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LSD microdosing experiment, no effects: did I do something wrong?


Feb 18, 2014
I tried a microdose/low-dose experiment with LSD recently, but found no effects even at dosages which should have been well above the perceptual threshold. Did I do something wrong, or did I just get a dud blotter, or what?

I should say that I've never actually done LSD before at any dosage. Anyway, here's what happened:

A friend gave me a piece of blotter which he said contained 350ug. This is someone very experienced whom I trust, so I'm sure he wouldn't have misled me, but of course it's possible that he was himself deceived or mistaken as to the dosage.

I cut off one-third of the blotter, i.e. putatively about 120ug. I chopped this up further into three or four tiny pieces and placed them in a small opaque vial with 4ml of distilled water. I shook this vigorously and let it sit in the fridge overnight.

I wanted to get borderline perceptual effects, and I figured each ml from the vial = about 30ug, so the first day I took half a ml sublingually, to start slow. There were no conscious perceptual effects. I did the same twice more at three-day intervals, again with no effects. But this would have been 15ug or so, i.e. probably subperceptual.

A few days later I took about 1ml, which I figured should be 30ug, i.e. probably just perceptual. I felt a bit slow and spacey that day, and more interested in visual patterns and the concreteness of objects than usual, but this could easily have been placebo. There were no actual visuals or other unmistakable effects.

A few days later I took the last remaining 1.5ml from the vial, so putatively about 45ug. No effects at all.

Two weeks later it occurred to me that maybe the LSD on the blotter hadn't dissolved properly, and I still had the little pieces of blotter in the vial, so I chewed and swallowed those, but got no effect.

What do people think? I figure I should have definitely got *some* perceptual effects that last time when I took 1.5ml, or else from chewing the leftover pieces of blotter, but I didn't.

I still have the other two-thirds of the blotter, and I want to use for a full trip, but now I'm a bit doubtful as to how much LSD it might really contain, if any.
A 350ug blotter is nothing more than fairy dust. That's your problem.
one day you got a good effect with 30 ug
A few days later I took about 1ml, which I figured should be 30ug, i.e. probably just perceptual. I felt a bit slow and spacey that day, and more interested in visual patterns and the concreteness of objects than usual, but this could easily have been placebo. There were no actual visuals or other unmistakable effects.
you could try that with more than 48 hours between in a sequence
A 350ug blotter is nothing more than fairy dust. That's your problem.

Why shouldn't it have contained 350ug? Just to clarify, it wasn't one of those squares with a printed design, just a long, narrow piece of brown paper.

As I said, I trust this friend, and this is someone who's done mountains of LSD, so I'm sure he wouldn't have knowingly given me a dud.
It is unlikely that you were give a 350 µg dose, even if your friend said it in good faith.

Furthermore, since you have never experienced a normal dose, you probably didn't quite know which "signals" to look for... But that doesn't matter. You don't need to "feel the trip" to get the benefits of psycholytic doses.

"As someone said, the rocks don’t glow, even a little bit. But what many people are reporting is, at the end of the day, they say, ‘That was a really good day.’ You know, that kind of day when things kind of work. You’re doing a task you normally couldn’t stand for two hours, but you do it for three or four. You eat properly. Maybe you do one more set of reps. Just a good day. That seems to be what we’re discovering."

From: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/can-a-low-dose-go-a-long-way
lsd can disintegrate if moisture gets to it, or if you touch directly the top it can affect the potency even to a dramatic level.

try not eating for a while befour and then taking between 70 120 ug is my recommendation if you just want threshold.

i wouldnt nessesarily expect any sort of really identifyable visuals, as i did 250 ug recently and at the end of the trip just got enhanced colour and clariuty

which i get just from meditaion.

expect any number of scensory distortions of enhancements, also, really dont panick at any point, no matter what, cause things can get good and weird, dont worry. and youll eventually get there, it may take some time, because youll need to recover your tolerance levels

paper usually come in a max of 250 ug's typically,

although it is possible,
not an ideal amount dor your first time,

if your prepared, just under half shouldnt harm you,

it is very safe, just never panick
i will add that certain research chemicals like 25 i bome, can be pretty intense and are often found, lsd is in my opinion a much safer and researched substance,

it really sounds to me like you got lsd

if your dosing carefully then i wouldnt worry either way, but try to get real lsd.

furthermore. it has occured where a double or triple dose has somehow ended up on hits. if this happens to you, dont panick, it might get very weird, you may almost completelylose your natural vision,

but it will come back. you shant be harmed,

when you experiance your trips, please let us know how it went.


p.s mabee taking 70 ug, and then after 20 minutes taking 40 would be helpful
one day you got a good effect with 30 ug

you could try that with more than 48 hours between in a sequence

I did - I took a slightly larger dose a few days later, but nothing happened, which is why I think it was placebo.
"As someone said, the rocks don’t glow, even a little bit. But what many people are reporting is, at the end of the day, they say, ‘That was a really good day.’ You know, that kind of day when things kind of work. You’re doing a task you normally couldn’t stand for two hours, but you do it for three or four. You eat properly. Maybe you do one more set of reps. Just a good day. That seems to be what we’re discovering."

