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LSD Info Request: What's going around – Five Little Ducks

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are those transformers any good?? heard something bout thme bein around.
are those transformers any good?? heard something bout thme bein around.

I and a bunch of friends had a great time on them a while back, and from what I can remember most other reports were positive too. I'd do them again if they turned up.
hey ppls. Long time occassional reader and first time poster so please be gentle :) Firstly just want to say that I love this place, some fantastic information and excellent stories to be found and enjoyed here.

Only starting dabbling into the 'lsd side of the force' since nye last year (err.. 08/09 is what I mean). Long time dabbler in a number of other things though significantly reduced over the past few years. This was mainly due to my due to my curiousity in other things, availability and also due to my disappoinment in the quality of mdma pills/powder Ive been into contact with over the last few years (thats another story - refer to a post I'll make shortly under the GMC thread).

I'm an inexperienced user. I have tripped maybe 5 times. Each time no more than one usually only halves because of opportunity with friends, batches, changes, taking the safe approach, blah blah. Purple ohms (last year), rolling stones (last yearish? Old personal stash from friend) and most recently the getafix/wizards (which had been hanging about for a couple of months). The most I've taken is a whole purple ohm in halves, the second half around 3hrs after the first.

Anyways, thats the picture painted, the reason for the post...

I saw some recentish posts on the getafixes floating around VIC. I thought I'd post up a report from an inexperienced users perspective. I had a half a getafix/wizard yesterday at about 4pm at home playing pool, drinking beers and the odd line of uncle C. Kicked in nice after 1hr 30mins ish. Body throbbing, happy and floatey then ramped up a bit more. No visuals really, just floatey, feeling distant a little, hazey vision, jaw/neck stiffness and then the giggles kicked in. Something triggered us off and that was the end of that. Crying with laughter over that Centre Stage movie last night (go figure?). Couldnt sleep until about 4am because my head was in 'repetitive looping mode' I called it, this was a pain in the butt. I'd tried these a month ago and slept no problems within 6hrs of consuming and I generally like to take it during the day as I hate being wired all night and out of whack the next day with everyone else. All in all a great experience apart from the sleep thing.
Welcome to bluelight CHRONiK

Thanks for the report

Stimulation for many hours after LSD use is quite common, even well after the main effects have worn off.

I usually can't sleep for 12-18 hours (sometimes longer) after taking LSD, depending on dose and how physically worn out I am towards the end of the trip.

I hope to hear more from you in future

P.S. I had a little giggle at your experienced user statement ;)


Thanks. Bout the experienced user bit... I said inexperienced (didnt I?). Maybe our criteria for inexperienced/experienced users differ? Or maybe am I missing the point. :)

I would consider experienced users to have consumed a variety of different paper/liquid. Approx 1-2 trips in a session on a fair amount of occassions. Once I have a few full trips under my belt I would consider myself experienced. I am taking the safe approach as I can see how this stuff needs to be respected vs other things I have tried. Amongst my group of friends I am the one who is leading us on these adventures therefore for everyones sake I need to keep it and everyone together if you know what I mean :)
Alright, here's a photo of the 'sunshine' tabs in Perth, taken on a cheap phone. Does anyone have any info about these? My friend got some of them, apparently they're quite strong. Though he also said they last for ages and that they've been 'double dipped' or whatever, both of which are pretty bad signs. Should I consider taking a better photo?

those were being sold as mandalas about six months ago in WA, and cropped up again about a month back as 'crop circles' (there have been three or four different blotter prints in the past six months sold as crop circles *eyeroll*). older batch was about equiv. to the green trees, not too bad, and the more recent ones seemed stronger

it would be interesting to read more user reports on how the astro boys went for people..

have an awesome and safe new years everyone!!


Ate the first acid I'd had for a couple months on NYE in perth, 5 astros under the tongue. it was a very comfortable and smooth trip that took a long time to peak, but when it did was characterised with similar visuals that I've gotten before off fat splashes of liquid - lovely geometric patterning and the evolution of nature around me. Normally i would dose between 5-15 drops of liccy or a 10strip for such an outing, but i was satisfied with the astros - No notable nausea or discomfort, no paranoia or edgy vibes. Good board IMO
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Had one of the astro's in Perth at a Doof for NYE, kicked me around quite a bit more then i expected.. bit of stomach cramping, but i enjoyed it. Hadn't dosed anything but liquid in 6months or so.. so was a surprise when the tab produced the effects it did. ;)
Had a turntable bought in Adelaide on NYE, bought it as acid but found out it were DOI before I took it, still took it, and had one interesting experience i must say. Only previous experience with hallucinogens was with 2C-B (much better than DOI imo, at least way more colourful and happy), DOI was much less visual and felt almost mdma-like at times, with a lot more nausea.

