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Longest you've been up?

woke up on a thursday morning spent the weekend doing meth heroin a lil bit of MDMA and coke finally got some sleep monday morning
On coke and crack i used to do two-three days but that was pushin it.......I need my sleep!
4 days straight off speed, I began to see ghosts... pretty whacked!

6 on some stuff called NRG a few years back, i saw ghosts too.. 3 on speed and that was worse to be fair, felt like something that lives underneath golem's toe-nail..
Got pretty fuckin hooked on bathsalt. The shit I had locally was called AMPED. 16 days absolutely no sleep. Normally weigh 180 lbs, from the first time I tried it I never quit till I went to jail. When I got locked up I weighed 121 lbs. Im a very experienced drug user and that shit was by far the most intense high I have and will EVER experience. ( by day 11 the sleep depravation was trippyer that the salt)
3 days on a meth/Adderall binge. Mostly Adderall. I honestly hate the feeling of not going to sleep at night. My eyes just get really bloodshot and I get paranoid. It happens when I can't sleep from insomnia too.
Longest ive ever been up is 8days on IV Methamphetamine, Oxycodone, and Marijuana. I ended up in a horriable Amphetamine Psychosis ending in the er and waking up in a different state, in a treatment center. Fuck that.
Longest ive ever been up is 8days on IV Methamphetamine, Oxycodone, and Marijuana. I ended up in a horriable Amphetamine Psychosis ending in the er and waking up in a different state, in a treatment center. Fuck that.

Wow, waking up in a different state! Have you touched any of that stuff since??
Im extremely experienced with meth (was at the time too), I live in Minneosta near North Dakota -which is where I woke up. When in happend I was up for 8 days (atleast 1g IV'd a day) I had taken a ridiculous amouny of lorazepam(60ish mg) blacked out and when I opened my eyes my beanbag was staring at me and demonic forces started an all out assault. I saw my neighbors house turn into 3 giants and everything had a face. In the ER I saw a miniature man ontop of the light shooting webs at me as the contaminated needle containter diseappered like a loading bar.(I also took around 300mg of oxy right before I left for the er.) This is just a couple of things that happend that night.
I have been awake for at least 11 days and nights without using any drug to keep me awake. It was while in a mental institution. I got ambien one night. No effect. I kept complaining about my inability to sleep and either a nurse or one of the staff told me if they had to wake the doctor up to order something for sleep he'd be angry and they would keep me there longer. They would tell me they'd do things like move me to a quieter room when I used the red phone for patients to complain about abuse or neglect, so when the woman came to check things out and was telling me being allowed to go so long without sleep was a serious charge and I told her about the things they were going to do to make it easier for me to sleep. They never did a thing. I think I was experiencing a type of mixed episode called agitated depression while there. That was the first time I went. I stayed awake a similar amount of time the second time in that place. I had very severe depression with some psychotic features (delusional guilt, believing bad things about myself that were not true, and believing I had a brain disease which might be parasitic) and was put on bupropion/Wellbutrin, which rapidly induced a pleasant hypomanic episode and I had plenty of energy even though I wasn't sleeping. I went back to that place last year after another suicide attempt and they have improved the way they do things, but I still saw myself and heard from other patients how they were abusive, demeaning, and to a good friend I made there, very cruel.

During mixed and manic episodes it is not unusual for me to stay awake 5-7 days. On drugs, I may have stayed up like 4.5 days on MDPV and mephedrone, something I will never do again. MDPV is a decent functional stimulant as long as you don't smoke it, but I am scared of mephedrone.

I tripped for about 4 days on DOC once. And by the last time I redosed, I added like 10mg or something and it didn't make it really strong again even though it was insufflated.
you guys are crazy

maybe like 30 hours here thanks to coffee / last minute school projects needing to be finished. i hate stims and love sleep <3
Five days or so on speed, MDMA, and booze (mostly speed). I was young and fit and ok til about day 4 when I had a huge panic attack in town. Of course kept on going cos I'm daft, tried but failed to sleep after that. Dropped off at some point fifth or sixth day and spent the next few days convinced I was dying.

Even the thought of doing that now makes me cringe. I've been up 24 hours on ethylphenidate and the odd can of beer and I will pay for it later.
Let me see if anyone has ever heard of this particular thing happening or if it's an actual "thing" that can happen...

A few years ago I met this guy, it was actually at an AA meeting. We were smoking a cigarette and we ended up talking for a good 1.5 hours or so about the different crazy things that have happened to us from using drugs....

The topic of meth came up and he told me of something crazy that happened to him in the course of a 5 day non-stop meth binge he's been on...

He had been using for 5 days straight with one of his friends and they pretty much had not slowed down or really took a rest since they bought a big bag of glass and started getting high...They were both shooting it and doing a big blast every 4-6 hours for days for the most part...

