love, marriage and drugs

Thank you I wish sometimes to see someone but not with in my grasp right now.
You are doin great dont let him dictate how u feel about sucks being in love with a person that doesnt consider your feelings when they speak or act..just make the best of the situation and dont let your ego be dependent on how that fuckin prick thinks of you in his twisted head..u deserve better and i pray to the man upstairs u find it.
I am doing better progress has happen. my husband choose another woman over me and i am ok today!! i am calm. change has come
I am glad that you are seeing this for the positive chance that it is. Make a better life without him. Get strong, find interests that exist outside of relationships, be happy that you are free. Much love to you. You have been in a very stressful relationship and now it is spring and everything around you is shouting rebirth!;)
you are so right. I do feel a little fear that is for sure.
I'm so sorry for you Tonja, I'm sad to say I have known quite a few men like him - and long suffering women like you. Do not feel guilty, he is completely in the wrong, all you have done is offer support and love to the selfish bastard! Blaming everything on meth is utter nonsense, it ceratainly doesn't make me or anyone I know behave so disgracefully, it's just an excuse, and IMHO a pathetic excuse too. I'd suggest, if it is possible, that he finds out what it's like to do without you for a while, and have to wash his own clothes, cook his own food, and see how much he misses having a lovely person like you to emotionally blackmail! Forget all that 'enabler' rubbish, and don't you dare feel guilty! I'm sure you do love him, but you are being taken for granted, and that isn't fair or right. Good luck my darling, and be strong... you deserve a treat XXXXX
Thank you, it really ment alot to me and I am getting much better at not letting him blame everything on me or drugs
I am a recovering addict. This is why I made the choice to change. Cause I be damned I make everyone in my life feel like SHIT!!! I read the whole thread, and I am livid! Its not your fault!! He is the addict, he does the dirt while you clean it up. You are the good wife, and he knows how to play it. Give him some responsibility, you are too controlling, BULL!!! He hasn't earned responsibility, and what did he do with it? Boy, this husband of yours. This is what I am going to tell you, take care of yourself cause he isn't looking out for you. He put his penis in another woman that uses and may not be responsible. He took your life in his hands that day and put you on the firing line. He could bring you home something that will take you from your children. Good wife my behind! You are codependent, you should really go to a councillor or go to a meeting and take your power back. You have been through to much, its time to take care of YOU! If this post was harsh I didn't want it to be. My heart goes out to you and your children.
you post is not harsh at all. I am having issue with my heart and brain if that makes any sense