Was hoping to try acid on NYE but I can't say I was entirely dissapointed. God damn the duration is a bitch though!
I've had the turntables a couple of times. I knew they were DOI before I purchased (though, the dealer was sure they were LSD... sometimes people just don't know any better!), and although noting beats the real deal, I enjoy taking the DOI when I know what I'm in for.
I don't know whether this information is really worth sharing but it came to mind. If I recall correctly the tabs have an old fashioned Mickey Mouse on a light blue background decorated with what appeared to be dark blue Buddhist symbols. I was told that they were quite weak and that I should take twice as many tabs as usual. Not after an overwhelming experience I only took one, which produced quite strong effects – colours very intense and constantly changing, music playing backwards (or inside out?), everyday objects appeared to be bent out of shape, hard surfaces rippled, could perceive animate patterns swimming around on walls and under my skin, et cetera. Others took only half each and still had quite noticeable effects. I’m not sure why these were thought to be particularly weak, I wouldn’t compensate by taking double. That said, I’m certainly far less experienced than many here, and someone more savvy might evaluate them differently.

Has anyone got any information on Ying-Yangs (Black and white symbol with red background) or Halloweens (Pumpkin face in the middle with white background).

more nasty astro feedback
a dealer I know has actually stopped distibuting them because he has had more than a handful of customers wigging the fuck out on them.
Gotta be different batches floating around. No questions about it.
more nasty astro feedback
a dealer I know has actually stopped distibuting them because he has had more than a handful of customers wigging the fuck out on them.
Gotta be different batches floating around. No questions about it.

Im guessing this is Sydney area. I always thought the Perth n Sydney batch are dif ones.
Just got offered some "New" Transformer's.

Dealer's exact words: " pressed in swiss bliss crystal nice and pretty strong....at least 180mics"

This is in Perth also, anyone had these?
Just got offered some "New" Transformer's.

Dealer's exact words: " pressed in swiss bliss crystal nice and pretty strong....at least 180mics"

This is in Perth also, anyone had these?

yeah 2 of my mates had wat they were told where these new ones the other night. had one each and where tripping balls all night. cant be certain tho as im new to this stuff to ;)
Just got offered some "New" Transformer's.

Dealer's exact words: " pressed in swiss bliss crystal nice and pretty strong....at least 180mics"

This is in Perth also, anyone had these?

This print is coming from the same place as a flower print, a purple/yellow patern print, a simpsons print of mr burns when he gets his shots and probably others. They were all laid at 100mics with the first lot of simpsons being 120 cause the perf was fucked up.
Hmm I've been offered Astro Boys but can I trust the Perth lot doing the rounds?
Going off what a trusted friend from Perth has told me, I believe the supposed "bad astro's" just contain a higher LSD laoding per tab than what people are used to these days...

This is the most likely reason for the many bad trips encountered when dosing these tabs

It's like double dropping 2 average tabs when you are only used to eating 1 average tab

When you have your mind bent like that for the first time, your first reaction can be to fight it or think that it is "bad acid"

This is untrue and it causes people to get stuck in thought loops, hate the trip and bad mouth said tabs

I'm sorry but i haven't heard any bad report from the astro's that lead me to think much more than it was too much LSD for said environment/mind state

Remember, the key factors of dosage, set and setting

Maybe only take half a tab and re-dose at the 2 hour mark if you aren't mangled enough
Doctor War stated that he ate "a large amount of astros'" and they were above average strength for that amount of tabs ingested at once

I'm placing my money on them being above average hence all the freakouts

Happened with the magnificent Hofmann prints and many others over the years

Many claimed them to be "bad acid" coz they lost their shit on 200ug tabs :)

Has anyone got any information on Ying-Yangs (Black and white symbol with red background) or Halloweens (Pumpkin face in the middle with white background).


Picture of tabs I mentioned earlier. Any information on these would be appreciated. Thanks

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