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LSD Purity and Effects

Why is needlepoint more expensive then the cheaper stuff?
Why is it more potent per weight with different effects?

Its more expensive because people like you believe the hype. Its "more potent" beause of placebo. You can't tell them apart in a blind taste test. If there was dirty acid then it should be universal that everyone agrees it is dirty, no one can point to any print that is universally considered dirty. Give methe dirty acid and I will take it and have no side effects, because I don't believe in dirty acid. The only difference you feel in effects is the in dfference in micrograms. You don'tknow the weight of your LSD, you are going by what some vendor told you instead of learning to guess it yourself.
Its more expensive because people like you believe the hype. Its "more potent" beause of placebo. You can't tell them apart in a blind taste test. If there was dirty acid then it should be universal that everyone agrees it is dirty, no one can point to any print that is universally considered dirty. Give methe dirty acid and I will take it and have no side effects, because I don't believe in dirty acid. The only difference you feel in effects is the in dfference in micrograms. You don'tknow the weight of your LSD, you are going by what some vendor told you instead of learning to guess it yourself.
everything you listed is wrong and shows your lack of knowledge in the world of lsd. The chemists who cook lsd know very well how sensitive the process is and how many active products distort the final feeling of the end crystal. You have obviously never come across the needlepoint clean clear acid cause you wouldn't spout shit like this. I can point to many famous prints which are just fluff acid or white fluff for example void realms they are a bit dirty. Meanwhile every WoW hit is insane needle point clarity i have taken in my life i personally had 4 different types of crystals through my years of tripping and will not take anything less than the highest quality crystal only those who have tripped many times will know what im taking about cause once you go needle point you will never take the other trash again.
There is no such thing as needlepoint crystal, its a marketing term. The people who took Sandoz found it the same as street LSD. Its either LSD or not LSD there are no types of crystal and there is no such thing as bad or dirty LSD
There is no such thing as needlepoint crystal, its a marketing term. The people who took Sandoz found it the same as street LSD. Its either LSD or not LSD there are no types of crystal and there is no such thing as bad or dirty LSD
The people who even manged to get sandoz lsd were also getting LSD From the greatest acid chemists of all time. LSD has four isomers if a amauter chemist doesn't remove the iso with multiple steps this will remain in the final product not to mention numerous side products. Im stating complete facts i have had acid from amateurs before and the ISO-LSD present is very active and changes the trip one tab was tested containing 170 ug lsd with 120 ug ISO and this was the dirtiest crystal i have ever taken. I can only wish you will find needle point lsd one day if infact you even do lsd. I have tripped many more times on LSD than most humans in history and i know its true power whats its truly capable of and if im dosing large these days i will only do so on the highest quality crystal so i know its going to unlock 100% clarity and straight up give reality hacks.
The people who even manged to get sandoz lsd were also getting LSD From the greatest acid chemists of all time. LSD has four isomers if a amauter chemist doesn't remove the iso with multiple steps this will remain in the final product not to mention numerous side products. Im stating complete facts i have had acid from amateurs before and the ISO-LSD present is very active and changes the trip one tab was tested containing 170 ug lsd with 120 ug ISO and this was the dirtiest crystal i have ever taken. I can only wish you will find needle point lsd one day if infact you even do lsd. I have tripped many more times on LSD than most humans in history and i know its true power whats its truly capable of and if im dosing large these days i will only do so on the highest quality crystal so i know its going to unlock 100% clarity and straight up give reality hacks.
Hey there. Im just vaporizing myself back to sleep this a.m. in United Kingdom, high and all lol, and as I was reading your post (this stuff is really interesting to me by the way because I know nothing about all of this despite having taken Lsd quite a few hundred times), my thought is suddenly switched to- 1plsd, Ald, 1cp, etc etc.

Are these options coming from Holland needlepoint? Surely the process and purity will be exemplary and optimum? I believe they are pretty serious and competent chemists, as well as great businessmen.

I was just sitting here reading your post and then I thought shuks, if I need to try and score some acid off the DW some day (no immediate need as plenty of 1p and I've been too unwell to take any of it anyway LOL but itching to), I would really hope to avoid the ISO-Lsd and the dirtier batches.

