just depends what you're up for that day...
im trying out low dose trip, on purpose, for the first time today. took one hit of some pretty good blotter.

cant wait to see how my day goes.
I must admit I'm a huge proponent of low dose LSD usage, or any psychedelic for that matter. It all depends on your setting and what you wish to attain from the trip.

Just last weekend I dropped a third of a hit before going out snowboarding with a friend and some co-workers and had an amazing time. A full hit would have been incredibly dangerous and irresponsible in this scenario; but the threshold effects gave me a sense of fluidity and calm that I would otherwise lack. And hey, sitting on the chair-lift was much more interesting...haha... The slight rainbow sheen to the ground induced by night-lighting coupled with halo's created by ice crystals in the air was absolutely beautiful.

Higher level doses are great for delving into your subconscious, ripping out demons for one on one fights and exploring the abstract stitching on the fabric of reality...But...If you need to drive, hold a normal conversation, or talk to authority figures I much prefer a low dose.

As far as anxiety goes, it seems to swing both ways...I have S.A. and on low doses it's been completely eradicated or exaggerated depending on the setting and my mind state. But if one were looking for a predictable drug, LSD is not it.

Peace and love
My first doses were all one hitters, and since you can handle it in a wider range of settings its more tolerable socially.

i used to think oddly like wanting to be on it all the time, or if a world existed where people just took lsd often and more so than recreationally.
You guys convinced me to try it. Where 1 drop = 100micro-g has been diluted in 100ml of water, and where 1ml = 1mg, I should be able to experiment with very low dosage. Someone complained about the fact that in general people don't know exactly how many mg there are. With liquid acid it's quite easy, if you know the concentration of one drop.
Verblose, try putting a drop or two on a sweet-tart or a smartie! I've always wanted to get a vile of liquid and sell smarties! haha, but low doses are good at certain times (like if you decide to do it in public)... but most the time I like to trip around few people (unless its at a show) and if I'm going to trip, I'm prolly wanting to escape and explore as far as I can, which is why my prefered dose is 3-4 :>
My friends and I washed out a vial not too long ago and I licked the inside of it after we washed it. I got maybe 50microgams out of it. I was a beautiful sunny day and the world just seemed so much nicer with that dose. I had a good time sitting in a park smoking cannabis. Low doses can be excellent, it all just depends what you are in the mood for.
Ok so SWIM did it (100ug in 100ml of water) and only took 1ml, to start from the most basic dosage I could get. I wasn't expecting much but I did get something. First off I felt a little bit lighter than usual. I felt like going out and take a walk. On my way to where I was going, I had to take the metro subway, and while I was sitting in there, I suddenly didn't really like it. Note that I have been taking the metro every day for the last 6 years. It was subtle but there was a slight feeling of claustrophobia growing inside me, which is a feeling I NEVER get, especially not in a metro subway. Then there was a Spanish girl speaking a weird English who was sitting right next to me (she talked a lot), and after a while I became impatient and quite annoyed by her bizarre talking. I finally had to look for another place cause I couldn't stand it, which is totally abnormal for me. I mean she only had an accent, nothing too eccentric, and she was talking with a friend. All the while I was thinking to myself, "will you simply shut up?". I thought that was strange since I would normally not react like that.

I have experienced with amphetamines many times before. I used to take it to intellectually work 10 hours in a row (I'm presently doing my Ph.D. in philosophy) and it was extremely useful "to focus" and "to think through" though I hated the side-effects: sleeplessness for almost 24 hours, annoying body load, feeling like shit the day after, etc. I would say that 1ug is not enough to trigger nootropic effects in the case of acid. It only felt "a little" different, and I also noticed some sort of full body warmth and perhaps something a little erotic. The only real similarity between amphetamines (which I consider to be truly nootropic for me) and 1ug is the impatience it gave me in some everyday life situations. SWIM will keep experimenting with more ug and try to tell you about his experiences, since so many persons on here wanted to know if there's anything nootropic about low-dose acid. Would be nice to find the perfectly balanced dose: nootropic effects without any psychedelism.
heh, there's low dose acid and then there's taking 1ug! :D

i'm surprised you felt anything with that.

I'm surprised as well. I should add that its kept me fully awake all day long. I usually get tired by the end of the afternoon/evening. It's almost 8pm now and I have no sense of fatigue at all. I also have smoked some weed and it affected me in a way different than usual. So yes, from my experience, 1ug does something, very subtle at first, but if you know yourself and are used to introspection, you will notice it. No visuals (CE or OE), no perceptual enhancement, just 'different'. Note that weed usually makes me tired when its effets are disappearing - today, even the after-weed-hour was spent with a clear head.
Here is a testimony to the usefulness of low dose acid I found on erowid, written by a woman in 2002:

Microdoses: Consistent Desired Results

I dissolved a sugarcube with LSD in water with the intention of experimenting with very low doses during my regular work day. No clue about dose, “strength,” age, or provenance of the LSD –- my former roommate had found some cubes in the back of our freezer when we moved out of our apartment and gave me some. I kept the water in a clear glass which I covered with plastic wrap and kept out of direct sunlight during the 8 days or so it lasted. I took sips from the glass on 4 or maybe 5 days, some of the days consecutively, some with several days in between. Who knows how much LSD it was, but I’m wildly guessing that it was between 10 and 30 mics on any given day. I tried to make sure to keep the liquid under my tongue for at least 30 seconds before swallowing it.