Anyway, on the 5th day in the morning they decide that it's a nice day and they want to do something "normal", so they decide to go to the basketball court and shoot around and maybe play a little one on one. Anyway, they get there and start shooting around and he takes a jump-shot and when he lands his legs suddenly give out underneath him and he falls to the ground...He says it was a "strange feeling", there was no pain it was just like he suddenly lost control of his body. When he went to get up, he found that he couldn't really move his legs....

Long story short, he had broken his back when he landed from taking the jumpshot....The doctor's told him something to the effect of "If you go an extended period of time without lying down, all the spinal fluid drains out of your spine and it's essentially hollow and weakened"....just the trauma of him landing on his feet after taking a jumpshot was sufficient to snap his spine....

Now, he was clearly standing and walking the whole time we were talking that day so it clearly must have healed completely, but it was a very weird story...and it didn't at all seem like he was lying to me about this...Has anyone ever heard of this sort of thing before?

Just a meth version of the MDMA drains spinal fluid myth. You would be dead without a doubt if a significant portion of your spinal fluid was lost. Paralysis isn't recovered from that easily either, if the spinal cord broke he would be wheelchair bound. The only thing even rometly close that could happen is collapse from exhaustion or possibly a crack in the vertebrae from stimulant-exacerbated/induced osteoporosis.
Ive done 4-5 days on meth. Fuck that stuff is powerful. Coke or E has only kept me for one night.
I think 4 days.. Was when I FIRST got scripted Dexedrine, and my first 3 grams of Mephedrone came in.. I was slamming it like a mad man, eyes wouldn't stop wiggling.. A lot of fun, however. All the benzos I take kept me cool I guess, then I took diph to go to sleep.. That wasn't the best idea.
3 days straight on meth with little food or water (didn't know at the time ), ended up blacking out twice in my house after getting up my couch. Fuck meth
6 days and it drove me straight to the nearest hospital's psych ward where paramedics did not make it clear to shrink on duty that sleep deprivation was involved so she initially thought I had full-blown paranoid schizophrenia and injected me with something that made me pass out for 3 days, factoring in shear exhaustion as well.

I was almost sane when I came to and the situation regarding the sleep deprivation induced psychosis had been clarified with the docs and staff. They kept me there for 6 weeks which cost me my job but gained me good health both physical and mental. Also made 2 very close friends there with whom I still remain in contact with after 21 years. So positive outcome to a very shitty start, am lucky to be somewhat sane. Also probably owe my life to my then GF who called 911 despite demented me protesting I was perfectly ok, then threatening harm to any cop that would show up. Fortunately medics got there first but as I sat on the jumpseat in the ambulance (I had refused to lie down for fear of being strapped and perhaps even tortured) I could see a patrol car following us and it made me freak out. Nothing ever came of it though. A few days later one of the cops who had responded to the 911 call showed up in my room and handed me insurance papers for the hospital that had been given to him by my GF. Out of curiosity I asked him why they had followed the ambulance and he said it wasn't them, then he laughed and said "you know sir, it's not unusual for a patrol car to escort an ambulance carrying an err..., unpredictable patient" Right, ok I get it.

I got it when sane but of course during the ambulance trip I never considered any other possibility than cops were out to "get me" and that the ambulance was really hauling me to jail even though no one had any reason to do that. The cops didn't care that an illicit drug (meth) had been involved in my sorry-ass situation, they only went after dealers not users. I suppose some considered what happened to bozos like me was punishment enough. In any case the officers responding to the 911 call didn't even set foot in the flat, just stood in the hallway and wrote a police report for the call. I still have a copy of it signed by GF, that's why I know certain details I would otherwise not recall, such as GF telling officers I had been on "something" but she didn't say what and they didn't ask, they just wrote "severe intoxication requiring emergency transport of party to medical facility" as the reason for the 911. Not a word of what the "party" was intoxicated with.

That being said one's memory of events happening while one is experiencing psychosis can be weirdly clear, as if two minds coexisted at once: a tiny shred of sanity being witness to the utter chaos ravaging the "main" mind. Sleep deprivation poisons the mind I am sure of it. Well that's what it felt like but I guess only Edgar Alan Poe could find the proper words to describe it. Since then 3 days has been my max and I never experienced anything close to that nightmare and I sure as Hell won't ever let it happen again. Just to make sure I dropped meth and coke, haven't touched either in over two decades. Instead I do less risky clean stims and dosage has gone down from "unexplored territories" to "moderate". My experience has not turned me into an antidrug crusader, but it made me very cautious.
Once I was awake for 17 days during a cold turkey heroin withdrawal. I couldn't believe it was even possible. I didn't hallucinate though. My bipolar gets a lot worse when I withdraw and this further messes with my sleeping/waking brain mechanism so maybe this is why.