I have seen many ecstasydata.org trip analysis with high ISO-Lsd like you quote.

And a good few with none or just a few ug of ISO, to be fair.

Either way, what is interesting is the dosages which are commonly pretty high and over 200ug even 300 plus I have seen recently confirmed analysis so so the myth of high dose LSD being a normality currently is not a myth it would seem.

But I have to say, I struggle to really accept that acid is acid. No way in fact, Im sane enough and naturally very in tune with my body and mind when it comes to foods substances and remedies and their subtle effects. I have a natural body intuition, which has been vital since my lyme disease began as it has enabled me to ascertain exactly how every single substance affects me adversely and to exactly what degree and in what manner.

I'm like a scientist in this process of precisely and accurately observing and appraising the effects of any given substance as I react adversely to virtually everything that enters my body but every substance has a very specific "signature" and level of symptom exacerbation. I can identify each and every time I eat a particular food or take a particular remedy the exact same nature and level of reaction and irritation. Everything is stored as a detailed and accurate memory in both the body and the mind.

Sorry getting off point- I trust my own mind enough to say there is no way the undeniable subjective differences between batches is down only to dosage, set and setting.

And some tabs were just so dirty and unpleasant feeling compared to others and a different ball game in terms of enjoyment level.

And with all my drug use I would naturally be a million times more attentive to the precise effects and littlest things which stood out to me which nobody else of my age at the time even considered or hought about.

I can navigate my mind and access very accurate, vivid, photobook/mental imagery and real factual information of hundreds, prob thousands of drug experiences like it was yesterday. In a way I have never known or seen anybody else to be able to do do with the total accuracy and genuinity I am able to myself.

Like every ecstasy pill I ever took, I was automatically making subjective notes and storing a firm and concrete impression about the experience and the effects and all aspects of it, before, during and after. So for every single experience it's like I'm opening up a photo album where everything is there and correct and I can literally go forwards and backwards and skim through all of the the images and and facts which are stored safely in there.

I can do the same with all of the acid I took. I can find many tabs which I just hated, however strong and visual, however much you took, just dirty feeling and not enjoyable.

Consistently every time you took that Batch and I absolutely guarantee anybody this was not Placebo or mindset because my mind body intuition simply will never accept this as my experiences and observations were just far too strong and compelling.

And then I can think of different batches at different times which were so lovely and clean and light and beautiful which I would just love to have a great big sack off on a desert island.

So I do struggle to accept that any subjective variations between different batches is purely dose, set, setting.

But my original point- so then I concluded- okay I guess I don't need to worry about sourcing needlepoint right now anyway because it seems I will still have access to these gray area legal lysergamides- I can still get 1plsd from Holland and there is the new compound now coming out of Germany and also Canada I see.

All coming from one single source surely these would be classed as needlepoint grade, and on that account an excellent option even if a little pricey?
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Hey there. Im just vaporizing myself back to sleep this a.m. in United Kingdom, high and all lol, and as I was reading your post (this stuff is really interesting to me by the way because I know nothing about all of this despite having taken Lsd quite a few hundred times), my thought is suddenly switched to- 1plsd, Ald, 1cp, etc etc.

Are these options coming from Holland needlepoint? Surely the process and purity will be exemplary and optimum? I believe they are pretty serious and competent chemists, as well as great businessmen.

I was just sitting here reading your post and then I thought shuks, if I need to try and score some acid off the DW some day (no immediate need as plenty of 1p and I've been too unwell to take any of it anyway LOL but itching to), I would really hope to avoid the ISO-Lsd and the dirtier batches.

I have seen many ecstasydata.org trip analysis with high ISO-Lsd like you quote.

And a good few with none or just a few ug of ISO, to be fair.

Either way, what is interesting is the dosages which are commonly pretty high and over 200ug even 300 plus I have seen recently confirmed analysis so so the myth of high dose LSD being a normality currently is not a myth it would seem.

But I have to say, I struggle to really accept that acid is acid. No way in fact, Im sane enough and naturally very in tune with my body and mind when it comes to foods substances and remedies and their subtle effects. I have a natural body intuition, which has been vital since my lyme disease began as it has enabled me to ascertain exactly how every single substance affects me adversely and to exactly what degree and in what manner.