My motivation for doing this was curiosity, and the desire to try LSD for its stimulant and anti-depressant effects, rather than its psychedelic effect. [I continue to be a champion of the low dose.] The idea came to me for two reasons. First, several of my friends/acquaintances had been taking daily low-doses [they estimate between 25 and 50 mics but who really knows] for antidepressant effects, for intervals of up to several weeks, with good results. Second, I am intrigued by early research with *daily* microdoses [10 mcg] of LSD for the alleviation of symptoms stemming from autism.

The effects were stimulating/antidepressive like caffeine but without the jitters. I have never tried amphetamine-like substances aside from Euphoria (4-methylaminorex), so I don’t have them to compare to. On most of the days I got an alert, a “brightening,” within an hour, and the alert was pretty much as far as it went for about eight hours, except for one or two days where I must have gotten a slightly higher dose. On all the days, I was more energized and motivated to do stuff, with a long peak around T+4:00. My mood was generally lifted and quite happy and confident. My body overall felt really good, like a tiny all-over MDMA flush. I came to really like the reliably pleasant effects. In fact, I imagined how nice it would be to have these effects every day. Not that I want that to become a habit.

The first day of the experiment, I was paying attention to whether I would get any anxiety feelings, which I have been susceptible to in the past. I got no such feelings [anxiety feels like lack of control, which isn’t really that fun when I’m trying to work]. I felt more focused and able to concentrate.

The second day I tried my microdose, I was feeling sort of blue. After taking the sip, I walked around town for a bit, and felt very independent and self-assured. Then I entertained myself all alone, with no desire to really interact with anyone else. I felt autonomous and grounded. This could have been an effect of the drug, or it could have been a coincidence.

The subsequent days that I tried my sips, they were like little afterthoughts in the day. I didn’t plan on them, I just realized some time during the day, “oh look, there’s my glass of dilute LSD,” and I was psyched to take some, but with about as much concern as having a latte. The final day of my experiment, I still got an effect, which means whatever drug was left didn’t suffer too much from a week of sitting out in room-temperature and ambient light.

On one of the days, I got muscle tension in my lower back, which is not where I generally hold tension. The tension faded once I got away from the computer, left the house, and moved around for a while. I did not notice any effects on my sleeping pattern or appetite.

It would be nice to continue this use of LSD, which fit nicely in my regularly scheduled life. I wonder what the long-term effects might be from doing daily microdosing, aside from the obvious problem of unreliable supply.

Source: http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=16655
Hey Guys, while I low dose (1/2 tab, 1/4 tab etc) from time to time with at least a weeks separation, I've also tried the nootropic regimen. (Taking just enough for barely perceptible effects without actually 'tripping').

My review of this style of usage is as follows-

The Bad:
-Does little to increase focus (a bit spacey from time to time).
-Can 'De-Linearize' thoughts a bit (didn't work out for most electrical engineering endeavors)
-Unpredictable effect on anxiety - sometimes eliminated it completely, or the problem was made worse sporadically.
-Only works for a few days. One must double the dose each consecutive day to maintain effects. Eventually this leads up to non threshold doses...which while lacking the mental effects...Still seems wrong (and gets expensive).

The good:
-Great for brainstorming, creative thinking, or other non-monotonous tasks.
-Antidepressant effects were notable.
-I felt more love towards my co-workers and workplace in general.
-The idea of using acid as a noot is fun???
-Combines well with Piracetam / Alpha-GPC (highly suggested if you try this)

After a month of 4 day on 3 day off trials, I abandoned this project as it just wasn't worth it. You'd get more benefit from nootropics such as Piracetam / Aniracetam / Alpha GPC / Hydergine / Stablon (<-recommended).

when I had a whole sheet, I just cut one single square off just to try the batch out.

I loved that little reunion!
Great to see this thread back! I am a huge fan of low-dose LSD for things like a social night out or anywhere where you would need to be in a social mode. Combine with a couple drinks and it goes together quite well. The way it effects me is I see humor in many situations tha I'd normally not see humor in... like just a slight paradigm shift. Also, when I find something funny I really laugh my ass off :p
I love MDxx but I know they are not the best drugs to use often so I find LSD as a great replacement for social enhancement without resorting to alcohol or amphetamines. It's gentle to your body and yummy for your mind.
Hard to say doses but I think I like it around 80 mics for a low dose trip that still keeps your ego intact enough to have a good time.