That's more or less what I experienced the very first day, when I took what would have been around 10ug. But then when I did the same thing a couple of days later, I got no such effect at all.
Sounds like you went a little overboard with the dose calculation. It's difficult to be that precise when you don't even know how much your blotter contains (and without lab testing, you don't really know.)

30 mcg is a very low dose, and may not even be borderline for some people. I personally doubt I would be able to separate anything under a 50 mcg dose from placebo effects.

P.S. the reason folks are skeptical about a 350 mcg blotter is that blotters containing more than 250 mcg of LSD are extremely rare, and even those with doses larger than 200 mcg are not common. 350 is a number so big that it sounds more like salesmanship than fact.
P.S. the reason folks are skeptical about a 350 mcg blotter is that blotters containing more than 250 mcg of LSD are extremely rare, and even those with doses larger than 200 mcg are not common. 350 is a number so big that it sounds more like salesmanship than fact.

I must be missing something here, but doesn't it just depend how big the piece of blotter is? If, say, a 1cm-long piece of blotter contains 200ug, won't a 2cm-long piece contain 400ug? What I got was just a long, narrow strip of paper, so couldn't it have been snipped to any desired dosage?
That's more or less what I experienced the very first day, when I took what would have been around 10ug. But then when I did the same thing a couple of days later, I got no such effect at all.

That's your problem right there. It takes 7+ days for your tolerance to reset to zero. If you're microdosing you absolutely need that 7 days if you expect to feel your microdose (which isn't the point of microdosing, you're not supposed to feel it much at all, if I understand the concept from the Vice article).

Also, I agree with Folley and ZFC.
1. Very unlikely your tab was 350ug. It could have been, but only a TINY percent of LSD is laid at such high dosage.
and more importantly
2. You've never taken a full-size dose, so you don't know what to look for. Personally I had to really break through before acid trips came easy, before that they were kind of touch and go. But if you want to give microdosing a real try (and feel results), you need to take a trip where you're really TRIPPING, and then you'll understand that that "spaciness" IS a low-dose acid trip.
what are the dimensions of this strip or brown paper?
just eat what you have left.. dont put it in water or any of that crap just put it in your mouth and swallow it right away without tap water(chlorine kills it).
you will have a good time. you already proved to us that its not 350mikes by saying 40mikes didnt do anything, i get the spine tingles off as little as 25mikes.
you probably originally got between 80-250mikes so if its on the high end you should have a perfect time off whats left.
what are the dimensions of this strip or brown paper?

30mm by 7mm originally, now 20mm by 7mm.
Should I chew it up and leave it in my mouth for a bit first or just swallow it?
Leave it in your mouth for a bit. I usually let it sit on my tongue (or inside of check/gum or under tongue) for 30-45 minutes, or I start tripping...
Most reputable blotter is laid on a grid like sheet. Even then there is a chance of uneven doses across the entire sheet.

If what you received was rectangle in shape then it is feasible that it was three tabs which for most average lays would be expected to be 100ug x3. That's not taking into account loss off potency due to storage. You then tried to dilute it in a solution which in all likelihood may have damage the chemical. Even if what you had was 300+ when it was laid after everything it went through I'm not surprised you experienced nothing.

Next time take a square, cut it into quarters and law of averages and from experience you should notice some effects.
K. I was expecting it was smaller. I would say chop what you have in half and swallow the first one right away and wait 90 min; if still nothing, eat what's left. Sublingual(or sucking on it) is only gonna take longer for it to kick in, if you wanna speed it up a little try chewing it to shreds and chase it down with a shot of alcohol.
Leave it in your mouth for a bit. I usually let it sit on my tongue (or inside of check/gum or under tongue) for 30-45 minutes, or I start tripping...

You could just swallow it. That way you're making sure that it's not an NBOME. Since you didn't test it, anything is possible.
It's possible you got a NBOMe instead of LSD, or that what you got was LSD but a significantly lower dose than 350mcg (and I agree 350mcg is really unlikely) which'd mean that your microdoses would be even lower than anticipated.

It's also possible that you just didn't experience any effects from microdosing LSD, it is after all a fairly uncommon practice with little comprehensive research on a wide range of people. Tolerance for LSD does vary person to person. Most of the reports of 'a really good day', etc on micro-LSD are anecdotal and could be attributed to Placebo.
As far as I'm aware the only scientifically rigorous & statistically analysed testing of micro-dosing is http://www.gwern.net/LSD microdosing and that found no effect.