I'm like a scientist in this process of precisely and accurately observing and appraising the effects of any given substance as I react adversely to virtually everything that enters my body but every substance has a very specific "signature" and level of symptom exacerbation. I can identify each and every time I eat a particular food or take a particular remedy the exact same nature and level of reaction and irritation. Everything is stored as a detailed and accurate memory in both the body and the mind.

Sorry getting off point- I trust my own mind enough to say there is no way the undeniable subjective differences between batches is down only to dosage, set and setting.

And some tabs were just so dirty and unpleasant feeling compared to others and a different ball game in terms of enjoyment level.

And with all my drug use I would naturally be a million times more attentive to the precise effects and littlest things which stood out to me which nobody else of my age at the time even considered or hought about.

I can navigate my mind and access very accurate, vivid, photobook/mental imagery and real factual information of hundreds, prob thousands of drug experiences like it was yesterday. In a way I have never known or seen anybody else to be able to do do with the total accuracy and genuinity I am able to myself.

Like every ecstasy pill I ever took, I was automatically making subjective notes and storing a firm and concrete impression about the experience and the effects and all aspects of it, before, during and after. So for every single experience it's like I'm opening up a photo album where everything is there and correct and I can literally go forwards and backwards and skim through all of the the images and and facts which are stored safely in there.

I can do the same with all of the acid I took. I can find many tabs which I just hated, however strong and visual, however much you took, just dirty feeling and not enjoyable.

Consistently every time you took that Batch and I absolutely guarantee anybody this was not Placebo or mindset because my mind body intuition simply will never accept this as my experiences and observations were just far too strong and compelling.

And then I can think of different batches at different times which were so lovely and clean and light and beautiful which I would just love to have a great big sack off on a desert island.

So I do struggle to accept that any subjective variations between different batches is purely dose, set, setting.

But my original point- so then I concluded- okay I guess I don't need to worry about sourcing needlepoint right now anyway because it seems I will still have access to these gray area legal lysergamides- I can still get 1plsd from Holland and there is the new compound now coming out of Germany and also Canada I see.

All coming from one single source surely these would be classed as needlepoint grade, and on that account an excellent option even if a little pricey?
These days most lsd is very high quality and only increasing 1p-lsd feels clean something a bit diff about it cant really point my finger on it but it is accurate dosed. Dutch LSD varies in quality i never tried it when i was there but i have had tabs from there that were very clean. I personally think LSD also has a certain feel pertaining to the chemist who made it and the area it was made a spiritual type feeling that you feel the heart and soul of the chemist poured into the synthesis. their are some books like the rose of paracelsus that goes more into this metaphysical way of the creation of LSD. In new zealand Local LSD has gained a very high repuation from international travelers and even the youtuber psychedsubstance the small time chemists love to lay tabs at 300 ug + in NZ quality varies aswell from ergot fungus alkaloids starting material to more pure starting materials used. Im sure you have had needle point its not that rare and even more so these days its more couple years 2010-2016 but LSD has made a huge comeback now. Even this year I have taken a half tab that was stronger than 3 hits of 100 ug dnm acid some chemists are absolute mad men in this world and almost dangerous to lay a tab so strong but the qualtiy was very good and very clear headed. All around the world LSD has improved i hear good things about Cali the scence was dicey for a while with tabs dosed all over the place. It seems in the last few years LSD is just getting laid stronger and stronger with more high quality crystal and even cheaper. Some dutch and swiss tabs are been tested at 400 - 500 ug. The ISO-lsd i had in my diritest crystal trying was a one off in the down under hemisphere at a trance event years ago. Ever since 2018 i personally find all LSD to be very good
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There is a really interesting thread about this on the shroomery.

Many argue over types of LSD, lysergimides,"test chemicals"...

It's fairly simple, Mates...
If it has a taste... Throw it in the waste.
I personally think LSD also has a certain feel pertaining to the chemist who made it and the area it was made a spiritual type feeling that you feel the heart and soul of the chemist poured into the synthesis. their are some books like the rose of paracelsus that goes more into this metaphysical way of the creation of LSD.

And how would one discern between the drug induced electrochemical amplification of a feeling of gratitude towards the chemist that risked his freedom to allow you and others to enjoy some fine LSD in exchange for a significant amount of cash, and an actual form of connection based on information embedded in the molecules of LSD?
Some say that LSD has microscopic biome "guides" that the chemist can attach or bond to the LSD molecules before laying onto sheets or vials.

They are like little, tiny robots that ARE consciousness. This is probably why most believe the government can 'brainwash' us through LSD.

Purity and quality is a real thing.
Interesting. All my knowledge points to one direction: there can only be pure or impure sintesis. But my experience says the contrary: There are some subtle things in the batches that renders them totally different. It´s the same for MXE. I had 2 ones the crystal and the dust. Both analized and near pure MXE. And both giving consistent different subjetive results. The crystal deeply positive and powerful effects. The dust giving consistent dirty dissotiations. It doesnt matter the person that takes it or the set and setting, you always get the same results depending on the batch.

There´s something subtle about energetic blueprints- is the only theory that makes some sense- that gas chromatography machines and science at 2019 can not detect but that clearly is there
Some say that LSD has microscopic biome "guides" that the chemist can attach or bond to the LSD molecules before laying onto sheets or vials.

They are like little, tiny robots that ARE consciousness. This is probably why most believe the government can 'brainwash' us through LSD.

Purity and quality is a real thing.
Yaeh they already tried it but it didn't really work with LSD... Coke is probably better for that :)
Intention... More than One... I almost died on MXE once... Stomped that shit into My shower floor...

More than One...
and Mate... It does matter.
Yes I think this is actually a productive line of thought.

We take so uch for granted, make countless assumptions. Try and summarise everything into plain black and white.

We believe in the calendar, ih laws of physics, in mortality etc.

Yet there is a million times more complexity to everything and we really dont nor ever will understand even 0.00001% of it with our puny mortal (temporary) limitations, despite arrogant man ignorantly assuming he can learn and understand everything eventually and explained the whole universe!

Anyway, just a quick few random points on- one being the fascinating way in which crystals form in water depending on the energy you subject them to.

If you say "love" or "hate" the water crystals will have a radically different formation.

Apparently the word Hitler causes a vefy specific negative crystal formation.

These are documented facts. The same principle applies to the water crystals in our bodies, and this is one way that words and emotions can affect us physically in both directions.

I used to make organic ghee from grass fed butter.
It is different every time despite an indentical process. They say it is best to make on a full moon, like a waxing or waning I forget but there is a subtle influence.

In nature, every food, herb, spice, plant, flower...identical crops, every harvest is different in some ways noticeable to those with very keen perception and memory for refenrce and comparison.

Every batch of cinammon, turmeric, slightly sifferent shade, aroma, taste. I dont see why this principle of natural variation can't apply to synthesised batches of Lsd, but that is not one of my main points here.

We also have the cosmos which is permanently affecting and influencing us all and everything.

Okay Im losing my point now which was weak to begin. The crystal formation however, as seen in water, could certainly account for something here, as a totally separate factor to the actual synthesis purity.

There are surely a number of variables and aspects which directly effect the end product and the subjective experiences.
Yes I think this is actually a productive line of thought.

We take so uch for granted, make countless assumptions. Try and summarise everything into plain black and white.

Sure, modern science summarises everything into black and white. That is why we decided that light is totally just a particle and definitely not also a wave, and quantum physics never caught on.

Yet there is a million times more complexity to everything and we really dont nor ever will understand even 0.00001% of it with our puny mortal (temporary) limitations, despite arrogant man ignorantly assuming he can learn and understand everything eventually and explained the whole universe!
  • Arrogant man: People assuming they know slightly more than before about the inner workings of the universe after putting their theories to the test by building a 26.7 km particle accelerator.
  • Non-arrogant man: People convinced they know that the universe is composed of self-transforming machine elves after smoking a hit of DMT.
Apparently the word Hitler causes a vefy specific negative crystal formation.

Then those first batches of Sandoz LSD must have been pretty shite, having been made in 1940's Switzerland, back when Hitler was kind of the talk of the town.

These are documented facts. The same principle applies to the water crystals in our bodies, and this is one way that words and emotions can affect us physically in both directions.

Water crystals? I prefer my body at a temperature of around 36.5 degrees celsius, where the water in my body is, luckily, un-crystallized. Are you, perchance, frozen in cryosleep? Actually no, even people in cryosleep would try to artificially suppress the normal crystallization of water, because having water form "beautiful" crystals in your body would rupture your cells and kill you.
Yes I think this is actually a productive line of thought.

We take so uch for granted, make countless assumptions. Try and summarise everything into plain black and white.

We believe in the calendar, ih laws of physics, in mortality etc.

Yet there is a million times more complexity to everything and we really dont nor ever will understand even 0.00001% of it with our puny mortal (temporary) limitations, despite arrogant man ignorantly assuming he can learn and understand everything eventually and explained the whole universe!

Anyway, just a quick few random points on- one being the fascinating way in which crystals form in water depending on the energy you subject them to.

If you say "love" or "hate" the water crystals will have a radically different formation.

Apparently the word Hitler causes a vefy specific negative crystal formation.

These are documented facts. The same principle applies to the water crystals in our bodies, and this is one way that words and emotions can affect us physically in both directions.

I used to make organic ghee from grass fed butter.
It is different every time despite an indentical process. They say it is best to make on a full moon, like a waxing or waning I forget but there is a subtle influence.

In nature, every food, herb, spice, plant, flower...identical crops, every harvest is different in some ways noticeable to those with very keen perception and memory for refenrce and comparison.

Every batch of cinammon, turmeric, slightly sifferent shade, aroma, taste. I dont see why this principle of natural variation can't apply to synthesised batches of Lsd, but that is not one of my main points here.

We also have the cosmos which is permanently affecting and influencing us all and everything.

Okay Im losing my point now which was weak to begin. The crystal formation however, as seen in water, could certainly account for something here, as a totally separate factor to the actual synthesis purity.

There are surely a number of variables and aspects which directly effect the end product and the subjective experiences.

Emoto's experiment with crystal formations is bullshit.
What he did proves nothing.
People have tried to replicate his results with zero succes.
If he tries it again he will get different results as well.
His sample size was so small that it did not have any statistical significance.

Veggies will vary from one another because the proportions and physical arrangement of their many constituents are different due to differing environmental conditions.
On the other hand, properly executed LSD batches will have zero room for variation in constituents as the only constituent will be about 98% LSD, the rest will be inactive at that concentration and the physical arrangement does not matter.
An unfinished or shoddily executed batch of LSD can and most likely will have impurities that will alter the experience.
Emoto's experiment with crystal formations is bullshit.
What he did proves nothing.
People have tried to replicate his results with zero succes.
If he tries it again he will get different results as well.
His sample size was so small that it did not have any statistical significance.

Veggies will vary from one another because the proportions and physical arrangement of their many constituents are different due to differing environmental conditions.
On the other hand, properly executed LSD batches will have zero room for variation in constituents as the only constituent will be about 98% LSD, the rest will be inactive at that concentration and the physical arrangement does not matter.
An unfinished or shoddily executed batch of LSD can and most likely will have impurities that will alter the experience.
The biggest LSD chemists have outspoken about how they make and bless and do rituals while making LSD. These facts are in books that you can read its just not a mechanical process. It is also a sacrament and magical thing.
The biggest LSD chemists have outspoken about how they make and bless and do rituals while making LSD. These facts are in books that you can read its just not a mechanical process. It is also a sacrament and magical thing.

People making up stuff and printing it on paper for a profit does not make the made up stuff true.
If the people making up the stuff are also experienced LSD manufacturers, it does not make it any more true.
Surely it does prove the point that there is money to be made by saying to people that common drug induced delusions are in fact true, and that makes that drug special, magic and sacred.
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People making up stuff and printing it on paper for a profit does not make the made up stuff true.
If the people making up the stuff are also experienced LSD manufacturers, it does not make it any more true.
Surely it does prove the point that there is a money to be made by saying to people that common drug induced delusions are in fact true, and that makes that drug special, magic and sacred.
These are simple facts of reality most chemsits don't go into LSD for profit they do it for restore spirtual and karmic balance to the world
These are simple facts of reality most chemsits don't go into LSD for profit they do it for restore spirtual and karmic balance to the world

Or so they would like others to believe.
Meanwhile LSD is produced and sold for a huge profit margin.